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Author: manganini

JOO WON ❤ ¸¸.•*¨*• ♫

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2016 12:29 PM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 19-3-2016 08:57 PM
joo won update IG.. dia post pic #eddieredmayne #thedanishgirl

aku pun baca juga kat ig fans kata entah2 dorang tengok movie tu sama2..
dari KGE yg aku pikir sangat random, aku lagi suspek mungkin dia rasa recommended utk tengok filem tu sebab post shim eun kyung.. coz hari tu SEK post pasal danish girl, joo won post pasal revenant.. tak lama pastu SEK pulak post pasal revenant and now joo won update pasal danish girl.. atau mungkin just kebetulan aje.... tak kisah lah
cuma aku rasa joo won & shim eun kyung ni chemistry jugak - dua2 ada persamaan minat & jenis yg strong passion in acting.. cuma umur tu je jauh beza..


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 Author| Post time 21-3-2016 12:31 PM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 19-3-2016 08:57 PM
joo won update IG.. dia post pic #eddieredmayne #thedanishgirl

aku tak berapa tau pasal hollywood.. jarang2 sangat aku ni jejak kaki ke pawagam..  mungkin sekarang aku kena ambik tau jugak dan tengok movie2 yg joo won rekomen..

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2016 12:39 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manganini at 21-3-2016 12:45 PM
masdiana-ana replied at 17-3-2016 11:17 PM
apa pendapat ko pasal drama nie.. masih cari casting untuk hero... ...

aku pulak teringin nak tengok joo won betul2 menonjol dgn satu romcom.. sebab romcom dia yg sebelum2 ni takde lagi yg betul2 memuskan hati aku ie. L7CS, fashion king, steal my heart, TC.. setakat ni aku rasa lakonan komedi terbaik dia ialah yongpal (walaupun ciput sangat scene komedinya)..
drama tu kalau baca sinopsis je macam biasa je tak nampak pun menariknya.. tapi tak tau lah kalau dah jadi drama nanti.. tp kalau HJE yg berlakon, mungkin best kot, sebab drama dia sebelum ni pun best2.. aku pun tak minat dia walaupun aku rasa dia berlakon bagus..


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 Author| Post time 21-3-2016 12:45 PM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 17-3-2016 11:50 AM
itu unit yg dia akan join untuk military... tapi netizen blash dia pasal diorg ingat unit tue x af ...

bila aku tengok balik, takde pun mana2 artikel yg bash.. ok je.. biasa je tu.. celebriti lain pun ramai yg mcm tu... netizen je yg lebih2.. jeles kot.. ntah2 yg kutuk tu sebab diorang tak pass utk join promotional unit tu, ataupun entah2 haters yg saja cari point utk kutuk dia.. abaikan je lah..

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2016 01:35 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manganini at 21-3-2016 02:04 PM

#날씨 #굿 #걷기 #좋은날 #
9.49 am 3/21/2016

#토로로소바 #마전 #맛점 #시원 #운동 후 #꿀맛
1.19 pm 3/21/2016

ig post dia hari ni.. aku agak dia keluar jalan pagi2.. pastu tengahari balik rumah makan... bestnye


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Post time 21-3-2016 03:26 PM | Show all posts
manganini replied at 21-3-2016 01:35 PM
#날씨 #굿 #걷기 #좋은날 #
9.49 am 3/21/2016


joo won nie asyik pos pic makanan atau pic bayang2...kemut sangat nk tunjuk muka dia yg hemsem tue..dia betul2 nak taste kesabaran fans2 dia kt IG..

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Post time 21-3-2016 03:28 PM | Show all posts
manganini replied at 21-3-2016 12:39 PM
aku pulak teringin nak tengok joo won betul2 menonjol dgn satu romcom.. sebab romcom dia yg sebelu ...

HJE kekuatan utama dia.. dia pandai pilih drama...dan skrip yg kuat...mcm she of pretty dan secret love..kill me hell me..setakat nie aku suka chemitry dia dgn jisung jer... hero lain kureng skit..

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Post time 21-3-2016 03:30 PM | Show all posts
manganini replied at 21-3-2016 12:29 PM
aku pun baca juga kat ig fans kata entah2 dorang tengok movie tu sama2..
dari KGE yg aku pi ...

oh ye ke..aku rasa joo won still kwn baik dgn semua leading lady dia..SEK nie pun ok juga personality dia tapi nampak mcm joo won tak berminat pun..maybe pasal TC rating rendah kot..

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Post time 21-3-2016 03:36 PM | Show all posts
manganini replied at 21-3-2016 12:31 PM
aku tak berapa tau pasal hollywood.. jarang2 sangat aku ni jejak kaki ke pawagam..  mungkin sekara ...

tak perlu tgk kt pawagam pun tak apa.. aku biasanya movie2 holloywood nie aku suka download kt pakai utorrent.. tapi ko kena install utorrent dulu.. then pilih 720 jer .. tak adalah lambat sangat mengopi klau ambil saiz file kecil oh.. the danish girls dah ada masuk yift

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2016 09:37 PM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 21-3-2016 03:36 PM
tak perlu tgk kt pawagam pun tak apa.. aku biasanya movie2 holloywood nie aku suka download kt htt ...

thank you.. aku baru jer nak tanya kau macam mana nak download.. nanti aku cuba.. tapi pandai ke aku, aku bukan reti sangat benda2 mcm ni,, huuuu

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2016 09:45 PM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 21-3-2016 03:30 PM
oh ye ke..aku rasa joo won still kwn baik dgn semua leading lady dia..SEK nie pun ok juga personal ...

aku pulak rasa mentaliti SEK tu masih budak2 sangat, walaupun umur dia takde la muda sangat pun.. aku tengok cara pembawaan diri dia mcm still a girl, not yet a woman.. agaknye lah.. aku rasa joo won suka orang yg matang..

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Post time 21-3-2016 10:06 PM | Show all posts
manganini replied at 21-3-2016 09:45 PM
aku pulak rasa mentaliti SEK tu masih budak2 sangat, walaupun umur dia takde la muda sangat pun..  ...

yup joo won memang nampak suka wanita yg matang..

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2016 10:09 PM | Show all posts
Shim Eun Kyung Talks About Feelings of Failure on “Tomorrow Cantabile”

Actress Shim Eun Kyung recently sat down for an interview, talking about her new film, her quarter-life crisis and her feelings about criticisms leveled at her drama “Tomorrow Cantabile.”

In her latest film “Missing You” (Korean title: Waiting For You), Shim Eun Kyung plays a young girl who is pursuing the man who killed her father. “I wanted to portray ordinary good and ordinary evil,” she said. “I was thinking of ‘Let Me In,’ but it wasn’t easy. It was difficult portraying emotions that people don’t usually feel.”

“In the past, I was reckless and didn’t worry about anything,” she continued. “But now I keep seeing posters with my face on it and my heart feels heavy. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what good acting really is, and if acting is really the right path for me. I’ve been doing this for 13 years but lately I’ve been wondering if I should stop.

In talking about her anxieties, Shim Eun Kyung brought up her KBS drama “Tomorrow Cantabile.” The actress, who had previously typically praised for her choice of work, was criticized after the drama, which was widely regarded as a failure.

“After the drama, I understood why my senior actors had previously told me, ‘It’s important not to lose sight of your beginnings,’” she said. “I don’t want to hide that it was difficult. But the drama helped me overall. I’d begun to think that I couldn’t make mistakes, and that I would always be praised. ‘Tomorrow Cantabile’ helped me to get rid of that naive belief. People still tell me that the drama was a dark point for me, but it’s okay. I know that I didn’t act well.”

“Tomorrow Cantabile” starred Shim Eun Kyung, Joo Won, Ko Kyung Pyo, Park Bo Gum, and Min Dohee in the Korean adaptation of the popular Japanese drama “Nodame Cantabile.” It aired in 2014. Meanwhile, the film “Missing You” is scheduled to be released in Korean theaters on March 10.

part kaler pink tu lebih kurang sama mcm ucapan joo won masa daesang..

aku suka part yg highlight hijau tu.. very humble & mature..

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2016 10:19 PM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 21-3-2016 03:26 PM
joo won nie asyik pos pic makanan atau pic bayang2...kemut sangat nk tunjuk muka dia yg hem ...

tu la asyik pic makanan sedap je.. semua mak dia masak ke.. kalau ya memang kelassss mak dia masak, table setting pun mcm restoran dah aku tengok.. fuhh

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Post time 22-3-2016 03:26 PM | Show all posts
Hwang Jung Eum Confirmed to Star in “Lucky Romance”
According to the production company Sim Entertainment on March 22, Hwang Jung Eum has confirmed to play the female lead character Shim Bo Nui.
“Lucky Romance” is based on a webtoon of the same name. It is about a superstitious girl named Shim Bo Nui and a guy majoring in engineering who is crazy about formulas and science. The story unfolds as the two meet and start their romantic yet comical relationship.
This drama is especially anticipated since it will create comical episodes based on various superstitions.
It will start airing in May and begin filming as soon as the male lead is confirmed. “Lucky Romance” is slated to air after “Goodbye Mr. Black” ends its run.
so kt shoompi fans joo won komen.. kemungkinan peluang untuk joo won ambil drama pasal sim yg produsers ...joo won kan bwah sim.. aku tak berapa suka sangat joo won ambil rom com drama.. tapi klau joo won berlakon aku akan tgk..nonna lg ke heroin dia.. tapi aku lg rela dia ambil drama nie dari another china drama..

news kt weibo..another china drama... tak tahu kompen ke tak.. noooooooooo joo won..cukuplah love express jer.. janganlah last project dia china or movie drama...aku tak nak dia jadi mcm ji chang wok.. sibuk berlakon kt china...lepas healer nama dia senyap dan sunyi...


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Post time 22-3-2016 10:54 PM | Show all posts
okk..aku kecewa.. joo won pilih last project drama dia adalah drama china-korea.. sayanglah.. aku tak tahu samaada memang tak ada karekter atau drama yg dia nak untuk korea drama...kt shommpi dan IG byk fans2 korea dan fans2 dia yg lain kecewa.. aku rasa nie kot last post aku kt tread nie.. aku tak ada mood nk post lagi pasal drama2 dia kt china tue..

anyway happy dapat kenal dgn ko.. kalau jumpa aku kt mana2 tread jangan segan2 tegur aku..

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Post time 22-3-2016 11:03 PM | Show all posts
maybe aku akan comeback blik kt tread nie klau dia ada Kdrama yg baru.. maybe lepas 2 tahun kot...tue pun tak tahu aku akan aftif blik kt Forum cari atau korea drama..sekarang nie pun aku tak aftif kt drama korea ...aku sekarang tgh layan jdrama..

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 Author| Post time 23-3-2016 01:51 AM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 22-3-2016 11:03 PM
maybe aku akan comeback blik kt tread nie klau dia ada Kdrama yg baru.. maybe lepas 2 tahun kot...:s ...

laa.. gitu pulak... merajuk pulak ko ni.. ahahaa
ok la... kalau ko takde aku pun takde jugak la kat sini.. takkan la aku nak syok sendiri kat thread sendiri pulak..
aku pun jarang jarang kat thread drama lain.. apapun aku tetap menyokong karier joo won.. dan happy jugak dapat kenal & berborak ngan kau..
selamat maju jaya... annyeong~

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Post time 23-3-2016 06:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manganini replied at 23-3-2016 01:51 AM
laa.. gitu pulak... merajuk pulak ko ni.. ahahaa
ok la... kalau ko takde aku pun takde jugak la k ...

Aku tetap akan sokong karier seni dia..dia antara perlakon yg berbakat besar..cuma aku agak kecewa keputusan dia nk berlakon dichina..


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 Author| Post time 28-3-2016 10:49 PM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana posted on 23-3-2016 06:41 AM
Aku tetap akan sokong karier seni dia..dia antara perlakon yg berbakat besar..cuma aku agak kecewa ...

aku pun agak kecewa juga.. lebih2 lagi bila tengok poster sweet sixteen tu, gambar dia takde dlm poster pun..
takpe lah.. aku terima hakikat perjalanan seni joo won mungkin tidak tipikal mcm halyyu star yg lain.. tp mcm dia cakap tu, kita akan tengok sapa yg akan kekal at the end of the road, dia akan terus berlakon sampai akhir hayat dia, itu yg pasti.. harap aku tak terlalu tua untuk menyaksikan detik itu..

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