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Author: azzacke

Kapal Perang Tercanggih Di Rantau Asia Tenggara..

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Post time 13-10-2003 04:49 PM | Show all posts
missile OTOMAT mark2/Teseo yang dibawa oleh corvett kelas laksamana adalah missile dalam inventori TLDM yang jarang diperkatakan.Dengan berat warhead 210kg HE,ia mampu merobekkan kebanyakan kapal kapal perang di SEA ni

  dengan kelajuan mach 0.9 dan jarak jangkauan sehingga juga antara missile anti ship yang paling jauh rangenya kat SEA ni.dulu mmg TLDM tak dapat mengoptimakan keupayaan jarak missile ni sebab takde pesawat telemetri lagi,skrg dengan tibanya superlynx,saya yakin missile ni mampu membuktikan keupayaan sebenarnya,apa komen anda?

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azzacke This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 14-10-2003 12:48 PM | Show all posts


Aku sokong hang..Semakin pandai kawan aku sorang ni..tahniah Informer..

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Post time 22-10-2003 11:39 AM | Show all posts
Informer, saya ada terbaca harpoon outrange the otomat by 30 km. Is it true? RSN is armed with the harpoon and Israeli missiles-phyton?

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Post time 22-10-2003 01:34 PM | Show all posts

The OTOMAT MK 2 Block IV is an all weather enhanced version of the well proven OTOMAT MK 2 Anti-ship missile system.

It retains the OTHT capability of the previous missile, with enhanced operational flexibility that is now extended to cover also the littoral warfare and the coastal attack missions.

The system is also provided with all enhancements that are necessary to fulfil its missions, such as target discrimination, target identification, collateral damages reduction, mission planning capability, co-ordinated attack, re-attacking capability.

Characteristics of the OTOMAT MK 2 block IV

Length 4.462 mm
Diameter 400 mm (body)
Speed Transonic  
Intercept envelope From 4 to 150+ Km
Flight profile Programmable mid-course trajectory with selectable way-points; Terminal sea-skimming attack
Fusing system Impact, proximity and grazing
Warhead Semi-piercing with HE effects (210 Kg)

6 pelancar misil Otomat Teseo Mark 2

kapal TLDM Kelas Laksamana

misil sistem pertahanan udara Albatros

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lyhmsia This user has been deleted
Post time 24-10-2003 02:20 PM | Show all posts
So what with high tech warship when we can't even prevent Phillipine terrorist kidnapped our foreign tourist:stp:

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Post time 24-10-2003 06:47 PM | Show all posts
areguard...pada saya keupayaan range sesebuah missile anti ship tu adalah subjektif,walaupun kita memiliki missile anti ship yang jaraknya beratus kilometer pun,tapi tidak mempunyai kemampuan untuk menggunakan keupayaan missile ni 100%..tetap useless juga.

missile2 anti kapal jarak jauh ini sebenarnya amat kompleks untuk dikendalikan kerana memerlukan sistem telemetri dan penjejak tambahan for over the horizon targeting.bumi ini bulat,bukannya rata,so sistem radar kapal tidak dapat mengesan dengan tepat sasaran yang ada di horizon sebelah sana.disinilah kepentingan heli seperti super lynx untuk mengoptimakan keupayaan sesebuah missile anti ship jarak jauh seperti otomat ataupun brahmos...

   tentang singapura,mmg diaorg ada harpoon tapi kita pun ada juga maa,air launched from Hornet.tapi phyton tu,itu bukan missile anti ship,short range air to air missile satu kelas ngan sidewinder and archer.

disebabkan singapura menjalinkan kerjasama yang rapat dalam bidang pertahanan dengan israel,ada kemungkinan besar singapura telah dibekalkan dengan missile ini pada pesawat2 F 16 mereka.phyton mark4 melalui pesawat F 15 IDF pada tahun 2001 berjaya menembak jatuh pesawat MiG
29 syria...rujuk

[ Last edited by Informer on 24-10-2003 at 06:49 PM ]

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Post time 24-10-2003 06:57 PM | Show all posts
lyhmsia,apesal la nick ko susah sangat nak sebut ni..hikhik...

  open u mind ok,penculikan tu bukannya berlaku di lautan luas,cuma di muara saja.n where did u know that the philipines that do that??? read a newpapers lyhmsia....

  sedangkan US dua yang alert tak ingat pun leh tumbang diaorg punye WTC,inikan pula sebuah resort kecil dicelah celah paya bakau.....we cannot predict what will happen tomorrow lyhmsia....

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Post time 30-10-2003 04:39 PM | Show all posts
Informer, tq for the info. Mmg pembelian superlnyx oleh RMN bertujuan untuk membolehkan the otomats reach it's full potential range dengan memandu arah missiles tu ke arah sasaran. Pasal S Navy tu memang their ships armed with harpoons dan Israeli anti-ship Gabriel kut. Anyway, their ships are so crammed with EW and radar sampai senget.

Pasal penculikan di Sabah tu, saya fikir kalau tambah lagi 10,000 tentera dan polis pun belum tentu boleh dikawal sempadan Sabah tu sebab terlampau porus dan luas. Banyk pulau2 yg boleh menjadi tmpt sembunyi penyamun dan penculik tu. Tak adil kalau menyalahkan tldm bila kejadian mcm ni berlaku.

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Post time 8-11-2003 04:13 AM | Show all posts
minta maaf kalau soalan saya keluar tajuk sikit... tapi nak tanya
Ada brp kelas kapal2 ni? Apa beza antara frigate, corvette, patrol vessel, LST etc etc?

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Post time 8-11-2003 12:21 PM | Show all posts
Kelas kapal2 ni berkait dgn nama atau angka utk projek pembinaannya. Cthnya mcm KD Sri Inderapura, dlm 'akar keturunannya' iaitu di dlm US Navy, ia dikenali dgn kelas LST 1179 atau Newport class.

Perbezaan antara korvet dan friget adalah sifat2nya, berat, panjang, peranan dan persenjataan. Bagaimanapun keperluan dan pengkelasan/penarafan sesebuah tentera laut tu mengkaburkan garis pemisah antara satu kapal dgn satu kapal. Misalnya ada korvet yang cuma besar sikit dri kapal serang laju dan ada friget yg lebih kecil dri sebuah OPV.

Tapi yg nyata hirarkinya begini;

- kapal serang laju (PAC)
- kapal ronda laju (FPB)
- korvet
- friget
- kapal pembinasa (destroyer)
- kapal penjajap (cruiser)
- kapal perang besar (battleship)

2 senarai di atas adalah yg paling kecil dlm senarai kapal kombatan permukaan manakala yg paling bawah adalah paling besar. Setiap satu berperanan menampung kekurangan yg satu lagi. FAC & FPB mampu bergerak pantas dan beroperasi di pinggir pantai manakala kapal friget mampu beroperasi di lautan luas, lebih stabil utk menempatkan banyak peralatan penderia dan pelbagai sistem senjata jadi masing 2 ada medan operasinya yg tersendiri. OPV pula tercipta utk berperanan sebagai kapal penguatkuasaan waktu aman. Ia juga tercipta bagi mengisi jurang kosong yg wujud di antara FAC/FPB dgn friget.

LST (Landing Ship Tank@kapal pendarat kereta kebal) adalah salah satu jenis kapal peperangan amfibia. Saiznya pelbagai tetapi yg paling kecil pernah dihasilkan adalah kecil sedikit dri kapal friget.

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Post time 7-6-2004 05:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lyhmsia at 24-10-2003 02:20 PM:
So what with high tech warship when we can't even prevent Phillipine terrorist kidnapped our foreign tourist:stp:

It's like USS Cole that can't prevent the explosion that punch trough its hull, near the waterline. :clap: :clap: :clap:

Or the CAP that can't stop the airliner that make history on 11 Sept :nana:

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Post time 9-6-2004 06:02 PM | Show all posts

TPM hadiri pelancaran kapal TLDM

TAPAH: Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dijangka menghadiri pelancaran dan menamakan kapal peronda terbaru Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM), Patrol Vessel (PV) di PSC Naval Dockyard, Pangkalan TLDM di Lumut, esok.

Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Tajol Rosli Ghazali, berkata Najib yang juga Menteri Pertahanan akan hadir pada majlis itu yang akan disempurnakan Sultanah Pahang, Sultanah Kalsom.

Beliau berkata, majlis yang akan bermula jam 9 pagi dijangka dihadiri Sultan Pahang, Sultan Ahmad Shah dan Menteri Besar Pahang, Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob.

揚etang hari sama, Najib akan ke Sungkai untuk menghadiri majlis Mesra Rakyat di Felda Besout pada jam 3 petang,

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Post time 9-6-2004 06:05 PM | Show all posts
hat ni kapai NGPV yang kedua. PV 02 KD Pahang (or is it Sri Pahang??:stp::stp.

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Post time 9-6-2004 06:56 PM | Show all posts
belum kd sblm commission....waktu tu baru tahu ada seri atau tidak:ah:

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Post time 9-6-2004 10:07 PM | Show all posts
eh, ye ke? he, he, he.... tersilap info la pulak

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Post time 10-6-2004 10:06 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tin at 9-6-2004 06:05 PM:
hat ni kapai NGPV yang kedua. PV 02 KD Pahang (or is it Sri Pahang??:stp::stp.

PV 02 ke 172


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Post time 10-6-2004 12:40 PM | Show all posts
dua2 sama...pv01=171

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Post time 5-11-2004 08:19 PM | Show all posts

KD JEbat dan KD Lekiu

If it were to me, I would replace the VL Seawolf with perhap VL Mica or Aster to enable the ship to have bigger coverage and protect other RMN vessels that would be sailing with. With just 6-8km range, the VL Seawolf is unable to protect a scale of deployment of RMN ships at sea.

My best guest is that the VL Seawolf was chosen as interim solution until a better system with longer could be identified.


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Post time 8-11-2004 10:42 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 8-11-2004 02:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by RainbowSix at 5-11-2004 08:19 PM:
If it were to me, I would replace the VL Seawolf with perhap VL Mica or Aster to enable the ship to have bigger coverage and protect other RMN vessels that would be sailing with. With just 6-8km ra ...

I doubt the VL Mica can provide area coverage since its still classified as SHORAD unlike the Aspide/Sea Sparrow class.

I also doubt that the Aster can be later accommodated into the Lekiu class. The design was done in the early 90s with the Seawolf in mind. It was not an interim plan.

The next best thing for the RMN is to get new design frigates with the ESSM/RAM combination as air defence protection.

I think the ESSM can be accommodated into the Kasturi class as part of the SLEP if the Bofors 57mm gun in the stren is removed and replaced by the Mk56 ESSM system.

Also, the WM22 must be replaced too, with the more capable STIR system or equivalent for the ESSM.

The VL MIca would be easier to install since there is no need for complicated FCS to be added, but than its not for self defence....not area defence.

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