dineo replied at 25-7-2019 12:04 AM
mula2 cam happy jer ... tetiba dia naik angin mesti meggot jawab bukan2
yeap.. ada la tu dorg gaduhkan agaknya
maklumlah bff dia lwn die hard fan Kate
mesti ada sesuatu during that time kan |
ok update abt rumah katak.. till today.. x ada sign of vehicles or people kat sana ..
check this one out
https://mobile.twitter.com/MorgKaitlin/status/1154009478867673090 |
eva replied at 24-7-2019 09:08 PM
sian tengok kuda PH.. masa kalah aritu ada yg kata dia tumbuk kuda dia.. sian kuda
Kejamnya syaitan ginger ni. Plzzzz pecinta haiwan uk do something |
laila_zi replied at 25-7-2019 01:06 AM
Kejamnya syaitan ginger ni. Plzzzz pecinta haiwan uk do something
Jiwa tak tenteram sebab tu hot tempered. |
laila_zi replied at 25-7-2019 01:06 AM
Kejamnya syaitan ginger ni. Plzzzz pecinta haiwan uk do something
ada yg dah buat report.. |
eva replied at 24-7-2019 11:21 PM
kalau suaminya dpt Sir.. kira orait la tu kan.. anyway.. sebenarnya mmg middletons ni rapat... dan ...
Amboi doria. Fefeeling queen jugak dia |
eva replied at 25-7-2019 09:53 AM
baru baru nie meggot kata.. dia bolrh tengok org main lawn bowling dari Frogmore Cottage dia..
Dia tengok pakai teropong tu sis |
Cenderakirana9 replied at 25-7-2019 11:26 AM
Amboi doria. Fefeeling queen jugak dia
fefeeling important.. x penting pon.. meggot bukan org commonwealth.. mmg ramai org commonwealth nyampah dgn drama dia. x sick ke tu bila verangan nak jd Queen dan PH jd King. Sebiji mcm kes Scar mcm dlm filem Lion King |
Cenderakirana9 replied at 25-7-2019 11:30 AM
Dia tengok pakai teropong tu sis
tp dia spin mcm org tu main game tu sebelah rumah dia je  |
eva replied at 24-7-2019 05:05 PM
sis.. retis x tahan dgn sikap PH yg liar..
lg satu.. sengkek sgt dia sis... harap duit dr bapa ...
harry ada kerja apa2 ke. mcm william kan bwk ambulance heli kan seblm skrg mmg buat kerja royals je. |
Louis bambam.. tp George lagiiii bambam
Edited by eva at 25-7-2019 12:13 PM
ok arini kat tumblr.. mm anon. bg riddle about meggot.. and some interprate riddle tu
MM ANON … “once upon a time in Frogmore”.
99 times out of 100 this is the opening line of a fairy story. I think we’re all well aware of that when it comes to MM’s fairy stories in the press.
If I kiss your @*** can I voiceover?…
She is sooooooo desperate to do this voiceover malarkey. Must be HM’s qrse she’s kissing, cause she’s where the buck stops. Hope HM tells her to go whistle Dixie and look after her baby!
” I want to see Arky”
One of those fairy stories referred to above, where Charlotte ‘reportedly’ calls Archie ‘Arky’ and yet another example of the ‘Aggressively malevolent PR.’ from MM by spinning the story that a four year old child cannot say Archie properly. Yeah right MM you old ***.
… pipp-ed at the NET POST
So she had success almost in her hands and it was whipped away?
Don’t know, this heat isn’t good for brains….
The only other thing I can think of is internet messaging – are her emails and SM activity being monitored?
. …A laundry built on weak FOUNDATIONs. …. “ you got to pick a pocket or THREE”
The way this new foundation was set up has always been suspicious with respect to the directors and activities of the organisation and whose pockets the donations will eventually land up in. I could not possibly say it could be a money laundering scheme, I don’t want to be sued by her mafia.
‘You’ve got to pick a pocket or two’ is a song from the musical Oliver! Where Fagin is teaching Oliver and the rest of the boys how to pick pockets – and OMW, check out the lyrics here where Fagin talks (sings) about charity!!
…Jules et Jim….
As already mentioned by another anon – the film ‘Jules et Jim’ based on a love triangle, two men and one woman.
One man who has been a constant in MM’s later life despite her being in a long term relationship and now married again.
Brown Windsor Souk ,And-a-son?……
Another anon I think hit this one spot on – the pregnant ‘woman in brown’ – could she be Morrocan (reference to a souk – a market place) and the surname Anderson.
not a missionary position in sight for an African Queen.
Is her trip to Africa in question now?
Or is this reference to how she’s only going along for the free holiday, that she won’t be participating in any official engagements?
Orrrr, is this <ahem> reference to her reputed ‘talents’ and more interesting positions?
…Love or money?
Well if she’s choosing between heads or tails, my bet is that she’ll choose the money. Besides, I’m not convinced she’s capable of feeling love for anybody else than herself (JMHO )
oh wooow makin byk cekadak la makcik Meggot nie  |
deiii... kepala tu x sakit ke duk mereng statik 3 jm camtu.. 
lg satu kaki kejung semacam.. 
Lemonadelover replied at 25-7-2019 11:53 AM
harry ada kerja apa2 ke. mcm william kan bwk ambulance heli kan seblm skrg mmg buat kerja royals j ...
dlu keja sbg soldier..bila Taliban target dia, tu dia kena hantar balik ke UK rasanya.. now dia ngan PW jd working member of BRF.. ke sana sini hadiri event dsb.. |
before lunch.. nak post gmbr PWKM pd 2014..

no wonderla meggot jeles.. tanpa lensa or kamera pon the Cambridge masih lovey dovey.  |
eva replied at 25-7-2019 11:47 AM
fefeeling important.. x penting pon.. meggot bukan org commonwealth.. mmg ramai org commonwealth n ...
Kalau betul dia jadi someone yang important, tak sesuai dia still living in US. Dok UK sana. Jadi warga yang taat pada queen. Bukannya guna duit rakyat UK dan bermewah di US |
eva replied at 25-7-2019 12:39 PM
before lunch.. nak post gmbr PWKM pd 2014..
MM dapat pegang tangan harry bila depan kamera je tu pun harry muka ketat ooops |
Cenderakirana9 replied at 25-7-2019 12:47 PM
Kalau betul dia jadi someone yang important, tak sesuai dia still living in US. Dok UK sana. Jadi ...
still kalau divorce pun akan bermewahan kat memana juga sis. now I think dia akan buat ngandung kali ke 2, out from her body gitu.. utk jd tiket dia |
ni bkn animal lover tp abuser.my fren masih mengatakan PH ni baik, maybe terikut dgn perangai bini dia.
de fish. rasa nak tonjol je kepala my fren tu.
mujur sis dr dulu in lep dgn PW.bila dia kawen dgn KM i rela sbb i tau dia dpt pengganti yg sama baik mcm i.eh.
| |