moderator tambahan diperlukan. : (DAH DAPAT!!!!)
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sokong kmkd gak... |
Untuk prengetahuan semua, KMKD memang dah lama apply dah... tapi admin tu blum 'upgrade' status dia.  |
ceh.. kantoi suda |
dealova - kene tanya trunks sendiri la ^^ |
dealova - kene tanya trunks sendiri la ^^
kmkd Post at 7-8-2009 09:04 
heheh..tak taulah dia nak ke tak..
nnt cuba tanye..
dia ada kelas plak ptg ni  |
nak calonkan trunks boleh
ai nampak dia kat feedbek
dia dah kembali kan kan kan  |
sokong K juga... |
vote KMKD gk!
mizz_aurora Post at 7-8-2009 22:32 
walau ai tak kenal die..tp ai vote die gak..  |
kalau mod nombor sokong aku, aku akan apply jadik mod untuk Internet Multemedia, dan Perisian, aplikasi komputer..
heheheheh |
aziz79 <-- bukan calang orang.. V^^ orang lama dalam forum gak |
34# aziz79
Memang dari dulu aku akan sokong ko pun... takut ko jer takde masa (macam aku sekarang ni ). |
aku sokong je saper2 yg baguih...Ex-MOD Trunks dulu pun mmg baguih...mmg byk membantu...KMKD pun ok....sukongggggg@@@ |
38# aziz79
Ni aku copy/paste:
CARI WELCOME You To Be A Volunteer Moderator In CARI Forum
CARI WELCOME you to be a volunteer moderator in CARI Forum. We are looking for moderators in the sections/ topics of xxxxx
To promote the FREEDOM OF SPEECH and interaction, CARI are now granting the power of the moderator to anyone who shares the same interest with CARI. Are you the one?
To be a moderator, you must have the 8 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:
1. You are the core and soul and driving force of the section you are moderating, so you must be matured, neutral, honest, open minded, and can accept any ideas and comments
2. You must have sufficient time to moderate the forum as frequently as possible
3. You must create and maintain the friendly atmosphere in your section, treat all users as friends, welcome all users, and cannot scold any user, although they may be scolding you, only because you are the moderator
4. You must understand the topics of your section well. You must have special interest, good knowledge and experience on the topic you are moderating
5. Your must have the obligations to make the section as popular as possible and as interesting as possible. You must be committed to the success of the section you are moderating
6. You must answer all questions posted to you, and help all users in term of problems they might encounter in your section
7. You must make best effort to properly guide the new users in terms of, use of language, ways to interact, and advise users not to use improper language
8. No posting are allows to be delete by the moderator. You are only allowed to edit or delete the following posting only:
a. Advertising or promoting to buy/ sell/ rent. (We have a Classified Ads section for this)
b. Get rich quick postings and other types of scams
c. Infringe others copyright, against the law or that do not follow CARI's Terms of Service
d. Multiple posting
e. Porno posting
If you are confident you are committed and can accepted the above 8 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES, we welcome you to be a moderator. Your moderator status will be SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY CARI
All you need to do is PM admin7 or send an email at [email protected] with the FOLLOWING DETAILS:
01. Your username in the forum:
02. Your actual/ full name:
03. Age:
04. Sex:
05. I/C number (New):
06. Address:
07. Occupation:
08. Email address:
09. Contact number:
Resident: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mobile: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Office: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
10. Existing topics/ sections that you are interested to become a moderator (Maximum 3 only):
11. If you have an idea to create a new sections/ topics and become a moderator, what could it be? (Maximum 2 only)
12. What's your expertise, experience, and knowledge regarding to the sections/ topics above:
13. Explain to us why you want to be the moderator. What makes you think you are qualify enough to become a moderator?
14. Do you fully understand the 8 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES? Do you think we need to add more duties? Why is it? (If any)
15. CARI deserve the right to remove your moderator status without assigning a reason if found out later that you cannot fulfill any of the 8 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES, do you agree?
All incomplete data will be ignored
CARI deserve the right to accept or reject your application without assigning a reason
Ready for the challenge to be a CARI moderator, then submit your application today!
Aku sedut ni dari http://eforum3.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=138568 |
39# 0001
dah aku dah apply  |
| |