compare: streamyx block buster pakej 4mb dng unifi.....
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Reply 21# budaktua
Torrents depend on seeders. If my download speed is way too slow, I will reset my modem to get a new IP address. Sometimes the speed improves. |
Reply 22# lwyl
i know about seeders.. klu i pilih yg byk pun msh lambt.. klu cepat dlm 1 @ 2 jam earlier je.. |
Reply 23# budaktua
What about direct download? Sometimes it's faster than torrenting. |
Reply 24# lwyl
last week i baru saja i direct dowload transformers dark of the moon 2.5gb.. it took 2d & 2N....dah lupa link nya.. |
Reply 25# budaktua
I won't download anything above 1 GB unless it's split into parts. Wait until I get my Unifi and then I'll be on a download spree  |
kt perak dh ade ke unifi? |
aku last sekali pakai torrect tahun 2009, punya le slow.... kene pulak kalau seeder sikit, menangis...., satu documentary aku pernah torrent sebulan... lepas tu serik dah, aku direct dl jee lepas tu..... masa aku pakai 1M - kalau direct dl dpt constant 170kbps. sekarang ni aku pakai unifi..... hehehe jgn tanyalaaa speed berapa.... heheheheeee dan setakat nie dl dier unlimiited. |
Reply 29# ka_one2000
I'm so jealous of your Unifi . Psst, how's the speed like?  |
Reply ka_one2000
I'm so jealous of your Unifi . Psst, how's the speed like?
lwyl Post at 21-10-2011 14:18 
no need to jealous ... you'll get it soon..... the speed is like +- 6Gb dl data per hour (2.3mb per second). |
Reply 31# ka_one2000
The agent told me it will be available in my area in August or September :@. It's October already. |
dari segi value for money, ku rasa unifi baik. ku langgan VIP5 dengan bayaran RM149 sebulan dan banyak extra service yang dapat. bayaran tu juga cover untuk phoneline, internet dan iptv. kalau streamyx, phoneline kena bayar asing, rm29 tak silap. dan limit tu rasa macam hanya dalam pamplet je. bayangkan ku download 1.3g movie, kurang dari 1 jam. |
ala bro...unifi pun ampeh jugak bagi haku...kejap2 tukar resolution bila aku tgk tv...coz dah start line congest walaupun fiber...fiber ni hanya sekadar laluan yg kurang rintangan ajer...tapi kalo backend infra spec yg ampeh...tetap ampeh jugak...kalo bab org suka download movie...baik ngko subscribe premium proxy walaupun 1mb...guna premium proxy bab download nih guna 1mb pun lagi laju berbanding guna unifi...setakat nih unifi masih dlm pilot phase...takde capping lagi dr segi fair policy...bila dah terlalu ramai..proxy TM pun dah tak stabil time itulah diowang akan start active cap fair policy tuh... |
tv apa ko tengok tuh..
ada congest ke hypptv????
aku pon tengok channel hd jugak
syfy hd
dia tukar resolution bule source cerita tu tak hd kalau cerita baru2 yang hd elok je lah resolution nye 16:9
kalau tak jadi 4:3 la.. kalau channel tak hd dia jadi 16:9 walapun source 4:3 contohnye tv1 ke...
so gambar jadi penyek... macam ko tengok channel kat astro movie hbo 411 tu
kalau tengok hbo hd 431 ok la gambar tak penyek. |
tv apa ko tengok tuh..
ada congest ke hypptv????
aku pon tengok channel hd jugak
syfy hd ...
myoujin Post at 25-10-2011 20:33 
betul betul betul............ |

puas hati dengan unifi setakat ni. Torrent boleh capai 500 - 650 KB/s |
youtube dlm iptv skang ni memang tengah upgrade ker?
dari last week tak leh nengok.... Lamanyer.....  |
1. yang pasti UNIFI lebih stabil & cepat kelajuan internetnya,
cuba dia limited ngan download quota, tapi package RM 149 pun dah ada download 60G,
unless byk yang awak download, kalau tidak memang cukup pakai, 1 hari
2GB = 5-10 series movie sehari
2. kalau sedang pakai streamyx blockbuster boleh upgrade kepada UNIFI bila bila masa walaupun masih dalam contract,
kalau package lain kena check dulu,
3. kalau upgrade pun dia kira contract baru, contract streamyx kena dipotong sendiri selepas install UNIFI di TM point,
contract. sebab UNIFI akan provide no. telephone dan tarik line baru..
harap dapat membantu ^^ |
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