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Author: ColbyRaikkonen


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Post time 10-10-2003 05:28 PM | Show all posts
waktu amazing race 2 lambat sangat... mengantuk tul nak tunggu habis... dah le NTV 7 tuh banyak iklan... 1st week nyer episode tak de team yg terkeluar yer...? tak tertengok lah.. dah zzZZZzzzz

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Post time 10-10-2003 07:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aLiN_82 at 10-10-2003 03:56 PM:
rasanya tak de.. kebanyakkannya kawan...

fuh .. lega skit ..
kalau tak wat sakit ati jer ... cam Amazing Race 1 ...

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Post time 11-10-2003 01:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zany at 2003-10-10 05:28 PM:
waktu amazing race 2 lambat sangat... mengantuk tul nak tunggu habis... dah le NTV 7 tuh banyak iklan... 1st week nyer episode tak de team yg terkeluar yer...? tak tertengok lah..  ...

dah ada team yang terkeluar..
pasangan emak dan anak....

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sam7788 This user has been deleted
Post time 11-10-2003 01:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aLiN_82 at 10-10-2003 03:56 PM:
rasanya tak de.. kebanyakkannya kawan...

Ada! Oswald dan Danny


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Post time 12-10-2003 10:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sam7788 at 2003-10-11 01:24 AM:
Ada! Oswald dan Danny

Yelah...aku rase depa due orang ni couple coz aku nengok die orang ni lembut skit dan ader ciri2 gay..........

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Post time 12-10-2003 10:41 AM | Show all posts
Aper2 pun my fav team is Blake and Paige...............Hope die orang leh menang ......

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Post time 12-10-2003 12:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gjoy_chester at 2003-10-12 10:41 AM:
Aper2 pun my fav team is Blake and Paige...............Hope die orang leh menang ......

yang ner nih..? adik beradik tuh ker? yang gaduh ngan will ker? tak ingat lagik nama diorang..

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Post time 12-10-2003 04:14 PM | Show all posts

Sessi mengenali peserta Amazing Race 2

Hope / Norm (Married Parents)

Hope: 38 - Real Estate Agent
Norm: 39 - Sales Representative

Hope and Norm were 20 years old when they met in Clinton, Tennessee. It was July 1983, the summer before their junior year in college. Norm played it cool, waiting about a month before asking Hope out. After dating Norm for three years, Hope moved to Clinton and the two were married. They've done a little traveling together, and both have enjoyed the adventure and the quality time together.

Hope and Norm decided to team up for THE AMAZING RACE mostly for the challenge and the adventure. According to Hope, "I would not have signed up with anyone else! Norm could complete the race with anyone and have a great time. Our strengths are that we compliment each other's weaknesses." When thinking about how participating in THE AMAZING RACE will affect their relationship, Hope says, "We think that the Race will make us stronger and will add to our memories of one another that will last a lifetime."

Mary/Peach (Sisters)

Mary: 38 - Adventure Trip Organizer, Co-Owner Hair Salon
Peach: 33 - Hair Stylist, Co-Owner Hair Salon

Sisters Mary and Peach have done quite a bit of traveling together in the past, usually when Mary forces Peach to go so that she can grow as a person. As a Team, they're a study in opposites. Whereas Peach prefers 5 Star hotels and Gucci, Mary likes backpacking and dirt. Mary insists that "Peach likes to shower, but I don't."

Peach is a bit concerned about the rigors ahead in THE AMAZING RACE. Before applying, she had never ever put on a backpack; the first time she did, she fell over backwards. In public, this Team tends to attract attention: "Whenever we are together, people stare at us and ask us what are we doing, because we are causing so much chaos. When we tell them we are sisters, they are in shock!"

Oswald / Danny (Best Friend)

Oswald: 31 - Ad Agency Consultant
Danny: 36 - Real Estate Investor, Property Manager

Oswald and Danny met in 1994 and gradually became friends. When Danny's life partner died, Oswald was there to help, and in Danny's words, the two "became partners in crime." Oswald and Danny have traveled extensively together, mostly to Los Angeles and New York, but also to Paris, Milan, and Berlin. On their travels, they "had amazing new experiences and most of all, lots of fun."

The pair decided to team up for THE AMAZING RACE because they expect the experience to bring them closer together. "Only someone like Oswald could be strong enough to endure the kind of life-changing experiences that a project like this may bring," said Danny. Oswald added, "We balance each other perfectly."

Gary / Dave (Former Roommates)

Gary: 31 - Writer
Dave: 31 - Writer

Writers Gary and Dave met during a job interview. According to Gary, "It was a chilly winter in Chicago about five years ago. We hung out drinking beers. We didn't like each other then, and we don't now." The two once went on a cross-country road trip together, and Gary claims that they "couldn't go three turn-offs without getting into a fight. The best part of traveling together is always having someone to yell at, but that's the worst part too." Dave's version is slightly different: "Worst aspect--Gary consistently getting us lost. Best aspect--my sense of direction."

Gary and Dave decided to team up for THE AMAZING RACE because they "were running out of unemployment checks in NYC and needed to find a new racket." When pondering how THE AMAZING RACE might affect their relationship, Dave says, "Well, I figure it couldn't get any weaker." Gary agrees: "We figure the relationship won't get any more strained

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Post time 12-10-2003 04:24 PM | Show all posts

peserta Amazing Race 2 - continue

Deidre / Hillary (Mother and daugther)

Deidre: 51 - Financial Advisor
Hillary - 23 - Nude Model for Art School

Mother and daughter Deidre and Hillary have done quite a bit of traveling together. When Deidre was a flight attendant, she sometimes pulled Hillary out of school and took her on trips. When they travel, Hillary's pet peeve is when Deidre combs her hair and gets it all over the bathroom floor. But "she is so much fun to be around," Hillary adds, "We laugh like crazy people when we are together."

Deidre and Hillary decided to team up for THE AMAZING RACE because, in Hillary's words, "Who wouldn't want two SENSATIONAL girls to make the world laugh?" She adds, "I think this experience will help my mom see life through my eyes and understand me more as a friend and not only as a daughter."

Tara / Wil (Separated Couple)

Tara: 31 - Home Furniture Designer
Wil: 36 - Home Furniture Designer

Tara and Wil met five years ago on what Tara calls "a blind date from hell." They travel together frequently, and usually get along quite well, disagreeing mostly on financial issues. According to Wil, the best aspect of traveling with Tara is that they both know what they are doing; the worst aspect is that "Tara has to eat vegetarian."

The pair decided to team up for THE AMAZING RACE because they are business partners. Wil thinks the experience might bring them closer together, but Tara has a slightly different take: "Our relationship is so screwed up, I don't think it will affect it either way."

Shola / Doyin (Twin Brothers)

Shola: 27 - Independent Contractor
Doyin: 27 - Independent Contractor

Despite their incredibly close relationship, identical twins Shola and Doyin haven't really traveled together much, so neither knows exactly what to expect during THE AMAZING RACE.

They decided to team up for the Race partly to put their relationship to the test. Shola adds, "The idea of being able to travel all over the world, while competing on a worldwide stage for $1 million, and to do it all with my twin brother, is way too enticing for me to pass up." Going into the Race, both feel that the experience will strengthen their relationship.

Chris / Alex (Lifelong Friends)

Chris: 25 - Night Club Bouncer
Alex: 24 - Night Club Bouncer

Chris and Alex met on the school bus heading for their first day of kindergarten, and have been friends ever since. They've traveled extensively together, logging "about a million miles on road trips." According to Alex, "The best thing about traveling with Chris is that he is just as crazy as I am." Chris counters with his own assessment: "The best aspects of traveling with Alex are his extensive travel experience and his uncanny ability to get us into some very interesting situations. The only weakness he has is that he's a loose cannon, but you get used to that."

Going into the Race, Chris and Alex speculate about how the experience might affect their relationship. "Since day one we were like brothers," says Chris, "and even an amazing experience like THE AMAZING RACE wouldn't change us being like family." Alex agrees: "Chris and I have stayed friends through thick and thin. Nothing, not even this Race, would affect things between us. No matter if Chris makes a good or bad decision on the road, I will back him 100%."

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Post time 12-10-2003 04:32 PM | Show all posts

peserta Amazing Race 2 - continue

Peggy / Claire (Grandmothers and Friends)

Peggy: 63 - Resort Concierge
Claire: 65 - Retired

Peggy and Claire met about four years ago, while walking their dogs at a lake in the sierras. Their dogs quickly struck up a friendship, and so did Peggy and Claire. Last year the two spent ten days together in Santa Monica, California, and enjoyed the experience very much. The greatest difficulty was the fact that Peggy is an early riser, while Claire prefers to sleep in. When Peggy saw the AMAZING RACE application on the CBS website she called Claire, and both agreed that it would be fun to compete.

When considering how their experience in THE AMAZING RACE might change their relationship, Peggy observes, "Between the two of us, we're a hundred and twenty-something years old. It would take something more earth shattering than a TV show to change our relationship. There are some advantages to growing old! You don't sweat the small stuff."

Blake / Paige (Brother and Sister)

Blake: 25 - Owner of Advertising Firm
Paige: 21 - College Student (Arizona State University)

Brother and sister Blake and Paige have quite a bit of experience traveling together, mainly on family vacations. Both agree that those times were fun, because they were "always entertaining each other and making each other laugh." They disagree, though, on the downside of those vacations. Whereas Blake claims that "the worst was Paige always getting special treatment, since she is 'Daddy's Girl'"; Paige insists that "the worst was Blake doing everything possible to keep me away from any guys I met."

The pair decided to team up for THE AMAZING RACE because they both love adventure but have not traveled much outside the U.S. They were separated all through college and saw this as a great way to reunite and do what they both love to do: compete. Blake thinks that participating in THE AMAZING RACE will enhance their relationship and provide them with stories to tell their friends for years to come. His only concern is that they both like to be in control of the situation. Paige worries that they'll drive each other crazy, but also has faith that their love and friendship will get them through the toughest times.

Cyndi / Russell (Pastors and Married Parents)

Cyndi: 45 - Pastor
Russell: 46 - Pastor

Cyndi and Russell met in the tenth grade at Hutchinson High School in Hutchinson, Minnesota. Cyndi was a new transfer student that year, and the two have been together ever since. During their 28-year marriage, they have traveled together many times. Because they live in a cold place, they like to head south to the ocean for a couple of weeks in winter; thus their best travel experiences usually involve lying on a beach. According to Cyndi, "Our worst travel experience is when I have tried to 'get by cheap' and we end up in a dive and have to scramble for a hotel at the last minute."

Russell and Cyndi decided to team up for THE AMAZING RACE "to face the challenge of racing around the world, seeing all the beautiful locations, but most importantly, building a lifetime memory with each other." As they approach the starting line, they resolve that "win or lose, we will allow this experience to draw us closer together. Our relationship with God and each other cannot be measured in any dollar amount."

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Post time 12-10-2003 04:36 PM | Show all posts

Last but not least ...

Phil Keoghan (Host Amazing Race)

Phil: 36 - Amazing Race Host
From: New Zealand

Phil Keoghan has worked all over the world as a cameraman, producer and host. Since the age of 19, Keoghan has hosted more than 1,000 program episodes, including his own internationally distributed series Keoghan's Heroes, which profiles famous thrill-seekers around the world.

Keoghan got his big break in front of the camera hosting the series Spot On, when he auditioned while on an apprentice program for cinematography. Since then, he has co-created and co-produced the primetime series for Discovery International, Phil Keoghan's Adventure Crazy, which is one of the highest-rated series on the Travel Channel in the U. S. and is currently broadcast worldwide. His additional television credits include Go For It, an extreme sports show on the Discovery Channel; Fox After Breakfast, a morning show; and The 1998 Film Festival Awards on the Sundance Channel. In 1999, he co-hosted the primetime CBS special Surprise, Surprise.

He is currently developing a new series, Notes From the Field, with the Wildlife Conservation Society. Keoghan recently guested on the Oprah show, where he discussed his list of things to do before he dies, the subject of his book due for release in Fall 2002.

Keoghan is originally from New Zealand and currently lives with his wife and daughter in Los Angeles. His birth date is May 31.

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Post time 13-10-2003 12:44 AM | Show all posts
this week punye.. hope & norm dah terkeluar plak..........tapi waaa salute kat nenek 2 org tu..........mase diorang sampai kat iguacu tu penuh dramatik siap beratur semua peserta yg ade. Ingatkan nak kena tersingkir, rupe2nye bg perhormatan kat diorang. Cayaalah........ nenek.

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Post time 13-10-2003 01:32 AM | Show all posts
hmm .. not bad Gutsy Grandma .. tp Claire cam tak larat .. berbanding Peggy .. tp per2 pun kira ok diorg tak kene eliminated ..

bengang tul kat Wil ... partner Tara ... berlagak pandai ... dah tu Wil yg tinggalkan Chris n Alex then .. biler kereta diorg susah nak gerak, Wil yg mintak tolong kat Chris n Alex ...
padan muka biler Tara kata Wil nih ego nak mampus .. pastu Wil tak ngaku ..
:nana: :nana: .. tak Wil ...

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Post time 13-10-2003 01:38 AM | Show all posts
benci & geli aku ngan group "cha cha cha" tuh (Oswald / Danny)! Uwekk uwekk!!

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Post time 13-10-2003 02:11 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cocklea at 13-10-2003 01:38 AM:
benci & geli aku ngan group "cha cha cha" tuh (Oswald / Danny)! Uwekk uwekk!!

He He He ... Danny tu gay actually .. tp tak tau ler si Oswald ..

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Post time 13-10-2003 10:24 AM | Show all posts


aku suka tgk Chris ngan Alex.. sbb dia org baik... walaupun Will mungkir janji semalam, dia org tetap tolong... antara Will ngan Tara, aku suka Tara.. sbb Tara pun baik... dia marah masa Will tinggalkan Chris ngan Alex...

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Post time 13-10-2003 12:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aLiN_82 at 2003-10-13 10:24 AM:
aku suka tgk Chris ngan Alex.. sbb dia org baik... walaupun Will mungkir janji semalam, dia org tetap tolong... antara Will ngan Tara, aku suka Tara.. sbb Tara pun baik... dia marah masa Will tingg ...

a'a...tak sangka chris ngan alex still boleh tolong will & tara lagik..kalau win la, memang abis win tinggalkan... tara tengok sweet jer..masa tara ngan alex gi air terjun tuh..alex kata dia seronok ngan tara..tara is a nice girl...

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Post time 13-10-2003 12:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gjoy_chester at 2003-10-12 10:40 AM:
Yelah...aku rase depa due orang ni couple coz aku nengok die orang ni lembut skit dan ader ciri2 gay..........

kalau tak salah mata goggle :re: masa 1st episode dulu,bila diaorg sampai kat pit stop,diaorg kiss mulut.wpun sekajap tp ntah apa-apa ntah.kalau diaorg gay pun,asalkan tak seteruk perangai gay dlm AR I,goggle leh lah tutup sebelah mata tgk .

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Post time 13-10-2003 12:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by w|nTer^GurL at 2003-10-13 12:29 PM:
a'a...tak sangka chris ngan alex still boleh tolong will & tara lagik..kalau win la, memang abis win tinggalkan... tara tengok sweet jer..masa tara ngan alex gi air terjun tuh..alex kata dia serono ...

goggle pun suka kat Chris & Alex.diaorg nampak okie & baik je (teringat kat Rob & Brennan,dahlah ensem,baik lak tu).diaorg still lg tolong Will & Tara wpun Will tu cam tak mengenang budi je.geram lak goggle tgk.Tara okie.padam muka Will bila Tara marah dia.

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Post time 13-10-2003 02:36 PM | Show all posts
Nasib baik Paige dengan Blake dapat jugak collect duit beli tiket bas, macam mana entah wallet dia boleh tercicir. Baik betul orang2 Brazil tu sanggup bersedekah supaya dua beradik ni boleh beli tiket. Nasib masih menyebelahi mereka apabila dapat tempat ke dua last, kalau tak kena eliminated dah. Memang bernasib baik betullah.

Yang group geeks dua ekor tu lagi bernasib baik. Mula2 main bola tampar, kalah. guna pengesan besi kat pantai tu tak berjaya tup2 kena juga terbang guna hanglider tu. Last-last berjaya juga dapat tempat antara yang terawal. Siap compare konon2 diorg ni macam kura-kura lagi tu.

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