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Author: cibak_cibak

dinar iraq

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Post time 29-12-2006 09:59 PM | Show all posts

scam hits Brunei!

After the newspaper ads featured in USA Today and other major US newspapers, the popular Iraqi Dinar scam has moved to another country. Just when you thought it was safe for the US based investors, with all the warnings recently published by major media sources, the scammers have found yet another country ripe for profit.

10,000 Iraqi Dinars selling at B$ 110 was the title of a recent ad than ran in a Brunei newspaper. And people are jumping on it like crazy. Rumors are the sellers have run out of stock in less than one week.

How could this be possible? Because they don't know better. Ordinary people, people just like you and I read about this new investment in a newspaper they trust. The ad is claiming they're sitting on a pot of gold, and the Iraqi Dinar is about to jump in value big time. They start dreaming about fast riches. They swipe out their wallet faster than the blink of an eye and hand their hard earned money to the scammers.

The truth? The current exchange rate as of today is approximately 1 USD for 1.63 BND (Brunei Dollars).

This means at the exchange rate set by the Central Bank of Iraq people could, in theory, get close to 100,000 Iraqi Dinars for the same BND 110. This is almost TEN times more the amount the scammers are selling it for. And people are jumping on it like crazy! Why? Because they don't know better.

When they wake up later on and try to sell the dinars back they're in for a big surprise. They can't. Nobody is buying Iraqi Dinars. There's currently no way for them to recover at most 1/10 from their investment except if they are willing to travel to Iraq to cash it in.

But first they have to wait and pray for the dinars to jump in value at least 10 times for them to merely recover their money back. By the way it looks now this sudden jump in value is not going to happen. Not today, not tomorrow, and neither in a month from now. It could happen in 3 years. Or 5 years. Or never.

Sad truth is people who were sold in at these rates were scammed. They were profited for their lack of knowledge. And the sellers knew exactly what the exchange rate was. They knew exactly what's the potential for this type of investment. And the only potential it has right now is for them, the scammers, to get rich from selling Iraqi Dinars.

So, why did the people buy in? Because they didn't knew better. But you do!

Don't fall prey for these scams! You deserve to be informed. Start reading! Make informed purchases, only if you think it's worthwhile. I'm showing you both sides of the coin. Then you decide. Uncensored. Plain truth. Completely free.

You are free to tell all your friends about Iraqi Dinar Exchange. Do it now! Help them become informed. Protect them from the scammers. After all, they抮e YOUR friends!

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Post time 29-12-2006 10:09 PM | Show all posts
aku dah start nampak & terkenang balik argument aku & kengkawan senior kat sini dgn cheerleaders skim cepat kaya Studio Traffic & seumpamanya. Sad truth is these people will never learned....the truth is "taik judi akan terus berjudi walaupun dah kalah berkali2".

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Post time 29-12-2006 11:22 PM | Show all posts
guntur :
macam mane cara kau bukan account bank kat iraq dan gunakan wire transfer tu..
boleh explain ke?

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Post time 30-12-2006 09:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mat403 at 29-12-2006 11:22 PM
guntur :
macam mane cara kau bukan account bank kat iraq dan gunakan wire transfer tu..
boleh explain ke?

dia ada buka thread cemana nak buka akaun tu...

shah... tq 4 de posting...

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Post time 1-1-2007 01:02 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by shahgti at 29-12-2006 10:09 PM
aku dah start nampak & terkenang balik argument aku & kengkawan senior kat sini dgn cheerleaders skim cepat kaya Studio Traffic & seumpamanya. Sad truth is these people will never learn ...

Aku rasa ko ni masih tak faham atau buat2 tak faham point aku. Aku cerita pasal simpan direct dalam bank.. kalau setakat ko kasi link cerita iraq dinar scam pastu cerita jual beli ngan orang.... .skim iraq dinar MLM.. sama macam ko beli note then simpan tunggu duit naik... and macam2 lagi leee cara org meniaga iraq dinar yg secara "pasar gelap ni". Ko tau pasal apa aku cakap "pasar gelap", kalau ko beli atau jual dinar di luar iraq .. itu namanya dinar didagangkan di pasr gelap.. Ini kalau kerajaan Iraq tau sure bole kena tangkapnye.. memang SALAH KALAU MEMBELI ATAU MENJUAL DINAR DI LUAR IRAQ.. Kalau ko nak link scam lagi elok je ko search kat google ko taip "Iraq+dinar+scam" ada belambak kat situ ko bole baca... tapi ko kena ingat semua tu cerita jual beli di luar iraq.. cerita skim2 yg menipu org... aku tak pernah jumpa lagi cerita kalau ko invest dinar iraq kat bank iraq itu SCAM... kalau ko beli saham kat stock exchange dia itu SCAM. Paling2 pun diorang cerita risiko iraq takkan aman & then duit tu takkan naik sampai bila2.. then fine kalau tak naik pun keluarkan je balik dr bank apa susah.. bila beli di luar Iraq then tak de money changer lam dunia ni yg nak tukar dinar ini ni baru le SCAM.. satu lagi SCAM bila duk invest kat skim ntah apa2.. Studio Traffic laa.. 12dailypro laa.. Swish cash laa.. Dinariraq2u laaa... bila geng2 ni dah kaya terus hilang ini bapak SCAM namanye... Satu je nasihat aku kat sapa2 yg nak invest duit iraq ni .. JANGAN SESEKALI BELI DINAR ATAS NAMA APA2 SKIM ATAU BELI NOTE2 DINAR... kalau nak jugak...bukak bank akaun kat Warka Bank (actually ada beberapa bank lagi yg membolehkan foreigner simpan duit tapi yg ni paling top..)..  beli then simpan duit tu kat sana... dah bertahun2 dah manusia seluruh dunia simpan duit kat bank ni.. so far belum ada aku dengar kata bank ni SCAM...  kalau menteri2 kat malaysia byk yg simpan duit dalam Swiss bank .. then kita simpan duit dalam iraq bank. Ini last aku post kalau tak paham jugak tak tau lee.... :kerek:

[ Last edited by  gunturr at 1-1-2007 01:15 AM ]

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dwanzx This user has been deleted
Post time 6-1-2007 07:27 PM | Show all posts

cuba tgok link kt atas.....

maybe a few friends here didn't believe to get rich quickly.... but do millionaires get rich hardly ????  a few of them .. yes .... most of them? ... no .... they must be involve in investment ... aku take risk ada 1 million dinar for less than RM5XXX ... maybe the dinar wont go up ... but if it got up i''ll get RM3.5 million after convert it to US dollar.... it is a risk ... just like involved in stock exchange & forex ... kan ??? i'm not invest a whole egg in a basket .... invest what you the minimum you can afford ..... if it not go up then... I still working in big company... i'm not quit my job like doing MLM or mutual trust agent ... or any agent lah... aku masih lagi ada keje tetap dan 4-5 yrs now pon for sure i got better pay in my salary ...  if 4-5 yrs ahead the dinar wont rise... I dont care ... but if it rise for IQD0.10 cent - USD 1 ... aku dah ada 100K usd ... so RM350K .... so, for guys rite there.... take this risk or stick to your job kalau nak jadi kaya... further studies... keje kat private sector.. improve you English... learn more about mutual trust, stock exchange... itu jalan sahaja untuk jadi kaya tanpa meniaga bukak kedai....meniaga sendiri .... bukak kedai runcit pon RM10K jugak kan ???  

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Post time 7-1-2007 05:54 PM | Show all posts
my understanding from all the postings above, dianr iraq ni meme ada risk but u can minimise the risk by opening bank accaunt kat iraq nun.. but still not risk free as they can impose so many capital control rules etc.... wallahualam...

moral of the strory... buat apa pun ada risk...

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Post time 8-1-2007 05:18 PM | Show all posts

Reply #45 gunturr's post

ok. sorry for misunderstood. hopefully kacau bilau di iraq boleh pulih & dinar iraq yg anda simpan pun ada harapan utk naik.

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Post time 29-1-2007 03:28 PM | Show all posts
guntur... hang p.m aku nnti... nak tau camna nak bukak akaun kt iraq tu... aku takut nnti duit aku  depa songlap pulak... aku nak report polis nnti polis pon dok mai gelak kat aku... hang duk area KL je ???

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Post time 30-1-2007 07:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by munchkeen at 29/1/2007 03:28 PM
guntur... hang p.m aku nnti... nak tau camna nak bukak akaun kt iraq tu... aku takut nnti duit aku  depa songlap pulak... aku nak report polis nnti polis pon dok mai gelak kat aku... hang duk are ...

aku pun nak tau jugak camna nak bukak accaount..discuss aja kat forum nih biar semua orang tau..aku pun tgh pegang IQD 1 M kat tangan nih..risau jugak kalau2 diorang tukaq, kalau letak duit kat bank sana, selamat ler skit...

kalau pi hsbc bank tak boleh ker???? sebab hsbc pun dah invest dalam iraq...

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Post time 2-2-2007 10:37 AM | Show all posts
Berita hari ni : KUALA LUMPUR 1 Feb.

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Post time 2-2-2007 10:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gunturr at 28-12-2006 04:52 PM

dinar kuwait usd1:KD 0.01 jatuh teruk ramai yg untung gila2 apa sapa2yg beli time tu.. tgk sekang duit dia apa jadik.. KD1:USD3.22 ..  

Maaf, USD1 = KD0.01 ke, atau sebaliknya? iaitu KD1=USD0.01 ? Kalau USD1 = KD0.01, mahal gile duit Kuwait...

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hariz_406 This user has been deleted
Post time 6-2-2007 06:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by abgzan at 2-2-2007 10:46 AM

Maaf, USD1 = KD0.01 ke, atau sebaliknya? iaitu KD1=USD0.01 ? Kalau USD1 = KD0.01, mahal gile duit Kuwait...

1KWD =  3.4571USD
1USD  =  0.2892USD ( lbh kurang 3 kupang ) - as for 6/2/07
mmg la mahal giler...tu baru negara ke 3 terbesar pengeluar minyak dan gas....

klu negara ke 2.....??
1IQD  = 1287USD
1USD = 0.00077682IQD -  as for 6/2/07
tgk kenaikan dinar iraq :

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Post time 7-2-2007 10:03 AM | Show all posts
Actually I am referring to this :

Originally posted by gunturr

dulu masa sadam serang kuwait ..dinar kuwait usd1:KD 0.01 jatuh terukramai yg untung gila2 apa sapa2 yg beli time tu.. tgk sekang duit diaapa jadik.. KD1:USD3.22 .. ingat! org no  2 kaya di dunia WarrenBuffet, George Soros jadi kaya sekelip mata pasal duk main benda alahni lee.. manipulate currency   

Kalau kita teliti betul2 ayat tu, USD1=KD0.01 bukan bermaksud duit Kuwait jatuh, tapi bermaksud duit Kuwait "MAHAL GILE" ...typo ke?

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remyreeves This user has been deleted
Post time 14-2-2007 12:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Andak at 7-1-2007 05:54 PM
my understanding from all the postings above, dianr iraq ni meme ada risk but u can minimise the risk by opening bank accaunt kat iraq nun.. but still not risk free as they can impose so many cap ...


kat mana thread yang cara nak bukak akaun kat Bank of Iraq..boleh kongsikan tak..

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Post time 9-12-2007 10:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gunturr at 21-12-2006 01:51 PM
Aku pun dah start beli dinar ni..tak banyak .. IQD1M jee .. cuma aku tak beli dalam duit keping2 yg orang duk jual tu...tapi aku simpan dalam bank kat Iraq... bukan apa, cuma kalau kita pegang du ...

apa cerita sekarang???

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Post time 9-12-2007 10:59 PM | Show all posts
ramai dah ke yg kaya dgn dinar iraq?

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Post time 10-12-2007 01:40 AM | Show all posts
dah senyap terus jer.....

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Post time 10-12-2007 01:41 AM | Show all posts
maybe sumer dah jadi jutawan senyap kot...tu yang "senyap" jer pasal Dinar Iraq nih......

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Post time 10-12-2007 04:20 PM | Show all posts

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