[TBS] Umareru - Horikita Maki, Ohkura Tadayoshi (Download at pg.1)
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Reply 20# Kittie
ahahahaah..baru pasan uols!!~ bz plak..
wwuuaahh!!~ bahagia kalu iols jdk adik pompuan derang yg skool tuh..abg gorjes belaka..akak pon chantik..derang bakal dpt adik baru..gituh.. |
ahahahaah..baru pasan uols!!~ bz plak..
wwuuaahh!!~ bahagia kalu iol ...
skymania Post at 2-5-2011 16:55 
Adik derang mcm ader scandal ngan cikgu kot... |
Horikita Maki talks about starting a family at “Umareru.” event
Today actress Horikita Maki attended a special talk event for “Umareru.“, a drama in which she is currently playing the leading role.
The drama’s story about pregnancy at an advanced age raises various topics such as the preciousness of life and bonds of a family. Hayashida Aiko, played by Tanaka Misako, is a 51-year-old mother who gets pregnant again at the age of 51 and Horikita plays her eldest daughter.
First the young actress shared her thoughts about marriage and children. She said, “I always believed that it would be okay to get married and have children at any point in my life, but recently various things let me start to think that it might be better to start a family while I’m still young.”
Seeing how the story of the drama is influencing her own thoughts on the matter, what kind of family is she dreaming of? In the drama she plays the oldest of four siblings, two girls and two boys, and it seems like she is aiming for to start a family just as big. She commented, “It should be a really buzzy family.”
“Umareru.” airs every Friday at 10pm on TBS.
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maki adalah seorang kaka yg penat...sian die..baru pes ep..dah ke hulu ke hilir..ngan adik2 lgk..ngan mak lgk..addoii!!~  |
a'ah...sbb ada gamba macam student lain nak sebarkan jeh..
si tacchon t ...
skymania Post at 2-5-2011 17:57 
Tacchon tuh ayah betul dier jahat...
NakaKen mmg sakit... sbb tuh dier ckp dier byk terhutang kat family, kira dier mcm burden la kpd family. Masa dier gaduh ngan kakak dier tuh ingt kan naper dier ckp cenggitu, lps tgk gezet yg dier mkn ubat tuh, baru la paham. |
Comel tul dedua nih time mkn.
Tp geram tul kt ayah Tacchon nih, nyamuk tul! Sian Tacchon, dhla tak byk duit! Tp selamber jer dier biarkan keje mcm tuh kt opis, sepatutnya dier careful.
NakaKen lak, sbr jer la, asek goukon jer. Siap nk gi hotel, siot...  |
Themesong tuk drama nih (365 Nichi Kazoku by Kanjani8) akan rilis pada 8 Jun 2011.  |
ye...rabak lagi bank account! ;) |
lega tgk rating dah naik balik... |
nampak gayanya preview meledakkan sikit rating last week tehehe... |
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