[Negeri Sembilan]
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Retis mana yg muka hamsap 
Sapo la retis lelaki yg muka hamsap |
Nasib la kalau nama kena petik |
Skrg benang RP rendah
Dulu rp 15 pun ada
Malam ni makan ni je
Did you know Sable Island is a narrow, remote sand island located in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada. Known for its crescent-moon shape, the island is famous for its population of wild horses, which live freely, and its unique ecosystem, which includes various bird species and plants adapted to its windy and arid climate. It's also recognized for its history as a big-movie “cemetery of shipwrecks,” due to the shallow sandbanks surrounding it. Currently, it is a protected nature reserve and an environmental research site.
A fun fact about Sable Island is that it has more wild horses than human inhabitants. These horses, descendants of animals brought in the 18th century, survive in complete freedom and have adapted to the extreme surroundings of the island...
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Umur 42 kalau x salah
Sesuai la
Hanak ikan pun dh selamat kawen
This cat, a smart and resourceful animal from a nearby neighborhood, often found herself spending her days at the local fish market. She would sit quietly, observing the people as they bought fish, hoping for a tasty treat.
One day, feeling a bit adventurous, she picked up a fallen leaf from the ground and carried it to the market owner.
To her delight, he accepted the leaf as payment and handed her a fresh fish in return. From that moment on, the cat made it a habit to visit the market every morning, bringing a leaf with her, and in exchange, she always received her favorite snack, a delicious fish. This simple yet clever arrangement became part of her daily routine, with the cat eagerly looking forward to her morning trade.
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Anak ikan ratu yg dulu tu utk kaber line kot |
Kutip strawberry dulu
Ratu ni pandai jaga wartawan |
Titew cayur x makan...nak ajak makan pun tengok2 la test titew mcmana.
Rasanya xde citer x sedap mengenai ratu |
Inilah Sailfish yang merupakan ikan yang berenang paling laju di dunia dengan kelajuan 110 km/jam. ia boleh membesar sehingga 3.4 meter dan mempunyai berat sehingga 100 kg.
Kelajuan yang dimilikinya adalah kerana bentuk badannya yang hydrodynamic.
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Ytjt pasal ratu sorang ni |
Selamat petang 
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Category: Negeri & Negara