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Author: Hana_Hirokawa

Korean Music Wave 2011 in Malaysia 24 Sept@Std Merdeka~FA & pics start @pg15

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Post time 28-9-2011 09:34 PM | Show all posts
ni PJM...not alone...vid....


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Post time 29-9-2011 06:58 AM | Show all posts
ni vid PJM masa lagu ost my princess man....khas buat NZHASS..hehehe

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 Author| Post time 29-9-2011 10:15 AM | Show all posts
PJM geleks tak tahan... mmg ske aa nengok dia gigih nk ckp melayu.. senyum mmg tak tak lekang... adoi.. adoi... arap dia pun rajin turun macam ledo dable s heheheh... berbunga ler ati kaka zue...

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Post time 29-9-2011 10:59 AM | Show all posts
Reply 523# Hana_Hirokawa

    heehehe check PM..

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Post time 29-9-2011 01:18 PM | Show all posts
Salam youollzz...adakah posting fan account masih diterima?? Kekeke...baru setel karang surat chenta utk BigBang selepas 3 hari 3 malam! Stanum post yg 'main' aje la kat sini pun sure nak termuntah kan?!! Kalau ada yg minat nk baca detail bleh baca kat blog I yer..Warning!! posting di blog adalah sgt-sgt detail dan panjang!! So, mintak maaf zahir batin kalau ada yg naik migrain..BIANATA, SARANGHANDA!!

Pre-KMW Concert - Kuala Lumpur International Airport
On the 24thSept 2011, I took the first Electric Train Shuttle (ETS) from Perak to KL Sentral at 5.40am. Arrived in KL Sentral around 8.10am and went straight to the Airport Coach ticket counter. The bus to Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) departed exactly 8.30am and arrived at the airport at 9.30am. It’s my first time in KLIA since most of the time I travels with budget airline at the LCCT terminal. Nevertheless, the excitement surpasses all the hesitations! I asked for the direction from a girl in my bus. What do you know, she’s there to welcome BB as well!! Yeay..I met another fellow VIP! BB’s flight was scheduled at 10.50am, so we went to grab some breakfast at McDonald on level 5. I promised to meet up with a few of my forum buddies at the airport, and the atmosphere was so overwhelming! We were there for the same reason; Welcoming GD and TOP and Seungri to Malaysia for the 1st time! I could see various fan clubs with their banner waiting eagerly for our boys too.  

Guessing which passage the boys will exit was really mind boggling! Is it going to be the normal arrival hall? Or maybe the VIP passage? After much discussion we finally settled at the VIP passage level 5 since the other Kpop acts used the same passage when they arrived the night before. Each of us took our spot with all kinds of camera on standby. My spot was exactly next to the escalator. There was a glass partition, no so good for the camera recording but definitely good enough for my eye’s satisfaction! There were two Chinese girls standing next to me and they shared stories of bumping into Tae Yang and GD at the recent Vogue Fashion Show in Korea! They even showed me their photos! How cool was that!  

It’s already ½ hour passed their arrival time; still there was no sign of BB. The officer on duty was not really helpful either. Out of no where, someone screamed that BB will exit from arrival hall level 3! I felt someone pulled out my hands and subconsciously I ran together with the crowd to level 3. When we reached level 3, people started to give us the suspicious and annoyed looks (but they still give way for us to run!). One girl was talking on the phone for awhile, and suddenly told us to go up to level 5 again! So the crowd started to run, again. I ran half way, but decided to give up. That was it for me. I decided to just wait at level 3.  

Still panting, I heard people screaming and yelling “OMG, They are out side!!” Err, What?? Boragu??? How was that even possible? I was standing right in front of the international arrival gate! (It was discovered later that our boys were diverted to the Domestic arrival gate to avoid the crowd). This time, I gathered all my energy and stormed outside the airport. OH YEAH! I saw our freakin’ handsome boys in front of my very own eyes! As always, there were policemen and crew guarding them at all time. I was trying to see my GD closer but there were too many people at the front so I ran to the back of the crowd and guess what, I was walking behind TOP the whole time! And yes people, he is GORGEOUS, no doubt. TOP was wearing red leather jacket (it's hot here in Malaysia darling! Loose the jacket plzz!), a blue military hat and brown shades. I did saw Kim Boram (Tae Yang’s manager) and I was like oh my, is Tae Yang coming too? Nahh..No luck guys. Towards the end I saw a delicate creature, I saw my GD. He was wearing a green and white checked shirt, blue cap (his cap was unbutton, only GD can do that..), shades and a neck pillow. I saw Seungri earlier, but couldn't see him anymore when I got closer. He was already in the SUV, with the super dark tinted glass! (From my friend’s video cam I could see that Seungri also wore a blue checked shirt and shades, and he looked so HANDSOME upclosed & personal! ). The SUV waited for a few minutes, so fans chanted and displayed their banners proudly for the boys. I wish they had lowered the window a bit, but they didn’t. One girl managed to shake hands with GD!! She sat flatly on the chair in disbelieved and I envied her so much! Well, I had my camera with me but I just lost my sense of direction when saw the boys! I end up capturing mostly the policemen, running fans, YG crew, TOP’s backside!! (Banging my head to the wall again!). It was the worst fan cam EVER!!

              TOP'S perfect jawline               TOP's brown shades and navy blue cap

               TOP's red jacket                                     TOP's neck

           SEUNGRI's backside                            more SEUNGRI's backside..

        SEUNGRI's legs!!                           Tae Yang's Manager! (Kim Boram)

I replayed the videocam like a gazillion times, and the thing I managed to capture of uri GD is  his neck pillow! Arghh!! SOMEBODY SLAP ME PLZZ!!! :@

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Post time 29-9-2011 03:15 PM | Show all posts
Reply 522# hadiff05

komawo chinggu..... mlm kang aku tgk yer....

@hana.... ape tak berbunga nyer.. ms tgk.. start dr dia bkk mulut, aku dh senyum sampai ke belakang kepala aku dh....
biler dh lelama, berbunga hati aku.... dh siap leh jd taman dh... ko bygkan betapa gumbiranya aku...
paling suker time dia ckp melayu... kelasssss.... aku bangga giler ngan dia neh...
aku paling sayang dia biler kena ngan mende2 camni.. siyessss

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 Author| Post time 29-9-2011 04:50 PM | Show all posts
aku pun tumpang gembira.. gigih dia wat skrip BM sampai tercicir, pastu wat muke tup2 bawak salah skrip note kekek... kalo ler laki aku gitu kan best, nk gak dengar dia ckp melayu huhu...

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Post time 29-9-2011 05:36 PM | Show all posts
Part 2 plak FA during KMW 2011..letak link aje..rasanya semua org pya lebih kurang sama je kan..Tp kalau sapa nk tau detail apa yg Seungri, GD & TOP cakap during interview bleh la masuk sini..iollz tulis balik sebijik-sebijik hokeh..kekeke.. ms concert mmg mampu dgr sekerat2 je..bila tgk balik fancam, owh! camne haku bleh terlepas diorg ckp benda2 lain nih?? Ruginyer!! Maybe sbb crowd asyik terjerit2 kot..(termasuk le I kan...)

Part 3..FA selepas KMW 2011..
After the abrupt ending of the KMW Concert, my friends and I choose to linger in the stadium with quite a big crowd of VIPs. I guess we were still in a denial that BigBang’s performance already ended. The securities kept on instructing us to leave the stadium. With heavy hearts, we started to walk towards the right & left side of the stadium exit (stairs),:cry:  but they had blocked the middle stairway instead with a few securities on standby. In a split seconds, there was a thunderous roar from the people at the stadium and we saw GD, TOP and Seungri’s slowly climbing the middle stairway in casual clothing and shades.    I’ve never seen guys wearing sunshades in the middle of the night as HAWT as them before!   I could see GD clearly, smiling and waving to the remaining crowd and there’s TOP and Seungri following behind him.  Yeah…the screaming was endless!! We tried to get near them but to no prevail because of the securities. So we stormed outside with the hope to catch them before they ride the SUV. But again, they disappeared! Haha..It’s like they have a Doraemon magic door or something.    But I was so damned satisfied! At least, it helped to cure my disappointment earlier.  

It was really a night of mix emotions for us. We were really high during our boy’s performances, the next moment we almost broke down in tears when the show ended.:cry:  Before we knew it, we were all jumping in the air to catch the sight of GD, TOP and Seungri’s leaving the stadium.  As we walked along the main road from the stadium to get back to our hostel, we couldn't stop expressing our feelings. Suddenly we heard a police siren in the middle of the moving cars. I saw 2 white vans following the police ride and we could see the people inside looking very Korean. We jokingly said that must be the YG dancers! Behind these vans was a white SUV with super dark tinted windows, exactly like the SUV that GD, TOP and Seungri’s rode at the airport! My brain instructed me to ZOOM at the car’s plate number. Ohmaigod!!  I couldn't believe it’s the same freaking white SUV!! DoubleDoubleDoublecombo!! (I know some of you might not believe me, but I've checked it again and again from the aiport's fancam, just to be sure). I quickly screamed to my friends, HEY, IT’S THEM!! And all of us starts waving like crazy women as the SUV passes by!

Sambungan kesah kempunan x dpt antor BB balik di sini...




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Post time 30-9-2011 01:40 AM | Show all posts
Salam youollzz...adakah posting fan account masih diterima??  Kekeke...baru setel karang surat che ...
stanum123 Post at 29-9-2011 01:18 PM

mmg fans sgt nih, smpi semua diperhatikan

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Post time 30-9-2011 03:23 AM | Show all posts
x kesempatan nak buat FA.. nanti dah siap semua upload video nih aku tepek sini erk?

ngee~~~!!! Sorry lambat join.. sibuk di twitter, kekekek!

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Post time 30-9-2011 10:12 AM | Show all posts
My Fancam on Korean Music Wave 2011 in Malaysia

Arrival on 23.09.20011

[Fancam] 110923 4minute arrived in KLIA for KMW

[Fancam] 110923 FT Island arrived in KLIA for KMW 2011

[Fancam] 110923 Teen Top arrived in KLIA for KMW 2011

Concert day

[Fancam] 110924 KMW Msia - Hello Hello by FT Island

[Fancam] 110924 KMW Msia - Sarang, Sarang, Sarang by FT Island

[Fancam] 110924 KMW Msia - Bad Woman by FT Island

[Fancam] 110924 KMW Msia - Bing Bing Bing by FT Island (Hongki)

[Fancam] 110924 KMW Msia - I Hope by FT Island (Hongki & JongHun) 1/3

[Fancam] 110924 KMW Msia - I Hope by FT Island (SeungHyun) 2/3

[Fancam] 110924 KMW Msia - I Hope by FT Island 3/3

[Fancam] 110924 No More Perfume by Teen Top

[Fancam] 110924 KMW Msia - Teen Top (Cap focus)

Fancam 110924 Mirror Mirror   4Minute at KMW M'sia

[Fancam] 110924 Heart To Heart - 4Minute at KMW M'sia

[Fancam] 110924 I My Me Mine - 4Minute at KMW M'sia

[Fancam] 110924 MUZIK - 4Minute at KMW M'sia

[Fancam] 110924 Hot Issue - 4Minute at KMW M'sia

Depart to Korea

[Fancam] 110924 Hongki stretching - Depart from KLIA

[Fancam] 110924 Ukiss Depart to Korea from KLIA

credit to me


Aku hanya sempat stalk yg hari Jumaat. So, sabtu petang and pagi mmg x der ler.
Then, disebabkan mmg bias aku adalah 3 retis nih.. 4minute, FTI ngan Teen Top.. sbb tuh la fancam aku ada 3 retis ni jer. Bukan x nak fancam yg lelain.. tapi sbb lepas kisnyer perf Neverland.. aku dah berdesup laju ke KLIA.. hehehe!!

Ini jer la yg sempat share and sempat upload mlm td.. Sorry ler x full and x HQ.. biasalah.. saya org pendek and hyperactive.. kekeke! so, suker record separuh2 then enjoy nyanyi.. then record balik.. mcm x tentu arah la kat area tu. hehehe! Enjoy semua~!



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Post time 30-9-2011 01:57 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by nzhass79 at 30-9-2011 14:59

Persembahan artis Korea menghiburkan

[email protected]

GELOMBANG K-Pop kembali melanda negara. Fenomena itu dapat disaksikan pada Sabtu lalu di Stadium Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur sewaktu Korean Music Wave 2011.

Konsert yang julung kali dianjurkan oleh anjuran Galaxy Group itu berjaya mengumpul peminat-peminat fanatik K-Pop sekitar 10,000 orang hadir untuk menyaksikan persembahan daripada kumpulan FT. Island, Teen Top, 4Minute, U-Kiss, Park Jung Min, Seungri dan GD & Top.

baca lagi kat [url= ... iburan&pg=hi_02.htm]SINI[/url]

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Post time 30-9-2011 02:23 PM | Show all posts
Utusan FAIL!!!! They've put Xander & KimBum name?

"Sementara itu, Alexander Lee Eusebio, Shin Soohyun, Kim Ki Bum, Lee Kiseop, Elison Kim, Kevin Woo, dan Shin Dong Ho daripada kumpulan U-Kiss berjaya memukau perhatian penonton dengan tarian mereka yang energetik.."

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Post time 30-9-2011 02:58 PM | Show all posts
Reply 533# JUSTcircle

ada kawan akak sms sal neh.. tu yang gigih cari... kalo tak, sorry... utusan bukan paper pilihan ai yer.....
aah, kwn akak cakap camtu jgk.. masalahnyer ni bukan kali pertama utusan wat camni... dh selalu sangat dh...

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Post time 30-9-2011 03:07 PM | Show all posts
Reply 534# nzhass79

    pastu review ntah apa2.. takat bgtau tajuk2 lagu every performance? baik buat list lagu2 yg dinyanyikan jer.. komen about stage ker, lighting ker, fans tunggu sampai kul baper ke baper ker, nama2 fanname ker, projek ker, performnce ker, vocal ker x der langsung.. malas giler.. camtuh leh buat review?

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Post time 30-9-2011 03:13 PM | Show all posts
My Fancam on Korean Music Wave 2011 in Malaysia

Arrival on 23.09.20011

JUSTcircle Post at 30-9-2011 10:12 AM

jessi...akak suka sangat tengok 4minute arrived kat KLIA tu... n 1 lg yg akak suke ukiss nk balik tu...
suke korang dok ckp ngan hoon tu... hoon, i love u.. pastu dia wat love sign... setiap kali korang ckp, dia respond ngan hand gesture..
yg 4min tu peramah laaaa... 2 vid ni byk kali akak ulang tgk.. baik nyer diaaaorg...

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Post time 30-9-2011 03:18 PM | Show all posts
Reply  nzhass79

    pastu review ntah apa2.. takat bgtau tajuk2 lagu every performance? baik b ...
JUSTcircle Post at 30-9-2011 03:07 PM

tu namanye wat report tak buat homework... men sental sesuka hati jek... kalo setakat sebut retis ngan tajuk lagu, tak menunjukkan kemeriahan sebenar cons tu... ni kalo org baca pon sure kata, ala takde ape yg nk dibanggakan pon.. ini ke yg org kita dok puja siang malam?? hadoiiiiiii!!!  << dialog sendiri ye,,..takde kaitan dgn yg hidop atau mati

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Post time 30-9-2011 03:43 PM | Show all posts
jessi...akak suka sangat tengok 4minute arrived kat KLIA tu... n 1 lg yg akak suke ukiss nk bali ...
nzhass79 Post at 30-9-2011 03:13 PM

    Ya Allah akk.. fancam saya yg terbaik sekali dlm byk2 fancam masa dorg arrival tuh. *perasan* sbb masa dorg kat eskalator mmg saya tumpukan nak bg git dr my4nia jer.. pastu kejar baru start fancaming.. dgn berkat skil stalking retis2 lepas.. so, mmg berjaya la tok yg nih.. semua wave balik.. bukan senang nak tengok Jiyoon ngan gayoon camtu kak.. dorg dua ni slalu ala2 kewl gitu.. mcm JunSeung couple. kekekek! suker kan? suker kan?
sbb tuh ramai PONIA suker fancam saya nih. hehehe!

yg Hoon tuh pun kan.. si Has tau jer member (Hani) dpt record time dia berfantalk ngan Hoon tuh. kan main happy dia.. Hoon kewl giler kan?

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Post time 30-9-2011 03:52 PM | Show all posts
tu namanye wat report tak buat homework... men sental sesuka hati jek... kalo setakat sebut reti ...
nzhass79 Post at 30-9-2011 03:18 PM

    tu la pasal. pastu nanti ada lah yg ckp.. tu pun nak tiket mahal2 camtu? giler la abihkan duit jer bebudak nih.

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Post time 30-9-2011 03:53 PM | Show all posts
Reply 538# JUSTcircle

yup…suker suker..suker…mmg terbaik laaaa… akak tak kenai member2 4minute.. Slalu dengar lagu2, tp takde la plak mengkaji seme sal diaorang… kenai pon tak rasanyer.. Kalo diaorg dok atas stage tak nyanyi, harus akak tak tau tu 4minute... ye la jesssiiii... bideo tu... ms korang ckp diaorang lawa, akak peratikan respond diaorang.. n yg last (kot) wat peace melintang... cute giler... kira seme nyer respon mmg sangat best..

yg hoon tu, akak mmg tak kenai sorg pon ukiss nyer member.. dulu2 kenai la adik si baby dabel s tu... lps dia takde, sorg pon akak tak kenai.. nama hoon tu pon sbb korang panggey.. lps tu dok gigih la gugel sal hoon neh upenye dia member baru tu...  EHHHH eli tu sebut dia elai yer.. baru ku tahu... nak ckp lg sekali... hoon, comeyyy..... eh sape wat flying kiss ms turun escalator tu ye???

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