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Author: burungantu

Maryam Jameelah dan Abul A'la Maududi

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Post time 9-5-2014 04:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
burungantu posted on 9-5-2014 03:29 PM
Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Thanks Tuan  jazakallu khairan

Well...she is a new yorker...gadis london mase tu err...busy with the beatles party....laaa uncle..huhuhu...well...

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Post time 9-5-2014 04:15 PM | Show all posts
burungantu posted on 9-5-2014 03:29 PM
Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Thanks Tuan  jazakallu khairan

Thread ni cakap yang positif pasal Sheikh Mawdudi, jadi yang kritikan tu seboleh-bolehnya saya tak mahu highlight sangat. Tapi sebab penulisan yang ditulis oleh Ulama yang kaji dan ada yang hampir dengannya sendiri (guru beliau), maka saya masukkan juga lah.

Im a revert now for 12 years and was previously Hindu. Please may I ask you a question about Moulana Mawdudi. I was recently given a kitaab to read by a brother titled "Towards Understanding Islam". It's my normal habit to find out about the author before I read any kitaab so when I went onto the internet, I found quite a number of websites regarding this controversy about him. I'm Hanafi and all I would like to know is whether it's okay to read this particular kitaab or any of his kitaabs?? I would really appreciate your guidance on this matter.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salamu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh.

May Allah keep you firm on Deen. Ameen. It is encouraging to note that you are cautious as to what type of material you choose to read about Islam. Alhamdulillah.

[1]Moulana Maududi; who was famously known as Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi was once asked in an interview a question to which he replied: “I was eighteen years old when I left college. I then started to study every type of literature that came in front of me. It had a great effect on my heart and mind (so much so that I lost reliance in Allah and Islamic beliefs had no meaning in my eyes). Because I had sufficient knowledge of the Arabic language, I studied Quran and Sunnah directly from its source which removed my doubts and uncertainties.”[2]

Someone asked Maududi, “Whatever opinions you have mentioned, centuries have passed and no one has mentioned the similar opinions before you. In fact, even the senior scholars have not accepted your opinions after hearing them. This is proof that either all the senior scholars were wrong or it is proof that you are inviting to wrong while using the banner of truth?” He replied saying, “Instead of studying Quran and Sunnah through present day scholars or scholars before them, I try to study directly from their sources because I wanted to know what Deen required from me and from every believer. I didn’t try to understand what a certain scholar said or did but rather what Quran says and what Rasulullah said.”[3]

From this we understand that Maududi didn’t understand Deen through anyone in his time nor was there anyone who came before them in the last fourteen hundred years from who he could understand Deen. He studied Quran and Sunnah himself without a teacher. According to him it is not necessary to understand Quran through Hadeeth or Tafseer.[4]

[5]Maududi adopted an incorrect approach in understanding Islam. Therefore, his confusions were erroneous and incorrect. Hereunder are some of Maududis wrong ideologies:

    The Sahaba didn’t have the correct understanding of Deen.
    Every person has the option of “Tafseer Biraai”( interpretation of Quran according to one’s own understanding).
    Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam followed his own logic.
    The authentic Ahadeeth are merely historical events.
    Authentic Ahadeeth narrated from Sahaabah which seemed contrary to reality are unreliable.
    The narraters of Authentic Ahaadeeth are unreliable.
    The follow any of the four great Imaams; Imaam Abu Hanifah, Imaam Shaafee’, Imaaam Ahmad Bin Hanbal and Imaam Maalik is Haraam.
    Any person can use their intellect to Guide Muslims.
    The chains of Jurisprudence are chains of misguidance.

10. He is absolutely disrespectful to the pious friends of Allah.

11. He also approved the book “M’arikah Islam wa jahiliyyat” which contains derogative comments about the Sahabah.

12. He denies and negates Authentic Ahaadeeth by showing them to be illogical.

It is therefore impermissible to read any books authored by Maududi.

And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Ismaeel Bassa

Student Darul Iftaa

Durban, South Africa

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

[1] Fataawa Mahmudiyyah, Chapter on deviated sects, Vol. 2, Pg. 170/171
Ahsaanul Fataawa, chapter on the procedure of destroying Islam, Vol. 1, Pg. 308




[5] Maududi Saheb Akaabire Ummat Ki Nazar Me, Pg. 145, Kutub KHana Mazhari.

Last edited by mnm77 on 9-5-2014 04:42 PM


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Post time 9-5-2014 04:40 PM | Show all posts

A Brief History of the Mawdudi Calamity
November 5, 2009

In order to master any subject, it is incumbent that one remain in the company and benefit from the master of that subject. It is an accepted fact that for any simple or artistic occupation a teacher or even a guide is necessary. Without these even an intelligent and genius cannot reach the desired stage, be it in the fields of engineering, medicine, or any other subject for that matter. For every occupation or trade it is necessary and incumbent that one should at least earn the basics from a teacher. In this manner, when it is necessary to seek knowledge and guidance in materialistic fields, how can it be possible to attain the Uloom of Nubuwwat – teachings of the Ambiyaa (Alayhis salaam) – and the intricacies of the Shari’ah without the guidance of a tutor? The sciences of this nature are beyond the grasp of human intelligence. They have reached the Ummah through the Wahi (revelation) of the Almighty, and continues through heavenly training, rearing, divine commands, instructions and guidance. Then in these Divine Sciences the attention and considerations of the tutor and guide; and the practical participation in his company has a more important bearing than words. The attaining of correct thinking, understanding and practical Tarbiyah (rearing#) is more important than only attaining knowledge. On that ground, the longer the companionship of a master, the more benefit and experience one will reap. The more perfect the tutor, the more benefit and excellence will be attained. As the purpose of the Uloom-e-Nubuwwat is the guidance of the creation of Allah, in its understanding, there is a strong probability, through the enmity of the accursed Shaytaan, to be led astray. The Shaytaan does not interfere where one strives to attain perfection in material aspects. The Shaytaan sits in comfort. He does not need to interfere, nor is it necessary for him to show his enmity. However, where the hereafter and religion are concerned, the Shaytaan becomes restless in creating mischief. He uses his strength in every possible manner, where success and Hidaayat may be turned into ruin and to cause deviation from the straight path. The greatest asset of the accursed Iblis is ‘Talbis’, that is to mix the truth with falsehood in such a manner, that where a thing outwardly appears to be beneficial, in reality it becomes a source of wrong doing and detriment. Then too, bearing in mind that the tricks of the human Nafs supercedes this, it is human nature to be arrogant, haughty, deceptive, show-off and have love for rank and high status. These are such diseases that it is difficult to eradicate them even after lengthy training and discipline.

For this reason, it is incumbent to remain in the companionship of a master for quite some time, in order to save oneself from the effects of the Shaytaan.

If Allah’s grace and mercy are present, then surely one reforms, otherwise, the human just wanders around in the desert of knowledge and intellectualism. After studying the Educational History of the world, this point becomes very clear that all the mischief and chaos that were created, were all at the hands of intellectuals and geniuses. During the period of Ilm (knowledge) a greater portion of Fitna (mischief) appeared by the way of Ilm. Even among the Ulama-e-Haqq, many geniuses due to their sharp intelligence ad accentricity became victims of their wrong thoughts and ideas. This fact became evident that by completely relying on their own acuteness and flowing intellect, they became entangled in Ilm Kibr (educational arrogance), and self-conceited of their own views. They were not fortunate enough to undergo a beneficial amount of spiritual training. As a result, this led them to great lengths. In our times, there exist many such examples. Since thy possess Ilmi acumen and, as many a time they say or write excellently, they become a cause for additional Fitnah. Those individuals who were not fortunate enough to attain a deep knowledge or a spiritual training, easily become their adherents and quickly begin supporting and endorsing their new ideologies. The Shaytaan is always busy in his occupation. A personality that may be of use to guide and direct the Ummah, becomes a means of deviation and ruin for the Ummah. There are examples of these in every era. Imaam Ghazzaaliy (Rahmatullaah Alayhi) has written in his ‘Maqaasidul Falaasifah’ that after observing the correctness in the elementary and mathematical sciences of the Greeks, the people began to accept all their teachings as correct. They accepted the teachings of the Greeks even in the subjects of Theology and natural philosophy, which led they astray. These words of Imaam Ghazzaaly are very suprising and true. The Shaytaan finds in these situations an ideal opportunity to lead people astray. Well, when the very learned, geniuses and capable can become entangled in such Fitnahs, then those personalities who possess very little Ilmi capabilities and have a tremendous ability to write, and are quick witted and intelligent, but void of a spiritual training under an accomplished master they very quickly become engulfed in self-counceitedness and begin to degrade the Ummah. All the scholarly researches of the Ummah are despised; all the great deeds of the Salafus-Saaliheen are made a joke of and a laughing stock; and by criticising every personality from beginning till the end, falls in deep and dangerous pit, becoming a means of leading all humanity into destruction. Among such people today is a famous personality by the name of Janab Abul-A’ala Maududi Saheb, who was acute and quick witted since childhood, but was troubled by economic difficulties. In the beginning he was employed by the Medina Periodical at Bijnor. Thereafter, he was attached to the ‘Muslim’, a magazine of the Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind. After a few years, he was employed by the ‘Al-Jamiat’, Delhi, a journal of the Hamiat Ulama-e-Hind, which was then probably published every third day. His articles captioned, ‘Tarikh ke Jawaahir Paaro’ appeared with great lustre. In this manner, Maududi Saheb was trained as a writer by Mawlana Ahmad Saeed Saheb. After the death of his father, Maududi Saheb was unable to complete his studies, but had to leave studies during the early Arabic primary stages, nor was he fortunate enough to attain a secular education. He later studied English and attained some competence in it. He greatly benefited from the books, magazines and writings of reputable authors of those days. His writing ability increased by the day. Unfortunately, he was unable to benefit from any religious institution, neither became a graduate of modern education, nor did he gain the company of an experienced and proficient Aalim of the Deen. He has admitted this in an article published during the era of United India in reply to some question posed to him by Mawlana Abdul-Haq Madani Muradabadi. He was unfortunate to experience the company of Niyaaz Fatehpuri, an atheist and infidel.

By this association and friendship many incorrect tendencies and inclinations were adopted. In 1933 he began publishing the ‘Tarjumanul Quraan’ fro Hyderabad, Dacan, wherein he published spending articles. Some Ilmi and literary things began to appear using the best style and methods. At that time, the political situation in the country was very shaky. The movement to free India was in its decisive stages. The best intellectuals of the country were involved in the freedom struggle of India from the British. Mawdudi Saheb adopted a different stand from the rest and engendered the cry of ‘Iqaamat Deen’ and ‘Hukumate Ilaahiyya’.

He strongly and forcefully criticised all the factions involved in seeking the freedom of India. His simple and innocent pnygyrists thought that Mawdudi Saheb was the last straw for the valuable Deen. As a result, very quickly praises began to be showered upon him from the pens of Mawlana Sayyid Sulaymaan Nadwi, Mawlana Manaazir Ahsan Gilani and Mawlana Abdul-Majid Daryabadi. Evidently, at that time Mawdudi Saheb was only a name of an individual. As yet, he had no missionary aim, nor an association or movement. Due to his forceful writings and statements, some among the Ahle Haqq began having great hopes in him. By virtue of his preparedness and through the encouragement of Chaudri Muhammad Niyaaz, the foundation of Darul Islam was laid in Pathankot. The Muslim League and Congress began to be degraded.

Such articles were written by him, as well as book on the political turmoil of the time appeared whereby he began receiving praises from his followers. The political causes stimulated its acceptance. A meeting was held in Lahore, and the foundation of his Imaarat was formally laid. A speech prepared by him was read out, wherein the duties of a present-day Ameer were outlined. Among the participants were also such famous personalities as Janab Mawlana Manzoor Nu’maani, Mawlana Abul-Hassan Ali Nadwi, Mawlana Amin Ahsan Islaahi and Mawlana Mas’ud Aalam Nadwi. Mawdudi Saheb was elected the Chief Ameer and the abovementioned four personalities were elected deputy Ameers. The Jamaat Islami formally came into existence. Its constitution and charter were published. The public looked forward to it, and from every side hopes began to be attached. Six months had not passed by when Mawlana (Manzoor) Nu’maani Saheb and Mawlana Ali Mia Saheb (Abdul Hasan) resigned.

They had observed his Ilmi deficiencies and lack of sincerity. They were unable to continue their relationship. These gentlemen kept silent and did not inform the Ummah openly and clearly about their reason for disassociating themselves. I was at that time teaching at Jamia Islamia Dabhel. I enquired from these two personalities about their reason for quitting. They said many things, but no satisfactory clarification was given. I understood the view of Marhum Mawlana Mas’ud Aalam and Mawlana Amin Ahsan Islaahi were quire similar as far as beliefs and conduct were concerned. Hence, they remained for some time as Mawdudi Saheb’s right hand men. Mawlana Mas’ud Aalam assisted through the medium of Arabic literary writings and magnificently translated into Arabic the writings of Mawdudi Saheb. He also trained a few pupils in this field. Mawlana Islaahi through his special style and way assisted the Mawdudi moveent, a few excellent books were written on communism and a few other subjects, i.e. interest, alcohol, Purdah, etc. A few good books were also written for the modern youth. Some worthy articles were published in the ‘Tafheemaat and Tanqeehaat’. Ways and means were adopted to impress the Arabs, especially the Shaykhs of Saudia Arabia.

Successful strategies were adopted. All those writings that were contributed by Mawdudi Saheb’s associates were published in such a manner as if all these writers were indebted to him. As a result, the personality of Mawdudi Saheb gained fame. He reaped fame from the writings of his associates. He is incapable of composing in Arabic or English. The names of translators do not appear on his books that are translated in other languages. It is not mentioned that this book is translated by Ma’ud Aalam or Aasim Haddaad. People get the notion that this literally intellectual of the Urdu language, is also an Imaam of the Arabic language. A short period has passed when Mawlana Gilani Saheb and Sayyid Sulaymaan Nadwi Saheb became aware and foresaw its detrimental effect; that these writings were a means of creating a new Fitnah. He (Mawlana Gilani) ceased to address him by the titles conferred on him, such as ‘Mutakallim e Islam’, etc. Mawlana Gilani Saheb wrote critical articles under the headings of ‘Khaarijiyyate Jadidah’ in Mawlana Daryabadi’s ‘Sidqe Jadid’. Mawlana Sayyid Husain Ahmed Madani Saheb was perhaps the first among the Ulama who pinpointed this Fitnah in his correspondence. Gradually, other Ulama began to air their views. Shaykhul Hadith Mawlana Muhammad Zakariyyah Saheb studied all the available printed Mawdudi literature and wrote a valuable booklet on this subject. It is regretted that this booklet has not been printed yet. In this connection, an Ustaadh of Madrasah Mazaahirul Uloom, Saharanpuri, Mawlana Zakariyya Quddusi Saheb became inclined towards Mawdudi Saheb. Taking this into view and trying to correct him, Shaykhul Hadith Saheb wrote a letter to him, explaining all Mawdudi Saheb’s errors and incorrect interpretations of the Deen.

This letter has been published in a booklet form titled, ‘Fitnah Mawdudiyyat’ (It is now reprinted under the title ‘Jamaat Islamiyyah, ek lamanah Fikriyyah’).

I admired many things about Mawdudi Saheb and detested many. For a long time I did not wish to degrade him. I felt that from his innovated style of presentation, the modern generation could benefit. Although at times such compositions appeared from his that it was not possible to endure it, but taking into consideration the Deeni well-being, I tolerated it and kept silent. I did not forsee that this Fitnah would spread worldwide and have a detrimental effect on the Arab world; that every day from his master pen new bud would keep on blossoming and indecent words would be used regarding the Sahaaba Kiraam (Radhiallaahu Anhum) and the Anbiyaa (Alayhimus salaam). Later on, such things appeared daily in the ‘Tafhimul Qur’aan’.

Now it has become known without doubt that his writings and publications are the greatest Fitnah of the present time, notwithstanding a few beneficial treatises that have appeared, it is the case of ‘and the sin of them is greater than their usefulness.’ (Surah Baqarah 219). Now that stage has been reached where to keep silent seems to be a great crime. It is regretted that for forty years an offensive silence was kept. Now the time has dawned, where without fear of rebuttal and censure all his writings from A to Z should be thoroughly studied with a view to fulfil the demands for the preservation of the Deen with Haqq and justice.

Wallaahu Waliyyut Tawfeeq

Moulana Muhammad Yusuf Binnor

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 Author| Post time 9-5-2014 05:28 PM | Show all posts
mnm77 posted on 9-5-2014 04:15 PM
Thread ni cakap yang positif pasal Sheikh Mawdudi, jadi yang kritikan tu seboleh-bolehnya saya tak ...

jazakkallahu khairan Tuan mnm77 atas artikel di atas..

Uncle bukan nak menolak apa yg Tuan tulis..


Uncle mengenali Syekh Abul A'La maududi melalui Usrah Usrah..yg mana Teks Usrah kami salah satunya buku bertajuk..


Memahami apa yg dibicarakan Syekh Al Maududi dlm buku ini.....Uncle merasakan Tuduhan yg dilontarkan pada As Syekh adalah tuduhan yg tidak berasas.

Tambahan....kekalutan besar timbul bila Syekh Abul A'la Maududi menyerang habis habisan Ajaran Ahmadiah (Qadiani).

Kerajaan India bawah British waktu itu merupakan Penaja Ahmadiah Qadiani.

Ini membuatkan timbulnya gerakan gerakan untuk memburuk burukan & memfitnah Syekh.

Bagaimanapun, masyarakat Islam antarabangsa lebih memahami keadaan ...& Uncle percaya serangan lebih byk drp dalaman (India)..

Wallahu a'lam...

p/s : Untungnya..buku "Manhaj Hidup Islam...Uncel search ada nak buat rujukan...

Hard copy dah berabuk kat rak...tapi masih ada dlm simpanan..alhamdullillah..
Last edited by burungantu on 9-5-2014 05:30 PM


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Post time 9-5-2014 05:35 PM | Show all posts
burungantu posted on 9-5-2014 05:28 PM
jazakkallau khairan Tuan mnm77 atas artikel di atas..

Uncle bukan nak menolak apa yg Tuan tulis ...


Sebab tu saya kata banyak yang baik-baik juga, dan dari kritikan Ulama yang diberikan tu pun ada yang sebut banyak yang baik, tapi banyak yang ditolak juga.

Setahu saya Sheikh Maududi juga tulis tafsir Al-Quran, atas namanya... ini merupakan karya yang baik juga. Dan saya difahamkan terhasilnya tafsir  itu dengan bantuan ikhlas Ulama tertentu yang bantu beliau....

Mungkin yang sampai pada uncle yang baik-baik saja, dan tentunya Uncle akan mempertahankan yang baik-baik itu. Saya faham.

Ada dari nama-nama yang disebut dalam artikel di atas, antaranya nama Ulama yang bersama beliau, yang membantu beliau dalam menulis artikel dalam bahasa Arab, namun nama mereka tidak tertonjol. Kemudian mereka menyisihkan diri dan mendiamkan setelah melihat akan muncul masalah.... oleh kerana didiamkan, fahaman Jemaah Islami tersebar dan semakin popular... Itu antara sebab Maududi juga dipertahankan kuat oleh segolongan pihak di Arab Saudi.

Di Malaysia agak isolated... cerita pasal Maududi mungkin yang sampai merupakan rujukan yang baik-baik....semasa saya di England, di India dan di Pakistan, dah dengar pasal Maududi, tapi tidaklah saya mahu cerita sangat kat orang di Malaysia....

Last edited by mnm77 on 9-5-2014 05:42 PM


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 Author| Post time 9-5-2014 05:47 PM | Show all posts
mnm77 posted on 9-5-2014 05:35 PM

Sebab tu saya kata banyak yang baik-baik juga, dan dari kritikan Ulama yang diberikan tu ...

Uncle hargai dah harap sgt tulisan & infi info drp Tuan mnm77  

Alhamdullillah..banyak sungguh pengalaman Tuan mnm77...

munkin ada kebenaran juga drp apa yg Tuan dengar....maklum, source yg lebih baik berbanding apa yg kami dpt di sini...

Tapi, Allahyarham sudah lama meninggalkan kita..

& apa yg dapat kita nilai adalah Ilmu & pengajaran dia drp buku buku & tulisan2 (makalah)


Munkin kalau Uncle terjumpa nanti ada tulisan yg mengajak kpd keburukan...bolehlah diambil buat beringat ingat pesanan Tuan mnm77..  

Insyaallah....Uncle akan tambah lagi kajian tentang Syekh Al Maududi...Insyaallah..

(sebenarnya...Uncle dah hampir terlupa..kisah 2  Al Maududi, Maryam Jameela..tapi...sejak balik drp BookFest haritu...agaknya "bau buku" tu mengingatkan Uncle pada buku buku lama...  
Terus terang...kesimbukan sekarang lebih membuat jarak dgn buku jadi jauh..& lebih hampir dgn komp..
Tambahan mata Uncle yg dah rabun...buat baca buku jadi kurang selesa...tatap skrin jadi lebih mudah...


p/s teringa kata kata HAMKA..

uban dah bertabur....gigi dah mula gugur....mata dah mula kabur.....TANDANYA...NAK KE KUBUR...    ...insyaallah..
Last edited by burungantu on 9-5-2014 05:49 PM


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