nanti kompom ader yg tanya, gear auto ader over drive ngan yg takde overdrive.. miahahah  |
Kalau bawak laju-laju kena tekan pundi kencing
TT, sila tukar tajuk kepada ~"Driving a car ...
zzcbr Post at 24-11-2010 11:16 
takleh gak.. nanti IMKEDA, Metro driving school dengan persatuan sekolah sekolah memandu malaysia akan mengambil tindakan.  |
comey jah soklan...ekekekeke..
mofisa Post at 23-11-2010 14:16 
minggu lepas adek ipar aku tanya ..... "pakai keta auto pun ada gear gak ke????""""ingat keta manual je yg ada gear!!!""
budak grad U tu .... tak terjawab aku@$@%$ |
haku rasa, mungkin ader golongan jenis yg macam nie, yang tak amik port langsung pasal kereta dan permotoran nieh.
ader satu kes, haku tinggalkan kunci kat umah, then mertua haku nak alihkan stream haku nieh, dier cuma bleh start enjin, tapi takleh nak tarik gated lever gear tu ke D or reverse utk gerakkkan kete. camner release parking brake pong dier tak tau, sebab stream dier takde hand brake, dier pakai foot brake.. |
Kalau bawak laju-laju kena tekan pundi kencing
TT, sila tukar tajuk kepada ~"Driving a car ...
zzcbr Post at 24-11-2010 11:16 
terkedu aku nak jwb.....sib baik abg zek tlg jwb kan.....
~~slalu kena soalan mencabar minda dr students lebih kureng cenggini la gaya nya, penat dah menjawab nya,.....adehhh |
tak silap aku soalan ni ada kuar dalam paper subject Add Math SPM 2010...
nasib dia tak tanya apa beza cvt dgn vtec |
takleh gak.. nanti IMKEDA, Metro driving school dengan persatuan sekolah sekolah memandu m ...
Fast-N-Furious Post at 24-11-2010 11:36 
Boleh tak mendaki menggunakan kereta transmisi auto? |
Boleh tak mendaki menggunakan kereta transmisi auto?
hayrin86 Post at 26-11-2010 08:49 
brape tinggi bukit-bukau, gunung-ganang yg kau nak daki tu ..???
kalu setakat genting HL, cameron HL tu ... dh beribu2 keta auto main kejor2 kat sana tu |
Boleh tak mendaki menggunakan kereta transmisi auto?
hayrin86 Post at 26-11-2010 09:49 AM 
semalam aku naik sampai puncak Himalaya pakai Kancil Auto...ok ape, tinggal masa nak sampai dlm 100m ke puncak tu, kena tukar kepada tiptronic, dah nak sampai lagi 15m aku change pakai paddle shifter |
Post Last Edit by sitihawa at 26-11-2010 10:47
Bagaimana cara untuk memandu Kereta Transmisi Automatik.
How to Drive an Automatic Transmission Car
automatic transmission 2
1. Cari pemandu berpengalaman, seelok-eloknya guru sekolah memandu untuk mengajar anda.
2. Sekiranya anda telah belajar cara memandu kereta transmisi manual, maklumkan pada guru yang ingin mengajar.
3. Beritahu masalah yang anda hadapi. Seperti tidak tahu cara menukat gear dan macam-macam lagi.
4. Duduk disebelah guru memandu dan dengar peneranganya.
5. Perhatikan cuma terdapat dua pedal di dalam kerta transmisi automatik iaitu pedal brek dan pedal minyak.
6. Pastikan cuma kaki kanan yang menekan pedal. Kaki kiri rehatkan di lantai.
7. Perhatikan kedudukan gear. Berbeza daripada manual yang mempunyai 5 gear dan gear R. Transmisi auto mempunyai beberapa pilihan iaitu P untuk Parking, R untuk gear undur, D untuk memandu dan N untuk Neutral ( Digunakan sekiranya kereta perlu ditolak atau ditarik).
8. Periksa kedudukan gear berada pada parking (P).
9. Hidupkan enjin.
10. Tekan pedal brek dengan kaki kanan.
11. Gerakkan gear daripada kedudukan (P) ke kedudukan (D).
12. Untuk keselamatan, lihat sekeliling, termasuk titik buta (blind spots) dalam keadaan brek tangan belum diturunkan.
13. Sekiranya keadaan selamat, lepaskan brek tangan.
14. Gunakan isyarat sekiranya ada kenderaan lain.
15. Lepaskan brek kaki dengan perlahan dan kereta akan mula bergerak kehadapan.
16. Tekan pedal minyak untuk meningkatkan kelajuan.
Gerakkan gear daripada “D” ke “3″, “2″, or “L” untuk mengawal kelajuan ( tanpa brek) dalam keadaan tertentu seperti mendaki, kesesakan lalu lintas dan hujan.
1. Find an experienced driver, preferably a professional driving instructor, to teach you.
2. If you have been learning to drive in a manual car explain this to the instructor.
3. Tell him about any problems you have been experiencing such as not knowing how or when to change gears.
4. Sit beside the instructor and listen to him as he explains the different controls.
5. Notice there are only two foot pedals in an automatic transmission car – the brake and gas pedals.
6. Remember both pedals are operated by your right foot – your left foot stays on the floor.
7. Study the gear selector. Instead of markings 1 – 5 and R (for reverse) an automatic gear selector has the following markings – P for Park, R for Reverse, N for Neutral (use this if the car has to be pushed or towed) and D for driving.
8. Check that the car is in Park (P).
9. Turn on the engine.
10. Press the brake pedal down with your right foot.
11. Move the gear lever from park option (P) to drive option (D).
12. With your hand on the handbrake look all around, including the blind spots, to check it is safe to move off.
13. If it is safe all around, release the handbrake.
14. Use your indicators if there is anyone around who is likely to benefit from a signal.
15. Slowly, lift your foot off the brake – the car will start to move forward.
16. Move your foot over to the gas pedal and press down to increase speed.
Manually shift from “D” to “3″, “2″, or “L” to regulate speed safely (less braking) in adverse conditions (steep hills, heavy traffic, snow, ice, rain).
Kereta akan bergerak kehadapan sebaik sahaja anda memilih ke D. Pastikan kaki anda menekan brek sehingga anda benar-benar bersedia untuk bergerak.
Memandu kereta automatik lebih senang berbanding kereta manual. Anda mempunyai banyak masa utuk memerhatikan keadan jalan dan sebarang bahaya yang akan berlaku.
Anda masih perlu untuk mempelajari cara-cara pemanduan berhemah.
Anda perlu mempelajari papan tanda jalan dan isyarat-isyarat.
Anda tidak perlu meletakkan kedudukan gear pada kedudukan Neutral N sekiranya berhenti di lampu isyarat. Tetapi sekiranya anda berhenti terlalu lama, bolehlah meletakkan gear pada kedudukan Neutral.
Remember the car will creep forward as soon as you select D for drive. It is vital you keep your foot on the brake until you are ready to move forward.
Driving an automatic car is far easier than driving a manual car. This means you can spend more time studying the road conditions and looking out for hazards.
You still need to learn how to drive safely and considerately.
You will still need to learn about all the road signs and markings.
It is not necessary to put the car into neutral every time you stop at a junction or traffic light. However, if you are stopping for more than a few minutes then you should put the car into neutral.
Mempelajari teknik dan kaedah untuk memandu kereta transmisi manual tidak dianggap mudah bagi sesetengah orang. Tetapi, dengan latihan dan kesabaran, ia akan menjadi satu kebiasaan.
sumber: http://mforum.cari.com.my/redire ... 6137561555#lastpost |
Bagaimana cara untuk memandu Kereta Transmisi Manual.
How to Drive a Manual Transmission Car

gear lever
1. Terdapat 3 pedal pada kereta transmisi manual. Dari kiri, klac, brek dan minyak.
2. Perhatikan pada tombol gear, kebanyakan kereta yang baru mempunyai tiga H, gear satu, tiga dan lima berada diatas. Manakala gear dua, empat dan gear undur berada di bawah. Di tengah garis H ialah neutral.
3. Pastikan brek tangan dalam keadan tidak diturunkan dan kereta berada diatas jalan yang rata.
4. Tekan pedal klac kebawah dan gerak gear ke posisi neutral.
5. Hidupkan enjin.
6. Gerakkan gear ke gear satu sambil kaki menekan klac.
7. Gunakan brek kai dan lepaskan brek tangan.
8. Lepaskan brek kaki apabila ingin bergerak.
9. Lepaskan pedal klac perlahan-lahan. Apabila anda mendengar bunyi enjin menjadi semakin perlahan, perlahan-lahan tekan pedal minyak sambil melepaskan pedal klac. Kereta akan mula bergerak kehadapan.
10. Pecut perlahan-lahan sehingga kereta mencecah 3000 rpm, lepaskan pedal minyak sambil menekan pedal klac dan tukar gear ke gear dua. Pastikan gear masuk dengan kemas.
11. Lepaskan pedal klac perlahan-lahan smbil menekan pedal minyak.
12. Ulang proses pertukaran gear ini pada 3000 rpm sehingga anda memandu pada kelajuan yang diinginkan.
13. Lepaskan pedal minyak perlahan-lahan apabila ingin mengurangkan kelajuan.Tekan pedal klac perlahan-lahan dan tukar ke gear lebih rendah. Apabila berada di gear rendah lepaskan klac perlahan-lahan dan tekan brek.
14. Berhentikan kereta dengan menurunkan gear ke gear dua. Gunakan klac sebaik sahaja kereta ingin berhenti.
15. Gunakan langkah yang sama seperti diatas untuk mengundurkan kereta.
stick shift transmissions
1. Look at the floorboard; you’ll see 3 pedals. From left to right, they are: clutch, brake, gas.
2. Study the simple diagram on the top of the gearshift, which will show you where the gears are. In most new cars, this will look like a three-legged H. First, third and fifth gears are at the tops of the legs; second, fourth and reverse gears are at the bottoms. The crossbar of the H is neutral.
3. Make sure the parking brake is engaged and the car is on a flat surface in an area where you have plenty of room.
4. Press down on the clutch pedal and then move the gearshift into the neutral position.
5. Start the car.
6. Keeping the clutch pedal down, put the car into first gear by moving the gearshift to the top-left position.
7. Apply the foot brake and release the parking brake.
8. Release the foot brake when you’re ready to start moving.
9. Begin to release the clutch pedal slowly; when you hear or feel the engine begin to slow down, slowly press down on the gas pedal as you continue to release the clutch. The car will start to move forward.
10. Accelerate until the car has reached about 3,000 rpm, then take your foot off the gas, press down on the clutch pedal, and pull the gearshift directly down through neutral to second gear. Be sure to pull the gearshift down until it can’t go any farther.
11. Release the clutch pedal gently, simultaneously pressing down gently on the gas pedal.
12. Repeat the shifting process each time you hit 3,000 rpm until you’re driving at the appropriate speed. (Third gear is up and to the right; fourth gear is all the way down from there; fifth gear is up to neutral, right and then up again.)
13. Downshift by releasing the gas pedal when you want to decrease your speed. Press down on the clutch and move the gearshift through neutral into the next-lower gear (move down only 1 gear at a time). Once you’re in the lower gear, release the clutch slowly and brake as you do so.
14. Stop the car by downshifting to second gear and applying the brakes. Apply the clutch just before the car stops. Don’t downshift into first.
15. Drive in reverse by following the same steps you would for starting in first gear. The reverse gear engages more quickly than first gear, however, so be sure to release the clutch slowly and begin to press the gas pedal as soon as the car begins to move.
six speed manual transmission |
Reply 32# sitihawa
Zaman skrg nih dah ramai sangat bawak kreta transmisi auto, kan? |
Reply 36# nanie
yg penting kaki pijak break.... yg best auto ni kalau bukit... x payah main clutch atau handbrake.... pijak je kaki kiri tu padle brake...  |
Reply 37# metalique
Silap gambor....patutnya aku tepek yg nie...

Sorry for the inconvenience cause.. |
transmisi manual 6 kelajuan yg lazatt!!! 
| |