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Author: kapalterbang

bercuti ke Guangzhou, China

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Post time 19-11-2009 11:39 AM | Show all posts
372# m_ardiana

Diana..may be till march 2010 kott...he...he...nk bwk budak2 tuu 17-28th Dec...bukan laa nii lahh.....kena tunggu
bapak budak cutiii maaa........

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Post time 19-11-2009 01:21 PM | Show all posts
380# kakct

o..thanks. Kenapa orang GZ suka slam pintu kereta kuat - kuat. macam nak tercabut. tempat lain serupa juga ke ? I tak kan beli kalau ada 2nd hand china kia optima yg dijual kat sini. you do the same thing ?

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Post time 19-11-2009 03:05 PM | Show all posts
taganchi, saya pun nak jugakk... kitab tuu..

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Post time 19-11-2009 04:41 PM | Show all posts
382# taganchi

Bukan GZ je...mana2 same...depaa niii tak sayang harta benda....kete canggih2 bukan jaga pun...naik Porsche Cayenne tapiii makkk aiiii berselerak dalam pas tuuu abuk sampai tak nmpk color kete.....perasan tak if depa berckp on henfon...makk aiii ...if uol faham conversation depa...abis semua if naik bas tuu...satuu bas bole dgr mengumpat or bercerita kisah rumahtangga.......if bergaduh laki bini or boi fren gal fren...dia tak kira tmpt awam...blasah aje siap jerit2...
ada skali tuu laki bini masa byr kat counter Walmart...laki dia bole jerit kat bini dia abis satu floor tuu dgr...kesian tgk muka bini .....kita nii yg tgk naik geram la pulakkk....cammm tuu la depaa.......lagii satuu if depa nk rasa membuang tak kira di mana.....naik kete tepi hiway lehh bentiii buang kat tepi jalan selamba memancutt......sadisss sadiiis.......

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Post time 19-11-2009 04:42 PM | Show all posts
I pun nak mintak copy "kitab guangzhou abah boleh x?.

Terima kasih

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Post time 19-11-2009 06:54 PM | Show all posts
384# kakct

Yang aksi tepi jalan tu memang menjolok mata ..... tapi saya tak jumpa camtu lagi. tapi hari to kat public toilet..sorang mamat ni belum sampai main door toilet dah buka zip dan keluarkan..nampak tak la emergency sangat... kalau sewel tak kan pakai macam orang pegi kerja..
pengalaman saya.. sebelum kita nampak sign tiolet, kita dah tau nak jumpa toilet..bau menyucuk dari jauh.. kalau nak jalan - jalan bawalah botol air bekalan untuk ke tandas. jangan harap nak jumpa paip air kat tepi water closet tu. toilet KFC bersih la sikit, tapi masalah air tetap sama. driver teksi kat GZ, kalau nak cakap dengan kita dia guna Mandarin tapi bila cakap dengan bini, dia guna kantonis...macam kakct cakap la, tak peduli orang, saya ingat dia bergaduh..tapi isteri saya kata tak...dia paham la kantonis sikit - sikit.

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Post time 19-11-2009 10:47 PM | Show all posts

cemana yer nak post barang pakai kontena ? any procedure tak ?


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Post time 19-11-2009 10:55 PM | Show all posts
386# taganchi
agak2 berbalio tak pergi shenzhen naik bullet train?
org cakap 1.5 jam je pergi shenzen
alang2 dah sampai ke GZ sapu sekali la ke SZ....

ape yg menarik shopping di SZ?

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Post time 19-11-2009 11:33 PM | Show all posts
salam sume,
dok survey2 nk ke Gz ni, nk tnye xpert2 Gz...
1. harga textile di Gz especially kt zheng... textile 2 bpatutan x , murah x dr harison/kamdar ....  n fabriknye brmutu x
2. mcmn pula ngn pilihan manik2 ngn barangan mjahitnye, bmutu dr yg ade kt msia ke ..leh bli scra borong / leh bli 1 - 1

TQ..TQ..TQ..4 da info

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Post time 20-11-2009 12:58 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by taganchi at 20-11-2009 10:15

388# ruhazz

Kalau saya, memang saya pergi, dah sampai elok teroka juga jika ada masa, itu la macam yg dikatakan dulu, bila dah sampai Shenzhen, rugi pulak tak masuk Hong Kong. GZ - SZ cuma guna CRH (China Railway High-speed), masa kami naik tahun lepas top speed dia 200kmj. Yang bullet train tu kat Shanghai - Beijing kut.. dengar kata boleh pegi sampai 400kmj++, betul tak kakct ? Teringin juga ambil train 24jam travel dari GZ ke Beijing, dapat tengok lanscape dia dan dapat rasa pertukaran cuaca. dari forumer yang lain ada maklumat kata, barang it lebih murah di SZ. boleh jalan - jalan di Dongmen Street. Kami check in di Muslim Hotel. Harga tak berpatutan dengan keadaan bilik. Staff tak friendly langsung. kami kesana satu family (anak 4 orang, yg sulung ting.2 yg kecil std.2). di GZ teksi takda masalah sumbat 6 orang. tapi teksi SZ tak mahu ambil. kawasan tak jauh dari Louhu train station  (sebelah timur) di jalan Cuanbu ada kedai makanan halal. dibawah muslim hotel pun ada restoran makanan halal. banyak teman Chinese (office mate) kata rugi kami tak pergi Window of the world dengan happy valley. memandangkan kami cuma peruntukkan cuma satu hari maka terpaksa dahulukan urusan perniagaan. hari tu hari jumaat. kami kena rush ke GZ semula sebelum orang Hong Kong serbu masuk selepas pejabat. CRH to GZ lebih kurang jam 3pm, itu pun dah crowded. lagi satu... sapa sapa yang teringin bawa balik cherry alado, kat bawah muslim hotel tu ada shipping agent office.

Di Shenzhen train & imigration terminal

Bukit kat belakang tu adalah Hong Kong, sempadannya macam Rantau Panjang dengan pekan Golok aje.

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Post time 20-11-2009 01:35 AM | Show all posts
387# cinderella

Baca dari bawah dahulu. harap ini dapat memberi sedikit gambaran. Maaf ada part yang terpaksa di sencored..

Summer Huang (Overseas Dept.)
(Mob.+86 15813858327)

Shenzhen Branch:
Tel: +86-755-82229182. Fax: +86-755-82229682.
Email:,   [email protected] MSN: [email protected]     Skype: ks82226786 Add: Rm 101,Muslin Hotel,No.2013 Wenjin  South Rd,Luohu,518002,Shenzhen,China. Shenzhen Office Tel: +86-755-8222 7782  82229699 (head line) Fax:+86-755-8222 6786 Email: [email protected] Add: Rm 2006-7,Shenye Bldg,1027 Wenjin Mid Road,Luohu,518001,Shenzhen,China.

Shipping fees don't include Fumigation fee. Real Fumigation: USD118+service to door fee. Fumigation Certificate: USD45
Only wooden box needs fumigation. And do your cargos **** machine and ****** have brand? we will check whether they must do commodity inspection?

Yes, we can handle the Fumigation Certificate. There are two situations. One is doing real fumigation. The other is just buying Fumigation Certificate. Which one do you need?

Of course there is big difference. From Shenzhen to Port Klang, maybe the all in  price of 20GP FCL is USD800-850.

Dear Sir, The price I have given you From Shenzhen to PORT KLANG: USD400/540/540 is just the ocean freight fee, there are also ORC, THC and local charges. But USD386 is all in price. And the price is different between LCL and FCL

Dear Sir, 1. Yes. You have get my idea. The shipping time from Shenzhen to Port Klang is about 6-7days. 3. a. Dachong industrial Zone,Nanshan district,Shenzhen. The pick up fee is USD44. b. Decoration Material Market, Tianpingjia, Tianhe District, Guangzhou. The pick up fee is USD161. 2. No. the price I have given you USD155(not include the pick up fee) is for 1. If you want to ship two cargos one time, the total price is USD386 all in. 4. About the BL, after the cargo is arrived and you pay for us, we will send the BL to you. (We can give you the copy of BL firstly)

Dear Sir,I would explain them in details. 1. POL: Shenzhen  POD: Port Klang means from Shenzhen to Port Klang. O/F is the ocearn freight fee. and you should send your cargo to the pier before Mon.(CLS). The ship will set off Sat(ETD). There is CFS which LCL needs to get. DOC and Customs Clearence are local charges. 2. Export License should be issued by  the supplier . 3.Packing List
should be issued by  the supplier. The goods that discribe all the thing that in the packaging.
4. Invoice Value also be issued by supplier. Sometimes clearing Customs don't need it. 5. If the supplier don't have export license and entrust us to clear Customs, there is extra fee about USD59.
6. We can load your cargo from Guangzhou. pls inform us the detail address. then we can give you an accurate price. 7. Our quotaton don't include the picking fees.  8. The price we have quoted for you all made to our company. Then we keep in touch with the ship company. so the total price is about USD155( not include the pick up fee which dues to the address)

Dear Sir,
Thank you for your inquiry. We are pleasure to quote for you. POL: Shenzhen POD: Port Klang: Cargo: LCL

Weight: 110kg , 105kg. Volume: both less than 1CBM
O/F: USD20/CBM   by OOCL    CLS: Mon.  ETD: Sat.             TT: about 5days       or by WHL    CLS: Thu.      ETD: Tue.  CFS: USD6/CBM. DOC: USD23/BILL

Customs Clearence( have documents): USD47/BILL. The documents for clearing customs is Export License. But if you don't have that, pls provide us Packing List and Invoice Value, we can ship the cargo for you.
About payment, we can accept credit card. Only you in your country. Last letter I have mentioned we have a branch office in the first floor of Muslin Hotel. Our manager gets your card and let me reply you.

Dear Sir, Nice to contact you. This is Summer Huang from Shenzhen Kingstar Shipping Co.,Ltd, China. We know you have business relations in China. And we have a branch office in Muslin Hotel. We can ship your cargos from China ports to Malaysia ports like Port Klang, Penang, Pasir Gudang, Kota Kinabalu etc.
Here is some offers for reference:
From Shenzhen to PORT KLANG: USD400/540/540
                           PASIR GUDANG: USD420/600/600                          
                           PENANG: USD420/600/600


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Post time 20-11-2009 01:49 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by taganchi at 20-11-2009 10:09

388# ruhazz

memang macam tu lah segak dan kemasnya peramugarinya. kalau terlambat, masuk aje mana - mana gerabak kemudian cari seat, macam kami dulu nasib baik tak kena tinggal.


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Post time 20-11-2009 08:53 AM | Show all posts
teruja plak baca psl guangzhou
sksk Post at 19-11-2009 10:39

apa lagik??? jom ler ke sana.

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Post time 20-11-2009 10:27 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 20-11-2009 12:09 PM | Show all posts

thanks for the info...erm, mahal juga ratesnya..
sbb one of my fren ada ckp aritu dia sewa kontena RM380..but not sure brp square ftnya..

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Post time 20-11-2009 08:37 PM | Show all posts
395# cinderella

Tolong dapatkan kepastian, mungkin dia dapat agent yang bagus, saya pun nak guna shippers yang sama.

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Post time 20-11-2009 10:12 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by taganchi at 20-11-2009 10:09

388# ruhazz" border="0">http://e ...
taganchi Post at 20-11-2009 01:49

nie train dri GZ ke SZ ker...
fuyyoh mcm nie baru sodap melayan 200KmH heheheh
teruja gak nak try fast train GZ nie

mmg ada tgk kat youtube
Beijing punye bullet train sampai 327kmh...perghhhh

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Post time 21-11-2009 01:03 PM | Show all posts
386# taganchi
Salam, bila baca cikter isu toilet ni, naik geli geleman lak. Masa tuh on the way ke Macau singgah le diaorang nyer public toilet boleh lak pintu sekerat dah le tu pintu pun renggang tak leh kunci. Kira kalau menyangkung boleh nampak jiran depan. Kira suei  le ari 2. Akak kalau boleh tahan akak tahan kalau tak ajak le kawan pompuan teman kan supaya jd bodyguard tuk cover pintu. Mmg tang isu toilet ni sensetip bg akak..

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Post time 21-11-2009 06:19 PM | Show all posts
kalau GZ - SZ - HK .. berapa hari cukup nii..

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Post time 21-11-2009 06:27 PM | Show all posts
terima kasih atas maklumat... window of the world tak yah pegi laa sebab dok kat TTI ..hehehe..

sksk ,

jommmm kiter.. bile ?

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