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Author: rifa


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 Author| Post time 31-3-2024 11:59 AM | Show all posts
Pusdikkav Pussenkav  Bandung Jawa Barat Menerima Kendaraan Tempur Tank Kanon "Harimau"

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 Author| Post time 3-4-2024 09:57 AM | Show all posts
Naval Group And PT Pal Ink Contract With Indonesia For 2 Scorpène Evolved Submarines

On March 28th 2024, Indonesia chose Naval Group and PT PAL to strengthen the capabilities of the Indonesian Navy with two Scorpène Evolved Full Lithium-Ion battery (LiB) submarines to be built in Indonesia in PT PAL shipyard, through a transfer of technology from Naval Group.

Naval News Staff  02 Apr 2024

Naval Group press release

A new step in the strategic partnership with Indonesia

In accordance with the Defence Cooperation Agreement signed between the governments of France and Indonesia in August 2021, the Indonesian authorities have chosen Naval Group and PT PAL for their submarine program. The two companies had joined forces through a Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) signed in February 2022.

The contract includes the delivery of two Scorpène® Evolved Full LiB submarines that will be built in Indonesia within PT PAL shipyard, thanks to a proven transfer of know-how and technology from Naval Group, and reusing 100% of PT PAL assets.

“Naval Group is very honoured to be part of this new chapter in the strategic alliance between Indonesia and France. With Scorpène Evolved Full LiB, Indonesia has chosen a high-performant, sea-proven submarine that will strengthen the country’s maritime sovereignty and support the Indonesian Navy in achieving regional superiority at sea. In addition to the submarines, our strategic partnership with PT PAL will also support the Indonesian defence industry to actively prepare the future of naval warfare in the country. We are pleased to welcome the Indonesian Navy in the Scorpène® family.”

Pierre Éric Pommellet, Chairman and CEO of Naval Group

Dr. Kaharuddin Djenod, President Director of PT PAL said: “This step is a high commitment and trust of the Indonesian government in the capability of local engineers to advancing defence technology, especially submarine technology. The government’s commitment in realizing the independence of the defence industry is also supported by the provision of Government Capital (PMN) to fully support the whole local production of submarine at PT PAL. In the future, Indonesia is expected to be able to master submarine technology.”

Strengthening the Indonesian naval and defence industry

Naval Group and PT PAL have a firm intention of pursuing cooperation not only regarding submarines but also about building Indonesian sovereignty to the benefit of the Indonesian defence industry.

Thanks to an extensive transfer of know-how and the development of Indonesian industrial-specific skills, the management, operation and maintenance of the force will be conducted in Indonesia, by Indonesian actors, ensuring both the autonomy of the country and the creation of thousands of long-term high-skill jobs. To this day, Naval Group and PT PAL have already signed various cooperation agreements with Indonesian partners, for the submarine program and beyond.

Scorpène Evolved, a high-performant attack submarine equipped with a cutting-edge energy system

Scorpène is a modern, high-performant, and stealthy submarine. Robust and enduring, it’s an oceangoing submarine also designed for shallow waters operations. Multipurpose, it fulfils the entire scope of missions such as anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare, special operations, and intelligence gathering. Extremely stealthy and fast, it has a level of operating automation that allows a limited number of crew, which reduces its operating costs significantly. Its combat edge is highlighted by the fact that it has 6 weapon launching tubes, 18 weapons (torpedoes, missiles).

Scorpène is equipped with the latest generation of combat system, SUBTICS, which addresses the growing challenges of modern submarines missions in blue and shallow waters in the entire domain of submarine warfare.

The Indonesian Scorpène submarines will be fitted with a cutting-edge energy system based on a full lithium-ion configuration which encompasses the highest security and safety standards and allows a higher range of useful energy, a better indiscretion rate and a reduced charging time. Thanks to this technology, high speed is available no matter the state of charge, increasing the submarine tactical mobility.

In addition to these two Indonesian Scorpène submarines, 14 other units designed and adapted by Naval Group for the export market are in operational service or under construction around the world: 2 for the Chilean Navy, 2 for the Malaysian Navy, 4 for the Brazilian Navy and 6 for the Indian Navy.

These successes demonstrate both Naval Group’s ability to supply best-in-class submarines and to transfer technology successfully.

The final configuration of the submarine is adapted to meet the specific needs of navies and incorporate the latest innovations.

Scorpène Evolved main characteristics:

• Surfaced displacement: 1,600 – 2,000 tons
• Length, overall: 72 m
• Submerged speed: >20 knots
• Diving depth: >300 m
• Autonomy: >78 days on a 80 days mission
• Submerged autonomy: >12 days
• Crew: 31
• Weapons total payload: 18
• Weapon tubes: 6
• SUBTICS combat management system
• Operational availability at sea: >240 days per year


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 Author| Post time 5-4-2024 03:24 PM | Show all posts
Otorita IKN Gelar FGD Strategi Pertahanan dan Keamanan IKN

Dalam rangka memperkuat dan memajukan sistem pertahanan dan keamanan di Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN), Otorita IKN menggelar Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dengan tema “Konsep Strategi Pertahanan dan Keamanan IKN Berbasis Smart Defence and Security 5.0” di Hotel Le Meridien, Jakarta, Rabu (03/04/2024). ... an-dan-keamanan-ikn

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 Author| Post time 18-4-2024 01:49 PM | Show all posts
Edited by rifa at 18-4-2024 01:57 PM

TNI Angkatan Laut akan menerima PPA Fincantieri ke-1 pada bulan Oktober 2024 dan PPA ke-2 pada bulan April 2025.
Dalam rangka memperkuat pertahanan dan keamanan maritim, Kemhan dan @Fincantieri S.p.A telah resmi menandatangani kontrak pengadaan dua unit kapal fregat sejenis FREMM (Frigate European Multi-Mission), belum lama ini.


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 Author| Post time 23-4-2024 02:42 PM | Show all posts

Sistem rudal permukaan ke udara (Surface to Air Missile /SAM) Aster 15/30 beserta peluncur vertical DCNS Sylver A43, akan menjadi salah satu persenjataan kapal perang Pattugliatore Polivalente d’Altura (PPA) untuk memodernisasi TNI Angkatan Laut.

Rudal ini dirancang untuk menghadapi ancaman pesawat tempur, helikopter, pesawat tanpa awak, rudal jelajah, hingga rudal anti-kapal yang terbang rendah, dan memiliki kemampuan siluman, manuverabilitas, kecepatan, serta daya tembak tinggi.

Rudal aster 15 dan 30 yang merupakan salah satu pertahanan udara terbaik di dunia saat ini, memiliki desain dan teknologi yang sama, tetapi berbeda dalam ukuran, berat serta jangkauan. Aster 15 memiliki jangkauan lebih dari 30 km, sedangkan Aster 30 lebih dari 100 km.


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 Author| Post time 27-4-2024 11:00 AM | Show all posts
Korps Marinir Mulai Akan Menggunakan Rudal pertahanan udara Thales Startreak dalam konfigurasi LML (Lightweight Multiple Launcher) dan Rapid Ranger Launcher.

Kunjungan kerja kali ini Komandan Korps Marinir beserta rombongan meninjau peralatan dan persenjataan pertahanan yang diproduksi PT. Cipta Teknik Berjaya yang akan digunakan Prajurit Petarung Korps Marinir.

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 Author| Post time 28-4-2024 11:04 AM | Show all posts
Skadron Udara 32 Mendukung Latihan Pengisian Bahan Bakar Udara Siang dan Malam di Skadron Udara 11

Pengisian bahan bakar di udara dari pesawat KC-130B TNI AU ke pesawat Su-30MK2

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 Author| Post time 28-4-2024 11:05 AM | Show all posts
Askomlek Kasal Kunjungi KRI YOS-353 Cek Kesiapan Sistem Penembakan Rudal C802


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 Author| Post time 28-4-2024 11:08 AM | Show all posts
Puspenerbal Adakan PMR Untuk Upgrade 2 Tipe Pesawat MPA TNI AL

PMR untuk pesawat udara MPA yang akan berlangsung mulai 22-25 April 2024 ini, akan diisi dengan berbagai materi. pada hari pertama ini usai pembukaan dilanjutkan dengan paparan spesifikasi Pesud CN 235 & King Air, penjelasan mission equipment, penjelasan fungsi teledyne flir, penjelasan spesifikasi radio komunikasi CN 235, simulasi pemasangan radar terbaru untuk CN 235 & King Air ditutup dengan diskusi & tanya jawab.

Sementara itu untuk Hari ke-2 diantaranya pelaksanaan review of previous day dan contract review. Pada Hari ke-3 akan melaksankan System Engineering and Technical Review, logistic dan survey of simulator room dan pada Hari ke-4 melaksanakan financial review (USG & TNI AL), discussion dan review PMR minutes & sign final copy.



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 Author| Post time 28-4-2024 11:14 AM | Show all posts
KSAL Paparkan Daftar Tambahan Prioritas Alutsista TNI AL 2025-2044

Pesawat patroli maritim P-6 MPA

HIMARS sebagai sistim pertahanan pesisir/coastal defence

LHD Juan Carlos/Anadolu

Type 052D Luyang-III Class Missile Destroye

Kendaraan pendarat amfibi ACV 8x8

Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (KSAL) Laksamana Muhammad Ali menyampaikan gambaran sejumlah alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) yang dibutuhkan dalam rencana pembangunan postur kekuatan TNI AL 2025-2044.

Hal tersebut disampaikan oleh Ali saat menghadiri kegiatan silaturahmi dan halal bihalal para KSAL dari masa ke masa serta para keluarga besar TNI AL, Jakarta, Jumat (19/4
). ... a-tni-al-2025-2044/

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 Author| Post time 8-5-2024 03:45 PM | Show all posts
Pesawat Super Hercules C-130J Super Hercules Unit Ke - 5 Pesanan Indonesia Segera Tiba di Tanah Air.

Pesawat Super Hercules C-130J unit kelima pesanan Indonesia dijadwalkan tiba di Indonesia pada 17 Mei mendatang.

Kepala Biro Humas Sekretariat Jenderal Kementerian Pertahanan RI Brigjen Edwin Adrian Sumantha mengatakan, pesawat akan berangkat dari pabrikannya, Lockheed Martin di Georgia, Amerika Serikat, pada Jumat (10/5/2024).

Selanjutnya, pesawat berjenis angkut berat itu bakal tiba di Pangkalan TNI Angkatan Udara (Lanud) Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta Timur, pada Jumat (17/5/2024).

“Rencana awal berangkat tanggal 10 Mei 2024 dan tiba di Tanah Air tanggal 17 Mei 2024,” ujar Edwin melalui pesan tertulis, Senin (6/5/2024).

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 Author| Post time 8-5-2024 03:52 PM | Show all posts
2 Kapal Perang Baru TNI AL Perkuat Koarmada II Made In PT Citra Shipyard Batam Indonesia

TNI Angkatan Laut ketambahan dua unit kapal perang baru tipe Patroli Cepat (PC) 40 produksi galangan PT Citra Shipyard. Kedua kapal diberi nama Kapal Perang Republik Indonesia (KRI) Butana-878 dan KRI Selar-879.

Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Laut (KSAL) Laksamana Muhammad Ali menghadiri shipnaming dan launching dua kapal itu di galangan PT Citra Shipyard, Kepulauan Riau, Batam, Selasa (7/5/2024). Dalam kesempatan itu, KSAL Ali mengatakan bahwa kehadiran kedua kapal tersebut merupakan komitmen TNI AL untuk melaksanakan peningkatan penggunaan produk dalam negeri (P3DN) dan mengurangi produk impor.

Spesifikasi Dua unit kapal perang baru ini mempunyai spesifikasi yang sama karena berasal dari tipe yang sama. Adapun kapal PC 40 memiliki beberapa keunggulan dengan diperkuat main gun 1 unit meriam kaliber 30 mm dan 2 unit senjata mitraliur kaliber 12,7 mm.

Kapal ini mampu beroperasi di berbagai medan dan cuaca baik penegakan hukum di laut maupun misi search and rescue (SAR). Selain itu, kapal ini juga memiliki spesifikasi teknis yaitu panjang 45,50 meter, lebar 7,90 meter, draught 1,80 meter, kecepatan maksimum 24 knots, kecepatan jelajah 17 knots, dan menggunakan mesin pendorong pokok 2 unit MAN 12V175D-MM (3018 PS/2200 KW). ... erbaru-milik-tni-al


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 Author| Post time 8-5-2024 03:56 PM | Show all posts
PT PAL dan LUNAS Malaysia Sepakati MOU Pada Exhibition DSA 2024

Kuala Lumpur (06/04) PT PAL Indonesia dan Lumut Naval Shipyard (LUNAS) Malaysia menandatangani Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) atau Nota Kesepahaman. Agenda tersebut dihelat bertepatan dengan Pembukaan acara exhibition Defense Services Asia (DSA) 2024 yang berlangsung di MITEC, Kuala Lumpur.

MoU tersebut ditandatangani oleh CMO PT PAL Indonesia, Willgo Zainar, dan Datuk Dr. Shahrazat binti Haji Ahmad, Chairman  Board of Directors LUNAS dengan disaksikan oleh Laksdya TNI Erwin S. Aldedharma Wakil Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Laut dan Tan Sri Abd Rahman bin Ayob, Chief of Navy, Royal Malaysian Navy.

Kerja sama yang dibangun ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan potensi sumber daya LUNAS dan PT PAL Indonesia serta menjajaki kolaborasi masa depan dalam proyek pembuatan kapal. Kerja sama ini diharapkan dapat mendorong pertukaran pengetahuan dan kemajuan teknologi di kawasan serta memperkuat hubungan Bilateral Indonesia dan Malaysia.


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 Author| Post time 9-5-2024 08:50 PM | Show all posts
Edited by rifa at 9-5-2024 08:57 PM

Latihan Operasi Laut Gabungan 2024, TNI AL Sukses Tembakkan Rudal Khusus

Exocet MM40 Block 3
Rudal C-805
Torpedo Black Shark
Torpedo A244S

Penembakan senjata  khusus dilaksanakan oleh KRI Halasan-630 dan KRI Kapak-625 yang menembakkan rudal Exocet MM40 Block 3, KRI Yos Sudarso-353 menembakan rudal C-805, Kapal Selam KRI Alugoro-405 menembakan Torpedo Black Shark dan KRI Sultan Hasanuddin-366 menembakan torpedo A244S. ... -LAUT-GABUNGAN-2024,-TNI-AL-SUKSES-TEMBAKKAN-RUDAL-KHUSUS/

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 Author| Post time 18-5-2024 02:26 PM | Show all posts
Edited by rifa at 18-5-2024 11:17 PM

Indonesian Air Force #TNIAU fifth C-130J-30 Super Hercules (A-1342) has landed at Halim AFB, East Jakarta

Finish 5 Unit Super Hercules


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 Author| Post time 18-5-2024 11:19 PM | Show all posts
Galangan Kapal Citra di Batam dipilih untuk membangun Kapal Induk TNI Angkatan Laut untuk SRV-F (Submarine Rescue Vehicle).


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 Author| Post time 20-5-2024 05:59 PM | Show all posts
KSAL: TNI AL Berupaya Rampungkan Renstra dan Postur Kekuatan ke Depan

Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Laut (KSAL) Laksamana TNI Muhammad Ali menyebut TNI AL pada 2024 berupaya merampungkan dua dokumen strategis-nya pada 2024, yaitu Rencana Strategis (Renstra) TNI AL 2025–2029 dan Postur Pembangunan Kekuatan TNI AL 2025–2044.

KSAL menjelaskan dua dokumen itu nantinya menjadi pedoman pembangunan kekuatan TNI AL ke depan, terutama setelah berakhirnya pembangunan kekuatan pokok minimum (MEF) pada akhir 2024.

"Tahun ini merupakan tahap terakhir dalam mewujudkan kekuatan pokok minimum, yang artinya 2024 juga menjadi awal untuk menyiapkan dua dokumen strategis TNI AL, yaitu Postur Pembangunan Kekuatan TNI AL 2025–2044 dan Rencana Strategis TNI AL 2025–2029," kata Laksamana Ali saat memberi sambutan pada acara seminar internasional "Future Submarine" di Jakarta, Selasa.

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 Author| Post time 8-6-2024 12:53 PM | Show all posts
First Steel Cutting Ceremony of the 2nd Merah Putih Frigate for the Indonesian Navy.

Kaskoarmada II Hadiri First Steel Cutting Ceremony Kapal Frigate Merah Putih Kedua di PT PALTNI AL. Koarmada II. 5 Juni 2024


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 Author| Post time 9-6-2024 10:32 PM | Show all posts
Indonesia Cuts Steel For Second Red White Frigate​

Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia marked another significant milestone on June 5 with the first steel-cutting ceremony for the second Red White-class frigate at its shipyard in Surabaya City, East Java. This event signifies the commencement of the physical construction phase for the new vessel, which is based on Babcock's Arrowhead 140 design.​

Fauzan Malufti 08 Jun 2024

The Red White frigates are part of Indonesia’s ongoing efforts to modernise its navy (TNI AL) as well as enhance the capabilities of its domestic defence industry so that it could build larger and more complex surface combatants. The steel-cutting ceremony was attended by key stakeholders, particularly those from the Indonesian Ministry of Defence and TNI AL.

According to PT PAL, the Red White Frigates will see a substantial increase in the number of combat systems and weapon platforms compared to the original Arrowhead 140 design offered to TNI AL. In addition, the shipbuilder stated that it would be responsible also for conducting harbour and sea acceptance tests of the frigate.

Naval News understands that the selection of weapon systems and other critical components, driven by technical and non-technical considerations from the Ministry of Defence and/or Navy, has necessitated adjustments to the frigate’s design. The frigate is projected to use a considerable amount of Turkish-made systems.

In a press release published by TNI AL, it is stated that as of May, 2024, the construction progress of this second frigate (construction number W000305) has reached 33.5%, surpassing the original plan of 24.8%.

Both the Ministry of Defence and Navy stated that the Red White frigate will have a length of 140 metres, a width of 19.75 meters, and a full load displacement of 6,626 tonnes. The maximum speed is 28 knots, while the maximum operating range is 9,000 nautical miles. Furthermore, the frigate is designed to be crewed by 143 people and has an operational endurance of 21 days.

The first Red White-class frigate has already seen significant progress since its initial construction phase. The first steel cutting for this vessel took place in November 2022, followed by the keel-laying ceremony in August 2023.

Naval News understands that based on the construction timeline presented to the Ministry of Defence earlier this year, the first frigate is slated for delivery in 2026 and the second in 2027.

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 Author| Post time 12-6-2024 01:46 PM | Show all posts


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