Edited by Samerosie at 14-11-2024 11:51 AM
EnrolmentsParents may enrol children at any time throughout the school year and are asked to provide the school with information pertaining to court orders, serious medical conditions or amendments to contact information if they are applicable. All student information is held in strict confidence in the office.
Custody and Court OrdersIf there are any current Court Orders related to a child in theschool, the custodial parent must provide a copy of the orders to the Principal/ Assistant Principal who will ensure that they are kept on file.
Early Dismissal Students are dismissed from school each day at 3:30pm. Students will not be dismissed prior to this time unless they are in the company of a parent or guardian (emergency contact). Students must be signed out of the school by a parent or authorised person. Permission to any other person will only be given on the written authority of the parent or guardian. As a matter of safety and security for each child, it is essential that the school knows exactly who is collecting a child during school hours and what time the child is to be collected. It should be noted that requests asking for children to leave school and go home unaccompanied during school hours will not be accepted.
If a child is to leave the school early, he / she must be in the company of an appropriate adult, e.g. parents or guardian. The procedures operate in the following manner: • The person collecting a child or children must first report to the office. • An Early Dismissal Form is completed and signed by the adult and Principal or nominee. • The form is taken to the teacher as he / she will only release the child on presentation of the form. # Please note that staff have been instructed not to dismiss a child early until the Early Dismissal Form has been signed and presented to the teacher. This system has been designed for the safety and welfare of your child.
Children enrolled at a Government Primary School must produce an Immunisation Certificate from a local council on enrolment. This information must be registered with the office staff.