Dah lama dah model ni...gmbr dah dekat 2 tahun lepas dah kuar...dah ada thread pasal keta ni aku rasa...cuba selak2 page blkg...x salah aku thread prototype proton kot...
apsal tak PROTON ni tak kuar kan design yg menarik, tak abis2 nye dgn model kotak2, cam juara tu...
aku tak rasa eng dept diaorg tak buat model atau prototype yg buruk2 je....
release 1,2 model lain dari yg lain...
kalau MSX ni prototype, agak rugi la kalau tak mass produce,
yup mmg prototype..actually ade lg byk jenis prototype yg depa kuakan..tp yg ni kalau xsalah aku yg design kan budak uitm..ade lg 2 3 jenis yg die design..salah satu die yg msx ni..satu lg design mcm kete sedan..yg mpv putih mpv poton nk kua kan..mmg pkai design wish pun..hehehe..mybe kua bulan dpn..sal smlm br je announce neo cps..wahaha naseb baek cps tu mahal klau x mcm nyesal jek
[ Last edited by havovasta at 14-2-2009 02:32 PM ]
Originally posted by ashna at 15-2-2009 02:05 AM
aiyoh perlu ker buka thread yg should be di posting kan like 3 years ago??
kita move forward bukan ke belakang bai...
kalau takat thread bangkai babi lagu neh... baik ko korek gambar ...
Thread bangkai pon banyak gak org yg curious and reply bai...
Give the poster a break..
Bukannye sume 'org lama' mcm ko yang dah berzaman kat sini and have time tuk chek beribu2 past threads kat sini..