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Author: skymania


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Post time 4-3-2011 12:34 PM | Show all posts
wah...1st time tgk clip practice diorang...jom2 pektis kt bilik reramai

credit : BIGBANG@yt

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Post time 4-3-2011 01:48 PM | Show all posts
The Secrets Behind the 'Secret Big Bang' Parody

Almost everyone has watched the hilarious 'Secret Big Bang' Parody, but were you able to notice all the secrets behind it.

Kisses, music, extras and more; the parody had actually everything to give a complete fan service. However if you did not notice because you were too excited watching it, we provide you a list of all the things included in the parody.

- The house they used to film was the same one form the drama 'Secret Garden'.
- G Raim's dance team included the presence of the Kwon Twins. (The ones wearing blue beanies)
- While G Raim was talking with the team leader he did a small dance movement that is actually the same from Miss A's Breath.
- T.O.P transformed the original chant recited by Hyun Bin into a rap.
- T.O.P also wore the two types of shinning tracksuits from the original drama (the blue one and the leopard print one). He also used the purple jacket as well.
- Taeyang's character as the Team leader, was mixed with the movie director from the movie on the Secret Garden drama when Jootop defended G Raim.
- G Raim's message tone was the same of the original Raim, and she was also wearing a Smurf's hoodie. (The Smurfs were also part of the original drama when hyun Bin character changed used his phone application when he was lonely).
- Instead of drinking liquor in the island like in the drama, the characters drank a delivered energizing drink.
- Seungska transformed into the real Seungri when he presented a line of his song 'What can I do'.
- T.O.P kissed Seungri and G-Dragon, so at the end GD and Seungri shared an 'indirect kiss'.
- Daesung played two characters. The first one as Jootop's secretary and then as his other. Also the one who used the spray on the drama was his aunt and not his mother.
- T.O.P really cried while writing the letter for G Raim.
- Finally G-Dragon confirmed that he really is a polite idol by vowing at the end of the filming.

So did you notice all these details? Also tell us if we missed one.

credits 2 : gokpop

~tumpang tepek ye hadek syk

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Post time 4-3-2011 02:06 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Chynez at 4-3-2011 14:47

What's up, Malaysia, we are BIGBANG!!
We've heard that there are so many fans support us in Malaysia.
Due to our new album promotion, we will not be able to meet you guys right away. However, we are waiting for the day to come to see you guys in Malaysia and will update you guys soon.
Thank you. See You.

wohoooooooooooooo jidi SEE YA omooo

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Post time 4-3-2011 03:00 PM | Show all posts
Reply 417# adikmanis

    dvd GDTOP akan msuk my list! OMAI i need HQ MV neh best giler
briliant giler asal usul mv baby goodnight ye ehiks

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Post time 4-3-2011 03:20 PM | Show all posts
[NEWS] Big Bang’s comeback on “Music Core” changed to next week!

It was recently announced that due to a change of plans, Big Bang will be making their MBC “Music Core” comeback next week, as opposed to this week.

“Music Core” PD Jae Young Je told Newsen on March 4th, “We got a call from YG that they will be making their comeback next week, rather than this week. The agency wanted the group to have their comeback performance next week, so we approved.”

The PD continued, “As of right now, detailed decisions on their stage have not been made. We still have time remaining, so we will need to undergo more discussions. We haven’t yet decided on how many songs or minutes they will sing.”

(source: akp)

ouh this week inkigayo jeh

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Post time 4-3-2011 04:11 PM | Show all posts
The Secrets Behind the 'Secret Big Bang' Parody

Almost everyone has watched the hilarious 'Secret ...
carold Post at 4-3-2011 13:48

   yg indirect kiss tu tinggi btol imaginasi org yg tulis nih
seungska->seungri - die mmg suke pomot lagu sundirik

kwon twin sgt chomell..hahaha

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Post time 5-3-2011 12:02 AM | Show all posts
Reply 423# Chynez

Msg tu btul2 from BB ke? Chingja?so they ve confirmed la bout 4th june fan meeting?

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 Author| Post time 5-3-2011 09:08 AM | Show all posts

tgk!!~ tk masuk MB lgk..dah menang k-chart...apa lgk yg KBS neh nak??

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 Author| Post time 5-3-2011 09:10 AM | Show all posts
[ENG.SUBS] BBTVLIVE 1-2 110303

[ENG.SUBS] BBTVLIVE 2-2 110303

Credit: The21BANGSTV@YT

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Post time 5-3-2011 09:27 AM | Show all posts
Reply 428# skymania

   mnet,pastu kbs..pasni sbs inkigayo plak go bigbang go!!

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Post time 6-3-2011 10:12 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Chynez at 6-3-2011 23:28

pesal xde update neh
BB menang inkigayo tdi pastu mse TY bgi ucapan baby wat peek a boo tpi bae xlyn,tabi lompat2 pastu baby nmpk nak join lompat2 peluk tabi pastu tabi bgi muke cmne :l pastu baby pon muke cmne :/ puahahaha mengong je chy jerit gile tgk mse tu,lme xnmpk drg men2 kat stage as 5

ekee posing ape derang neh! puahaha mcm biase baby la attention seekers comei je at the end bae g depan cam HUWARGHHH NAK SIOMM

when I say somebody then you say to to love

what is right and what is wrong! gd acting al2 comei kengkononnye   ape kes la sleeping mask tu die pkai

tonight real choreo,tpi xbyk sgt beza y best nye xde skirt
mabeles fanchat sgt JJANG huwa BIG BANG! BIGBANG!

ekeke tgk neh HUWAA TORI   gd xjdik baling bunga muahaa
(source: crazycarrot360@yt)


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Post time 6-3-2011 10:17 PM | Show all posts
Reply 427# nata_girl

    err mksud msg BB mne? mcm lam vid tu kate,we will update u guys soon so date x tentu lgi yet event is confirm

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 Author| Post time 6-3-2011 11:09 PM | Show all posts
korunk!!` aku tak tau lah mende neh jengjalan kat alkpop..gigih budak2 tuh suh vote kat sini...

tuk For Sportschosun Power Ranking...

kol 12am nih abis vote..

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Post time 7-3-2011 08:07 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by nzhass79 at 7-3-2011 08:26

Behind the Scene: EVERSENSE Commercial  

aku suker tgk BTS neh,,,,

letak sini dulu mlm ni donlot.....

di HQBB @ LJ

adey la 2 eko neh..... nak balikkkkkkkkkkk

byk mende tak donlot lg neh... ptg ni balik tros bkk pc, kasik pc wat keje dulu... then baru layan... p merayau kat HQBB tadi byk giler ar tinggal...

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2011 10:12 AM | Show all posts
Reply 431# Chynez

    tahniah!!~ jidi pakai baju sampah sarap!!~ ai like..

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2011 10:19 AM | Show all posts
Nak  donlod dlm MU link.. Big Bang - What is Right & Somebody to Love & Tonight

kat sini

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Post time 7-3-2011 12:04 PM | Show all posts
Dah 20x layan semua lagu...suka Tonight, Somebody to Love..

lagu What is Right cam iras2 lagu..... band'tuttt'..

tapi kaka masih suka dgn  Tell Me goodbye n haru-haru

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Post time 7-3-2011 08:56 PM | Show all posts
[NEWS] Big Bang reveal their ideals and their traits!

In a recent interview with DongA News, the members of Big Bang revealed the traits of their ideal women. Although each of them looked for different things, they all agreed that they were looking for a woman who understood them.

Daesung revealed, “I want a woman who likes me and is understanding of my career. I’d like to be able to lean on her for support, and whether she’s older or younger than me, I’d like for her to be able to console me and give me strength when we’re together.” When asked to choose a physical trait, he replied, “A woman that looks beautiful when she smiles.”

Taeyang stated, “Someone who is on the same page as me. She needs to be understanding of me and the way I live my life, as well as be wise so I can learn from her. I’d like for her to stimulate me in a way that makes me want to work even harder. Ever since I was little, I’ve liked women with Western features.”

G-Dragon expressed, “It’s important that I feel comfortable around her. In the past, I used to have a detailed vision of what my ideal woman would be like; for example, ’someone with short hair and a tomboyish style’. But these days, it’s just someone who I’m comfortable with and doesn’t act fake around me.”

T.O.P revealed that he did not have a specific ideal woman, just as long as she can “match herself to him.” He elaborated, “I’d like someone realistic who can direct me to good paths; someone who I can learn from. She needs to be mannerly and respectful towards the adults.” T.O.P added that he would like to marry late as well.

Seungri concluded, “A woman with a cute phone voice and a lot of aegyo. I honestly do look a lot at physical appearance.” When asked to choose a specific girl group member that was the closest to his ideal woman, he chose After School’s UEE. “I didn’t really notice in the past, but working with her on broadcast programs made me realize how beautiful she is. But for now, it’s not anything possible.”

(source: akp)

nanges baca ideal woman seungri...nak yg aegyo jer....dekma cmne

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Post time 7-3-2011 09:01 PM | Show all posts
Mnet PD, "Just one episode for Big Bang TV" [NEWS]

As confirmed by a fan from Big Bang TV's PD:

Source: Jaeyoonc via li_nikoru @ 6theory

apa sume nih

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Post time 7-3-2011 11:14 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by adikmanis at 8-3-2011 00:34

okeh,ni mmg osem
(PHOTOS) Daesung photos shooting for Running Man!

credit : Bestiz via happyrichlife

woohooo dumb n dumber, small eyes brothers!!

Fan taken picture of Daesung on "Running Man" (110307)[PHOTOS]

Daesung is at a food market with comedian Jae Suk, who he also stared in "Family Outing" with. Together, they had become known to the nation as the "Dumb and Dumber Brothers". Will update when more information is available. As of now, no news on when this will air.

credit: 빅뱅LOVE♡ @ Bestiz

kt komen section tu ada yg kata utk ep 35 guest die daesung ngan yonghwa

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