...have you ever step out of your COMFORT ZONE?...
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kerja with target tak pernah ade dalam comfort zone.Always kena cari prospect every month in order to achieve the target.just sikit rasa comfort bila tengok payslip.![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
“I will guarantee you that the day you step outside your comfort zone by making success your goal is the day you discover that adversity, risk, and daring will make life sweeter than you ever imagined.” |
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Suka nak keluar dari comfort zone.Nak tahu apa lagi kemampuan diri sendiri yang tak pernah kita tahu kita boleh buat/hadapi sebenarnya. |
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belum lagi . dah sangat-sangat comfort ni. patut cuba untuk keluar jugak cuma sekarang mungkin belum masanya lagi. kadang memang rasa taknak keluar sebab takda apa nak dikejar, tapi untuk mewarna-warnikan hidup, tak ada salahkan untuk keluar dari zon ni. insya allah. we'll see. |
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Adoi..still xleh move on ..sb dah selesa sgt. Tp kdg bosan jg so nk kena keluar juga dr comfort zone dan terokai dunia baru.
(Tetiba berazam plak baca thtead ni ) |
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Pernah. Tapi sedar selepas berlaku. Quit my job as sr eng. Then kerja sendiri become my own boss and at the same time as kuli myself. Initially takde rasa apa2, i am okay with doing kuli task. But dugaan dtg and masa tu i ask hubby for help. Hubby not that happy doing it. Then only i realised i am dissapointed. Asking myself what if i didnt quit my 8-5job. Would thing be better? In the end i lost both as family come first. Put aside my desire and dissapointment. Now cant wait till my kids can fly and i can do anything i want. Hopefully i am not too old to start again by then.
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my story about stepping out from my own comfort zone..
i masa kecik2 mmg pemalu sgt2.. takut nak cakap depan org.. kalau ada presentation mmg la seboleh2 nya takmau ok... kalau dlm group tu mmg pass kat team member yg lain suruh gi ckp kat depan kelas.. kalau cikgu tanya sape2 nak jwb soalan angkat tgn pastu gi depan.. mmg tak pernah la i nak angkat tangan gi depan kelas.. pastu mata pandang la tmpt lain.. takut sgt nak ada eye contact dgn cikgu sbb takut kena panggil gi depan kelas... begitu sgt2 la I punya takutnya nak gi ckp depan org ramai sampai masuk uni ok... seboleh2 nya nak duduk kat comfort zone iaitu jenis yg tulis nota/report yg org lain kena present, dan seboleh2nya takmo buat..bile kat uni tu terpaksa gaklaa.. but lama2 u sendri yg step out from your own comfort zone.. i pun bknye student pandai sgt pun.. result sume biasa2 je..
Suprisingly.. i punya career skrang memerlukan i ckp depan org ramai hampir everyday.. dan i pun tgh sambung belajar ke peringkat plg tinggi yg memerlukan utk present depan org ramai dalam negeri dan luar negara... dan i comfortable utk ckp dpn org ramai plak... my parents pun mcm tak caya je i bleh ckp depan org ramai...
Lesson learnt: try to get out from your comfort zone.. its ok to take risks.. at least you know your capabilities.. kita takkan tau slagi kita tak try.. comfort zone ni bg i boleh dtg dari mane2.. tak semestinya sesuatu yg besar....cara u buat keje, berfikir, tmpt kerja, kehidupan.. kita boleh try something differently dari ape yg biasa kita buat.. |
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yes I do and very proud of it
Signing off
Get out of your comfort zone
and don't fear change
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I've escaped the zone but still growing... not yet fully bloomed... |
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Lets step our of our cmfrt zone |
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i don't know if it's considered as 'stepping out of my comfort zone' because i dont think i've ever been in one since quitting highschool!
lepas spm, pergi belajar jauh, sorg2. then balik dpt kerja, sambung belajar lg di tempat lain. everything happened so fast and sekarang, tgh struggle lagi.. balik nanti taktau mcm mana, rasa nk relaks jugak, tp perhaps i'm the kind yg suka challenge diri, so i don't really know.. |
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Yes i think so when I made the decision to further study 4 years ago..eventho some ppl say no benefit in term of gaji/naik pangkat. Dah la kena guna duit sendiri utk bayar yuran dll. Dalam kelas, i was the junior among the classmates. Dan sekarang, it made all the difference and I'm smiling =)
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I'm glad that I've stepped out of my comfort zone regardless of what people say. You won't get what you always wanted if you don't step out of comfort zone. Contrary to popular belief "the sky is the limit". The experience that we went through along the journey has made us "richer". -Kitty |
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I did a presentation...a country paper presentation to be exact infront of international crowd...sebab terpaksa...always been afraid to face the public let alone public speaking...suprisingly it was not that bad...gain my confidence after that...now dah xtakut nak jmpa org, makin confident nak bg pendapat...i realised sebenarnya i takut dgn diri sendiri...try it..stepped out of your comfort zone...u'll be suprised |
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i used to be a passive n introvert kind of personality. but the path that i had chosen now required me to have interaction with lot of people. it was not easy at first. it was not easy to leave ur comfort zone. but when u put in ur mind that u have to do it, u will push yourself to do so. |
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Yes. In fact bila I start to feel complacent n comfortable, I ada tendency utk tukar and keluar drpd my routine. I dah kerja di semenanjung, sabah sarawak, and UK. Dah buat Master it Singapore, n PhD di UK juga. Each of these experiences are def out of my comfort zone.
Tp bila dah out of comfort zone ni, mmg kadang susah nak adapt. That is the challenge yg I suka. Tp sometimes nangis juga when life gets tough ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) but by overcoming challenges is when u learn n grow as a person ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
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Once in a blue moon kot...hihi
As an introvert n a shy person, plus anak manja hihi i seldom use a public transport in Malaysia.
Tapi bila tiba2 dihantar kersus ke luar negara.. rasa cam mau mati...huhu..
Tapi xde apa pun..2- 3 hari pertama je rasa cam nk nangis tp x blh nangis sbb xde sapa pn nk tolong. So, kene tolong diri sendri je la kan. Hari pertama je dh sesat x jmpa jln blk ke rmh...tp atas pertolongan org tempatan alhmdlh jmpa jgk. Alhmdlh berjaya juga guna public transport kat sana dgn jayanya tiap2 hari without fail.. |
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