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Author: kirawang


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 Author| Post time 20-8-2009 01:12 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by pojikun85 at 19-8-2009 23:40

tahniah bro womyd....
cmne ye nak dpt cash smpi 700k...???.........

alhamdulillah dpt 20k cash ptg tdi..rezeki.....pelan2 kayuh..........
pojikun85 Post at 19-8-2009 23:37

tak ada masalah kerdil..kalau kamu dah mempunyai ketinggian yang cukup...

Yang penting, manage properly, dr 20k, anda akan dapat 200k, lps tu 2m...

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2009 01:12 AM | Show all posts
thanks bos... rezeki nak kawin...
whomyd Post at 19-8-2009 22:18

humaidi, kau tak sakit perut makan nasi kuning..?

ke saya sorang je..?

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2009 01:14 AM | Show all posts

hijua balik dah DJ..semalam pon hijau...

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Post time 20-8-2009 02:54 PM | Show all posts
tak ada masalah kerdil..kalau kamu dah mempunyai ketinggian yang cukup...

Yang penting, manage properly, dr 20k, anda akan dapat 200k, lps tu 2m...
kirawang Post at 20-8-2009 01:12

timo kasih tuan..
nasihat tu sy sematkan dlm ht...

hehehe tgh usaha memprospek lg nih....
p/s: ketinggian fizikal dh cukup 178cm, ketinggian azam semangat nak kene pumpin lg....

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Post time 21-8-2009 02:50 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by pojikun85 at 19-8-2009 23:40

tahniah bro womyd....
cmne ye nak dpt cash smpi 700k...???.........

alhamdulillah dpt 20k cash ptg tdi..rezeki.....pelan2 kayuh..........
pojikun85 Post at 19-8-2009 23:37

thanks bro... hehehe... rezeki tu bro... tak terpikir pun nak dpt byk tu... tp kalau consistent buat, insyaAllah one day dpt... we never know... dun give up.. itu aje... btw, congrats dpt 20k... dari 20k tu, lama2 blh jadi 2mil...

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Post time 21-8-2009 02:52 PM | Show all posts
humaidi, kau tak sakit perut makan nasi kuning..?

ke saya sorang je..?
kirawang Post at 20-8-2009 01:12

tak sakit pun... bos kena mkn makanan hotel aje, baru tak sakit perut...

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 Author| Post time 21-8-2009 03:55 PM | Show all posts
timo kasih tuan..
nasihat tu sy sematkan dlm ht...

hehehe tgh usaha memprospek lg nih....
p/s: ketinggian fizikal dh cukup 178cm, ketinggian azam semangat nak kene pumpin lg....

pojikun85 Post at 20-8-2009 14:54

tinngi 178cm..kira boleh success tu..

kawan kami , ramai 160cm je...

tapi sales million million...

so, dont worry lah,..

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 Author| Post time 21-8-2009 04:03 PM | Show all posts
tak sakit pun... bos kena mkn makanan hotel aje, baru tak sakit perut...
whomyd Post at 21-8-2009 14:52

amboi...perli nampak..

btw...jangan makan kat luar banyak sangat,,,
ramai yang demam dan sakit perut sekarang..

saya baru sembuh demam ni...

untuk humaidi...suruh tunang hang masak untuk hang hari hari....

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 Author| Post time 21-8-2009 04:04 PM | Show all posts
selamat berpuasa semua....

new funds will be launched very soon....

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Post time 21-8-2009 08:14 PM | Show all posts
tinngi 178cm..kira boleh success tu..

kawan kami , ramai 160cm je...

tapi sales million million...

so, dont worry lah,..
kirawang Post at 21-8-2009 15:55

time kasih tuan kirawang......
i wonder how u konsistent jer dlm TOP PRODUCER EVERY MONTHS....

tabik spring.....

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Post time 22-8-2009 11:44 AM | Show all posts
selamat berpuasa semuaaa!!!

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 Author| Post time 26-8-2009 10:09 AM | Show all posts
Article menarik ni....

Should I go against the market?

Personal Investing - By Ooi Kok Hwa

AS the stock market continues to move higher, a lot of investors are wondering when it will come down again. Those who have been involved in futures trading may be tempted to short the KL Composite Index (KLCI) futures contracts.

Unfortunately, each time they start shorting the index, the market surges even higher and touches a new high. As a result, they are forced to cover their short positions as the market turns against them. In this article, we will look at how to apply contrarian strategies in the present market conditions.

Contrarian strategy 1: only correct when the market turns around

Investors need to be careful when using contrarian strategies. These strategies are only effective when the market starts to turn around, otherwise, investors will end up being wrong.

Contrarian investors feel that most people in the market tend to get carried away by the market sentiment, so if they keep calm, they will have a better position by taking actions that are the opposite of what others are doing. They believe that they can make big money by betting against popular investment trends.

In the current stock market situation, even though the average daily-trading volume is about one billion shares, we notice that there are not many retail investors. The market is mainly filled with some big fund managers or day traders. Some investors who managed to catch stocks at cheaper prices may have been selling most of their holdings lately.

Unfortunately, the market continues to trade higher than previous selling prices. In such situation, the worst mistake for some retail investors is to abandon their contrarian strategies and start buying back the shares that they disposed off earlier at even higher prices.

Normally, when everyone starts to think that the stock market will continue to go up, that is the signal of an impending market crash. Hence, investors need to be patient to wait for the right prices before buying back those stocks.

There is also the danger that some investors may start accumulating their stocks too early. We believe that “the panic may be over, but not the crisis”. Even though there are signs that the overall economy may be on its way to recovery, we think it will take some time before we can see the real recovery of the stock market.

We need to understand that once the fund managers feel that the stock prices are far above the fundamental of the stocks, they may stop accumulating stocks.

As a result, due to a lack of demand, the market may start dipping lower again with dwindling trading volumes. It may take a long time before the market turns higher again.

We saw this phenomenon in 2000-2001 when the market dipped slowly with very thin volume for a 15-month period, with the KLCI tumbling from about 1,000-level in February 2000 to 550-level in May 2001, a total decline of about 45%.

Investors need to take note that unless they have deep pockets to average down their purchase prices over a long period, they may run out of funds before the market reaches the bottom.

One way to avoid accumulating stocks too early is by adopting the filter rule strategy proposed by Alexander (1961). He proposed that we should only buy stocks when the market touches the lowest point and starts recovering for k% from its low and sell stocks when the market discovers the peak and starts falling for k% from its high.

This strategy may reduce the feeling of regret from selling stocks too early. Given that we may never know when the market touches its peak, it may be a good strategy to let the market find the top and only start selling when the market confirms the declining trends.

Contrarian Strategy 2: Buying neglected firms

Recently, as the result of the merger between main and second board companies into the Main Market, we notice that some second board companies, which have good fundamentals but previously lacked analysts’ coverage, are starting to get the attention of investors.

We believe these companies may provide good buying opportunities for investors who have missed out on the opportunities of accumulating blue chip stocks at cheap prices. Some academic studies have shown that the returns from buying neglected firms, over a long-term period, may be better than investing in “popular” companies.

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 Author| Post time 26-8-2009 10:12 AM | Show all posts

Economists expect recovery in 2nd quarter
By Rupa DamodaranPublished: 2009/08/26
The Malaysian economy will shrink 3.32 per cent for the whole of 2009, better than a -5 per cent official forecast, says a Business Times poll  

Economists are confident that the Malaysian economy has seen its worst and the second quarter data is likely to show recovery.

According to a Business Times poll, the economy will contract by a slower 5.17 per cent in the April-June period. This could mean that it would shrink by 3.32 per cent for the whole of 2009, better than a -5 per cent official forecast.

Malaysia's gross domestic product (GDP) for the first quarter contracted by a steep -6.2 per cent as exports tumbled following a slump in demand in developed countries.

In fact, the global recession took its toll on the economy in 2008 when GDP in the fourth quarter of that year rose by only 0.1 per cent.

Bank Negara Malaysia Governor Tan Sr Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz will release the second quarter data today.

Kit Wei Zheng, Citi's economist for Malaysia and Singapore, said the first quarter GDP of 2009 was the most intense quarter of the recession. "The peak in retrenchments in the second quarter supports the view that the economy has bottomed and is on a gradual recovery path."

He expects recovery to gather momentum in the second half as shortages in parts and labour, which have been holding back recovery, gradually ease.

The government will also spend money under its stimulus plans faster and this will have a bigger impact on economic activity.

On a seasonally adjusted annualised quarter-on-quarter rate, Citi expects growth at around 4 per cent, which is just a fifth of the 20.7 per cent jump seen in neighbouring Singapore.

Quarter on quarter comparisons are typically used to better pinpoint a turnaround.

Still, Standard Chartered Bank's Southeast Asia economist Alvin Liew thinks the pace and sustainability of the recovery remains uncertain.

"We forecast that the second quarter GDP growth rebounded to 12.6 per cent quarter on quarter (annualised rate, non-seasonally adjusted) from a 27.3 per cent plunge in the first quarter."

TA Research economist Patricia Oh said improving labour market conditions, business sentiments and consumer confidence will support domestic demand.

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 Author| Post time 26-8-2009 10:15 AM | Show all posts
time kasih tuan kirawang......
i wonder how u konsistent jer dlm TOP PRODUCER EVERY MONTHS....

tabik spring.....
pojikun85 Post at 21-8-2009 20:14

Tak de lah consistent sangat...
so, kadang kadang datang malas jugak...
Tu yang kadang2 pergi merayau rayau ...cari idea nak rajinkan diri...

tapi, bila tengok orang lain macam kerja kuat, macam humaidi dapat cash bedebuk 700k tu...
datang lah semangat balik....

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 Author| Post time 26-8-2009 10:19 AM | Show all posts
selamat berpuasa semuaaa!!!
whomyd Post at 22-8-2009 11:44

ye, selamat berpuasa untuk hari ke ...berapa ye..?

kira jap..sabtu, ahad, isnin, selasa, rabu..

wah..hari ni hari yang kelima dah...kejap je...

humaidi, dah beli baju raya ke belom...
mesti baju melayu raya tahun ni, teus buat baju kawen kan,,,?

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 Author| Post time 26-8-2009 10:21 AM | Show all posts
New KWSP Form..

akan dikeluarkan next week, first week of september...
tapi hanya boleh gunakan untuk bulan november saja,,

so, alang2 jumpa clients u all next week...pakai forms baru dan lama...

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 Author| Post time 26-8-2009 10:23 AM | Show all posts
Khabar angin bulan 10 market akan drop..

angin sepoi sepoi bahasa.,...or puting beliung or tornado...saya tak tahu..

mana pi abg LAT...

abang Lat, tolong cari sumber ke...

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 Author| Post time 27-8-2009 10:53 AM | Show all posts
mana pergi semua orang ni...
btw..selamat bekerja dengan gigih dibulan puasa..


Puasa, kerja secara efektif di bulan Ramadan


RAMADAN ialah bulan yang penuh keberkatan. Kedatangan bulan ini seharusnya meningkatkan semangat dan iltizam umat Islam untuk merebut segala keberkatan tersebut.

Justeru itu, kehadiran bulan mulia ini tidak boleh dijadikan alasan untuk menjadi malas bekerja.

Sesetengah individu melihat puasa sebagai kekangan untuk meningkatkan kualiti dan produktiviti atas alasan tiada tenaga kerana lapar dahaga. Persepsi ini sebenarnya bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam.

Seharusnya ibadah puasa perlu dilihat sebagai motivasi untuk lebih berusaha dan berjaya.

Puasa sebenarnya adalah 'madrasah' bagi kita membentuk peribadi mulia dan unggul.

Pada zaman Rasulullah SAW, peperangan juga berlaku pada bulan yang mulia ini. Para sahabat tetap berjuang menjadi tentera Allah.

Jika menyelusuri konsep kerja dalam Islam, ia sebenarnya merupakan satu bentuk jihad iaitu jihad sosioekonomi.

Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Sesiapa yang bekerja untuk anak isterinya melalui jalan yang halal, maka bagi mereka pahala seperti orang yang berjihad di jalan Allah." - Hadis riwayat Bukhari.

Bagi mendepani bulan puasa yang penuh dengan cabaran dan dugaan ini, seharusnya kita perlu lebih peka memahami keadaannya dan bagaimana kita dapat mengekalkan prestasi dan stamina.

Konsep puasa ialah menahan diri daripada makan dan minum serta segala perbuatan yang boleh membatalkannya, mulai dari terbit fajar hinggalah terbenam matahari.

Seorang pekerja biasanya akan bekerja selama lapan jam sehari di waktu siang. Rehat yang diperuntukkan pula adalah 30 hingga 60 minit.

Akta Kerja 1955 menyebut: "Waktu kerja biasa ialah waktu kerja harian yang dipersetujui antara majikan dan pekerja dalam kontrak perkhidmatan. Waktu kerja biasa tersebut tidak boleh melebihi 8 jam sehari tidak termasuk waktu rehat, 5 jam bekerja berterusan tanpa rehat sekurang-kurangnya 30 minit dan 48 jam seminggu".

Pihak majikan dan pekerja perlulah memahami keadaan kerja seharian di bulan Ramadan. Pendekatan yang boleh digunakan oleh pihak majikan ialah menambahkan jam rehat, menambah penggantian kerja atau shift dan pengurangan waktu kerja.

Pengurangan jam bekerja adalah bertujuan memberikan peluang kepada pekerja merehatkan fizikal dan minda agar dapat mengekalkan prestasi bagi sesi seterusnya.

Ia juga membantu pekerja memulih dan menyegarkan kembali tenaga mereka. Walaupun secara kebiasaan waktu rehat adalah sesi menjamu selera, namun di bulan mulia ini sewajarnya waktu rehat tersebut diisi ganti dengan zikir dan tahlil kepada Allah SWT.

Pada 2007, Kongres Kesatuan Pekerja Di Dalam Perkhidmatan Awam (CUEPACS) pernah menyarankan kerajaan memendekkan waktu bekerja untuk kakitangan wanita kepada setengah hari sepanjang Ramadan. Tetapi kebanyakan profesional dan ulama tidak setuju.

Memendekkan waktu kerja kepada setengah hari memang agak janggal dan amat merugikan organisasi.

Secara idealnya pengurangan waktu kerja adalah 30 hingga 60 minit daripada kerja biasa, seperti yang dipraktikkan di Kelantan dan Terengganu. Penjawat awam di sana dibenarkan pulang kerja lebih awal 30 minit berbanding hari biasa. Jadual harian kerja juga perlu disusun dengan cara bestari seperti menyelesaikan kerja-kerja yang memerlukan tenaga yang banyak di awal pagi.

Kekurangan tenaga dan rehat semasa kerja kadangkala memaksa pekerja "curi tulang" dan mengundang bahaya pada diri.

Antara lain pemakanan juga merupakan faktor penting. Ia penyumbang bagi meningkatkan tenaga dan prestasi kerja seseorang. Bila seorang pekerja berpuasa maka pengambilan makanan adalah terhad iaitu semasa sahur dan berbuka.

Bagi mengekalkan tenaga, ia bergantung kepada cara pemakanan dan zat yang diserap. Diet perlulah seimbang dan bergantung kepada bentuk dan ciri pekerjaan seseorang. Nilai kalori dan tenaga bagi setiap jenis pekerjaan juga berbeza-beza.

Perancangan pemakanan penting bukan sahaja untuk bekerja tetapi juga beribadat.

Kebiasaannya rakyat Malaysia akan berpuasa lebih daripada 13 jam. Bagi memastikan tenaga mencukupi, kita memerlukan zat yang baik.

Jika tubuh badan manusia memerlukan 40 peratus kalori bagi tugasan di tempat kerja, maka secara idealnya 20 peratus kalori itu diambil sewaktu sahur.

Pengambilan serat, protein dan lemak daripada buah-buahan dan sayuran penting pada waktu sahur. Kurangkan karbohidrat kerana ia hanya dapat membekalkan tenaga sekitar tiga hingga empat jam sahaja berbanding serat, protein dan lemak yang tahan lebih lama.

Makanan yang mengandung serat tinggi akan dicerna secara perlahan dan dapat menyediakan tenaga lebih lama berbanding makanan berserat rendah seperti nasi.

Ketika berbuka, ikutlah sunah Rasullullah. Baginda bersabda: "Jika seseorang kamu berbuka, hendaklah ia berbuka dengan buah kurma. Sekiranya buah kurma tiada, bolehlah ia berbuka dengan air kosong. Sesungguhnya air itu bersih lagi suci".

Kemudian barulah kepada menu utama dan elakkan berlebih-lebihan.

Puasa sebenarnya bukan sahaja amalan yang membentuk rohaniah tetapi juga jasmaniah. Banyak faedah kesihatan diperoleh apabila berpuasa.

Maka menjadikan puasa sebagai alasan untuk tidak bekerja adalah tidak berasas.

Pekerja cemerlang mampu menghadapi cabaran dengan baik dan berkesan.

Sebenarnya kita hendaklah sedar bahawa setiap suruhan Allah SWT ada hikmahnya dan perlu dilakukan mengikut kemampuan.

Firman-Nya: "Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan apa yang terdaya olehnya". Al-Baqarah Ayat 286.

PENULIS ialah Pensyarah Fakulti Pengurusan & Muamalah, Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa.

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 Author| Post time 27-8-2009 04:58 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 27-8-2009 11:43 PM | Show all posts
semua orang bz bos... nak cari duit raya... sales saya dah sejuta ni... bos baru brapa dah ni?

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