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Author: chippotato

[KBS] Brain-Shin Ha-Kyun, Choi Jung-Won~ 5 Dec (Mon-Tue 9.03 PM KBS WORLD)

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Post time 13-1-2012 11:40 AM | Show all posts
siti hawa ni bukan sesi hidung berdarah je dah..+sesak napas tau!!! hehehe..merempit tgk brain kat maaduu..x keruan dibuatnya..frust btl kat maaduu baru ada 12 epi tu pn yg last x subtitle..x subtitle pun dh 3 kali ku ulang stkt pg ni..comey bila kanghun konon nk buang foto otak jihye tp msk poket dia...sooooo comey!!!! sitihawa ne nk tgk yg full version ek?

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Post time 13-1-2012 11:44 AM | Show all posts
Reply 530# sitihawa

    walaupon dr.lee berdiri jauh kt blkg sorg2..tetap ensem okehh

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Post time 13-1-2012 11:56 AM | Show all posts
cuci mata dh sebelom g lunch....berselera le aku makan....

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Post time 13-1-2012 02:43 PM | Show all posts
aku lau masuk jer umah nie mst *pengsann..pas2 bgun balik kuar...
masuk ag *pengsannn..bgun.. ..pengsannn..

hawa ko mmg rajin sgt tepek gmbr yg bikin aku *pengsann

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Post time 13-1-2012 03:54 PM | Show all posts
awesome shin ha kyun

Director Lee Hae-yeong "Is it the Sin Ha-gyoon I know?"

Director Lee Hae-yeong "Is it the Sin Ha-gyoon I know?"

Director Lee Hae-yeong who made the movie "Festival" talked about an 'uncomfortbale truth'.

He attended the opening of the '7th Cinematheque Friends' pn the 12th in Seoul Art Cinema and said, "I am happy to be here for 2 years in a row. I suggested this movie with actor Sin Ha-gyoon who starred in the movie 'Foxy Festival'".

'Cinematheque Friend's' is a film festival shows suggested films by movie lovers who gathered for the development of Cinematheque (cultural cinemas) which is the archive for artistic movies and classics. Director Lee suggested "Boogie Night" by Thomas Anderson in 1997 and it will be screened during the festival.

On the stage of the opening, Lee said, "The tickets for the festival were released not too long ago and I heard "Boogie Night" was the only movie sold out thanks to Sin Ha-gyoon whose popularity is amazing in "Brain". I wonder what it would've been like if he was this much popular when he was working with me".

He continued, "Sometimes I wonder if the Sin Ha-gyoon everyone is talking about these days is the Sin Ha-gyoon I know. Online tickets have been sold out but tickets are still available on site so I hope you support us".

Being the 7th festival this year, 'Cinematheque Friend's' will start on the 12th until the 26th at the Seoul Art Cinema.

Source : ( Korean )
credit: hancinema

makin hebat penangan dr lee dalam brain ni

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Post time 13-1-2012 04:26 PM | Show all posts
dulu2 mcm takde mood nak tengok drama korea terutama bila hero dah tua sgt dan cerita stress/airmata/ kalau nak layan cerita yg kebanyakan idol/k-pop belakon rasa macam tak kena zaman pulak..budak2 dua puluhan bolehlaa kot...sekali keluar cerita brain...terus hooked/glued to it...sekian dari ajumma...tak sabar nak tunggu mon-tue...

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Post time 13-1-2012 04:27 PM | Show all posts
siti hawa ni bukan sesi hidung berdarah je dah..+sesak napas tau!!! hehehe..merempit tgk brain kat m ...
lindasam Post at 13-1-2012 11:40

    linda boleh tengok kat kimchidrama..rasanya dah ada sampai episode 15 @ 16..

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Post time 13-1-2012 04:59 PM | Show all posts
dulu2 mcm takde mood nak tengok drama korea terutama bila hero dah tua sgt dan cerita stress/airmata ...
amadeus Post at 13-1-2012 16:26

    hakhakhak... ajumma . esok buleh tgk ulangan, petang sabtu. atleast, ilang rindu kat dr lee, huwaaaaaaaaaaa

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Post time 13-1-2012 05:10 PM | Show all posts
mlm td tgk satu interview SHK ngan SBS tu kat fb.....dia mmg pemalu betol berlakon best....

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Post time 13-1-2012 05:29 PM | Show all posts
hakhakhak... ajumma . esok buleh tgk ulangan, petang sabtu. atleast, ilang rindu kat  ...
sitihawa Post at 13-1-2012 16:59

heheh..yerlaa esok sesambil kemas rumah..boleh tgk re-run...komawo
siti hawa...kerana brain dan dr lee..ajumma gigih download raw setiap isnin-selasa.....tak paham pun tengok...aduss...dah terjoin club brainitized!

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Post time 13-1-2012 09:41 PM | Show all posts
Saya dah tengok sampai episod 18. dr. ep. 16 tak ada sub. eng, tengok jer dan buat2 faham. Akhir ep 18 prof kim dah nak kena bedah, tak sabar nak tengok kesudahannya. adakah dr lee beralih arah pd. yujin? tak sukaaaaaaa

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Post time 13-1-2012 09:59 PM | Show all posts
bukan main lagik korang menempek gambar dr lee yer... layan!
aku sker giler fanmade gambar wedding dr lee ngan dr yun.. sweet sangat..
hopefully ending citer brain camtu gak..

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Post time 13-1-2012 10:49 PM | Show all posts
koranggg... tolong!  episode 16 dah kluar sub tapi bila buka link dia kat youtube, dia ckp video ni private. nape? korang dapat tengok tak? baru je excited nak buka

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Post time 14-1-2012 01:08 AM | Show all posts
Reply 553# soursop_juice99

try kat sini episode16
part 1
  part 4

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Post time 14-1-2012 06:59 AM | Show all posts
Reply 554# ctaisyah

awwww...trimas aisyah.

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Post time 14-1-2012 10:21 AM | Show all posts
Reply 555# soursop_juice99

    aku tgh tgk epi 16 nie.....hehehe

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Post time 14-1-2012 10:56 AM | Show all posts
The F4 of ′Brain′

Could it be? Is Korea getting its very own version of McDreamy, McSteamy, McVet, McHottie? Okay, maybe not McVet. But evidently, KBS2′s upcoming drama, Brain, has its very own F4.

The drama, which is set to premiere on November 14, stars Shim Hyung Tak, Gwak Seung Nam, Lee Seung Ju, and Kwon Se In, in addition to main leads Shin Ha Kyun, Jung Jin Young, Choi Jung Won, and Jo Dong Hyuk.

Gwak Seung Nam plays Yang Bum Jun, a third year resident, who′s a bit of an opportunist and is skilled at kissing up to his superiors. Though a little cunning, he has his cute side and feels lonely deep inside. (Alex Karev??)

Shim Hyung Tak acts as Jo Dae Shik, a second year resident, and a proud perfectionist. He′s described as prickly and critical, but unexpectedly, seeks freedom and has passion in his mind. He′s expected to develop a romance with nurse Hong Eun Suk (Lee Ji Eun). For this drama, he reportedly completely changed his image to the point that viewers might see him as a different actor.

Lee Seung Ju, from the 21st class of recruited KBS actors, plays Dong Seung Man, a second year resident, who has a strong desire for success and follows around top neurosurgeon Lee Gang Hun (Shin Ha Kyun).

Kwon Se In rounds out the cast as Yeo Bong Gu, a first year resident and the youngest of the group. Yeo, who has a pure and good heart, will compete with Dong Seung Man over Lee Gang Hun’s sister Ha Eun (Kim Ga Eun).

The production company of the drama, CJ E&M said, “The good-looking doctors are bolstering the drama, Brain with their solid acting capabitilies. We picked actors who are the most suitable for each character, and we are highly satisfied with their acting. As we are pouring effort and energy on the filming, we hope viewers show their interest and support.”

Meanwhile, Brain is the first full-fledged medical drama of KBS, unfolding against the backdrop of neurosurgery department of a university hospital. Producer Yu Hyung Gi and writer Yun Kyeong Ah of KBS2’s Master of Study teamed up for the drama, whose first and second episodes will air on November 14.


The Last Filming Site of ‘Brain’ is as Cheerful as Ever

Remember those photos showing the Brain actors staring into their scripts? With the end of the drama in sight, the actors are still stepping up their game, but they seem to have found some time to take some commemorative photos at their last shoot.
The 20 episode drama Brain is nearing its end, but the actors and staff still seem to be unable to believe it’s all going to come to a close soon, because although they’re pretty tired, their passion toward acting has grown all the more greater.

Also, though the characters fight in the drama in endless conflicts, debates, tense surgeries and various incidents, the actors and staff are showing their actual relationships are just the opposite, and that they’ll miss each other once the drama ends. As they’ve spent most of their time together in the shoots that move between Seoul and Gyeonggi-do’s Hwaseong, they’ve grown as close as family.

Outside of the camera, the harsh Kang Hoon transforms into the bright and smiling Shin Ha Kyun, while the four flower boy doctors, Shim Hyung Tak, Lee Seung Ju, Gwak Seung Nam and Kwon Se In take on their roles of ‘the energetic F4’ to entertain their colleagues.

The producers of Brain state that the driving force behind their team’s great teamwork was the viewers’ support.

An official behind Brain said, “The words of support that our viewers send us energize us more than any other medicine. The best medicine that makes us be determined and proud to work harder on this work is the support from our viewers.”

Another official said that the cheerful and reasonable production environment was what brought on the tight teamwork. The official stated, “Not once did the script come out late, and late-night shoots were so rare I can count them with the fingers on one hand. Thanks to the careful consideration of the staff and the sincere attitudes of the actors, the shoots weren’t so straining and progressed perfectly.”

A rep from the drama’s outsourcing production company, CJ E&M, said, “Because of the great attention being paid to Brain, we’re receiving many requests to extend the story, but the filming for the last episode is already in its last stages. I believe the great interest and love being given to Brain is leading to a frustration that the drama will soon be over. I hope you continue to love the remaining two episodes to the end.”

Photo credit: CJ E&M


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Post time 14-1-2012 12:56 PM | Show all posts
Reply 556# sedona

aku pun tengah tengok.kekeke..berpinau mato den baca sub kek youtube. tapi dekat kimchidrama, sub dia ok. dr lee merajuk dgn seung man & jihye

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Post time 14-1-2012 04:16 PM | Show all posts
aku tgk kat kbsw jek.. tu pun yg repeat hari sabtu mcm gini...
citer ni tak extend ke few episodes? sambung ler... lagi pun rating tinggi.
org yg selalunya main film mcm Dr.  Lee tu, sesekali main drama.. mmg ler org suka.

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Post time 14-1-2012 05:53 PM | Show all posts
dah nak abis kan citer brain ni.. pasni aku meroyan citer apa la plak..

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