Dlm Hati Ada cinta - mawi; tidak rancang kahwen thn 2008 [p22]
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adehlai, vunguks gak forum nih. huhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:@ |
ok.. WT (pendek sikit nak taip )
mesej sampai
aku setuju ngan pendapat ko tu
ot:mlm tadi gurau senda ngan adjust kat channel 15 ye |
kawan2..ingat tak link blog yg aku bg hari tu psl mawi ngan ikin kat tempat snooker tu...
owner tu dah tau da...
tapi dia tulis dalam bahasa cina entry dia... tp aku ngan adik aku gi google n translate kan entry dia... hasilnya ...? kelakar...
mana bono ekk? |
Reply #384 mendonan's post
Kenapa?  |
Reply #385 kekekek's post
takde pape sebenarnya cuma, dia pelik kenapa ramai sangat tgk blog dia...
gi lah baca... |
dia org gi baca kat blog tu sebab nak kutuk si Mawi agaknya.... |
Reply #386 mendonan's post
x paham den nak baco 
tolong la translate
<nampak link forum cari & mfc je> |
dah melawat blog tu sekali lagi
[makin bertambahlah pengunjung blog tu ]
tapi tak berjaya cari trial translator  |
betul tu kazz
nampak link forum cari ngan mawifc
itu ajolah yg den faham  |
hr tu bila aku bc kat bod gosip pasal mawi bwk ekin gi snooker ni
aku igt diorg gi berdua jek
rupanya staff dia yg comel montel tu pun ade. lgpun kat blog tu tuan rmh tu ckp mawi bkn dtg main, dtg nak beli brg ler..
kan ekin ni ada kwn yg keje kt mawi world tu. dulu ms gmbr mawi raya rmh ekin kan pun sbb kwn ekin yg staf mawiworld tu yg ajak siggh |
Reply #384 mendonan's post
ekk aku br je tgk blog tu. in fact, tgh tgk pun. ok je, in english kan. |
oo patut la, yg aku bkk tu archive lama dia
yg latest ni mmg x faham
agaknya dia pelik nape ramai org tgk blog dia dr forum cari |
Reply #395 mendonan's post
thanks mendo
ni ha aku quote apa yg diterjemah
Automatically translated text:
Our blog overnight fame!
We blog usually only our own family, there are 12 to a child, I see a good friend, a no others. But yesterday I whim to see our "visitors", was surprised to discover that the day yesterday, there are 602 visitors click on our blog! Almost every two minutes, someone, people scared to death.
In fact, Hey, very funny, it is because six months ago, we wrote an article which cited them back. Because the article has become a Sanguliupo topic. Therefore, many nosy people who read the "sex scandal" issue, it is nosy and then "visit" our blog Show "Original." You You.
Need to know what is gossip forum? Need to know what is up with them? Then look at the following link. .
Http://forum3.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=318822&extra=page% 3D1 & page = 79
Http://forum3.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=320380&extra=page% 3D1 & page = 11
If you want to read my blog visitors, it is simple, right hand side of the Earth to see the small picture? About to click on it.
However, we believe that the blog will soon restore calm, because the subject of gossip quickly outdated. I specially with Chinese writing, is not to let them know that we are also talking about them, Hahaha.
lebih kurang maknanya mcm tu lah
yg paling klakar komen yg terakhir tu ...  |
Reply #397 niy's post
tq niy....
mcm konfiden gile kita tak leh baca ape yg die tulis "However, we believe that the blog will soon restore calm, because the subject of gossip quickly outdated. I specially with Chinese writing, is not to let them know that we are also talking about them, Hahaha. "  |
dia x tau yg peminat mawi ni gigih
rajin men'gugel'  |
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