Graduates U Tak Fasih B Inggeris dan Faktor2nya
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Originally posted by cyra at 14-8-2007 11:01 PM
kalau pasal keja bidang teknikal plak.. pentingkan bahasa inggeris sebab technical terms,... mmg susah sgt2 nak terima alasan tuh... sbb masa blajar pon bukan guna english terms ker??
kalau s ...
Tajam dan pedih.
But this is reality in Malaysia.
contoh terbaru, saya pegi interview ngan satu big company, also GLC, bebaru nih, honestly, experience saya sket sgt.. baru setahun lebey... so si interviewer nih bercerita laa pasal background sorang candidate sebelum saya nih... mmg gempak abislaa technical background dia... dia demand pon tak tinggi... masa si interviewer nih crita, saya senyum ajalaaa... dalam hati komfem tak dpt ler nih.... dahlaaa saya demand sekt punya tinggi
but then tetiba aja dia ckp.. masalahnya saya fasih bertutur dalam bahasa inggeris... very fluent laaa katanya... so dia dalam dilema jugaklaa katanya.... walaupon dia still nak tgk candidate2 yg lain...
masa tuh saya rasa 'laaaa.. tuh pon nak dilema ke?'.. bukan patotnya bahasa tuh cam priority kedua ke? bukan sama level? nih the way dia nak evaluate, dia nak letak sama level lak... contohnya kalau dia ada dua org yg sama tahap technical skill nya... tapi sorang tuh lagik terer bertutur dalam bahasa inggeris, then yerlaaa mmg patotlaaa dia amik the latter tuh... tapi kalau dia ada sorang yg terer bab teknikal, kureng sket bab bahasa inggeris, and another one kureng sket bab teknikal, tapi terer english.. then agak ntah pape kalau dia nak hire the latter tuh semata2 sbb terer english... eh korang paham tak apa aku cuba nak sampaikan nih?
Memang faham . Itu realiti , sebab tu Malaysia klu dibanding graf peningkatan dgn negara china dan jepun , jauh ketinggalan. Walaupun kita dgn china kita lebih dahulu menerima teknologi moden. |
guys -
please stop the fighting in this thread at once --
i am gonna merged this topic with
the very similar one that i think some of us will get
a gist about why most of our graduates can't speak
english fluently and what are we gonna do about it
or what can we do about it --
*most of them will be in the earlier pages -
the discussion in this topic is quite pertinent and i think
all your views have some merits in it if not all -
please treat other forum members' point with utmost respect just
as you want your point to get cross - and be heard -
thanks - |
Regardless English tu kita rasa penting atau tidak , kita kena terima hakikat the employers in this country memang mengutamakan mereka yang ada kelebihan berbahasa Inggeris. And saying it's not important when we are employees like the rest--not the employers--will not change anything. It's just how it is in this country. Ianya satu kelebihan yang dipandang oleh mereka jadi apa salahnya kalau kita sharpen the language skills, memang ada kelebihannya.
Dulu, when I was a primary schooler, saya tak pay attention sangat pada pembelajaran Inggeris di kelas. Tapi saya memang minat bahasa ini dan cuba mempelajarinya dengan menonton rancangan bahasa Inggeris dan meneliti struktur ayat dalam dialog-dialog yang dituturkan. Kalau kita rasa susah dengan pembelajaran di kelas (sebab didaktik) kita still boleh improve by integrating the learning process with something, anything that we are interested in--lagu, rancangan TV, movies, comics, cartoons, animes, tapi kalau kita start dari kecil le. Kalau dah besar ni mungkin agak lambat sikit nak mahir, but it's never too late to try. |
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memang penting sbb boss-boss syarikat kat malaysia majoriti mat-mat saleh. Lainlah kalau bos-bos org melayu. Salah satu kelemahan kerana dlm pembelajaran bahasa inggeris adalah kerana student kekurangan perkataan untuk diucapkan. Kalau dalam kepala pelajar sudah dipenuhi dengan perkataan-perkataan yang pelbagai, dengan sendiri pelajar dapat menggunakan perkataan tersebut untuk dibuat ayat. Aku akui, aku pun lemah bahasa Inggeris, memang menyusahkan terutama di U kerana semua bahan rujukan dalam B.I.
Salah satu cara untuk meningkat B.I aku adalah degan menonton DVD sub Inggeris. So tak ler bosan sangat belajar. |
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bak kata ex-boss aku, communication is very vital. aku hired pun sbb aku tak letak -lah kat every end of the sentence.
technical stuff? so-so aar...hiihi so i was hired! |
kalau aku la ... kena buat pilihan 2 candidate ...
1. technical knowledge hebat tapi english so-so
2. english/language wise tip top tapi lack in technical expertise
aku akan pilih candidate no.1. Kalau pandai cakap ajer tapi kijo hampeh baik tak payah... Lagipon kemahiran pertuturan dalam bahasa tu boleh diperbaiki over the time... tu aku la ... :bg: |
Originally posted by Bolayan at 15-8-2007 11:45 PM
kalau aku la ... kena buat pilihan 2 candidate ...
1. technical knowledge hebat tapi english so-so
2. english/language wise tip top tapi lack in technical expertise
aku akan pilih candidate ...
aku pun... aku pilih yg tip top cara fikir dan cara kerja...
yg jenis pandai cakap nie... adehh... buat pening kepala jer
English so-so nie.. aku senang jer... aku hantar die gie obercee 3 bulan
takda org Melayu.. takda org Malaysia... bior dia struggle sowang2
aku yakin.... dia lebih mahir nanti drp aku
my 2 kupang |
English proficiency: Improve yourself with a novel
CONCERN about the poor standard of English in Malaysia has been raised time and again, most recently by Dr M.A. Nair of Bandar Muadzaam Shah
Despite the concerns expressed from various quarters, and the actions taken by the Education Ministry and the institutes of higher learning, the standard of English in Malaysia does not seem to show much improvement.
As stated by Dr Nair, an average school student or even a university student would find it difficult to express himself in correct English. Even the English of an average college and university lecturer who teaches in English is seldom free from basic grammatical errors. I know, because I have taught in two Malaysian universities.
The poor standard of English has affected more than just the education system. For example, it also affects government administration as university graduates with poor standards of English replace those with stronger English foundation. The papers and documents written in English for top officials and members of the cabinet are often affected.
Here is an extract of a foreward by a minister: "It is a pleasure and honoured that Malaysia has been given the rights to host for the second of time the ....... After the successful of organising it in 2002, Malaysia抯 role as the host... "
Here is an extract of a message by another minister: "It shows that our capability and experienced in organising world class event have been recognised by world."
We know the authorities concerned are still looking at the problem. Perhaps what is needed now is a more holistic approach. One way is to introduce students to interesting stories written in English, and so encourage them to read English novels. School libraries should be stocked with selected English novels, in particular, the simplified versions.
Another way is to encourage them to listen to the English programmes over the radio and TV.
It is regrettable that news reading over TV2 as well as Astro Channel 8 seems too fast and rather difficult for an average Malaysian to follow. News reading over the international channels, in particular Al Jazeera, seems to be more comprehensible.
The decline in the standard of English here should be a concern to all Malaysians. It is hoped that ideas and actions by the authorities should eventually help in this area.
i couldn't agree more that reading english novel or book is one of the sure
way to improve your english --
parents oughta encourage their young 'un to borrow books from the library
or bring them to various book stores in the city and get them few interesting novels --
parents also should show the role model by reading english book themselves
in order to encourage their kids - and converse in English with their kids
and this kids will go to the university - fully understanding how vital is to understand
english and why it should be encouraged since they were young -
for those who want to improve their english but ain't sure how to start -
can read this thread and find out various ways on how to improve your english
language - (besides in this thread : -- reading english novel) |
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Kene rajin membaca ..tak kira le novel ke..buku apa ke..but the bottom point is ..in English..
Waktu aku zaman kindergarten dulu..which was about 26 tahun yang lepas..tadika aku mempraktikkan buku Jack N Jill ( ader series nya )..a nice book with some illustration..elok for kids..as aku baca tuh waktu umur aku 4 / 5 tahun..and bila makin besar..kita dah terbiasa di exposed ngan buku2 english..so tak menjadi masalah besar..either in speaking / writing... |
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Siswazah harus kuasai tiga bahasa
Reply #411 nuha's post
tp tak sumer kompeni ada htr staff depa p obersi kot... lagi satu aku rasa sbb2 org tak mahir berbahasa inggeris ni pasal depa tak bape confident nk ckp... aku tgk india/cina pun depa pakai hentam jek cakap dgn yakinnya... sedikit sebanyak keyakinan pd diri tu bleh membantu seseorg utk mahirkan lidah memasing... |
bila gomen dah tak mampu beri peluang pekerjaaan..macam2 depa salahkan rakyat..
alahai BN |
bahasa inggeris mmg penting tapi yg lagi penting ialah cara org tuh buat keje. kalau aku jadi majikan, aku pentingkan org yg ada pengalaman dan pandai buat keje (kalau dlm technical field)...tp kalau bidang pemasaran ker, komunikasi ker lain cerite ler..aku pelik ler,byk ajer kawan2 aku yg pandai bahasa inggeris menganggur....cuba ler buktikan sapa yg pandai cakap omputih tuh senang dapat kejer...kalau ikut logik, kalau tiap2 hari kena buat surat dan laporan dalam bahasa inggeris..dan bos pun omputih, inggeris so-so pun bleh jadik superb.. |
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Reply #417 remizati's post
aku pelik ler,byk ajer kawan2 aku yg pandai bahasa inggeris menganggur....cuba ler buktikan sapa yg pandai cakap omputih tuh senang dapat kejer
let's put it this way -
english is not a sure guarantee to land a job
but it is one of the basic roots that enable you
to get the job that you want -
when you can speak the language fluently
you have more self confidence in dealing with
task at hand or meeting people in the seminars
and communicate with anyone at any level - |
Reply #417 remizati's post
kalo terer spiking...tp keje malas... pun x bleh gak...
matsaleh...depa suka org yg bleh kerja, bukan org yg pandai bodek... |
Originally posted by ra5101 at 8/14/07 05:26 PM
Salah satu cara untuk meningkat B.I aku adalah degan menonton DVD sub Inggeris. So tak ler bosan sangat belajar.
actually that's a good suggestion. that's what I did before. But don't overdo it. At some point one needs to let go of the subs. I know someone who's been in the US for several years, who watches a lot of DVDs, and who can't understand it without reading the subs. That's not good enough. It's best if you can understand their standard accent as well.
Talk about listening, when I learn Japanese for example, they always stress on learning to understand native speakers. It's always been that way. In high school, in JAD prep center, and in US college. Somehow we don't stress that in English classes in school in Malaysia. |
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