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Author: ayushuhada04

[MBC]~Ruler:Master of The Mask~Yoo Seong Ho, Kim So Hyun (Premiers 10 May 2017)

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Post time 29-6-2017 01:35 PM | Show all posts
kj1989ko • this story should be with hwa gun side. (the prince fall in love with the grand daughter the enemy is a better plot than the prince fall inlove with a stupid girl named Ga Eun that always make stupid mistakes)

rosychan • Oh man please someone tell Ga Eun WHY her father died because of the Crown Prince, not WHO did beheaded her father!
Aaaaaaa I'm so annoyed that she believed in everything she heard with no doubts! We've nearly come to the end of this drama and she hasn't done anything to help Crown Prince, I really don't want to see that everyone blames her as a trouble maker!
Lee Sun is getting mad, he's so crazy and obsessed by Ga Eun and power, he drives me crazy but I think that's an interesting point in this drama!
Poor my Hwa Gun, will she turn into an evil after thinking that her love has already died?
Crown Prince will be back, haha! Hope he can fight on his own, please don't depend on or be obstructed by someone else anymore!

BabyPetaL • i hope the fake king will learn his lesson, he should never betrayed the real Crown Prince all of them now in the hands of the eveil man because of him...and also Ga Eun who only cared about who killed his father...they could skip already but all she cared is who killed her father , it feel so good when Hwa Gun slap her face... i hope she did slap her more so she could wake up, Hwa Gun love for the Crown Prince is real , although she is powerful lady but she didnt use her power to get him...she doenst ask to love her back , all she want is to save him it really breaks my heart that shes always get hurt , my tears wont stop when she cried and begging her grandfather to spare the life of the Crown Prince.

bile watak seken heroin lagik kuat dari heroin

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Post time 29-6-2017 02:12 PM | Show all posts
ichi replied at 29-6-2017 01:32 PM
tu la.. @wonto ckp ko bekemah kat umh sana

tp serius tak rugi pon kalo ko skip citer nih. ...

hahhahha aku mmg terkesan dgn kes arwah Farhan tu. sampai balik raya dgn adik-beradik aku pun dok borak pasal tu. tmbh2 adik-beradik aku semuanya pensyarah & cikgu sekolah. dorang pun hari2 dok bebel kat murid2 jangan terlibat dgn kes buli. takut jadi mcm arwah Farhan. dah masuk U pun masih nak membuli sampai mati anak orang.

citer ni aku belum skip lagi sbb YSH. kalau orang lain berlakon, mmg dah lama aku skip

sedih dgn watak CP & GE. rasa nak hempuk penulis citer ni

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Post time 29-6-2017 03:36 PM | Show all posts
santubung replied at 29-6-2017 02:12 PM
hahhahha aku mmg terkesan dgn kes arwah Farhan tu. sampai balik raya dgn adik-beradik aku pun dok  ...

wahhh dri keluarga pendidik ko nih... sama la mcm dak wonto tuh.. hehehe...
aku balik raya pon teselit gak borak psl kes arwah farhan tuh... entahla weh... dulu2 buli takde la smpi mati2 nih...
name je zaman dah maju tp bebudak skrg stok otak kat buntut..
cuma hrp jgn sepi je kes ni nnt..

aku pon kalo tak sbb YSh dgn KSh mmg awal2 dah skip... ni tgk pon sambil ketap gigi
beriya aku puji awal2 hari tuh sekali senasib dgn shr


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Post time 29-6-2017 05:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ichi replied at 29-6-2017 01:32 PM
tu la.. @wonto ckp ko bekemah kat umh sana

tp serius tak rugi pon kalo ko skip citer nih. ...

Hahaha....aku sr ja kt sana
Cite ni aku tggu smp abih la br lyn
Nsib la ksh yg pgg wtk tu..klu org lain,mst kena kutuk mcm go ara dh

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Post time 29-6-2017 05:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
santubung replied at 29-6-2017 02:12 PM
hahhahha aku mmg terkesan dgn kes arwah Farhan tu. sampai balik raya dgn adik-beradik aku pun dok  ...

Aku nk mnyampuk kt umah sana
Tp nnt terjebak plak
Aku sr ja kt sana

Ko suka ysh eh...rmai dh shipper depa ni
Wtk ge ni mmg si LS tu pn dh jd sewel gara2 ge

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Post time 30-6-2017 11:33 AM | Show all posts
Edited by santubung at 30-6-2017 11:39 AM
ichi replied at 29-6-2017 03:36 PM
wahhh dri keluarga pendidik ko nih... sama la mcm dak wonto tuh.. hehehe...
aku balik raya pon te ...

sama dgn wonto ek? keluarga akademik hahhahha. aku sorang jer bukan pendidik tapi terjebak dgn penerbitan buku pelajaran sekolah. hari2 sakit kepala menghadap buku & silibus yang bertukar tiap2 tahun. sekrg sibuk dgn PAK21. adeh!!!!

kisah Farhan tu ... binatang pun tak buat mcm tu kat kawan dia. aku tak sabar nak tunggu bulan 7 & 8. nak tahu apa sebenarnya yg buat dorang siksa kawan sendiri. mmg tak der otak. sesia masuk U.

tu la.... lain kali apa2 citer jgn puji dulu. biar 3/4 atau setengah baru puji

tapi episode akan dtg mcm makin best jer. watak heroin dlm citer ni ... so annoying! sorry KSH


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Post time 30-6-2017 11:37 AM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 29-6-2017 05:59 PM
Aku nk mnyampuk kt umah sana
Tp nnt terjebak plak  
Aku sr ja kt sana

ko ek SR kat sana ... aku mula2 SR jah. lepas umah ke-2 baru memunculkan diri. pastu terjebak huhuhu
aku tak shipper YSH & KSH sbb watak KSH sangat2 annoying & terasa nak kena lempang

aku prefer lagi YSH dgn HG sbb watak HG lagi best dr watak GE

episode akan dtg CP tak mati sbb masa kecik dah kena racun. jadi racun tu yg selamatkan dia bila dah besar. tanda kena racun kat badan dia muncul balik. dlm masa yang sama aku nak puji lakonan L. menyerlah gak la watak dia di hujung2 citer berbanding citer2 L sebelum2 ni.


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Post time 30-6-2017 05:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
santubung replied at 30-6-2017 11:37 AM
ko ek SR kat sana ... aku mula2 SR jah. lepas umah ke-2 baru memunculkan diri. pastu terjebak huhu ...

Hahaha...sbb tu mls nk komen.
Nnt aku emo mcm depa kt sana gak

Wtk ge tu mmg kesian btul
Ntah knp la writer buat wtk mcm tu
Oo...ptt CP slmat..aku mls nk tgk lg.
Tggu dh final br tgk smua

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Post time 30-6-2017 05:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
santubung replied at 30-6-2017 11:33 AM
sama dgn wonto ek? keluarga akademik hahhahha. aku sorang jer bukan pendidik tapi terjebak dgn pen ...

Ko terbit buku apa?
PAK21 tu mmg pening kepala
Buat kad bagai tp yg guna brp kerat ja

Ksh dh slh plih wtk

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Post time 30-6-2017 06:31 PM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 30-6-2017 05:35 PM
Ko terbit buku apa?
PAK21 tu mmg pening kepala  
Buat kad bagai tp yg guna brp kerat ja :lo ...

Buku Bahasa Melayu dari Tadika, Tahun 1 - Tahun 6. PT3, SPM, STPM ... pecah kepala.

gatal kan nak buat Pak21 bagai. cikgu2 sekolah pun pening.

elok la ko tunggu final. tapi episode akan datang ... mcm sgt2 menarik2. aku rasa nak hempuk je GE tu. walaupun KSH pandai berlakon. tapi watak dia sgt annoying.

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Post time 30-6-2017 07:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
santubung replied at 30-6-2017 06:31 PM
Buku Bahasa Melayu dari Tadika, Tahun 1 - Tahun 6. PT3, SPM, STPM ... pecah kepala.

gatal kan n ...

Ooo...serabut la kepala ko..
Pt3 ni asyik berubah2..aku pn skit kepala.

Menarik eh..satgi aku mencarut plak kt ge
Wlu pun trgn nk tgk

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Post time 1-7-2017 08:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Await watak seken heroin lagi menyerlah ni

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Post time 2-7-2017 02:28 PM | Show all posts
pas epi last hr tu.. kesian plak kt hwa gun..

dia mati ke nanti?

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Post time 2-7-2017 08:35 PM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 30-6-2017 07:56 PM
Ooo...serabut la kepala ko..
Pt3 ni asyik berubah2..aku pn skit kepala.

nyesal aku cakap mcm sgt2 menarik ... sekali tgk?

ummmmhhhhh kurang garam kurang gula ... rugi!

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Post time 2-7-2017 08:46 PM | Show all posts
santubung replied at 2-7-2017 08:35 PM
nyesal aku cakap mcm sgt2 menarik ... sekali tgk?

ummmmhhhhh kurang garam kurang gula ... rugi ...

hahaha...aku bca komen dlu sblm nk tgk
tu pn director n writer ada cut scene kn
scene GE jd concubine ke apa ntah
mgkin tkut k-netz marah, pastu cut la kot scene tu


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Post time 2-7-2017 10:08 PM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 29-6-2017 05:57 PM
Hahaha....aku sr ja kt sana
Cite ni aku tggu smp abih la br lyn
Nsib la ksh yg pgg wtk tu..klu o ...

tp goara tu mcm takde feeling jer bwk watak dia tuh.. masih terbayang lagik asik nanges tak betempat tapi takda ayaq mata

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Post time 2-7-2017 10:15 PM | Show all posts
santubung replied at 30-6-2017 11:33 AM
sama dgn wonto ek? keluarga akademik hahhahha. aku sorang jer bukan pendidik tapi terjebak dgn pen ...

tu @wonto dah masuk... sekolah dah start baru nmpk muke dia.. aku nak tnye dia dpt korek ape2 tak psl kes arwah farhan tuh...

mmg berbakul KSH kene hentam.... sia2 je bakat lakonan dia... writer ni lenkali promot je HG tu female lead... senang hbs citer..


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 Author| Post time 3-7-2017 08:27 AM | Show all posts
ichi replied at 23-6-2017 09:18 AM
HG tu mmg tau CP suke kat GE kan.. tp dia still tlg CP sbb harap sgt CP akan suke kat dia..
dia p ...

kak ayu tau naper ichi marah benar dgn GE kan..
sbb dia masih marahkan CP...ermm..dh ler tu LS lak
tambah lagi minyak..lagi bertambah marah ler GE..
last2 GE kena tangkap dgn part yg best
CP sanggup datang kan...nk tu le...GE
masih lg tk leh terima pengorbanan CP...leh lak dia kata
lantak ler...CP tkder kena mengena dgn dia...adoi...mmg tkde

tp bila PA si CP tu dtg dn selamatkan GE...bru ler dia percaya..
tp sayang....CP ttp kena juga...dan PA CP pun sama..kena juga
sampai buta mata sebelah tu ler...dh nama pun hero
ttp selamat...rasanya mmg ayah HG tu yg dh tukar popi tu kan..

yg paling kak ayu menyampah si LS tu ler..adesss berlagak sgt ler
mmg tamak haloba ler dia ttp selamatkan cikgu dn org2nya
dgn alasan dh tk leh stay lagi kat istana..

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Post time 3-7-2017 01:39 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 3-7-2017 08:27 AM
kak ayu tau naper ichi marah benar dgn GE kan..
sbb dia masih marahkan CP...ermm..dh ler tu LS la ...

marah sbb writer ni buatkan watak GE ni blur.. sendu dan lemah sgt...

        If the story is male centric – CP shouldn’t rely on HG so much … but that was not the case – HG character was written with “so much” power and connections, it even overshadowed CP. So far we see HG always in ‘control’. Always the one that ‘save the day’ and she even has a say on who the king can or cannot marry. Now that she’s the head of PSH, it give her more ‘power’ … How can a second lead (with a so so acting capability) given a more ‘important’ task and more screen time (it’s look like it) compare to the main lead?

        If the ‘character importance’ – is balance between the three of them (CP/GE/HG) – it wouldn't be this bad. Or if this is a male centric or female centric drama and if the plot skewed toward the 1st female lead or 1st male lead, it would still be acceptable …

        And when writer decided the OTP – is CP and GE – there is NO WAY to revert that …. Never in the history ok KDrama a 2nd FEMALE lead overturn 1st female lead in getting the main character ..

        Writer has clearly shown us that CP and GE – is in –you-die-I-die relationship .. there’s  no way to change that without making CP look like an idiot that cannot stay true to his love .. it will be a majorrrrrrrrrr NO NO …

        If the rating really increased because people like HG and CP tandem and if writer continue to give us more HG and CP or making HG more important than GE – OMG that would be an insult to a big star like KSH … I hope her management would step in and not let this happen. This is embarrassing and it feel like KSH being robbed …


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 Author| Post time 3-7-2017 02:01 PM | Show all posts
ichi replied at 3-7-2017 01:39 PM
marah sbb writer ni buatkan watak GE ni blur.. sendu dan lemah sgt...

        If the story is male  ...

yer betul tu.....mmg watak heroin dlm cite ni mmg sgt2 lemah dan sendu....
espcially masa GE nk masuk istana tu kan...motif utama dia nk balas dendam..
tp tgk dari gaya...mmg tkder nampak pun kesungguhan dia nk balas dendam..
di situ kita dh nampak watak GE mmg sendu sgt2....or maybe sbbkan LS
cepat sgt bg tau sapa diri dia? tu terus buatkan GE tk bertindak...nampak
juga le kelemahan dan betapa cepatnya rahsia terbongkar kan...

watak GE jd lemah dan sendu....wpun dia dh tau sapa CP sebenarnya..(yg konon
jd killer ayah dia) tp dia pun tkde kesungguhan nk balas dendam kan...lg pun
dorang berdua berjauhan...jd tkder nampak yg GE nk balas dendam....tu lg
dh nampak sendu je watak heroin...

mmg HG lagi bagus watak dia...kesungguhan dia nk pikat hati CP mmg terserlah
tgk ler cara dia bertindak....mmg real ler kan....demi CP dia sanggup buat apa saja..
sampai dia sanggup bakar ladang popi tu....sbb nk apa dia hajatkan...wpun dia tau
CP sgt susah nk ditawan

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