Post time 15-1-2019 10:01 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
sora13 replied at 15-1-2019 08:38 AM
ya Allah faz, i can watch this all day...she's always been consistent in her statements throughout t ...
Sama jer cantik muka dari dulu until to describe ha...tak reti lah...if people ask me, I just cakap Faz punya beauty ni 'smooth'. Smooth??? Apa maksud you?...I cakap, entahhhh!! ..hahaha...cuma bila tengok tu, tak rasa tersekat2 or annoyed..nangis cantik, sengih cantik, gedik cantik, marah cantik.....haa gitcheww
iols gelak bila fazzy kata sheols gelap gak dulu, kulit tak sekata...selamba...haters yg ngata faz beriya2 tu, hentikanlah kegiatan tak sehat depa tu, faz pun selamba jer kata diri sendiri...takde nak fake2.
so intan mastura! hahahaha. comel gedik dia sejenis tak nyampah. pastu iols selalu perasan kak noryn aziz selalu left komen & like posting fazzy. part last tu, sape penyanyi yg ckp sbb fazz dlm vclip dia tu?