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Edited by kmelankolia at 14-1-2015 08:12 AM
kannn, kalo diorg takpe pulak mengutuk budak tak de limit, dre ni lg comey & npk kokusen dr yg dikatakan 'kokuseng' itu

rajanoora Sons, daughter in laws, daughter, son in law, nephews nieces at #rnaturns67
13 Jan 2015 6h

rajanoora Surrounded by loved ones. Tq all especially Jije and Fasha for arrangements and everyone for making time to be present. Much love #rnaturns67 5h

rnadiasabrina All praises to Allah another year has passed. Happy Birthday Ende Cho @rajanoora . ♡ Exactly two years ago at this moment, on your birthday you were with me and Wan @norhafizahnasarudin when I was in labour and about to give birth a few hours after. That's one of the examples of how caring, kind, selfless and loving you are. Always there during ease and hardships and putting family first before others. Thank you so much Ende Cho for everything. May Allah bless you with contentment, good health, happiness and joy always ♡♡♡ #rnaturns67 #strength4jibrael 8h
Salam morning fans ND palace. macam sama aje baju orang tu ngan baju ai yg ai beli kat kenanga
tak kan taste kenanga kot???
sapa lagi??? terkezut ai...
tak kan sama taste ngan ai plak yg bukan artist ni  
beli kat kenanga plak tu...standard nite market boutique
Agaknya baju2 anak2 nya pun Kenanga mari jugak kot plus bag chinamade yg hadiah pat IntanSemata.. confirm u oLLs . |
bole tlg check PM jap ye....
Edited by kmelankolia at 14-1-2015 08:30 AM
tepat sekali tekaan anda apa tersirat dihati dia boleh dibaca  |
ha betul dah jangkaan @ira_229 ...sendat buat surprise bday PS. Apsal ND tak de ek. Sibuk ngan keje kut? |
its a surprise party hosted by jijie and efes. how do they communicate with Popua? thru phone call? thru Rayqal?   |
omaii...terlalu amat comeyl keduanya.... |
Edited by ira_229 at 14-1-2015 09:56 AM
ntah2 ehem2 ada yg SR kat benang ni tak...?
wait.....ucapan pada MIL yg tersayang pun seringkas2nya takde berjela mcm ucapan essey masa birthday rayqal... |
Tu le.. pasan gak.. Nora tak ada dalam gambor...
Ok le tu kan.... Nora bagi laluan.....
kan i dah kata klu nora cute ada mesti SHE is tenggelam....nnti ada yg menjeruk...dari ada drama swasta sekali lagi baik nora tak datang....btw ps bahasakan pn sally n rozy as part of family...bukan orang lain...
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