Civic masih pisang goreng panas beb |
smlm dh tgk kete city. ps register,dlm 2mnggu dptler..inysa'allah.
bli kt kl, regester kt pdg jawa. order 28/2. 3bln lh jgk nk mnnti buah yg xgugur tu. |
smlm dh tgk kete city. ps register,dlm 2mnggu dptler..inysa'allah.
bli kt kl, regester kt pdg jawa. order 28/2. 3bln lh jgk nk mnnti buah yg xgugur tu. |
Reply 16# aurelia
Aurelia nak kee?? |
Reply 17# tuan_wu
Tak mengapa, mattzz boleh survey sendiri..... |
Reply 24# mattzzx
kecil tapak tangan, nyiru sy tadahkan.  |
kalo kat KL sanggup ke nak trun amik...? aku ada nampak satu honda sales kat sekitar MRR2.. aku tak ...
QAX Post at 15-5-2010 10:20 PM 
Sanggup saje kalau dapat cepat stok. Biasanya kalau keretayang ada dalam showrooms cuma tunggu untuk di register saje dam memang dah ada orang booking... |
Reply 19# Squall-Leonhart
Confirm dapat cepat? Apa nama showroom tu? Boleh tak Squall tolong2 survey untuk mattzz? |
emm...lalu sat,
berapa interest skrng ye utk 9thn... |
emm...lalu sat,
berapa interest skrng ye utk 9thn...
cashguy Post at 16-5-2010 05:55 PM 
cashguy pun nak tanya pasal loan ke... |
hehe..mau tau saja. Dulu dah tlepas masa bawah 3.0. skrg ada lagi ke?.. |
Reply 30# zzcbr
zzcbr...kat jepun, dah keluar model baru untuk Civic atau masih model lama jugaa?? |
Honda Civic to live past five years, new model in 2011?
It has been five years since the current Honda Civic made its debut. So based on the standard 5 year product plan, a new model should be unveiled later this year. Not so, says Honda, which cites changing market conditions and emissions regulations as the reasons behind the pushed back release to 2011.
“In general, we are not changing cycles. We change vehicles as need be. The ability to do something based on more current information is better than waiting a full model cycle. Some of that is being able to have the opportunity to change (based on) what you see happening in the marketplace,” explained John Mendel, American Honda Motor Co’s Executive VP.
The next Civic was supposed to grow in size over the FD2, but Honda COO Tsuneo Tanai said at last year’s Tokyo show that the design had been altered midstream and resized closer to the current car.
Five years already? The current Civic doesn’t feel very dated in our books, and is still very competitive against younger rivals, if not better. Good to hear that it won’t be further enlarged though; those who want a bigger car can get the Accord or an MPV. |
lamanya....tt ambik kaler limited edition ke? hubby saya aritu book civic pertengahan bulan december 2008 & dpt awal januari 2009.....2 mggu je...kat penang.....dh lebih setaun kete tu...cptnye masa berlalu...... |
tp old model yg lampu blkg bulat tu.....bukan yg bersegi sikit mcm had yg baru tu laaa.....mgkin dorg nak clearkan stok 2009 cpt kot tu sbb dpt cpt.... |
Memang dulu cepat dapat stok, paling lam pun dua bulan tapi sekarang ni...... |
Berapa monthly civic 1.8 dan 2.0 baru dan secondhand ni ya |
Tengok kat topik sibik nih aku duk tergelak sorang2.....ada org tuh beli sibik 1.8...kiranye dia mampu la nak beli kete tuh berbanding dgn aku nih....tp hutang dia dgn aku tak bayar2 pun sampei skrg...dgr citer dah sangkut payment sibik tuh....adehh...moralnye jika tidak berkemampuan jgn ler nak berbelanja diluar batasan....pakai jek proton aeroback tuh....
(org yg dimaksudkan diatas tiada kena mengena dgn sesiapa kat sini) |
Berapa monthly civic 1.8 dan 2.0 baru dan secondhand ni ya
penyo. Post at 20-5-2010 10:33 
if new brand civic 1.8 = rm1.2k++, 2.0 = rm1.3++ (ni klu buh downpayment 10% laa)..klu dwp byk & ambik loan less than 9 years lain lak regenye.....klu 2nd hand lak x psti..... |
Reply 38# tossee
teruknye kawan ko tu tossee.....bior pape asai bergaye kekdahnye ek? len kali ukur baju di badan sndiri......(errr, teman x boleh la....sbb baju hb teman saiz L tp teman saiz XS...sah2 le pkai tshirt dia jd jubah teman ) kete nama teman, teman guna tp hb bayor.....sbb teman x mmpu.....tu msuk kategori tak ukur baju di badan sndiri gak kot.....:cf: |
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