ok da tgk..yup mmg sgt btter dr mubank.aku trase mcm baju mubank tuh kurg slese kot.tuh bb dance dorg smlm mcm ketat semacam..tp hari ni aku tgk smooth jek.mcm dlm mv plak.xde kelam kabut,sume skate jek.plus mgkin sbb ade head mic kan,so it helps a lot la.dan yes,outfit feveret dorg pki hari ini.sgt smrt dan kene dgn tema.tlglah jgn ade baju ala mubank smlm. aku pn prasan maknae mkin jjang skg.adekah influence by kebhagiaan bersame YH
oh lupe,time kt suju show ade satu part tuh jual poster snsd jek.aku rembat yg genie pnye.smart gile.plus time tuh yg serbu sume laki tp most cine.yg lg best dorg pki bju i <3 SNSD.kekeke..ptu dorg siap keco2 tgk smbl beli poster gee.siap nyanyi swornel marhae bwa plak tuh.tp aku pn join borak ngn dorg pls snsd pnye poster tuh.pstu mase tga line up nk masuk stadium terserempak ngn dorg,dorg trus agkt tgn,.wah aku ckp dlm hati,sbb snsd jek da jd kwn skg =)
td pe yg aku borong brg snsd ea?badge, file ngn poster.yeay.
ok da tgk..yup mmg sgt btter dr mubank.aku trase mcm baju mubank tuh kurg slese kot.tuh bb dance dorg smlm mcm ketat semacam..tp hari ni aku tgk smooth jek.mcm dlm mv plak.xde kelam kabut,sume skate j ...
bottle_boy Post at 21-3-2010 02:22
tak sabar nk dgr TaeSicSeo paku abes2 vocal dorang time high notes dekat Inki
besok dorang akan pakai gangster outfit yg dekat ending OH! mv tuh
memandangkan ianya Inki, mesti stage cantik, shot camera angle pn cantik
harap2 DAEBAK la performance dorang
oh lupe,time kt suju show ade satu part tuh jual poster snsd jek.aku rembat yg genie pnye.smart gile.plus time tuh yg serbu sume laki tp most cine.yg ...
bottle_boy Post at 21-3-2010 02:25
aku da agak, mesti SME ade jual gak brg2 utk artist dorg yg lain
da berkwn eh ko ngn Sone malaysia?
haha..tergelak2 me tgk part sica ni...
yg part last tu sica menanduk selipar kot..
sempat lagi die nyani lagu ambulan tu..."ni na nooooooooo"
eh word lagu ape yeh part last tuh?yg jadik bground music part last??
part joong min dapat masukkan selipar tuh..haha epic jek..
sica jerit cm tgk cite hantu...
patut la pon..kalo JM dapat masukkan slipar die dpt free hug dr sica..haha..lawak sica ni
tak sabar nk dgr TaeSicSeo paku abes2 vocal dorang time high notes dekat Inki
besok dorang akan pakai gangster outfit yg dekat ending OH! mv tuh
memandangkan ianya Inki, mesti stage cantik, sho ...
wordlife Post at 21-3-2010 05:08
kekkee..aku nk tgk maknae esk.sbb aku tgk die mkin serius skg.vocal maintain baik pnye..oh pki bju dlm mv tuh ea???ok gak tuh.yg pntg aku da dpt tgk outfit fav.kkekeke..kalo kt inki kmpem jjang la..jgn ckp psl stage dorg.mmg pueh ati nengok.kekekee
aku da agak, mesti SME ade jual gak brg2 utk artist dorg yg lain
da berkwn eh ko ngn Sone malaysia?
wordlife Post at 21-3-2010 05:09
erkk,,btw yg official merchndise ntuk org yg beli time pre-sale.itu pn suju pnye brg jek..yg aku beli smlm tuh kat kaki2 lime jalan tuh.org2 msia jual.kekekee...mst kne berkwn,,bru Sone name nye..tp so far kalo aku g kdi ajuma kt ts tuh pn yg aku jmpe Sone most laki cine..stiap kali dorg bukak poster soshi jek moyan ke main.tp aku byk dga name yoona ngn yuri la.taste nak same jek.
The SNSD members have sent some messages to Seohyun’s TV husband Jung Yonghwa with regards to their sister’s make-believe marriage with him.
On the latest episode of We Got Married shown on March 20th, Jung Yonghwa had received an autographed copy of SNSD’s latest album, Oh! with personalized messages inside from the SNSD members.
Yoona: “Our Seohyun has never been with a man until now. It feels like I’m giving my little sister away.”
Tiffany: “Seohyun is very fussy so you have to work extra hard to make her happy. Also, if you make her cry we will hate you.”
Jessica: “I hope you will be better than the sweet potatoes Seohyun likes so much.”
Hyoyeon: “I feel like my little sister is getting married. I think that if she washes her hands, that 2000 won couple ring you bought her will become rusty.”
Seohyun reassured Yonghwa in her own message to him by telling him that even though it might be awkward between them now, she really appreciated his efforts for making her feel comfortable and that they were making important memories.
Yonghwa responded in kind, “I have never had any direct business with SNSD but whenever we see each other at a music program, they always smile at me. I think when I look in their faces, they are saying (indirectly) ‘Are you taking good care of our Seohyun?’ So I will always do my best.“
haha..tergelak2 me tgk part sica ni...
yg part last tu sica menanduk selipar kot..
sempat lagi die nyani lagu ambulan tu..."ni na nooooooooo"
eh word lagu ape yeh part l ...
SISzINTAN Post at 21-3-2010 08:35
khenn. sica ni mmg natural lah.
no wonder ramai fangirls suka kat dia
yg lagu tuh aku tak tau, tp mcm dgr sore sica pn ade kan?
477# wordlife
part joong min dapat masukkan selipar tuh..haha epic jek..
sica jerit cm tgk cite hantu...
patut la pon..kalo JM dapat masukkan slipar die dpt free hug dr sica..haha..lawak sica ...
SISzINTAN Post at 21-3-2010 08:40