you dont even know islam and you says islam is bad religion and teaching the follower to kill..
islam itu sejahtera.. i've a islam books if you want to read it..
"islam failed...lot of terrorism and killing"
adakah ayat ini tidak menunjukkan kebusukan hati kamu pada islam?
bahagian ko boleh pulak, kalao bahagian aku kondem ko cakap busuk pulak
wake up,
Edited by ibujarikaki at 5-3-2015 02:54 PM
saya cuma mengajak. at least tanggungjawap saya sudah lepas.
nnti kamu xbole claims mengapa saya tak mengajak kamu masuk islam.
what u think about islam, i leave it to you. im not gonna say something to impress u about islam.
especially to the person who make fun about islam.
i intent to write about my GOD but you dont even know about tauhid, so if i explain also you won't understand anything.
u dont have to provoke and say bad about islam because you are truly dont know about islam.
u just view it thru your media and your travelling. haha thats fun
this is my last reply to you. go and find islam. u will find your way.
go and find "who are you"...
you dont even know islam and you says islam is bad religion and teaching the follower to kill..
islam itu sejahtera.. i've a islam books if you want to read it..
u want to talk about islam? is like ' ajar itik berenang"
"islam failed...lot of terrorism and killing"
adakah ayat ini tidak menunjukkan kebusukan hati kamu pada islam? helloooooooooooooooo....adakah ayat itu menujuk saya ini busuk hati??
sila jelaskan ...thank u
bahagian ko boleh pulak, kalao bahagian aku kondem ko cakap busuk pulak bahagian apa pula kau cerita ini??? macam kira2 pula kau ini....maksud kau yg kau tulis 'keling mamak" itu ya?
cuba u fikir...tidak kah itu satu ayat menghina umat kau sendiri?? kau sembayang 5x tapi masih ada presangka yg x elok pada saudara kau sendiri?
patuhlah orang melayu tidak boleh maju....
sepatuhnya kau lah 'WAKE UP' bukan saya...
fikir-fikirkan lah
Ist of all, ‘don’t be stupid’ doesn’t ring like ‘ hey you stupid’..
( see how easily you misinterpret sucha a little thing…) .Well, that is not the point here.
Ok yes, the US did those invasion on a freaking purpose.. on an evil purpose , to be clear..
I wonder why , even those American are aware of the deception did by their government and you naively said that they do it on a purpose which I believe you believe it is done base on good deeds.
I can see that you brought this issue up because ISS , right?? Because of some lies some people ( god knows who) make to distract the world from the real deal , the real situation now, that really puts the world on threat.
Have you ever tried to check whether those ISS videos genuine? come on la, nowadays, knowledge and information is at your fingertips ok?!
So I read that you asked some guy there, upon those kezaliman did by muslim and where is Allah then? I believe that you asked that question just to point out the ugliness of some people who claim they are muslims, not because you sincerely want to know where is Allah.
Like I said before babe, you cannot blame the religion alone just because of some group say that and these.. blame it on the people, not the religion..
For examples, lets go back to a few hundreds years ago, where those freaking causcasians kidnapped African and make them slaves. they , Christians tortured, abused, raped, killed ( don’t have enuff words to describe how revolting, freaky , unimaginable things those Christians did).. so , can I ask you the same question where is the christian god?
If you surf enough , you will stumble with many reports of sexual abuse in Christian church institution, it is not only happening in the USA, not only in the UK, it is happening across the globe..
And who is the culprit? It is the man of the god himself!! So when this shit happens all around the world, where is Christian god??
So, would I like to say , that Christianity is a bunch of bullocks? Absolutely no, because there are good people who believe in Christianity and practice them religiously with wisdom ( not intelligence ) .. and because I respect good people .. some goes to Islam.. or to any good religion..
respect , thats what u lack of by bluntly saying that 'islam failed...lot of terrorism and killing'..
I guess u can make your own conclusion, whether you want to agree or disagree.. whatever..
but i wonder what exactly you want from here, what do you expect?
"The truth will set you free."
But FIRST it will REALLY piss you off.
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