manganini posted on 17-11-2014 02:16 PM
Zanie pernah jumpa JGS in real life ke?
Pernah pegi fanmeeting dia tak?
tak pernah... sbb dulu takde la suka dia...
zanie start suka dia sbb accidentally jumpa video yang fan dia rakam..
masa tu fan dia tggu dia smpi tak tahu pukul berapa pagi... then lepas dia keluar dr studio / office (tak ingat kat mana) dia cam terkejut la sbb fan dia (seorg perempuan) nie boleh tunggu smpi lewat pagi...
yang terharunyer dia siap hantar fan dia nie balik.. masa nie... that girl boleh rakam lagi dia tgh drive smbil dia tanya arah jalan betul ker tak..
byk yang zanie kenal dia apa yang fan dia rakam... zanie suka dia sebab cara dia layan eels dia...
pastu dia nie macam bersungguh-sungguh bila buat kerja... kalau tgk semua bts dia.. ramai yang selesa bekerja ngan dia... cuma masa drama bel ami tu, nampak sangat IU pemalu giler.. so nampak canggung sikit la... IU dgn JKS... BTS bel ami pun tak best macam you are beautiful dgn love rain...
tapi ada jugak benda yang zanie tak suka...
zanie tak berapa suka dia dgn bigbrother bila buat lagu i just wanna have fun... cam giler jer zanie tgk.. ish, part tu zanie tak suka..
hopefully dia mature dgn umur skrg...
dia pernah kata dia dah nak masuk 30.. perangai kena selari dgn umur... hopefully...
manganini posted on 17-11-2014 02:12 PM
Aiiii suka sangat bts ni dulu..
zaman ni meroyan gila kat JGS..
shinhye pun comel time ni.. ANJe ...
Sambung balik.. bz sebenarnya ni tp sibuk jugak nak berporum..
pastu bila dapat tau dia berlakon dgn yoona, suka sangat sebab yoona idol pompuan yg saya sangat minat.. tp yg tak bestnya ramai plak kutuk yoona time tu...
manganini posted on 17-11-2014 03:33 PM
Haha.. saya tak ambik tau sangat karier nyanyian dia
fobia kot lepas tengok satu MV dia dulu.. ...
oh.. zanie tahu tu yang mana... album "nature boy" yang dia rakam kat hawaii tu...
tu pun zanie tak suka... ntah apa2 jer kan... hahah... zanie rasa dia nak tackle peminat2 belah sana...
coz kalau tgk ramai jer eels dia yg suka, except zanie la...
tapi zanie follow jugak documentary dia kat hawaii tu.... tgk dia masak utk staff dia...
dia cakap dia pun tak tahu dia masak apa sbb bahan tak cukup, but at the end menjadi jugak...
btw, album take me nie jer yang cam normal sikit... ahahhaha... yang lain ntah apa2 terutama kalau dgn big brother..
@manganini , cuba dgr lagu nie... eels cakap lagu nie dia tujukan kat ex gf (dated for 5 years) dia... sedih la...
Lyics: Jang Keun Suk / Kato Kanako
English translation: tenshi_akuma
When I picture memories in those days on water of the glass,
they will be blurred to be transparent.
Like sand slipping through my hands,
the time that is slipping by will never come back again.
There she had to stay where I will not stay.
Misunderstanding occurs even if we care for each other.
It ends up without any progress.
And you… slow slow gone
I just wanna stay, yes I have to stay
The seasons when you were with me
If I could have a wish come true, I would be back to those days even now.
Here here here I have to stay
When I look up at the night sky with moist eyes,
all my memories come back to me clearly.
Like snow effacing our footprints,
time has flown by and effaces all memories.
There she had to stay where I will not stay
Misunderstanding occurs even if we care for each other.
It ends up without any progress.
And you… slow slow gone
I just wanna stay, yes I have to stay
I still remains in the seasons when you were with me even now.
Here here here
Since some time or other (separated hands)
Since some time or other (I feel the distance between us)
I haven’t been able to touch you.
It ends up without any progress.
And you… slow slow gone
I just wanna stay, yes I have to stay
The seasons when you were with me
If I could have a wish come true, I would be back to those days even now.
Here here here I have to stay
suka jugak tgk JGS ni... every single time pun rasa dia sangat hensem no matter apa pun style dia masa tu. tapi of coz la fav masa dia rambut pendek...
manganini posted on 18-11-2014 11:02 AM
Ye betul.. baru ingat.. nature boy..
Tu la.. imej dia tu org korea tak minat kot..
i wanna have a fun tu... zanie pun tak suka.. kalau tgk concert dia kat japan tu... eels pki bikini jer... tak senonoh tau!! dgn botol arak la.. ntah apa2 jer...
actually dia nie baik tau... cuma telah dirosakkan sekejap oleh big brother..