Post time 14-4-2013 03:52 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
ha'ah ceq percaya ngan kata2 TTmod@novelloverzz hat keloloh ituh
memang mudah bagi yg dah pernah kena...
@Elle_mujigae ari tuh ang wat sniri poem kokesen pasai roses khen? ca dendangjkan soklan TT ituh dlm rentak poem kokesen. U go girl! Last edited by loQlaQ on 14-4-2013 06:16 PM
I was created in the place you'll never been...
admiring the sky up above day by day...
waiting to explode as the pressure is too high for me to bear,
oh how bizarre I can be,
the thunder came then only the lightning,
oh how agony can it be,
the dark cloud arrive after the strike of the lightning...
when its time for me to let go..i overflow...
the shower of fire starts to tango..
i can only follow the flow...
@loQlaQ Last edited by Elle_mujigae on 14-4-2013 07:04 PM
Elle_mujigae posted on 14-4-2013 06:45 PM
If only you knew who I am...(stanza number 2)
I was created in the place you'll never been...
mmm M E S M E R I Z I N G G G ...
that's all utterly i can say...
mu hebak biking stanza prosa nostra melankolia, sedangkan gwa hanya mampu mentekedarah fruktosa sukrosa memorabilia
^okie-dokie. just cut the crap! loqlaq.
seriously, i felt really3 honoured by your enthusiasm. bukannya perkara mudah membina struktur ayat2 metafora melankolia sebegituh; laksana nak memberi nyawa-nafas-jiwa kpd objek/subjek sasaran puisi kita, khen?
orait. good for u gurl salute!!! Last edited by loQlaQ on 14-4-2013 10:25 PM