leave empty -> jgn isi apa2 dlm tu jika nk install dalam domain.com sahaja..
= I kurang faham..u kate 'leave empty'..jgn isi ape2,pastu U suruh isi nama directory pulak..
isi nama directory (pastikan directory tu belum wujud) dengan 1 perkataan (kalau dua kene rapat2)
=masalahnye I x nk gune directory name
bila isi nama tu, nanti dia akan install di domain.com/gadget
=I nk ia jadi domain.com bukan domain.com/gadget
maksud leave empty tu..kalo ko nk msuk website ko dgn address www.gadget-cari.com, ko biarkan dia kosong..
kalo ko nk msuk website ko dgn address www.gadget-cari.com/gadget, ko taip gadget jak..
skrg ni, ko nk trus msuk www.gadget-cari.com kn? jd biarkan dia kosong lah..
pastu, install mcm biasa..
"The installation can not be completed:
- You cannot install more than one script in the root directory of a domain."
ni maksudnya ko sdh install tu wordpress dlm directory tu..
so, ko kena padamkan..
kalo fantatisco, dia ble tlg ko automatic install n uninstall..
lepas sdh padam,
then try install blik..
Originally posted by admincandyfc at 28-5-2008 12:13 PM
"The installation can not be completed:
- You cannot install more than one script in the root directory of a domain."
ni maksudnya ko sdh install tu wordpress dlm directory tu..
so, ko kena padamkan..
kalo fantatisco, dia ble tlg ko automatic install n uninstall..
lepas sdh padam,
then try install blik..
actually boleh kalau nk install lebih dari 1 wordpress tp kene taruk directory name disetiap installation..tp kalau x taruk directory name,totally install direject WALAUPUN dh padam/uninstall wordpress yg tersimpan dlm directory..pelik kan??
yg I x paham dia ckp "cannot install more than 1 SCRIPT in one domain"..tp masalahnye I dh check setiap directory,mmg dah xde..mmg dh delete yg lepas2
syukur Alhamdulillah..terima kasih banyak2 artgeex kerana U satu2nye yg dpt selesaikan masalah I..link yg U beri sgt berguna..
Fantastico shows error "You cannot install more than one script in the root directory of a domain"
In order to solve this issue please follow these steps: 1. Log in Cpanel and click on File Manager; 2. Navigate to .fantasticodata in your Home Directory; 3. Delete all the files inside this directory. >>>> I x delete semua tp just delete file installed_in_root.php This will ensure there is no Fantastico information remaining from previous installations.
syukur..akhirnye 1 masalah I dpt diatasi..thanx again artgeex..
ps: saudara mod,tolong kasi lagi 100 credit to artgeex.. thanx also to those who have patient on me..soalan bertubi2 memeningkan kepala uol kan..
Originally posted by artgeex at 28-5-2008 09:23 PM
berapa banyak daa.. adoiii ko bukak satu thread khas untuk tanya wordpress sudahla
btw, menjawap soalan,
Tekan button Write, pilih Page dekat wordpress anda
dh try buat tp dia kuar msg ni:
Warning: shell_exec() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/mysite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/meta-tag-generator/metaTagGenerator.php on line 15
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/mysite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/meta-tag-generator/metaTagGenerator.php:15) in /home/mysite/public_html/wp-includes/classes.php on line 788