Maklumat Rasmi KEHILANGAN MH370 [Hari ke X]
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No one batted an eyelid as blip flew over Malaysia
A BRITISH Royal Air Force base in the colonial era, the Malaysian air force base at Butterworth sits on the mainland across from the island of Penang in the northern reaches of the Strait of Malacca.
There, in the wee hours of March 8, the four-person crew watching for intrusions into the country's airspace either did not notice or failed to report a blip on their defensive radar and air traffic radar that was moving steadily across the country, from east to west, heading right towards them, said a person with detailed knowledge of the investigation into Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.
Neither that team nor the crews at two other radar installations in Kota Baru - closer to where the airliner last had contact with the ground - designated the blip as an unknown intruder warranting attention, the source said.
The aircraft proceeded to fly across the country and out to sea without anyone on watch telling a superior and alerting the national defence command near Kuala Lumpur, even though the radar contact's flight path did not correspond to any filed flight plan.
The radar blip that was Flight 370 did a wide U-turn over the Gulf of Thailand, and then began moving inexorably past at least three military radar arrays as it traversed northern Malaysia.
But inside the Malaysian air force control room, a four-person air defence radar crew did nothing about the unauthorised flight, even as American-made F-18 and F-5 fighter jets stood at a high level of readiness for emergencies exactly like the one unfolding in the early morning of March 8.
"The fact that it flew straight over Malaysia, without the Malaysian military identifying it, is just plain weird - not just weird, but also very damning and tragic," said Mr David Learmount, operations and safety editor for Flightglobal, a news and data service for the aviation sector.
Senior Malaysian military officers became aware within hours, once word spread that a civilian airliner had vanished.
General Rodzali Daud, the commander of Malaysia's air force, went to the Butterworth air force base the day that the plane disappeared and was told of the radar blip, the source said.
Still, the Malaysian government organised and oversaw an expensive and complex international search effort in the Gulf of Thailand that lasted a full week.
With so much uncertainty about the flight, it is not yet possible to know whether any actions by the Malaysian government or military could have altered its fate.
But if the aircraft ended up in the southern Indian Ocean, as some aviation experts now suggest, then floating debris could have subsequently drifted hundreds of kilometres, making it extremely hard to figure out where the cockpit voice and data recorders sank.
And because the recorders keep only the last two hours of cockpit conversation, even the aircraft's recorders may hold few secrets.
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MH370: Mesej terakhir dihantar selepas komunikasi dipadam
Malaysia percaya orang yang mengawal MH370 menghantar mesej terakhir ke menara kawalan sebelum memadam sistem komunikasi pertama. Gambar fail.
Kerajaan Malaysia mengesahkan orang yang mengawal pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370 menghantar mesej terakhir kepada pusat kawalan trafik udara selepas sistem komunikasi pertama dipadam, menambah kepada kemungkinan pesawat yang membawa 239 penumpang itu dirampas, lapor The Guardian.

Pendedahan terbaru ini mencadangkan orang yang menghantar mesej “All right, good night” kepada pusat kawalan udara Kuala Lumpur sebelum Boeing-777 hilang daripada radar pada 1.22 pagi dan dialihkan dari destinasinya ke Beijing turut sedar Sistem Laporan dan Komunikasi Pesawat (ACARS) dipadamkan secara manual, lapor akhbar Britian itu lagi.
Sebaik sahaja pautan ACARS hilang, transponder pesawat ditutup pada 1.22 pagi pada 8 Mac, menyebabkan ia hilang daripada radar komersial dan berpatah balik di pantai Kelantan seperti yang disahkan oleh radar tentera, pesawat berpatah balik ke semenanjung menuju Selat Melaka.
Ini menimbulkan kemungkinan teori pesawat MH370 yang dalam perjalanan ke Beijing itu mungkin dirampas.
Putrajaya berkata sebelum ini mereka kini memberikan tumpuan untuk menyiasat penumpang MH370 termasuk dua juruterbang, 10 anak kapal dan 227 penumpang pesawat yang hilang itu.
Semalam, Pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein mengesahkan polis menggeledah rumah juruterbang Kapten Zaharie Ahmad Shah dan pembantunya, Fariq Abdul Hamid di Shah Alam, Selangor.
Polis mengklasifikasikan kes kehilangan pesawat Malaysia Airlines sebagai tindakan keganasan yang juga bermaksud rampasan dan sabotaj, kata Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar.
Beliau memberitahu pemberita semalam, semua terpakai di bawah prosedur Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan (Langkah-Langkah Khas) 2012 (Sosma).
Katanya, ia juga termasuk penyiasatan di bawah Akta Kesalahan Penerbangan.
Khalid berkata, polis masih memberi tumpuan kepada empat bidang penyiasatan termasuk rampasan, sabotaj, masalah peribadi dan psikologi.
“Itu tidak berubah,” katanya pada satu sidang media bersama Hishammuddin semalam.
Pihak berkuasa Malaysia mendedahkan pada Sabtu bahawa kehilangan pesawat MH370 yang membawa 239 penumpang dan anak kapal, sengaja dialihkan dan peranti penghantaran kapal dimatikan untuk mengelak daripada dikesan.
Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, berkata siasatan menunjukkan pergerakan jet penumpang dan penutupan hubungan komunikasi adalah perbuatan sengaja tetapi tidak mengatakannya sebagai rampasan pesawat.
Polis pada Sabtu mengeledah rumah Zaharie dan merampas sebuah simulator penerbangan. Tindakan yang sama juga dilakukan di rumah Fariq.
“Dengan perkembangan terbaru ini, kami pergi ke rumahnya dan mengambil simulator penerbangan miliknya.
“Kami mengambilnya dari rumah dan memasangnya di pejabat. Kami akan mendapatkan pakar untuk memeriksanya,” kata Khalid.
Apabila ditanya mengapa carian tidak dilakukan lebih awal, Khalid menjawab pihak berkuasa tidak melihatnya sebagai satu keperluan sebelum ini.
Khalid berkata, Malaysia masih belum menerima laporan mengenai pemeriksaan latar belakang ke atas semua penumpang MH370 yang hilang daripada negara masing-masing. – 17 Mac, 2014.Sumber |
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Malaysia Airline MH370: 9/11-Style Terror Allegations Resurface In Case Of Lost Plane
From across the pond. Just a heads up, “supergrass” is British slang for “informer”.
Evidence of a plot by Malaysian Islamists to hijack a passenger jet in a 9/11-style attack is being investigated in connection with the disappearance of Flight MH370
An al-Qaeda supergrass told a court last week that four to five Malaysian men had been planning to take control of a plane, using a bomb hidden in a shoe to blow open the cockpit door.
Security experts said the evidence from a convicted British terrorist was “credible”. The supergrass said that he had met the Malaysian jihadists – one of whom was a pilot – in Afghanistan and given them a shoe bomb to use to take control of an aircraft.
A British security source said: “These spectaculars take a long time in the planning.”
The possibility of such a plot, hatched by the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers in New York, was bolstered by an admission by Najib Razak, Malaysia’s prime minister, that the Boeing 777’s communications systems had been deliberately switched off “by someone on the plane”.
In a series of dramatic developments yesterday, it emerged that:
– Flight MH370 had changed direction and altitude after communications devices had been deliberately disabled;
– The plane flew for up to seven hours after civilian radar lost touch with it;
– An unnamed official briefed that the plane had been hijacked although Mr Najib refused to confirm that was the case;
– The plane flew towards either Indonesia or to Kazakhstan after the transponder and messaging systems were disabled;
– Police searched the homes of both pilots for two hours over concerns one may have switched off the communications systems in a suicide bid;
– Chinese officials accused Malaysia of withholding information in a ratcheting up of diplomatic tensions between the two countries.
In evidence in a court case last Tuesday, Saajid Badat, a British-born Muslim from Gloucester, said that he had been instructed at a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan to give a shoe bomb to the Malaysians.
Media mana yang keluar kan artikal ni dulu. sama jugak masa kehilangan mh370 Media mana yang klua kan berita mh370 hilang?
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MONDAY, 17 MARCH 2014, 2.15PM
1. Search and rescue operational update
a. The number of countries involved in the search and rescue operation has increased from 14 to 26. These countries are: Malaysia, Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, China, France, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Turkmenistan, UAE, UK, US, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.
b. Today, the Royal Malaysian Navy and the Royal Malaysian Air Force will deploy their assets to the southern corridor.
c. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent diplomatic notes to all countries along the northern and southern corridors; and all countries from which we are requesting assistance.
d. The above mentioned diplomatic notes set out the specific support and assistance required, including:
- Radar and satellite information
- Land, sea and aerial search operations
- Search and rescue action plans for relevant countries
- Details of any information required from Malaysia
e. Today, three French officials from the Bureau d'Enquêtes et d'Analyses pour la sécurité de l'aviation civile (BEA) arrived in Kuala Lumpur to help with the search and rescue operation. The officials will share their expertise and knowledge based on their experience from the search for Air France Flight 447.
2. Update on the police investigation into MH370’s crew and passengers
a. On Saturday 8 March, the Royal Malaysia Police started investigations into all crew members on board MH370, including the pilot and co-pilot, as well as all ground staff handling the aircraft.
b. On Sunday 9 March, police officers visited the homes of the pilot and co-pilot. Officers also spoke to family members of the pilot and co-pilot.
c. Police visited the homes of the pilot and co-pilot again on Saturday 15 March. The pilot’s flight simulator was taken from his house with the assistance of his family. The simulator was re-assembled at police headquarters.
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How Najib cooled the criticism
AS THE Malaysia Airlines jetliner remains missing for the second week, Malaysia continues to face international fire for its crisis management, although domestic anger has cooled a little after the extraordinary aspects of the crisis became clear.
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak made an unexpected live television address on Saturday, a week after the plane disappeared, to announce a dramatic twist in the search for the Beijing-bound MH370.
In his first major statement since the crisis began, he stressed the unprecedented nature of this crisis, in which the plane had its communication systems disabled, and flew in the opposite direction for almost seven hours before vanishing. It was only via its communications with satellites that investigators found out that the plane's electrical system was functioning over six hours after its last contact with air traffic control.
The search has now moved as far north as Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, and as far south as the southern Indian Ocean. The search in the South China Sea was called off after a fruitless week.
Mr Najib stressed that Malaysia overrode national security concerns to share military radar data with foreign experts, in a bid to deflect criticisms that it was hiding information.
His calm and sober explanation moderated some of the domestic criticism, but only fuelled anger in China.
The official Chinese Xinhua news agency yesterday said in an editorial that it was "undeniable that the disclosure of such vital information is painfully belated", and that the Malaysian officials were guilty of an "intolerable" dereliction of duty.
Two thirds of the passengers on board the missing MH370 flight to Beijing are Chinese nationals. Similar outrage was noted on Weibo, China's version of Twitter.
"China, in particular, still clearly thinks that Malaysia is hiding something, or is plain incompetent," said political analyst Oh Ei Sun, a senior fellow at Singapore's S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies.
He added that while it was not unusual for a top Malaysian leader to make major announcements, Mr Najib's appearance could have been in response to criticism, especially from China, that the investigations were being left in the hands of a lesser-ranked minister.
It may have been timed to give a sense of reassurance that decisions were not taken lightly. But some aviation analysts remained sceptical that Malaysia had done all it could.
Mr Ajai Sahni, executive director of India's Institute for Conflict Management in New Delhi, was quoted by Agence France-Presse as saying it was an astonishing failure of security that the plane could have deviated from its flight path and flown back over Malaysia without being flagged by the military.
Malaysia had said its military radar had detected the aircraft, but did not intercept it as it was not deemed hostile.
Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, who is also the Acting Transport Minister, on Sunday said this apparent lapse would be investigated after the search for MH370 is over.
Malaysians had initially flooded social media with harsh criticism after the American press appeared to have better information than that being disclosed at the daily press conferences.
But this has been noticeably scaled back as the information flow became better managed and messages clearer, even as the mystery deepened.
Still, there remains strong criticism over the fact that it took one week to confirm the plane had flown west instead of east.
Dr Ooi Kee Beng, deputy director of the Singapore-based Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, said Mr Najib's language was much clearer than the earlier conflicting comments from other ministers and officials.
"He stated what was known and what was not. It was much better than statements like 'it is only confusion if you want it to be seen as confusion'," he said, referring to Mr Hishammuddin's response to criticism last week.
He maintained that criticism against Malaysia for a lack of clarity, transparency and coordination was justified.
But he added: "To be fair, it is a very strange situation. The plane is just gone."
[email protected] |
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'All right, good night' said by co-pilot

THE last words spoken from the cockpit of the Malaysian passenger jet that went missing 10 days ago were believed to have been spoken by the co-pilot, the airline's top executive said yesterday, as investigators considered suicide by the captain or first officer as one possible explanation for the plane's disappearance.
"Initial investigations indicate it was the co-pilot who basically spoke," Malaysia Airlines CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya told a news briefing.
The last message from the cockpit - "All right, good night" - came around the time that two of the missing plane's crucial signalling systems were switched off.
Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, and his first officer, Mr Fariq Abdul Hamid, 27, have become the primary focus of the investigation into the fate of Flight 370, with one of the key questions being who was controlling the aircraft when the communications systems were disabled.
The last signal from the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (Acars) was received 12 minutes before the co-pilot's seemingly nonchalant final words, spoken at 1.19am.
Acars transmits key information on a plane's condition to the ground every half an hour.
The plane's transponder - which relays radar information on the plane's location - was switched off just two minutes after the voice message.
Suspicions of hijacking or sabotage had hardened on Sunday after officials said the last radio message from the cockpit was spoken after someone had begun disabling Acars.
But some doubt was cast on the sequence of events yesterday as it emerged that Acars could have been switched off any time between 1.07am, when it sent its last signal, and half an hour later, when it failed to send the next.
"We don't know when the Acars was switched off after that," Mr Ahmad Jauhari said. "It was supposed to transmit 30 minutes from there, but that transmission did not come through."
Asked if pilot or co-pilot suicide was a line of inquiry, Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said: "We are looking at it." But he added that it was only one of the possibilities under investigation.
Electronic signals the plane continued to exchange with satellites suggest it could have continued flying for about six hours after moving out of range of Malaysian military radar.
A search unprecedented in its scale is now under way for the plane, covering an area stretching from the shores of the Caspian Sea in the north to deep in the southern Indian Ocean.
The satellite data suggests the plane could be anywhere in either of two vast corridors that arc through much of Asia: one stretching north from northern Thailand to Kazakhstan, the other south from Indonesia into the Indian Ocean west of Australia.
Mr Hishammuddin said diplomatic notes had been sent to all countries along the northern and southern search corridors, requesting radar and satellite information, as well as land, sea and air search operations.
While analysts have said that the plane was more likely to have evaded detection if it flew south, Malaysian newspaper The New Straits Times quoted sources close to the investigation as saying data collected was pointing instead towards the northern corridor.
The paper said that the plane dropped to an altitude of 5,000 ft or lower, using a low-flying technique known as "terrain masking" to defeat civilian radar coverage after turning back from its scheduled flight path.
Investigators were also looking at disused airfields in the region with runways capable of handling a large passenger aircraft such as the Boeing 777, the paper said.
Yet another expert cautioned against jumping to conclusions.
Mr Bill Palmer, an Airbus A330 captain for a major airline, wrote on CNN.com that the erratic behaviour of the plane could be a result of the plane flying completely unattended, with the autopilot off.
This could have happened if the pilots had been incapacitated |
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Australia to lead search for plane in south
KUALA LUMPUR — The search for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet pushed deep into the northern and southern hemispheres yesterday as Australia scoured the southern Indian Ocean and Kazakhstan answered Malaysia’s call for help in the unprecedented hunt.
The Malaysian authorities say the plane carrying 239 people was intentionally diverted from its flight path during an overnight journey from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8.
Satellite data communications with the plane have suggested that it could be anywhere in either of two vast corridors that arc through much of Asia: One stretching north from Laos to the Caspian, the other south from the west of Sumatra, Indonesia, into the southern Indian Ocean west of Australia.
Defence and Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein yesterday said searches in both corridors had begun and diplomatic notes had been sent to all the countries in the corridors, requesting radar and satellite information as well as land, sea and air search operations.
The Malaysian navy and air force were also searching the southern corridor, he said, and the United States was sending a P-8A Poseidon surveillance aircraft to Perth in Western Australia to help search the ocean.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott told Parliament yesterday that he had agreed to take the lead in scouring the southern Indian Ocean — the world’s third-deepest and one of the most remote stretches of water — for the aircraft during a conversation with Malaysia’s leader.
Two Australian Orion maritime planes, which have been searching for the jetliner in the past week, yesterday headed to the southern Indian Ocean with two more to join them in the coming 24 hours, he added. New Zealand and US planes will also join the team.
Several countries in the northern corridor — China, India and Pakistan — have indicated they have seen no signs of the plane.
Central Asian neighbours Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan said yesterday that no unidentified planes had crossed their airspace on March 8.
An official with the Chinese civil aviation authority said the missing aircraft did not enter Chinese airspace, but Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei yesterday called on Malaysia to provide more thorough information to the countries involved.
Indonesian officials have said the plane did not cross their territory, based on radar data. Air force spokesman Rear Marshall Hadi Tjahjanto said yesterday that his country’s search efforts were focusing on waters west of Sumatra in the Indian Ocean.
Meanwhile, French investigators arriving in Kuala Lumpur to lend expertise from their two-year search for an Air France jet, which crashed into the Atlantic Ocean in 2009, said they expected a tougher process this time as they were able to rely on distress signals in the previous case.
There were no distress calls from flight MH370 because its communications were deliberately severed just before it disappeared more than a week ago.
“It’s very different from the Air France case. The Malaysian situation is much more difficult,” said Mr Jean-Paul Troadec, a special adviser to France’s aviation accident investigation bureau. AGENCIES |
Malaysia backtracks on when plane’s communications were disabled
SEPANG — As the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 stretched into a 10th day, the Malaysian authorities yesterday identified the plane’s first officer as the last person in the cockpit to speak to ground control. But the government added to the confusion about what happened during those key minutes by withdrawing its assertion that the radio signoff had come after a crucial communications system had been disabled.
Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, who is also Malaysia’s Acting Minister of Transport, appeared to give a crucial clue pointing to the possible complicity of the pilots when he said at a news conference on Sunday that the communications system had been “disabled” at 1.07am on March 8, before someone in the cockpit verbally signed off to air traffic controllers in Kuala Lumpur.
But Mr Ahmad Jauhari Yahya, the Chief Executive of Malaysia Airlines, clarified at a news conference yesterday that the communications system, known as an Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS), had worked normally at 1.07am, but then failed to send its next regularly scheduled update at 1.37am.
“We don’t know when the ACARS system was switched off,” he said.
It was between the two scheduled transmission times for the ACARS system, he said, that the verbal signoff was made by radio at 1.19am.
A second communications system, a transponder that communicates with ground-based radar, then stopped working at 1.21am.
The new description of what happened to the ACARS system appeared to reopen the possibility that the aircraft was operating normally until the transponder stopped sending signals two minutes after the last radio message.
The new uncertainty could raise additional questions about whether the plane was deliberately diverted or whether it suffered mechanical or electrical difficulties that crippled its communications and resulted in it flying an aberrant course, which involved turning around, heading back over Peninsular Malaysia, while rising and falling rapidly again, and finally flying out over the Strait of Malacca to an unknown location.
Standing next to Mr Ahmad Jauhari Yahya, Mr Hishammuddin waved off numerous questions about why he had said a day earlier that the Acars had been disabled at 1.07 am.
“What I said yesterday was based on fact, corroborated and verified,” he said. In response to another question, he said that uncertainty about the chronology underlined the importance of finding the aircraft and its data recorders.
The last satellite transmission from the Boeing 777-200 on March 8 might have come from over Indonesia or the southern Indian Ocean, Malaysian officials said.
The alternative is that the transmission came from western or southwestern China, or from nearby areas of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan or northern Laos.
The police have been investigating the pilot, co-pilot and other crew members of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane since the day of its disappearance, Malaysia’s Transport Ministry said in a statement yesterday.
The statement highlighted growing interest by law enforcement authorities in whether any of the airline employees might have been complicit in the plane’s disappearance.
Dr Adam Dolnik, a professor at the University of Wollongong in Australia who has studied terrorism in Southeast Asia and other parts of the world, said that, judging from the information disclosed so far, there was no evidence to suggest involvement by a terrorist organisation, although there was the possibility of a “lone wolf” acting, at least partly, in the name of extremist beliefs.
Dr Dolnik voiced scepticism that the two Iranians on board the plane with stolen passports had played a role in diverting it.
“For groups such as Al Qaeda, which tried to take planes down in midcourse flight through a suicide bomber in the mid-1990s, this is their fantasy target and what they keep going for, but they are unable to keep doing it repeatedly,” he said.
“But for a group like this to devise an entire plan — which would have to be quite sophisticated for them to be able to actually get the operational capabilities through the secure perimeter and on board a plane — and to blow it on something like a stolen passport, it just doesn’t make any sense. What they would do is send operatives who have clean passports to make sure they actually make it through immigration.”
Dr Dolnik added: “If you’re a militant jihadist group, why would you ever go for Malaysia Airlines? If you have a predominantly Muslim country — one of the biggest Muslim countries — hitting the national carrier of that country would really be very risky in terms of constituency support or how people are going to view you.” The New York Times |
2014/03/18 - 05:42:07 AM
http://1-ps.googleusercontent.co ... .ic.glCh8WinGA.webp
apangan terbang di Maldives, Diego Garcia, tiga di India dan Sri Lanka ditemui
Kuala Lumpur: Pasukan penyiasat menemui perisian lima landasan sekitar Lautan Hindi dalam program simulator Kapten Zaharie Ahmad Shah yang diambil dari rumahnya, di Shah Alam pada Sabtu lalu.
Menurut sumber, walaupun terlalu awal untuk membuat rumusan, penyiasatan mengambil kira penemuan itu sebagai satu daripada elemen siasatan berhubung kehilangan pesawat MH370 yang dipandu oleh Zaharie.
“Antara perisian landasan yang diperiksa setakat ini ialah Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Male di Maldives, sebuah lapangan terbang milik Amerika Syarikat (Diego Garcia) serta tiga lagi landasan di India dan Sri Lanka, yang semuanya mempunyai jarak landasan 1,000 meter.” |
MH370: Berjuta-juta orang sertai pencarian satelit kesan pesawat
WASHINGTON: Kira-kira tiga juta orang menyertai usaha diketuai pengendali satelit bagi mengesan pesawat MH370 yang hilang dan disifatkan sebagai projek membabitkan orang ramai paling besar pernah diadakan.
Syarikat satelit, DigitalGlobe berkata, kawasan pencarian kini merangkumi kira-kira 24,000 kilometer persegi (9,000 batu persegi) dan banyak imej ditambah setiap hari termasuk kawasan baharu di Lautan Hindi.
Katanya, lebih tiga juta orang menyertai program itu dengan kira-kira 257 juta “map views” dan 2.9 juta kawasan “tagged” dilakukan oleh peserta. - AFP |
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MH370: Singapura tawar bantuan Pusat Fusion Maklumat
SINGAPURA: Angkatan Tentera Singapura (SAF) menawarkan bantuan kepada Malaysia melalui Pusat Fusion Maklumat (IFC) yang mempunyai rangkaian dengan 13 tentera laut dan 51 syarikat perkapalan awam di seluruh dunia bagi mencari pesawat penerbangan Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH370.
Dalam satu kenyataan, SAF berkata IFC telah mengaktifkan rangkaiannya dengan kapal-kapal untuk melaporkan sebarang pemandangan luar biasa di kawasan carian yang ditetapkan.
Lebih banyak syarikat dijangka akan dihubungi.
Kenyataan itu menyebut, IFC juga mempunyai pegawai perhubungan antarabangsa dari 13 negara yang boleh membantu menyelaras tindakan dari Australia, Brunei, Perancis, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Peru, Filipina, Thailand, Vietnam dan Amerika Syarikat.
Menurut SAF, pesawat peronda Tentera Laut Republik Singapura Fokker-50 (F-50 MPA) yang telah dikerahkan ke Pangkalan Udara Malaysia di Butterworth pada 14 Mac lepas, telah kembali ke Singapura, pada Isnin berikutan pihak berkuasa Malaysia telah menghentikan operasi mencari dan mengesan (SAL) di Laut China Selatan dan Selat Melaka.
Kenyataan itu menyebut SAF bersedia memberikan bantuan lanjut bagi menyokong usaha SAL antarabangsa.
Read more at: http://www.astroawani.com/news/s ... n-maklumat-32009?cp
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Kapal Laut AS Ditarik Balik Daripada Operasi

WASHINGTON – Kapal tentera laut Amerika Syarikat yang dihantar bagi membantu pesawat Malaysia MH370 yang hilang akan ditarik balik dalam usaha pencarian, kata pegawai-pegawai di Pentagon, Isnin.
Keputusan itu diambil kerana kawasan carian itu kini begitu meluas dan adalah lebih cekap melakukan pencarian menggunakan pesawat, kata pegawai.
USS Kidd, kapal pemusnah berpeluru menyertai carian besar-besaran minggu lalu dan telah mengalihkan tumpuan ke Laut Andaman di atas permintaan kerajaan Malaysia.
Kapal tersebut, yang dilengkapi helikopter MH-60 telah menyempurnakan pemeriksaan terhadap kawasan seluas 185,075 kilometer persegi tetapi ‘tiada serpihan atau bangkai berkaitan pesawat ditemui’, katanya.
Sebelum ini, Uss Kidd dan sebuah lagi kapal pemusnah AS telah mengambil bahagian dalam usaha mencari tetapi kini tentera laut Amerika Syarikat merancang untuk bergantung kepada pesawat P-8 Poseidon dan P-3 Orion untuk usaha itu, kata seorang pegawai.
“Dengan kawasan carian berkembang ke selatan Lautan Hindi, pesawat jarak jauh seperti P-8A Poseidon dan P-3C Orion adalah lebih sesuai dengan misi SAR semasa,” kata Armada Pasifik AS, dalam satu kenyataan.
Selepas berlepas dari Kuala Lumpur menuju ke Beijing, penerbangan MH370 hilang pada 8 Mac dengan 239 orang di atas kapal, mencetuskan carian antarabangsa secara besar-besaran di seluruh Asia Tenggara dan Lautan Hindi. – AFP
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Lencongan Pertama Dilakukan Menggunakan Sistem Komputer – Bukan Manual

Lencongan pertama oleh MH370 dari laluan asalnya dipercayai dilakukan oleh sistem komputer yang telah diprogam kembali oleh seseorang ketika berada di dalam kokpit dan bukannya dilakukan secara manual.
Laporan berkenaan dibuat oleh The New York Times hari ini.
Langkah itu memperkukuhkan teori bawa kapak berkenaan dirampas oleh pihak yang mempunyai pengetahuan yang kukuh berhubung aspek penerbangan dan sekali lagi jari dituding media berkenaan kepada kapten dan pembantunya sebagai antara yang berpotensi membuat program laluan yang baru.
Radar tentera Malaysia memperlihatkan MH370 telah naik ke altitut 45,000 kaki selepas hilang dari skrin radar awam dab kemudiannya turub kepada ketinggian 23,000 kaki sebelum naik semula.
MH370 hilang ketika dalam perjalanan dari Kuala Lumpur ke Beijing selepas sejam berlepas dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) pada 12.41 pagi, 8 Mac lalu.
Pesawat yang membawa 227 penumpang serta 12 anak kapal itu sepatutnya mendarat di Beijing pada 6.30 pagi. |
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MH370: Catat Tempoh Hilang Paling Lama
http://mynewshub.my/2014/03/18/m ... -lama/#.Uyfils7LE0k
Kuala Lumpur – Kehilangan pesawat MH370 yang memasuki minggu kedua, tanpa petunjuk nyata mengenai lokasinya mengatasi rekod jumlah hari kehilangan pesawat komersial sejak 1972.
Tempoh pesawat hilang paling lama dalam sejarah penerbangan moden sebelum ini adalah 10 hari membabitkan pesawat tambang murah Adam Air 574, yang hilang pada Januari 2007 di luar pantai Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia.
Hilang dari radar
Pesawat Boeing 737-400 yang membawa 102 penumpang dan anak kapal dari Surabaya menuju Manado itu secara tiba-tiba hilang dari radar akibat cuaca buruk.
Pelbagai spekulasi timbul antaranya pesawat itu melanggar gunung setinggi 8,000 kaki di Rangon, Sulawesi Barat, namun disangkal apabila cebisan bangkai pesawat ditemui nelayan selepas 10 hari nahas berlaku.
Kotak hitam pesawat itu hanya ditemui selepas tujuh bulan, namun bangkai lengkap pesawat Adam Air masih belum ditemui sehingga hari ini dipercayai terhempas di Selat Majene, perairan Laut Sulawesi.
Pesawat Air France AF447 jenis Airbus A330-203 yang membawa 216 penumpang dan 12 kru, yang hilang di Lautan Atlantik ketika dalam penerbangan dari Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ke Lapangan Terbang Paris-Charles de Gaulle di Perancis, ditemui lima hari kemudian.
Nahas itu berlaku selepas tiga jam 45 minit ia berlepas menyebabkan semua 228 orang di dalamnya terbunuh.
Sempat salur mesej
Bagaimanapun, sebelum hilang daripada radar, pesawat Air France AF447 menyalurkan mesej automatik mengenai kedudukannya dan pelbagai masalah teknikal menerusi Sistem Laporan dan Penerimaan Komunikasi Pesawat (ACARS) selama tiga minit.
Walaupun mempunyai banyak petunjuk dan dengan bantuan kelengkapan paling canggih, operasi mencari hanya mengesan serpihan pesawat dan mayat pertama pada hari kelima, manakala kotak hitam hanya ditemui dua tahun kemudian.
Bagaimanapun, pesawat sewa Tentera Udara Uruguay yang membawa 45 penumpang dan anak kapal, termasuk pasukan ragbi dari Montevideo yang terhempas di Banjaran Andes dalam keadaan cuaca buruk pada 13 Oktober 1972, hanya ditemui selepas 72 hari. |
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