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Author: cmf_BeachBoys

[Politik] Isu Kahwin Kanak-Kanak Tidak Perlu Disensasikan - Timbalan MB Kelantan

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Post time 6-7-2018 12:22 PM | Show all posts
arasham replied at 6-7-2018 12:04 PM
I Ada Jap eh I try copy

TAK PERLU. Kebenaran sebenar adalah utk disebarkan sesama org2 Islam.

Bagi Kaper2 lehnat tak perlu diterangkan perkara ini sebab hati mereka
yg sudah hitam sukar utk menerima kenyataan.

Pakai ajer Hadis2 Sahih yg ada walaupon kita tahu ada Bukti2 keraguan disitu.

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Post time 6-7-2018 12:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by arasham at 6-7-2018 12:30 PM


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Post time 6-7-2018 12:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lobai bodo..
DIDIKlah anak mengikut zamannya..

zaman 30, 40, 50, 60, 70..rata2 kawen age seawal 12 tahun utk pompan dan jantan dlm 15 tahun mcm tu..

hampir teda budak 11 thn berlaki jantan 41 thn..

abad 2000...
age 11 dikira sgt tak sesuai utk berlaki..

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Post time 6-7-2018 12:56 PM | Show all posts
axl_bach replied at 6-7-2018 12:12 PM
Mungkin tulisan ko nih terlalu sinikal dan bleh bikin hati panas, tp pada aku hadith tu x perlukan ...

Sebagai sumber kedua Sharia memang hadees mempunyai tempat yang tenggi dalam perundangan Isle. Walaupon Imam Bukhari di gelar "anjing kurap' dan penipu besar oleh orang Shiah, sebagai penganut Isle versi wal sunnah dan berjemaah kita harus mempercayai.

Lagi pon ianya pelengkap Al Quran. E.g. Dari Aisyah lah kita tahu bahawa sepatutnya ada ayat rajam sebagai hukuman untuk berzina, tetapi ayat itu telah dimakan kambing  dan tak sempat disalin kedalam Al Quran.

Apa apa pon kita perlu memahami mengapa ada yang mengatakan bahawa memedo ini perbuatan mulia. Cuma kekadang geli hati pulak bila kita dengar hujah mereka itu...


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Post time 6-7-2018 01:15 PM | Show all posts
jap lagi ramai la yg follow.. gi usha budak2 kecik tuk dijadikan bini sbb kes nie dihandle macam nie.  berpartyla pedophiles

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Post time 6-7-2018 01:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bodohnya lobai, kau cakap perkara biasa zaman dulu. Habis tu zaman dulu pon perkara biasa pompuan x pakai baju nampak tetek. Tu kau taknak cakap ke? Nik amar ni lobai bodoh yg tetap jadi sanjungan walaun2 lain. @harisbee @cmf_BeachBoys @iloveselangor

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Post time 6-7-2018 01:32 PM | Show all posts
Nah ini sy tepek pandangan Syed Azmi terhadap statement Nik Amar tu. Beza pandangan org yg ada empathy dan well educated dgn org yg the opposite of that. Kita perlukan ramai lagi org yg prihatin seperti beliau. May God Bless him.

Sumber: Faceboook

What you are saying is this:

PS: My mum is Kelantanese. I love Kelantan and this post is not to blame Kelantan government pun. You have different priorities. Or maybe the media spins what you actually mean. Regardless, this is a response to certain sentences that is ethically non empathetic and in general nonIslamic.

1. It happened outside Kelantan. So you don't have to govern it out because it is out from your area. Ok takpe. You don't care about children per se, you just care about anak-anak Kelantan /Malaysia.

2. The girl is staying in Gua Musang. But she is not Malaysian so it is out from your job scope. So budok-budok hok sie kito tokse jago. Ok takpe. Bila budak-budak is deprived from education, from medical attention, from food: they beg, they contract infectious diseases that can be transmitted to others, they steal or even jadi isu social lain nanti you marah.

3. Kalau macam tu, kalau saya handle masalah remaja hamil dari Kelantan ke, do you want me to send her back to your state? If nak, datang ambik. We work for all children. Tak kisah dari mana. Kalau non Malaysian je kita kena tengok legality but we dont abandon them.

4. You have prioritised the moral issue that you wish to combat. One way i can suggest yo combat that is if you choose to educate ALL CHILDREN sebab they all live in the same community.

5. Although you say it is not wrong for Child Marriage in Islam, it is zalim if you have not provide all necessary rights for her such as education, opportunities to find a job and medical. She became vulnerable. All you have given her is to LIVE freely with no investment for her childhood. Still nothing since she is 11. When she became vulnerable YB, of course she is open to threatening environment and due to poverty and her will to live, she has NO CHOICE or have the brain to know what is her options in her life because you gave her none! That is zalim. That is why we say it is wrong because children needs to expand their highest potential at least till she is 18. Please give her at least that please.

6. It is not an isolated case. It is the ones reported. Yang tak report we don't know.

7. No criminal element? GROOMING is a subtle candy coated crime build over time and effects is prolonged. Especially if the marriage is undocumented and it is even worse because Kelantan would just dismiss the girl as non Malaysian nanti.
Have you check Thailand law and even Islamic law in Thailand. Read up.

8. Lastly, look back at Islamic principles and mannerisms. Start with that. I am a Muslim and I am proud of it. Protecting Children di tuntut dalam agama kita juga.

Akhir kata, i bersangka baik dengan percaya its not what you really mean and you are going to improve protection if children. Because if you don't, i will look at the women in your administration and ask Seriously???

Work hard Kelantan.

I am surprised the issue you raised are all sex related. I thought problem besar in Kelantan is KEBERSIHAN.

Much peace and love.
Don't get defensive.
Maaf di pinta.

Syed Azmi Alhabshi
Small Lamb.


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Post time 6-7-2018 02:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nyamph lebai2 jadian ni punya pemikiran.mcmn la org tak pndg rendah pd islam kalu dah mcm ni dia punya komen. Pprtnye n bodoh ,mcm org tak sekolah. Tak mlambgkn tahap intelektual lngsg

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Post time 6-7-2018 02:27 PM | Show all posts
org zaman dulu pun kawen during dat age...
maybe sebab x skolah...
so nothing wrong la kan...
cuma jgn digalakkan....
mak bapak fikir la masa depan anak tu sama..

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Post time 6-7-2018 03:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Apa kes? Legal dlm agama islam kot..perlu ke pertikai? Masuk Hindu je la senang...

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Post time 6-7-2018 03:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lainla kes culik rogol molest ke.. ni kawin kot..cuma rare masa kini je.

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Post time 6-7-2018 04:00 PM | Show all posts
Isu LGBT, SYIAH lagi bahaya la..
ni semua puak2 fefonen yapo2 tu nak kalih perhatian ni..celaka dia

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