Forget-me-not @ Wasurenagusa ~ directed by Yasmin Ahmad [in production]
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(as Dr Siti Ayeesah dalam drama Ampang Medikal)
ref: http://yasminthestoryteller.blog ... -forget-me-not.html
The sudden, unexpected, and unplanned blossoming of one "Forget-Me-Not" ~ Yasmin Ahmad

In the autumn of 2006, Sharifah Amani and I were invited to attend a festival called "Paris Cinema". They were screening a retrospective of my films, and therefore offered to sponsor our flight and accommodation so we could attend the Q&A sessions.
While we were there, we met a sweet smiling Japanese gentleman by the name of Kousuke Ono. (Believe it or not, he is the nephew of Yoko Ono, and was about to rush off to have tea with his cousin Sean Lennon when we first met!)
One evening over dinner, Ono-san suggested that he and I should embark upon a Malaysian-Japanese co-production. Now, film producers often say such things to you at film festivals, but nothing usually comes out of it. It is just a form of nicety that filmmakers exchange with each other when they meet in faraway lands.
Producer: "Oh, I loved your films! We should work together someday." Director: "Ah, thank you for attending the screening. Yes, let's keep in touch." Muah, muah!
A few weeks after Paris-Cinema, I was home again, busily preparing for some TV commercial shoot, when I opened my gmail and came across a letter from Ono-san.
"Yasmin-san, I was serious about working together," he said, "let's keep in touch, and oh, please send my regards to Sharifah Amani." "Ah, that would be great!" I replied, and left it at that, thinking he was probably trying to find a way to Amani through me. (You should see how men of ALL nationalities fall at her feet, every time she attends a festival abroad!)
But in the course of the months to come, dear Ono-san had hired a Malay-speaking co-producer, Yusuke, to keep urging me to take on the project. So much so, I eventually yielded and wrote a synopsis called "Wasurenagusa" (the Japanese name for the forget-me-not flowers which you see here.) It was to be the story of Inom, a young Malay girl whose ailing grandmother is Japanese, and how she finds her way to Japan, to learn more about her roots.
In the middle of shooting "Talentime", I received an email from the Pusan International Film Festival. 30 film ideas had been shortlisted from almost 300 submissions to Pusan. Among the shortlist was my "Forget-Me-Not", and the email conveyed the festival's offer to pay for my flight and accommodation to attend the pitch. Out of the 30 shortlisted, only 6 would receive prizes. The 1st prize was called The Pusan Award.
My mind reeled from the thought that someone actually took pains to collate the bits and pieces of ideas that I had for "Wasurenagusa" and submitted it to Asia's biggest film festival!
Next thing I knew, I was sitting at a table in a hall at Paradise Hotel in Pusan. Ono-san and Kiki-san were with me. At the other 29 tables were some highly-respected filmmakers from around Asia and the Middle-East. Even Lee Chang-Dong, the genius who made "The Secret Sunshine", was in competition.
This was how it worked:
Film investors from all over the world would take turns to visit your table, tell you about their organisation, and then they sit back and listen to your story and ideas. That's it.
One day before the announcement of the results, I flew back to KL. This was last Sunday. "No point in staying," I thought, "I have to get back to work tomorrow. And besides, we're NEVER gonna win this."
I was wrong. Alhamdulillah. |
aku x kesah la sape2 pong YA nak buh as Inom tu..tapi aku dah tersuke dah kat citer ni...setakat abce sinopsis aku dah suke  |
Macam mana kata tengah di bikin tapi dah menang kat Pusan???? Lepas tu aku dgr Amani nak shooting filem ni kat Jepun Ogos 2009. Dia cakap tgh belajar tunggang kuda sbb nk shooting filem tu kat Jepun - dlm AC Di sini.... |
Reply #26 takeshi_anwar's post
yang menang tu proposal filem... |
Originally posted by gjoy_chester at 20-3-2009 16:55 
yang menang tu proposal filem...
ooo ye ke.. proposal filem pun ada anugerah erk... |
yelah..org kate kalau jalan citer menarik..walopun draft saje..mmg akan di beri pengikhtirafan.. |
cari ler pelakon yg bley ckp jepun |
nape yasn ahmad mother of post-op nie dh x org lain ke nak belakon ter dia
orang saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame je belakon watak lain2.bohsan aku!!! |
kekekekek..susah yasmin ahmad ni nak polish org lain..
tgk budak mohsin tu aku x tau nama..lepas berlakon ngan YA..die berlakon dlm drama shiela rusli..pastu dah kebabom glamer..
jap lg akak vince pon kebabom la glamor |
my god.. cam best jer..
bunga tu pun cantik  |
Originally posted by ashna at 7-10-2008 12:12 
mak or pak yasmin neh mmg ada darah jepun kann?
kalau tak jepun pun org oriental la kekdahnya...
watak inom bagi kat sapa agaknyer yg meletup??? ada cadangan. kalau aku takder orang lain..nak Lisa surihani jer |
Originally posted by ashna at 7-10-2008 12:12 
mak or pak yasmin neh mmg ada darah jepun kann?
kalau tak jepun pun org oriental la kekdahnya...
ko ni kata peminat filem yasmin...takkan tatau
mak yasmin nama Inom...mmg org jepun
bapak dia pulak jawa
agak nya filem ni dpt inspirasi dari kisah mak dia la kot
mmg ye si amani tu berlakon filem ni sbg inom
amani ni badan kecik sgt....takde shape dan figura
kecik2 si aishah AF7 tu ada gak shape menggiurkan...
si amani ni, kecik dan kurus...langsung tak de shape |
Originally posted by cauliflower at 22-3-2009 15:30 
nape yasn ahmad mother of post-op nie dh x org lain ke nak belakon ter dia
orang saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame je belakon watak lain2.bohsan aku!!!
yasmin ni nampak sgt mengamalkan kronisme....asyik2 ambik org sama...ni mesti stok2 jenis tak suka bekerja dgn org lain, nak kerja dgn kawan2 dia je....balik2 muka seripah amani tu.... |
Reply #36 Dicota8's post
agaknya Kousuke Ono tu kot yg mintak SA jadi heroin nya..aku agak la  |
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