ko menguruskan pose aje moahaha.. tp ske agik imej n rambut dia skang.. more masculine.. tp maintain jelita... zaman j-rock tu aigooooooo serammmmmmmm hehehe...
kwenchanna hehehe......... adoi mamat ni... tu ler dulu me dgr group TRAX ni mmg kat jepun, tak sangka lak dia dulu drummer group tu.. mmg J Rock abis... npk dia wat plastik kat idong,mulut n mata kot hehe.. bese aaa retis korea tak lari dari plastik... tp shape dia skang agik ok aaa.. dulu cekeding aje..
dulu... sgt sker dier sebelum zmn keplastikan dier nih... itu dulu... he's so much cuter, pure, real and innocent back then...
skrg... byk love-hate relationship dgn dier nih... mcm cn blue gak, erm... yg cn blue tuh tak kronik mcm dier nih, byk love dari disappointment... tp ngan the TRAX, n terutama dier nih... it's a good a thing org dh stat pandang dier sbb pasta n miho, wlaupun in another different ways... just a bit of sad, people tak pandang pun dier when he was a true gem... but it's ok, crystal pun berharga gak... bila dah start popular nih, i wish him all the best... just like what i said to him a couple of years ago (the same advice i gave to cn blue babies), you've earned ones of the most precious treasures in the world, those knowledge i would die to have, even i have to be tortured into thousands death, they are so worth it to receive and own them like that; from those amazing revered residents of the most magical world. don't forget all the tears and sweats, all the humiliations in order to gain them, take a good care of them, appreciate them... don't disappoint people who fought for you more than it already is, don't disappoint people who sacrifice a lot for you more than it already is... i still remember the sadness in yoshiki-san eyes, i will never forget that... but i will never forget how talented you're born, you were confused, you chose this way... but like i always said, glamour and popularity can jump up and jump down in the blink of eyes, but those treasures are the things which will help you when you are falling down deep into the black hell. good luck, ローズちゃん... either you remember me or not, it's not important... but i know you know very well what i'm talking about... if you somehow stumble into this through baidu or goo or bing, i'm wishing you all the best, my bakayarou no hana...