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Photos Of Children From Around The World With Their Most Prized Possessions
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Shot over a period of 18 months, Italian photographer Gabriele Galimberti‘s project Toy Stories compiles photos of children from around the world with their prized possesions—their toys. Galimberti explores the universality of being a kid amidst the diversity of the countless corners of the world, saying, “at their age, they are pretty all much the same; they just want to play.”
But it’s how they play that seemed to differ from country to country. Galimberti found that children in richer countries were more possessive with their toys and that it took time before they allowed him to play with them (which is what he would do pre-shoot before arranging the toys), whereas in poorer countries he found it much easier to quickly interact, even if there were just two or three toys between them.
There were similarites too, especially in the functional and protective powers the toys represented for their proud owners. Across borders, the toys were reflective of the world each child was born into—economic status and daily life affecting the types of toys children found interest in. Toy Stories doesn’t just appeal in its cheerful demeanor, but it really becomes quite the anthropological study.

Chiwa – Mchinji, Malawi

Stella - Montecchio, Italy

Pavel - Kiev,Ukraine

Arafa & Aisha - Bububu, Zanzibar

Chun Zi Yi - Chongqing, China

Bethsaida- Port Au Prince, Haiti

Orly- Brownsville, Texas

Botlhe - Maun,Botswana

Watcharapom -Bangkok, Thailand

Aleesia- Castiglion, Italy

Nordeen- Massa, Moroco

Julia-Tirana, Albania

Keynor -Cahuita, Costa Ricca


Tangawizi- Keekorok,Kenya
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kt negara susah kanak2 cmtu nasib mereka.

Author |
Post time 25-6-2014 01:34 PM
From the mobile phone
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Klu negara susah, toys seadanya sj.. |
semua ada creativity sendiri |
tp yang kat Ukraine tu, takut la tgk, dah mcm brainwash budak2 ngan toys mcm tu.. |
kesiannya.. kanak2 dari negara miskin ada toy seadanya.. agaknya hati pun dh kembang benarkan ada jugak toy bt main |
lylea posted on 25-6-2014 02:21 PM 
kesiannya.. kanak2 dari negara miskin ada toy seadanya.. agaknya hati pun dh kembang benarkan ada ju ...
kan.. mesti derang suka kalau ada yg bagi toys..
teringat pasal kempen bra ada sorang pompuan tu kesian tgk wanita africa ramai yang tak pakai bra.. pastu dia ada idea nak bagi bra terpakai.. so buat kempen bra.. ingatkan x dpt sambutan, sekali bertan2 bra dia dapat.. pastu ada yang tolong sponsor shippment... smpai skng masih berjalan rasanya kempen tu
reddots posted on 25-6-2014 02:26 PM 
kan.. mesti derang suka kalau ada yg bagi toys..
teringat pasal kempen bra ada sorang pompuan t ...
owhh ye ke. .. tak tau plak.. tu la.. kita pandang benda tu kecik je.. tp bg impak yg besar pada yg menerima kan
wah....... |
Membesar mengikut persekitaran keluarga mereka. Jelas nampak perbezaanya yang kaya dan miskin. |
sebelum klik tajuk ni, aku tahu aku mesti akan ada benda menyedihkan hatiku.
Ada yg sikit je....ada yg baaanyak. Ekonomi.
ps: Semua ada miniatur (haiwan,kenderaan,anak patung)....kecuali Ukraine (senjata ) dan Italy (alat berladang ) |
menarik sungguh, lawak pun ada, ada peminat dinosour, peminat senjata api, motor, barbie, tedy bear, huhu. |
teringat zaman dulu2 bikin robot & rumah mini dari kotak, |
kesian lak tengok kanak2 negara miskin |
dlm readers digest konsep mcm ni jgk
tp keadaan rumah kanak2 dr seluruh dunia
buatkan rasa bersyukur sgt dgn apa yg ada |
siannye bila tgk anak2 yg dari negara miskin...
toy seadanye....  |
kadang, toy yg seadanya tu lagi bagus sb dh tentu dihargai. Tk mcm bebudak yg banyak toys, bukan appreciate sgt pn.
Bebudak dulu best je ada toy yg sikit. Lagi kreatif buat toy sendiri dr pelepah pisang, tempurung, tutup botol, kain perca.
Yg budak Ukraine tu, tk boleh lah kita generalise smua budak ukraine camtu. Bdk seluruh dunia pn ramai yg suka toy senjata jgk, tak kiralah kt US ke, Mesia ke, mana mana ke. |
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