Rain. Oh Yeon Seo 'Come Back Mister'. Please anticipate the NEW Oh Yeon Seo
Actor Rain and Oh Yeon Seo starring in a new Wed-Thurs drama 'Come Back Mister' ( play by No Hye Young , directed by Shin Yoon Seob) are gaining high expectations from the public. Oh Yeon Seo is in charge of the heroine character named 'Hong Nan' . 'Come Back Mister' is Oh Yeon Seo's comeback after 10 months since finishing MBC drama 'Shine or Go Crazy' 'Come Back Mister' will tell a story about a former boss who comes back to the world after an unfortunate accident . Instead of a body with six pack, he was reborn into a body of a beautiful woman. Oh Yeon Seo's come back this time is raising people expectations as this will be a big transformation from her role in 'Shine or Go Crazy' and 'Jang Bori'. The writer herself said that the script is an unique piece hence Oh Yeon Seo's acting spectrum is expected to change. Oh Yeon Seo is preparing for the role of Hong Nan. A beauty with a tough guy soul inside her body. One of the staff from Star News said "Oh Yeon Seo preparation for this role is extraordinary, she will be showing a complete different image" cr. Star News