Japanese Music Chart (2010 Yearly Chart updated on page 63)
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New releases this week...
CasualComfort - Kichijoji ni wa Kimi ga Inai
D - Schwarzschild
Fumido - Sayonara no Mukou ga wa
Futari Nori + Littlefats&Swingin'hot s - FAT joyHum 2
Garret - Zero Ism
hare-brained unity - Daylight
Kazumasa Oda - Kokoro
mihimaru GT - Gazen Yeah!
Noriyuki Makihara - Green Days
Rina Aiuchi - Mint
THE CRO-MAGNONS - Girigigagangan
the pillows - Lady Bird Girl
TOKIO - Honjitsu, Mijukumono/Over Drive
CASSIS - Love Automatic
RABBIT - Blue Days
CONROD - Supreme
D H Y (Dogs Holiday of Yawn) - LOVERS
gemmik - genom
Guild9/Masanori Sera - "Untitled"
Gokutora - Esoragoto to Iwareta Rinen, Yume Utsutsu...Kaze to Naru Oto to Kotoba
Hideaki Tokunaga - VOCALIST 3
Kazuyuki Matsumoto - Solid Beat
KISAKI PROJECT feat. Jui - Eien no Yume
Megamasso - LIPS
Metis - One Love
Natsu Kai - Namida no Seibun
Our Love to Stay - Telepatia
OZROSAURUS - Hysterical
Romantist - Love & Peace, Hate & War
Shinji Harada - Feel Free
sifow - Love Spell
SKULL - Ugly Black Showcase
Yuka Kosaka - I Wish...
ZARD - Soffio di vento -Best of Izumi Sakai Selection-
ZARD - Brezza di mare -dedicated to Izumi Sakai-
Akiko Ikuina - Akiko Ikuina Singles Complete
Ami Tokito - Ami Tokito Best Vol.1
BaBe - BaBe Singles Complete
Chami Satonaka - Chami Satonaka Singles Complete
Chiemi Hori - Chiemi Hori Singles Complete
Hikaru Nishida - Hikaru Nishida Singles Complete
Hiromi Nagasaku - Hiromi Nagasaku Singles Complete
Hitomi Ishikawa - Hitomi Ishikawa Singles Complete
Makiko Saito - Makiko Saito Singles Complete
Mamiko Takai - Mamiko Takai Singles Complete
Man Arai - Sen no Kaze ni Natte Memorial ban
Mikiyo Ono - Mikiyo Ono Singles Complete
Yoko Tanaka - Yoko Tanaka Singles Complete
Yoshimi Iwasaki - Yoshimi Iwasaki Singles Complete
Yumi Morio - Yumi Morio Singles Complete
Yuuyu - Yuuyu Singles Complete
Kaiomaru - Shinkai
Gaikotsu - Chu 3 Neta
Kenji Hayashida - Resurrection Live -King Of Monky Tour 20070302-
KISAKI PROJECT feat. Jui - for Lovers...
ENDS - 1st Hi Unplugged
Note: Major releases are in bold. |
yah, #1 weekly... but stupid avex n JE! n JE especially! they really good at doing this... ok, j&m, u really did it! how can d single invisible in all big stores in tokyo n osaka for d first day? n why it has to be sold out for day 5,6,7 when d figure was terribly bad? how can people buy it if d cd was none on the shelves??????!!!! crazy! memorandum has been called out! j&m, wait till johnny-san knows 'bout this! just bcoz kattun n news, u guys did something like this to t&t... don't make me hate kattun n news, pls... mase glamer dijulang bagai nak rak, dah ade yg mude yg tua bukan jer dilupakan tp dipijak-pijak! huh! :@ :@ :@
still ganbatte ne, t&t! u guys are more than sales figure! takizawa enbujou n wings world showtime sold out like crazy n full hose since d pre-book! omedetou! that proves something! |
Reply #482 Kittie's post
J&M tgh risau le tu 'anak2' diorg tgh krisis skrg... |
Reply #483 whitedove's post
masalahnyer... ader satu lg penyebab minah 2 ekor nih jd bengo... adoila!!!!!!!!!!!!! xnak mention sbb ske gak kat bdk2 cute tuh... sbb hey!say!7... dgn takaki yuya punyer mslh, time single tgh laku... skrg nih tb2 jer bdk2 tuh jd plg penting kat JE, tahula dorang aset mase depan tp jgnla smpai wat dajal kat org yg pnah berjase tuk JE...
mase rating tv tinggi (drama n show2 JE), time bile? time takizawa hideaki! mase JE dpt endorsement byk giler smpai skrgpun tuk promote bdk2 baru nih still gune duit tuh, endorsement bermillion US, sape punye? takizawa hideaki! n royalti smpai skrg johnny kutip paling tinggi around d world sbb pics n drama circulation, dr sape? takizawa hideaki! hah! ambik kau... abih pecah rahsia syarikat! aku tak kire! dh geram... bdk hensem tuh nk marah nnti, marah je la...
sbb tuh johnny-san still jage t&t sbb duit syarikat mostly dr die, klu xde duit tuh sumer, jgn harapla nk promote group2 JE nih sume... aku bakar JE tuh baru tahu... minah 2 ekor ingt takki ade ferrari sbb JE? bleh blah! JE yg hidup ats income2 dr name takizawa hideaki selain dr SMAP (tp SMAP ckit jer financially related ngan JE, mmg bijak SMAP sbb xkasi JE uruskan financial dorang 100%)....
[ Last edited by Kittie at 15-8-2007 04:13 PM ] |
Reply #484 Kittie's post
ye le, SMAP kan dah berpatah arang ngan JE since 1996 lagi...sapa suruh JE tak nak jaga diorg masa time awal2 debut yg masa tu singles diorg tak brp nak laku...bila SMAP dah naik baru terkial2 nak carik SMAP tp time tu SMAP dah patah hati dah ngan JE...pandai tu SMAP n manager diorg atur strategi... |
Reply #485 whitedove's post
manager SMAP paling genius smpai managerpun jd femes giler... |
Reply #486 Kittie's post
padahal minah tu masa tu kira 'budak' lagi, tak tahu apa2, tapi tahu macam mana nak jaga n naikkan anak buah dia...padan muka JE! |
New release today!!!! Look who's no 1. YAY. |
Reply #484 Kittie's post
abis la ko... pecah rahsia kompeni dieorg.. kene tangkap kang.....
ilek Kittie.. ilek....
tp, mmg hampes laaa minah 2 org tu. |
Reply #487 whitedove's post
aku penah baca dieorg nk manager SMAP tu manage KAT-TUN plk. tp, dh lama dh aku baca.  |
erkkk... banyak gossip rupanya kat dalam ni.... |
Reply #490 fantomette's post
ala, JE yg nak suruh Iijima tu manage KT tapi Iijima sendiri yg tak nak... |
Top 10 Singles Weekly from Oricon Charts (as of 15/8/2007)
1) Tackey&Tsubasa - SAMURAI (57,771) NEW
2) UVERworld - Shaka Beach ~Laka Laka La~ (34,487) NEW
3) Konata Izumi(Aya Hirano), Kagami Hiiragi(Emiri Kato), Tsukasa Hiiragi (Kaori Fukuhara), etc - Motteke! Sailorfuku RE-MIX001~7 burning remixes~ (29,825) NEW
4) YUKI - Hoshikuzu Sunset (27,376) NEW
5) RSP - Lifetime Respect ~Onna Hen~ (26,477) NEW
6) AKB48 - Boku no Taiyou (25,946) NEW
7) Hey! Say! 7 - Hey! Say! (24,724)
8) Aqua Timez - ALONES (19,133)
9) Ai Otsuka - PEACH/HEART (16,875)
10) Ikimonogakari - Natsuzora Graffitti/Seishun Line (16,471) NEW
Other new releases:
12) Merry - Komorebi ga Boku wo Saga$hiteru... (14,632)
14) Every Little Thing - Kirameki HOUR (14,068)
15) Morning Musume. Tanjo 10 Nen Kinentai - Itoshiki Tomo e (13,621)
16) Leah Dizon - L.O.V.E U (12,489)
17) Kome Kome Club - WE ARE MUSIC! (12,346)
18) BUCK-TICK - Alice In Wonder Underground (11,748)
20) Toshinobu Kubota meets KREVA - M*A*G*I*C (10,538)
23) Mariya Takeuchi - Chance no Maegami/Jinsei no Tobira (8,944)
25) Naotaro Moriyama - Taiyou no Nioi (7,482)
27) Mami Kawada - Get my way! (7,253) |
Top 10 Albums Weekly from Oricon Charts (as of 15/8/2007)
1) Sukima Switch - GREATEST HITS (145,388)
2) ORANGE RANGE - RANGE (38,082)
4) Micro of Def Tech - Laid Back (33,067) NEW
5) MONKEY MAJIK - Sora wa Marude (32,808)
6) Crazy Ken Band - SOUL Denpa (21,752) NEW
7) DOUBLE - Reflex (19,211) NEW
8) Various Artistes - R35 Sweet J-Ballads (17,353)
9) KinKi Kids - 39 (16,040)
10) GReeeeN - Aa, domo. Hajimema$hite. (15,816)
Other new releases:
23) M.I.A, - Colour (5,766)
24) yanokami - yanokami (5,321)
25) Various Artistes - Super Euro Beat VOL.180 (5,221)
27) Japahari Net - Yumeiro LOGIC (5,082)
hebat tul KinKi Kids! dah 4 minggu berturut2 dlm Top 10!  |
Reply #492 whitedove's post
oooo... die xmo ek? hahahahha... bagus2.... |
1) TOKIO - Honjitsu, Mijukumono/Over Drive
2) Kazumasa Oda - Kokoro
3) Noriyuki Makihara - GREEN DAYS
4) mihimaru GT - Gazen Yeah!
5) Masafumi Akikawa - Sen no Kaze ni natte
1) ZARD - Soffio di vento -Best of Izumi Sakai Selection-
2) ZARD - Brezza di mare -dedicated to Izumi Sakai-
3) Hideaki Tokunaga - VOCALIST 3
4) Sukima Switch - GREATEST HITS
5) MONKEY MAJIK - Sora wa Marude
1) NEWS - Never Ending Wonderful Story
3) The Rolling Stones - The Biggest Band
Overall DVDs:
1) Kanjani8 - [DIVE TO THE FUTURE . Double . Kemarishi] SPECIAL DVD-BOX
2) Night Museum
3) NEWS - Never Ending Wonderful Story
4) Harry Potter and the Goblets of Fire
5) Holiday |
1) Kazumasa Oda - Kokoro
2) TOKIO - Honjitsu, Mijukumono
3) Noriyuki Makihara - GREEN DAYS
4) mihimaru GT - Gazen Yeah!
5) The Cro=Magnons - girigigagangan
1) Hideaki Tokunaga - VOCALIST 3
2) ZARD - Soffio di vento -Best of Izumi Sakai Selection-
3) ZARD - Brezza di mare -dedicated to Izumi Sakai-
4) Sukima Switch - GREATEST HITS
5) MONKEY MAJIK - Sora wa Marude
1) 1) NEWS - Never Ending Wonderful Story
3) ZARD - Le Portfolio 1991-2006
4) ZARD - What a beautiful moment
Overall DVDs:
1) 1) Kanjani8 - [DIVE TO THE FUTURE . Double . Kemarishi] SPECIAL DVD-BOX
2) Night Museum
3) NEWS - Never Ending Wonderful Story
4) Harry Potter and the Goblets of Fire |
Reply #472 Kittie's post
oit, oit..aku sensitif kalo sebut nama P nih..naper? P ngan Ryo ada ura2 nak kuar NewS ker? yada!!!!! yuya-chan aku ngan masuda tertinggal kan camner? |
Reply #484 Kittie's post
kittie-san apa yg ko dok marah2 nih..tell me...aku x pahan..saper minah yg ko kata tuh? |
Reply #498 JUSTcircle's post
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