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Author: dasatgiler

[Tempatan] Siswa Kini Boleh Beli Kereta

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Post time 11-10-2012 08:32 AM | Show all posts
1 lg masalah dgn perkhidamatan domen dii M'sia ni. enapa naikkan umor persaraan k/tgn awam kpd 60 thn??? Aku tgk staff2 ni semua, especially yg pompuan...nak naik tangga pun terdemut demut, sakit lututla...sakit sendi la...yg susahnya bdk2 baru grad tak dpt kerja...sama dgn tajuk topik...Jururawat tanam anggur..sebab ramai misi2 tua yg msh kerja...tu la pasal ramai graduan dah "pencen". Apa nak jadi ni??????
Ni suruh pulak bebudak tu ambik loan kereta..RM299 sebulan..nmpk mcm tak byk...tapi 300 hengget tu...belanja dapur 1 keluarga anak 2 tu.......hati2 wahai anak2 semua terutama orang melayu....

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Post time 11-10-2012 08:32 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Spain Foreclosures Spread to Once Wealthy: Mortgages
By Sharon Smyth and Charles Penty
October 09, 2012 10:51 AM EDT

Home foreclosures in Spain, which disproportionately affected lower-income immigrants after the real estate bubble burst, are spreading to formerly well-to-do families and businessmen as they run out of ways to pay mortgages in a deepening recession.
Spanish business people, upper middle class families and their loan guarantors, typically parents of first-time buyers, now account for 60 percent of foreclosures in Madrid, according to AFES, an association that advises homeowners facing repossession. Three years ago, 80 percent of foreclosures were on the homes of immigrants, usually the first to lose jobs and fall behind on loan payments in a souring economy. They now comprise 40 percent of the total, according to AFES.

“Repossessions are encroaching further into the city centers, like an overflowing river,” said Emilio Miravet, head of real estate finance at the Spanish property unit of advisory and investment firm Catella AB. “At the beginning of the crisis, it was homes in the periphery areas belonging to the less affluent that were being foreclosed upon.”

Loan guarantors, often parents who used their houses as collateral to help their children become homeowners when real estate was booming, now represent a fifth of foreclosures, AFES data show. Bloated prices had forced thousands of first-time homebuyers to seek parental help to get a foot on the property ladder, according to Jose Luis Ruiz Bartolome, author of “Adios Ladrillo Adios,” which means “Goodbye, Real Estate, Goodbye,” a 2010 book on the rise and fall of Spain’s property market.

Spain’s worsening foreclosure crisis comes as ministers from all 27 nations in the European Union meet today. Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy will have talks with French President Francois Hollande tomorrow in Paris after European finance ministers met in Luxembourg yesterday to discuss Spain’s overhaul effort and closer banking cooperation as they seek to avert further turmoil and prepare for a summit next week aimed at easing the region’s debt crisis.

Rajoy is struggling to cut a budget deficit and stem crippling borrowing costs while the country copes with its second recession since 2009 following a more than decade long property boom.
“Bank managers, who had aggressive targets to meet, did all they could to lend to those who wanted to carry on buying into the bubble,” Ruiz Bartolome said. “Asking for guarantors became another useful tool to spread their risk and allow them to continue lending right up until the bubble exploded.”

Carlos Banos, president of Madrid-based AFES, said parental guarantors “are the saddest of all cases” the association sees. “The kids lose their homes, go live with mom and dad and then mom and dad lose the home that they worked all their lives to pay for because it backed their children’s debts.”


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Post time 11-10-2012 08:36 AM | Show all posts
sentenced posted on 11-10-2012 08:18 AM
hakikat sebenarnya bkan siswa tu yg beli...tapi penjamin atau mak bapak siswa tu la yg beli......apa ...

baru2 ni sepupu hubby aku minta kakak ipar aku jadi penjamin.dia nak beli motor baru padahal motor dah ada pun..kakak ipar aku malas nak layan permintaan budak tu sebab dah masak sangat dgn perangai yg suka meminjam pastu liat nak bayo...tu baru belajo kat politeknik dah berani nak berhutang beli moto...kalu masuk u..harus keta sebijik dia nak beli.

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Post time 11-10-2012 08:43 AM | Show all posts
SANKURIANG posted on 11-10-2012 08:32 AM
1 lg masalah dgn perkhidamatan domen dii M'sia ni. enapa naikkan umor persaraan k/tgn awam kpd 60 th ...

RM299 tu memang nampak murah  dan  boleh bayo tapi duit minyak,servis tu nanti minta mak pak jugak.

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Post time 11-10-2012 08:53 AM | Show all posts
bos perodua makin senget..............

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Post time 11-10-2012 08:55 AM | Show all posts
Hehehehe... poyo punya skim..

sama lah dengan mak bapak adik beradik sedara mara yg belikan...

kalau penjamin sangkut... tak buleh lepas jugak...

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Post time 11-10-2012 09:15 AM | Show all posts
pas tu....
pas tu...

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Post time 11-10-2012 09:19 AM | Show all posts
Takpa hutang PTPTN lepas PRU tak bayar dah. Semua PR bg free.
Pikir cara nak bayar loan keta je la. Pandai betul perodua ni

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Post time 11-10-2012 09:32 AM | Show all posts
zach2008 posted on 11-10-2012 09:19 AM
Takpa hutang PTPTN lepas PRU tak bayar dah. Semua PR bg free.
Pikir cara nak bayar loan keta je la. ...

pe pulak.. pasni leh wat demo utk mansuhkan utang keta pulak

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Post time 11-10-2012 09:35 AM | Show all posts
nak memikat hati belia2 le tu...

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Post time 11-10-2012 09:36 AM | Show all posts
nalis posted on 11-10-2012 09:32 AM
pe pulak.. pasni leh wat demo utk mansuhkan utang keta pulak

Produa nak kena bagi dia org ni buat hutang awal2. Nanti lepas PRU harga keta pun dah turun.
Tapi kalau dia org ni nak demo mansuh hutang keta aku tanpa2 malu kena sokong. Tolong demo utk hutang2 lain jugak. Hutang rumah, CC dan personal loan buat joli


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Post time 11-10-2012 09:37 AM | Show all posts
nalis posted on 11-10-2012 09:32 AM
pe pulak.. pasni leh wat demo utk mansuhkan utang keta pulak

demo ok lagi...

ugut nak bunuh diri lagi syiookk...

kesian management KLCC nak kena sedia tilam keliling bangunan...

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Post time 11-10-2012 09:40 AM | Show all posts
perodua ikot stail VW,BMW...dulu dorang pun penah wat offer camni...1st year mmg murah tapi masuk 2nd year dan seterusnya bersedia laaa utk wat over time


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Post time 11-10-2012 09:41 AM | Show all posts
Hutang dulu, cari kerja kemudian.. itu pun kalau dpat kerja. kalau x dapat? nak byor cmne? duh!

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Post time 11-10-2012 09:43 AM | Show all posts
kalu beli kete ni, pastu terus jual byar utang, bagus la jugek..

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Post time 11-10-2012 09:55 AM | Show all posts

yg susah bayar utang mak ayah gak kan....

bagus idea2 dorang ni.....

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Post time 11-10-2012 09:59 AM | Show all posts
adooiiiii.. kebodohan melantun2 laa perodua nih....agak2 la nk bg laku juai keta pn......pas nih buat lak tawaran sapa2 lps SPM dpt smbung blajaq ke diploma or ijazah bleh beli keta.....

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Post time 11-10-2012 10:03 AM | Show all posts
Sistem mengajar rakyat malaysia berhutang..sapa yang grad tidak berhutang adalah suatu yg teramak pelik di malaysia

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Post time 11-10-2012 10:06 AM | Show all posts
wait wait.. lupa lak nak tanya, loan keta nih bawah perodua ke? bukan bank? Sebab kalu ikutkan syarat ketat BNM kompem la pelajar takleh wat pinjaman keta.. ke mcm mane??

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Post time 11-10-2012 10:10 AM | Show all posts
hutang oh hutang...
budak2 ni kena paham erti perit mencarik duit baru leh kasi pegang duit or keta hutang.
skrg pon mak bapak pas anak masuk universiti malas fikir dah abt financial or kebajikan anak2
sume dok harap anak wat hutang
kadang2 mak bapak lak pau duit ptptn anak True story!

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