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Author: Rahah

[tvN/Netflix 2021] HOMETOWN CHA CHA CHA - Shin Min A, Kim Seon Ho

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Post time 11-10-2021 07:45 AM | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 11-10-2021 12:20 AM
yg chief hong kena tumbuk pasal apa pulak tu agaknya, dia buat apa kat apaknya.. pening2 lalat pun ...

assistant PD Ji tu tuduh Cif Hong sebabkan bapak dia lumpuh.

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Post time 11-10-2021 08:05 AM | Show all posts
banyak teori menarik di soompi.

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Post time 11-10-2021 08:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hairygrapes replied at 10-10-2021 09:03 PM
And every week dia memang ketengahkan seorang villager gitu kan. Tu yang best tak terus pasal the  ...

Ya. Setiap character ada moment to shine or become someone yg kita annoyed hehehe. Mcm apak ijun, malam td he redeem himself. Luckily hwa jeong still care n syg dia n willing to give him another chance.  I pun suka hospital playlist because of how natural the story line with all the character in it. I used to spend months in the hospital, and pernah dpt rawatan dgn cardiothoracic surgeon, anak i cancer survivor, so its relatable and not overvoard the storyline with real life. Sbb tu drama2 mcm ni feel close to heart.

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Post time 11-10-2021 08:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Naatasha replied at 10-10-2021 08:43 PM
Kadang2 i rasa bukan ketua hong yg menang lottery tu. Sbb ketara sgt la kalau dia menang. Kena la  ...

I think gambar2 mcm ni ya, derang suka buat kiut2 gitu....i prefer mcm ni. If photoshoot magazine....derang suka tayang glistening abs ...i is seram telan ailio hahahaa... ada clip Gong yo baru photoshoot...why nak pull down your pants like that laaa..aiyooo, have mercy please, our partner manusia biasa kekeke.

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Post time 11-10-2021 08:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Naatasha replied at 10-10-2021 08:36 PM
Bukan Hyejin pun mula2 camtu ke? Lepas pindah kampung tu baru elok sikit perangai dia. Hehe

Ya..hye jin pun act snobbish jugak sblm dineutralisekan hong banjang haha.

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Post time 11-10-2021 08:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 10-10-2021 04:52 PM
I nangis part omma Bora suruh laki dia ikat tali kasut tu…sgt x sensitif appa Bora tu…dahlah org ...

Part carikan durian n dpt sebijik tu kat pekan kecik in korea janggal kan, tengah typhoon plak tu. Walopon mmg ada in earlier episod pasal derang mkn derian kat thai during their honeymoon. I rasa derang main selit je haha..

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Post time 11-10-2021 08:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 11-10-2021 12:12 AM
iols terkejut laki dia pi cari itu durian, dah la tgh ada warning typhoon nk dtg..
celah mana dtg ...

Tu la....sekejapan blh dpt derian. Janggal betul hahaha

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Post time 11-10-2021 08:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 11-10-2021 09:02 AM
nadie90 replied at 11-10-2021 12:42 AM
Rasa xpuas la sebab xtau sepenuhnya lagi apa Hong banjang buat sampai slh sorg kru produksi pukul di ...

I rasa part Doha suddenly ada beef dgn Dushik sbb ayah dia yg somehow now was revealed as guards yg ada history dgn dushik mcm mana eh nak ckp..... plot twist gone wrong? Or try hard nak ada plot twist? Its just so sudden jd janggal mcm tetiba ada durian tu hahaha. Walopon ada la doha mentioned time dinner tu ayah dia tak sihat n dushik bg herbs tu. Ni dah epi14 kottt. Like writernim what are you trying to do? Another misunderstanding that add on to the already traumatized dushik? Not enough ke yg ada? Ke not enough to carry on until epi 16? Seems like whatever happen between dushik n ayah doha tu have the same narration noona seon a tu blaming dushik for the death of her husband / the sunbae. Noona salahkan dushik..dushik suicidal kat tepi han river (agaknya la han river hahaha), apak doha selamatkan dia tp it cost something so his health/ lumpuh or entahlah. Haish lama lagi plak tu nak tunggu how this unfold. I ada sikittt annoyed la...maybe when its revealed it wasnt so bad..and make sense. Sbb tu la drama kan..ada episod heh. Sabar2.


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Post time 11-10-2021 09:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
And nak tambah sikit....Hye jin is so level headed. Yes dia emo cepat tp dia rasional . Dia bg masa kat dushik tp bila dia dah reflect balik semua info yg dia gather yg dia tau, dia still lower down her ego or pride n talk tu dushik, to be more understanding opposite to her earlier clingy, childish but adorable dating behaviou She really can be a pillar for dushik to lean on. Tp frustrating ya tengok dushik handle the conflict. Writernim mmg bijak mainkan perasaan kita kat sini. Writer paham trauma/ depression takde overnight solution. Dia explained through other people observation mcm hwa jeong n halmoni da rim.

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Post time 11-10-2021 10:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
InsideJob replied at 10-10-2021 09:28 PM

seon ah dgn ji pd ni adik beradik ke? atau pun kakak angkat ke sepupu ke colleagues..

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Post time 11-10-2021 10:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Naatasha replied at 11-10-2021 05:26 AM
Rasanya berkaitan dgn kawan baik dia. Sbb apak doha tu kan keje security kat company diorang beker ...

oo nama crew tu doha ehh… mesti ada satu incident yg tiga2 terlibat, thus abg angkat dia mati, pak doha ni lumpuh.
kesian jgk chief hong ni, dah takdir...
hope seon ah dtg tu utk jumpa chief hong n mintak maaf sbb salahkan chief hong selama ni.. n dpt la chief hong ni kurang tekanan..
tp nnt hye jin pulak nk gi seoul sbb nk apply keje jd clinical dental professor..
decision.. decision..

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Post time 11-10-2021 10:32 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
InsideJob replied at 11-10-2021 07:45 AM
assistant PD Ji tu tuduh Cif Hong sebabkan bapak dia lumpuh.

sbb apa jd lumpuh tak dpt diketahui ehh.. tq ehh bg link tu.. nnt i nak pi menelaah waktu senggang

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Post time 11-10-2021 10:50 AM | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 11-10-2021 10:14 AM
seon ah dgn ji pd ni adik beradik ke? atau pun kakak angkat ke sepupu ke colleagues..

baca kt soompi, sepupu katanya.


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Post time 11-10-2021 10:52 AM | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 11-10-2021 10:32 AM
sbb apa jd lumpuh tak dpt diketahui ehh.. tq ehh bg link tu.. nnt i nak pi menelaah waktu senggang

sila2. kat sana detail postmortemnya.

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Post time 11-10-2021 03:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 11-10-2021 10:31 AM
oo nama crew tu doha ehh… mesti ada satu incident yg tiga2 terlibat, thus abg angkat dia mati, pa ...

Seoan ah tu sape u?


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Post time 11-10-2021 03:39 PM | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 11-10-2021 12:20 AM
yg chief hong kena tumbuk pasal apa pulak tu agaknya, dia buat apa kat apaknya.. pening2 lalat pun ...

mgkin ade kaitan dgn dushik...kalu tgk preview episod 15 ade pak guard tu mintak tolong yg dushik..mgkin mase tu jd mende2 kot antara pak guard ngan dushik

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Post time 11-10-2021 03:47 PM | Show all posts
Ep 12, 13 & 14 far episodes 12 & 13  - were  busy  showcasing the   relationship  and relationship issues among the characters . Okaylah .

ep 14  ni menarik identiti wanita & anak tu ialah kawan baik Du Sik  dan kebetulan ada hubungan darah dengan Seong Hyeon ( director Ji ) , isk isk ...what a small world.

Yang ayah Do Ha - wow that was really unexpected
i mean i tak sangka ayah Do - Ha tuuu..rupanya kenal Du - Sik juga and he is paraplegic - akibat dek kemalangan dengan  sahabat Du Sik tu .

what had happened ye?

sampai Do - Ha tumbuk Du Sik ....bila dia tahu nama Hong Du Sik...

wow ....i wasn't expected that !!!

jeng jeng jeng...


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Post time 11-10-2021 08:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
InsideJob replied at 11-10-2021 10:50 AM
baca kt soompi, sepupu katanya.

mmg sepupu kan sbb pd ji tanye makcik dia, kalu adik beradik xkan dia pggil mak dia makcik

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Post time 11-10-2021 08:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 11-10-2021 03:47 PM
Ep 12, 13 & 14 far episodes 12 & 13  - were  busy  showcasing the   relationship  and  ...

kan kite ingtkan satu masalah je sbb bff dushik, peh ayoh doha tu masuk sekali...mmg x jangka la. yg lain boleh teka lg..yg ni mmg luar jangkaan patut la ade scene dushik bg doha herba2 tu, rupanye ade kaitan. ingtkan saje2 scene tu patut la kwn tu trauma abis...bff ngan guard yg baik ngan dia rupe2nya

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 Author| Post time 11-10-2021 09:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Rahah at 11-10-2021 09:53 PM

Seriously heartbreaking tengok kisah hidup Dusik ni... attempt suicide lagi... iols rasa trauma tu bukan pasal kematian abang angkat dia je... tapi daripada kecik dia feel guilty pasal kematian grandpa & parents dia... iols teringat masa funeral ada ahjumma tu kata dia penyebab... plus noona tu salahkan dia jugak sebab husband dia meninggal... tambah lagi kaitan appa Doha pulak... mujur la orang kampung Gongjin tu semua layan dia baik... tapi still illness dia tu takkan pulih selagi dia tak luahkan kat someone selain psychiatrist... plus iols rasa kalau noona tu maafkan dia iols rasa maybe dia akan pulih eventhough ambil masa...  that's why dia still ada nightmare...

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