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Author: yaneng

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Post time 1-12-2006 02:37 PM | Show all posts
FertilityBlend Nutritional Supplement for Men and Women Helps Get Your Body Ready for Pregnancy.

As featured on Dr. Dean Edell's show and The Washington Times
Are you trying to get pregnant? If you are trying to have a baby, help get your body "baby-ready" with FertilityBlend Fertility Nutritional Supplements for Women and Men. FertilityBlend Fertility Nutritional Supplements from The Daily Wellness Company are the leading U.S. brand of dietary supplements that help enhance both women's and men's reproductive and fertility health as part of an overall healthy lifestyle. FertilityBlend Fertility Nutritional Supplements contain natural, nutritional ingredients that benefit fertility in women and men. These ingredients have been safely -- and successfully -- used for years. All ingredients in FertilityBlend Fertility Nutritional Supplements have been scientifically studied to determine their benefits to fertility.

Created by leading researchers, FertilityBlend Fertility Nutritional Supplements are the first products to synergistically put important fertility components together in one fertility nutritional supplement.

Scientific studies have shown that a balanced, nutritional diet, and nutritional supplements with high antioxidant content can help reverse some of the oxidative damage (due to age and environment) in your body. In women, hormone balance is also critical to monthly ovulation and development of the corpus luteum (an ovarian follicle that releases progesterone after release of the egg to prepare the uterus for implantation). In men, certain nutrients are essential for formation of healthy sperm.

FertilityBlend Fertility Nutritional Supplements are:

Scientifically Validated

Non-prescription, All Natural

Ob-Gyn and Doctor Recommended

Proprietary, Patent-Pending Formulas

Ongoing clinical studies of FertilityBlend, with the diagnostic tests being conducted and validated at the Stanford University School of Medicine, have had amazing results. After 3 months in the study, 5 of the 15 women (33%) using the FertilityBlend treatment became pregnant, and none (0%) of the 16 women in the placebo group achieved pregnancy (the placebo group received equivalent of sugar pill instead of the FertilityBlend treatment). The study includes only women that have failed to conceive after trying for 6 to 36 months prior to taking part in the study.

According to Mary Lake Polan, M.D., chairman, Stanford OB-GYN: "Of the 15 who got the real FertilityBlend, five of them became pregnant and have had children. Of the 16 who got the controlled placebo pills with no active ingredients, none of them conceived."

Special Note: Studies on FertilityBlend for Women and FertilityBlend for Men show that it can often take as long as 3 months of daily use before the ingredients have their maximum benefit toward enhancing fertility. For this reason, we are making available multi-bottle specials for your convenience and also providing a discount to you at the same time. We strongly encourage that you continue to take FertilityBlend on a regular basis if you fail to conceive in the first 1-2 months of taking FertilityBlend.

For women currently taking fertility medications: If you are a woman currently on fertility medications such as clomid, we recommend that you not take FertilityBlend at the same time. Although no negative interactions have been shown between fertility medications and FertilityBlend or its ingredients, there is the remote possibility that FertilityBlend could potentiate (increase) the effects of pharmaceutical agents or interact in some other fashion.

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Post time 1-12-2006 02:38 PM | Show all posts
korang pernah dgr pasal fertiliti blend ni tak? kalu tahu mcm mane nak beli kat m'sia?

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Post time 1-12-2006 03:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #4942 lilyflower's post

ok juga ubat niekan...
tak penang plak dengar

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Post time 1-12-2006 03:23 PM | Show all posts
lily dpt tahu ubat ni pun dlm forum sebab ada org amik and berjaya dia semua kat overseas.......pastu kalu nak beli pun kena guna USD....tu yg tak frenz sesiaper tahu pasal supplement ni?

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Post time 1-12-2006 05:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by adikmanje at 1-12-2006 02:21 PM

ikut tingkap hanni.....potong....
sebab dah due pun tak turun2 lagi...bukaan pun tak de langsung..

takpelah.. yg penting selamat

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Post time 1-12-2006 08:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by adikmanje at 1-12-2006 12:30 PM

lilly...dari dulu adik dok mkn yg tu je...
masa lepas buat laps & dye dulu pun adik amik yg tu...
lepas operation banak pun adik amik yg tu jugak....

adik, seingat I adik makan gamat healing ni lepas buat IUI dulu.. sebab ada bleeding lepas tu.. kita ingat sebab kita buat IUI after adik buat, tapi kita tak berjaya

nak tanya korang, kat mana nak beli gamat healing ni? dia thru direct selling je ke?

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Post time 1-12-2006 08:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #4944 lilyflower's post

lily, dulu rasanya ada forummer sini managed to get pregnant after makan fertility blend tu.. tapi dia beli online kot.. melalui pos.. nak beli kena pegi website dia..

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Post time 2-12-2006 10:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Airis at 1-12-2006 08:01 PM

adik, seingat I adik makan gamat healing ni lepas buat IUI dulu.. sebab ada bleeding lepas tu.. kita ingat sebab kita buat IUI after adik buat, tapi kita tak berjaya

nak tanya korang, kat ...

Airis takde try lagi ke? Berape kali AIris dah try buat iui

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Post time 4-12-2006 09:58 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 4-12-2006 10:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Hanni at 1-12-2006 01:07 PM

Hi adik, ingat lagi dgn Hanni? dh jrg2 masuk forum.. sibuk sikit.Sekali-sekala masuk, bertambah2 ahli baru. Nway, comelnya baby adik. montelnya..peluk cium dr auntie Hanni. Hanni masih mcm dulu ...

hanni, ivf kat hamid arshat berapa kos dia?
kalu kt hukm prof hukm ckp dlm 12 ribu (terpulang pd ubat yg digunakan)
last week olink pegi hukm untuk continue procedure utk buat hukm tu suggest utk olink
buat mini ivf kalau tk berjaya ngan iui this time (3 rd iui)...olink tk tanya pon apa beza mini ivf ngan ivf tuh...
kos untuk mini ivf (kes olink) 6 ribu - 7 ribu...kalu ivf 12 ribu

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Post time 4-12-2006 10:38 AM | Show all posts
hari tuh tanya doktor lps buat iui kena rehat sokmo ke...doktor kata buat cam biasa...jgn asik tido je sbb nnt peredaran
darah jd tak baik so itu juga boleh mempengaruhi success....kena relax mental...hehehe...ingat lps iui nk rehat je
tak nak wat apa2...rupa2 nya salah tindakan doktor kata jgn laa jogging atau wat keje2 berat2....

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Post time 4-12-2006 10:40 AM | Show all posts
airis, gamat healin tu ada jual kat guardian...........airis dok mana?lily after iui try amik gak gamat tu tapi x berjaya pun.......mkn gamat ni bagus jugak sebab bila period tak sakit perut............:love:

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Post time 4-12-2006 11:07 AM | Show all posts
aper mini ivf tu?

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Post time 4-12-2006 11:42 AM | Show all posts

KUALA LUMPUR: Seorang bakal ibu pernah berputus asa untuk menimang cahaya mata apabila disahkan menghidap endometriosis atau ketumbuhan rahim tahap kritikal, rosak tiub falopian serta menjalani empat pembedahan termasuk membuang satu ovari.

Namun, bagi Siti Syarilla Mohd Zaidi, 31, dari Shah Alam, Yayasan Fertiliti Tunku Azizah (TAFF) memberinya sinar baru apabila disahkan hamil kembar tiga selepas menjalani rawatan persenyawaan benih luar rahim atau IVF dengan bantuan yayasan terbabit penghujung Disember tahun lalu.

揝aya tidak pernah merancang untuk menjalani rawatan ini kerana selepas disahkan oleh doktor bahawa peluang kami untuk mendapatkan anak langsung tiada, malah kami dinasihatkan supaya mengambil anak angkat saja,

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Post time 4-12-2006 12:12 PM | Show all posts
bestnyer TAFF ni...tapi lily still tak cukup syarat sebab baru kahwin 2 thn...kalu lily dah kahwin 5 yrs and still takde anak, lily memang nak apply.............

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Post time 4-12-2006 12:19 PM | Show all posts

Reply #4955 lilyflower's post

bestnye dgr org yg berjaya conceive lps wat IUI or IVF ni....semlm baca paper, pasangan tu dpt kembar 3 gak....
dan syoknya kalu kita pun buat iui sekali or 2 kali then terus lekat....

kim nk wat iui 2nd time ni pun asyik tertangguh je...mayb awal thn ni..Insyaallah...

baru2 ni sapa kt thread ni yg buat eh...lupa la... lily ke...

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Post time 4-12-2006 12:37 PM | Show all posts
Tapi tak tau lak TAFF ni kos how much kan.. kalau belas2 ribu.. mau ternganga jugak.

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Post time 4-12-2006 12:46 PM | Show all posts

Reply #4957 mix_chinese's post

dia bantu liz...
dulu mel prnh dgr dia tanggung sepenuhnya...
ada org ckp plak dia tanggung 3/4 dari kos tu....
xtaula skang camne....

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Post time 4-12-2006 02:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lilyflower at 4-12-2006 11:07 AM
aper mini ivf tu?

tak tau laa apa bezanya ngan ivfsbb tak tanya betul2 dr masa tu sbb saya nk go on ngan iui dulu..minta2 iui this time berjaya...
persenyawaan utk mini ivf nih mcm ivf jugak (persenyawaan kat luar) dr kata tak semua org boleh jalani mini ivf...
kalu respond bagus (hasilkan telor yg byk) utk ubat dgn dos yg rendah so boleh buat mini ivf ....minimum ovum yg patut ada utk go thru mini ivf nih 10 biji....

so saya agak lah mini ivf nih kos ubat tuh kurang sikit (ubat inject tuh...puregon) drpd ivf kot...sbb tuh nama dia mini kot...

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Post time 4-12-2006 02:26 PM | Show all posts
lily mase buat first iui tu pun fail.......skrg ni tgh try naturrally......insyallah buat projek mega selang sehari......tapi doc ckp kat lily kebanyakkan org, first iui memang tak berjaya........kalu berjaya pun nasib jer or diorg buat laporoskopi before iui......and 2nd iui pulak kebanyakkan org berjaya conceive........

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