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Author: munyhamasaki

Lemah dalam Bahasa Inggeris??

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Post time 30-12-2009 11:53 PM | Show all posts
'omputih' bermakna apa? Bahasa Inggeris?
Kef Post at 30-12-2009 22:49

informally we say Westerners as orang putih, but of coz things benda makin lama jadi short form and pronounced omputih especially in SMS..

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Post time 1-1-2010 08:59 AM | Show all posts
nak improve pronounciation, baca kuat2 and practice dgn someone yg pandai differentiate sebutan. kalo basic english dah cantik dah bunyi nyer, boleh lah dilenggok2kan dgn slang sesuatu country. english, american, aussie, scottish, irish tu lain2 slangnyer.

byk2 mengajuk cara omputih sebut.

how are u bukan hawau u...aku dgr pun kkdg sakit telinga.



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Post time 18-1-2010 12:32 AM | Show all posts
aku dulu bley kate okey je lah speaking sume... lepas keje bertawon2 kt kampong then sume staff bwh tak paham bahse omputih, teros makin lama makin malap skill omputih aku tuhh...

skang nih nk polish balik punyelah susah.. dahlah sume opismate baru aku nih lebey terok english derang depade aku, susah btol.. aku nk biasakan telinga aku nih dgn perkataan2 english, aku dgr tetiap hari rediyo yg bahse perantaraan die english jugek... skang nih kire ok sket lah.. tp still aku rase terok sbb kdg2 aku okey speaking, kdg2 aku jd tak okey esp bile communicate dgn exec2 yg bhgn sales.. mebi tak konfident dgn keupayaan diri sdrik..



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Post time 6-2-2010 11:22 PM | Show all posts
in this thread name "Bahasa Dan Komunikasi" i see not much people! I also not good enough in speaking or writing in english! So i hope  along with situation in this thread not really active we can take this chance/opportunity  to practice our english. Hope 1 or 2 people can help me practice ! huhu! just one day one post!  so how my idea. Its good?

.: I hope somebody can correct me in vocabullary (ejaan yg betol)

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Post time 19-2-2010 03:44 PM | Show all posts
Hi, naikAntenna, nothing wrong in your wordings if they're in the sense of speech and as long as people could understand you, it's considered as fair..... it's good for everyone to speak out rather than keeping it inside since we learn from mistakes just like what had been said by many, 'practice makes perfect'... English is a fun and cool language just like other languages. The most important thing is you enjoy learning it and practicing it.

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Post time 20-2-2010 07:33 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by naikAntena at 20-2-2010 19:35

mmm... thanks for your comment qenot!! by the way whats your opinion when the issues "Teaching English in Mathematic and Science" are you agree with that! mmm... are you aggree with running out of " PPSMI " will destroy our own language (" bahasa ibunda " ) .

.:. in other part you can advise me in using correct sentences. THANKS VERY MUCH

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Post time 21-2-2010 02:32 AM | Show all posts
I personally believe that it's not a big deal... I guess that it's a beginning step for students and teachers to ensure their grippance in English through accepting the challenge.

Maths isn't using a great deal of language expression as much as reading subjects such as Science where it was divided into several branches like physics, chemistry, and biology. History is much more difficult if you use English as the medium to convey those topics in it since it is totally a reading subject and I had experienced it once.

I don't really agree that English as a medium of education could destroy your native language nor any other language. I was raised as a trilingual person which means I'm using three languages as my native language and so do my grandparents but we still can speak in Malay without any problem although my standard Malay speech is quite shattering because I was influenced by dialectical Malay, Southern Thai dialect and Arabic. I'm not really a Malay

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Post time 21-2-2010 02:41 AM | Show all posts
About the correction, I guess you only have minor grammar mistakes and overall, your english is already fair in the term of speech since we don't really need perfect grammar to speak or to be understood. The usage of the words is more or less important before grammar.

here are grammar corrections and some words that could be used:
1)  by the way whats your opinion when the issues "Teaching English in Mathematic and Science"?

2) are you agree with that?

3) are you aggree with running out of " PPSMI " will destroy our own language (" bahasa ibunda " )

my suggestions:

1 - by the way, what's your opinion concerning the issues of "English Teaching in Maths and Science"?

2 - Do you agree with it?

3 - Do you agree that, the implementation of PPSMI will destroy our own language?

concerning - berkaitan
implementation - perlaksanaan

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Post time 22-2-2010 07:20 AM | Show all posts
IMHO to master a certain language, we need to practice. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, be it grammar or pronunciation, it is a process of learning. And English is the most complicated language in the world. The English that we learn today evolved from the Old English which evolved from Germanic languages (Anglo Saxon).
Honestly, i learned English through tv programmes. There were not many or probably closer to none Malay subtitles for English-speaking programmes while I was growing up. It forced me to learn to at least master the basic English.
Don't worry, every language is evolving. Recent study suggests that English would be replaced by Manglish as world's lingua franca in about err... 50 years. How's that for a fact?

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Post time 22-2-2010 04:14 PM | Show all posts
28# genot & Gegulagetah

wahhhh....your englishh very good!!! thanks bro qenot for your correction! im aggree with you!  by the way , i can see lately people like to "merojakkan bahasa" , for me its not wrong as long as their are trying to head on learning.but i feel bad to them if they are make this become "kebiasaan" without any effort to improvise it.

Bro Qenot you can make some topic to be more like Conversation or discussion! it wil be more help me in grabbing idea and then evolve the idea!

.:. u know i have pay out  around 15 minute time in wrote this post

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Post time 23-2-2010 08:22 PM | Show all posts
30# naikAntena hi naik antena,

i hope you won't stop practicing your english. english is very powerful and currently stands as the international communication language. by learning a language you open up a plethora of opportunity and widen your understanding.
i do suggest you read a lot and have your dictionary and thesaurus ready with you. at one stage i even bring along those two references in my handbag just because i want to know the meaning and available subsitute words right there and then.
grammar is a tricky one. dont worry, it gets me too. as long as you have clear intention and good basic keywords, you should be alright.

good luck!

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Post time 25-2-2010 09:23 PM | Show all posts
31# redsinner

Owhhh!!! Thanks for your support and your tips too!!  I got your key !!! clear intention and good basic keyword!!
i must to improve 1st at that area, right! However i realize , becoming a good english user must always practice day by day! but i still have some little shameless in join others english group discussion! i have more quite than speak to join them!! if i have joint i still speak in malay! when i talk in english ! i conscious my speaking "tersangkut2!" and then i straight change my language to malay! my office mate not laugh to me, they always support me! by the way my self set to automatic be like that! hihihi.... my mind have so much many want to say, want to speak! but my mouth can't translate to language! yeah! i must to powering in this language! because one day i dream to travelling at paris! so i must already prepare 1st! so much to say in my mind! but just out like this post! huh

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Post time 26-2-2010 03:12 AM | Show all posts
Dear naikAntenna

Your enthusiasm to learn warm my heart  
Another simple way to learn the language is by doing a lot of reading and practice of course. I suggest you read English daily (newspapers) such as New Straits Times and The Star. Newspapers use simple English and their sentences are normally short and clear.It will give you help you to structure your words and sentences. Reading novels would also improve your language. Check out the genres you like and start reading. There is no shortcut in learning language, I'm afraid. You just need to read more and practice.

Like Redsinner suggests,  dictionary and thesaurus are very handy to have with you. But, you can always use the online dictionary and thesaurus for references. Sometimes the online ones do have 'sound button' where you can hear how certain word is pronounced.

Continue conversing in English with your friends, eventhough it 'caca marba', 'rojak' but try to avoid speak Manglish (mangled English!). Don't be 'shameless' (the correct word is = shy) to ask and you'll be fine.

Keep up the good word and insyaAllah you'll get there! Good Luck

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Post time 27-2-2010 10:53 PM | Show all posts
30# naikAntena

sure why not... I will try to make my comment as compact as possible.

you can also watch english movies and listening to english broadcastings (radio)... don't be ashame to others. It's you who want to learn the language, not them and they have no right to stop you from learning. I use to have this problem too in the beginning but I just ignore them.

I think bahasa rojak in Malaysia is not really a serious problem. Most of all, they actually could speak in english but I agree with other frens that people shouldn't make it a habit. When you want to learn any language, you have to choose the way of pronunciation of the language.

some people will say that you are 'mengada2' or a poseur when you speak in British or American accent, but that's among the way.

I personally suggest anyone who learn English to pronounce everything and talking according to standard English and using a dictionary when referring to the pronunciation beside listening to the radio.

sometimes I'm having problems too when speaking with those who speak "bahasa rojak" especially Chinese who speak in English because they have too many Chinese words that could puzzle you if you aren't familiar with them. They tend to influence us, danggg !

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Post time 28-2-2010 07:15 AM | Show all posts
I am having a problem in conversing in English...
I just cannot find the right word to say it in English...
Moreover, my grammar is getting worse and worse day by day....
Maybe I need to attend an English class...
Or maybe If I could join you guys, I could might as well improve my English...
I hope you guys dont mind me joining all of you...
nice to meet all of you and have a nice day ...

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Post time 28-2-2010 11:44 AM | Show all posts
32# naikAntena

i may not be perfect antenna, but i'll try my best to help you and improve myself as well...if you dont mind, we'll do a post-mortem on your previous post.

I got your key !!!   -    I got your point

i must to improve 1st at that area, right!   -  I must improve in that area first

However i realize , becominga good english user must always practice day by day!   -  However, I realize to become a good english user we must always practice everyday!

but i still havesome little shameless in join others english group discussion!   - but I am shy to join others in an english group discussion

i havemore quite than speak to join them!! if i have joint i still speak inmalay! when i talk in english !   -  i have become more quiet when i join them. when i join them i tend to speak in malay.

i conscious my speaking "tersangkut2!"and then i straight change my language to malay!  -  tersangkut2...u can use stammer

my office mate not laugh to me, they always support me!  - my office mate did not laugh at me

by the way myself set to automatic be like that! hihihi.... my mind have so muchmany want to say, want to speak! -  i become like that by default, my mind has so many things to say.

but my mouth can't translate tolanguage! yeah! i must to powering in this language! - but the words didn't come out properly. i must be good at this language!

because one day i dream totravelling at paris! so i must already prepare 1st! so much to say inmy mind! but just out like this post! huh  -  because one day i dream to travel to paris. therefore i have to prepare first. i have so much to say in my mind.

naik antenna, to be able to speak in english, you have to think in english. hope you are not offended that i am correcting your post because i felt the need to show you that expressing yourself doesn't have to be hard. use basic words and clear intention.

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Post time 28-2-2010 09:24 PM | Show all posts
35# marumaru

cool, welcome you all the way

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Post time 28-2-2010 09:46 PM | Show all posts
37# genot

thank you, genot...
from the threads here, I can see that you could speak a lot of languages.
so I guess you must be a brilliant person. how I wish I am one too...
how did you do that?
and have you ever been like the words just got mixed up in your head and you just could not find the right word to express something?

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Post time 28-2-2010 09:51 PM | Show all posts
and one more thing, genot..
I would really appreciate if you could correct my English too...
I wouldnt mind at all..
thank you in advance...

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Post time 28-2-2010 11:48 PM | Show all posts
38# marumaru

you're welcome maru,

I'm pleased to see everyone are eager to enhance their language skills. It's actually good for all of you....

Urmm, yeah, I have the problems like what you had stated almost all of the time, LOL but that's only for certain languages that I use to speak interchangeably like Malay, Arabic or Thai.  

Sometimes if I couldn't find words I would just give them descriptions about those things that I wanted to mention or say and I'm sure it will took us a long time...   

Mostly when you're speaking a certain language, just think in that language unless if you can't get the word, then use other language's word if those people you're talking with could understand that.

Sure, why not... we can correct each other's sentences, no problem... english is a cool language, you can talk about almost everything in english and nowadays, it's very flexible. I love to play words with my frens especially those from urban dictionary and sometimes we just create our own terms, ahahaha...

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