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Author: 13Friday

GE 2008 and the ugly sides

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2008 05:43 AM | Show all posts

rigging as usual

Anwar accuses government of postal vote fraud

KUALA LUMPUR - MALAYSIA'S former deputy prime minister and opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim on Sunday accused the government of perpetuating postal vote fraud as citizens prepare to cast their ballots on March 8.

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition government, which has led the country since independence, is expected to win the poll but lose more seats amid protests and rising prices.

However, reports of voting irregularities have cast doubt on whether the upcoming polls will be fair.

(We) are profoundly disappointed, though not surprised, by the latest evidence of postal voting fraud likely to be perpetuated during the upcoming elections,' Mr Anwar said.

'The untransparent process of postal votes will result in seats won by opposition candidates being stolen by the ruling coalition in a blatantly fraudulent manner,' he added.

Postal voting is presently restricted to military troops, policemen and teachers who are based far away from their constituencies.

Mr Anwar's comments come as his party colleague Ibrahim Yaacob, who is a candidate for a parliamentary seat in the capital, gave reporters the names of postal voters they say were issued with two ballot sheets.

'I was there when the Election Commission (EC) was packing voter kits for postal votes on Saturday and we spotted at least six people with the same identification card number having two ballots each,' Mr Yaacob said.

'This is voting fraud as each postal voter should have only one vote,' he added.

Electoral reform activists say a number of seats that the opposition would win could be decided by postal votes and that those casting postal votes do not have the freedom to choose the candidate they want.

Activists from the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (BERSIH) say each ballot is also attached to a letter identifying the voter along with the voting slip serial number, so it would be easy to trace who voted for the opposition.

The EC, which maintains the electoral rolls and administers postal voting, could not be reached for comment.

It has repeatedly denied accusations that it is in league with the BN to rig the process so the ruling coalition gets extra votes. -- AFP

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2008 05:49 AM | Show all posts


Rocket posters torn down
Athi Veeranggan and Chua Sue-Ann | Feb 29, 08 7:12pm
Hundreds of DAP secretary general Lim Guan Eng's posters were found torn down in Reservoir Garden area in Penang in the past three days.

According to several eye witnesses, it was done by youths living in the area, which is located at the heart of Air Putih state and Bukit Bendera parliament constituencies.

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2008 06:06 AM | Show all posts

two abuses

Borneo Post 1st March, 2008 - front page

Yayasan Sabah held a function (SDC roadshow) in Dataran Pitas where the caretaker
Chief Minister of Sabah
attended and it is very unhealthy for a Foundation supposedly belonging to the people
of Sabah be used to fund any activities during the campaign of the General Elections.
Yayasan Sabah should be strictly apolitical and the Director should be charged for abuse
of public fund.

Bernama news on Rembau  1st March 2008

Similarly, Yayasan Budi Penyayang under the chairmanship of Nori Abdullah held a function (Happy Family) Carnival
in which the candidate of the area - the husband of  Nori in  Khairy Jamaluddin attended as a campaign
function.  Since Yayasan has a special objective, such activity likely funded by the Yayasan
is an abuse of public fund.

Joshua Y. C. Kong

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2008 06:13 AM | Show all posts

Cheating in Postal Votes - Sarawak

Today, at the Resident抯 Office, the Election Commission (EC) officers in Sibu issued postal votes to the police and army personnel, and in the course of supervising the issuance, we caught 13 postal voters who were entitled to vote twice, for their names were registered twice on the electoral roll. They were to be given 2 ballot papers each. But the story did not end here.

We asked the EC officers to verify the duplicated voters by a computer. It had none.

All the ballot papers for more than 2600 postal voters in the police and army were contained in the envelopes and placed on the table. My election agent and workers had to use naked eyes to pick up the duplicity!

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2008 06:20 AM | Show all posts

EC Chairman

Will Abdul Rashid, EC Chairman now eat his words or resign?
揑 will resign; the Panel will also resign I think, they have to follow me. Cannot go onto the streets shouting slogans and so on. Go to the kampong after kampong

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2008 06:41 AM | Show all posts

prove it now by resigning NOW

Prove rigging and I'll quit, says Election Commission Chairman
20 November, 2007
Putra Jaya: Election Commission (EC) chairman Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman said Monday he was prepared to resign if it can be proven in a court of law that the EC had rigged elections.

"Yes, you have to prove it, but not outside, in court. If the judge says there has been rigging here, that the Election Commission is responsible, I will resign," he said.

Abdul Rashid said this to reporters after accepting a final report on observations made at three by-elections, in Batu Talam, Machap and Ijok, from Malaysians For Free and Fair Elections (Mafrel) which was represented by its chairman, Abd Malek Hussin. The EC chairman said he had conducted six general elections and that thus far no one had come to him with proof that there had been rigging of any general election or by-election.

"You are talking to a very experienced person. If rigging can be proven and that the EC was responsible, I will resign and the panel also will resign. But you have to show proof. You cannot go on the streets shouting slogans, announce in villages that the EC had cheated," he said.

Abdul Rashid said he was sad that people have been making such claims based on suspicion without any evidence and that this had portrayed the country in a bad light overseas.

"You are creating a bad image. We have done very well. We have succeeded. My friends abroad have showered praises, saying the elections had been peaceful and the results had come in very fast," he said.

Therefore, he said, efforts have been made to ensure that things are more transparent.

Abdul Rashid, who is due for mandatory retirement on Dec 31 this year, said he had not been notified of any extension of service.

Referring to postal votes, he said every candidate would be allowed to station an agent at army camps and police stations to monitor the casting of postal votes.\He said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was not opposed to the idea.

When asked about the likely date of the next general election, he said: "It won't be too long from now. We are ready for the elections."

On Friday, Abdul Rashid created a stir by indicating that he knew when the next general election would be called. - Bernama

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2008 06:42 AM | Show all posts

Annul GE 2004

also that rigging by EC proven beyond doubt.

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2008 09:10 PM | Show all posts

frauds in rolls

Malaysian Election Commission fraud

EC Chairman and panel must resign and GE suspended...

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2008 09:57 PM | Show all posts

worst than GE 2004

the colour is now nearer BLACK in KK over those dacing poster logos...

frightening but be prepared ... for the worst GE 2008 for UMNO on the verge of collapse....????

if all those SUDDEN goodies in Peninsula to be true, then Sabah would be left further behind...

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2008 10:25 PM | Show all posts

some online indicators,com_poll/task,results/id,15/

dry run...

and another woe

DAP: Threat leads to ceramah cancellation
Tony Thien | Mar 3, 08 10:54am
A DAP ceramah in support of its candidate Voon Lee Shan for the Stampin parliamentary seat was forced to be called off last night at the last minute after the PA system contractor was allegedly threatened.

"About two hours before the ceramah was scheduled to start at 7pm (at Kota Padawan, about 16km out of Kuching City) gangsters threatened our PA system people, warning they would smash up their equipment," state DAP secretary and Kota Sentosa state assemblyperson Chong Chieng Jen told Malaysiakini.

He said the PA system contractor grew scared and withdrew. "It was then too late for us to find a substitute, so the ceramah had to be called off."

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 Author| Post time 5-3-2008 05:44 AM | Show all posts

where is the money of RM2 m?

The use of indelible ink was first proposed last June to safeguard against multiple or phantom voting. Abdul Rashid then said that the system would be subject to amendments to the Election (Conduct of Election) Regulation 1981.

He said indelible ink had been chosen over other measures, such as a biometric system working off the MyKad (chip-based identity card carried by all Malaysians above the age of 12) because such such smartcard readers would have cost about RM60,000 each, and every voting stream would have to be equipped with one. Using such a system would have cost in excess of RM30mil. The commission bought about 47,000 bottles of the indelible ink, manufactured in India, for RM2mil. (star ... mp;sec=election2008

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Post time 6-3-2008 02:54 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 19-3-2008 04:48 AM | Show all posts

proven it is the worst one in memory

GE 2008 is rotten in all aspects when the illegal Governments are formed again...

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 Author| Post time 19-3-2008 07:30 PM | Show all posts


Nation Wednesday March 19, 2008
MYT 6:35:43 PM -   Star

Dr Khir offers to quit
PETALING JAYA: Former Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo is set to quit as Umno state liaison chief, according to sources.
He made his offer to resign Wednesday and the matter will be discussed at a liaison committee meeting tonight, the sources said.
Selangor Barisan Nasional was handed a shocking defeat in the March 8 polls, with the Opposition taking 30 of 56 state seats it contested to form the state governmment. Dr Khir did however retain his Sungai Panjang state seat.
It was the first time since Independence that the Opposition had taken the country's most developed state.
After the election, DAP lodged a police report against Dr Khir for allegedly signing a contract on behalf of the Selangor Government with Puncak Niaga Holdings a day before polling.
Pandamaran assemblyman Ronnie Liu claimed in the report that once the state government had been dissolved, Dr Khir was not allowed to sign any contract on behalf of the state government.
Recently-appointed Selangor MB Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim said the new state government would review the deal.

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 Author| Post time 20-3-2008 09:08 PM | Show all posts

what is this?

Thursday March 20, 2008

Ex-DAP MP makes report against Kit Siang

IPOH: A former DAP Petaling MP has lodged a police report against Ipoh Timor MP Lim Kit Siang for alleged seditious remarks made during campaigning in the recent general election.

Oh Keng Seng, 65, an MP from 1974 to 1978, said it was regretful that after 42 years in active politics, Lim would use inciting words to get elected.

He and another former DAP member Chong Kim Sang lodged a police report against Lim at the Ipoh district police station on Tuesday. Oh, who left the DAP in 1978 over differences with the party leadership, joined Gerakan in 1990. He also stood against Lim during the 1995 general election for Tanjung parliamentary seat, losing by more than 6,000 votes.  

Chong, who also left the party that same year, lambasted Lim for his irresponsible remarks.

Lim declined to comment.

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2008 07:47 PM | Show all posts

written at EAster Sunday

JK's Digest No. 7 of March 2008 (242- of 2008) What are new at Easter?

The Bible tells us of a new heaven and a new earth when there is no sea. (Revelation 21:1).


Do you find yourself new or renewed at Easter when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ?


We always are inspired by new things when we should be working on the basic of human existence.


We have been lectured on the new world order for a long time when globalisation has been with us for some time. Whether we can have this new world order or not, I believe we need to have a new wealth order according to my first book inspired by God.


Meanwhile we have seen a lot of new things in Malaysia since the latest polls on 8th March 2008. We all know it is very difficult to manage changes if we are not prepared for the advent of these sudden changes thrust upon us.


We have seen how 4 new State Governments were taken over by the opposition known as Barisan Rakyat. Not only 4 new State Governments but also retaining the Kelantan Government and maintain control of Kuala Lumpur with only one member of parliament out of 11 in the Barisan Nasional.


We have seen how the opposition BR took over Penang rather easily with the formation of new State Government where the winning was decisive in favour to DAP. In Perak and Selangor where it is borderline case, we have yet to see the formation of the State Governments after more than two weeks. In Perak and Selangor, there were some traditional problems over the selection of Menteri Besar or Chief Ministers. It was also easy passage for the formation of State Governments in Kedah and Kelantan where PAS is dominant.


The full cabinets for the Selangor and Perak are still in the balance while Terengganu is still without an accepted Menteri Besar despite an unknown one is named. It is known that the incumbent Menteri Besar is unacceptable to the Royalty for reasons well known in the Internet. So it is likely very difficult to minimise corruption and cronyism if the BN Terengganu remains stubborn to the choice of the Royalty.

(Sworn in on Sunday)

It is quite a shame that Perak is under a menteri besar of a political party with the least number of elected representatives when the noble sultan could not walk his talk of justice as advocated in his many public speeches. What kind of a change is this in democracy?


It is quite a shame that there is problem that Selangor's State Government is delayed in its formation. Let have a look at the issues in Selangor's State Government that are stumbling block when tradition is the crux of the matter. BN had 20 while PKR 15, DAP13 and Pas 8 making a grand 56. It was revealed that BN tried to negotiate with PAS 8 for the new Government in the night of 8th March but failed mainly for the short of 1 to be the majority. So this ONE can be in the detainee of Hindraf who won a state seat in Selangor. If not for Manoharan a/l Malayalam and the supporters of Hindraf, BN could have got 21 or even more than 28. So it is the problem of ONE in Selangor like Sabah in 1985.


Now the problem to be sorted out in Selangor is the State Exco composition of 60% Malay/Muslim and 40% others in the Malays tradition. Amongst the problem is the choice of candidates from the BR and the issue is zoomed into DAP's stance. They maybe 5 candidates including Manoharan and Teng from DAP for the latest allocation of 3 in the new Exco where racial parameters are sensitive to make or break DAP in Selangor State Government. Who is likely the deputy Menteri besar from DAP? If it from a woman and an Indian from DAP, there is only one who can fill that in. Would the speaker role for Teng be accepted and materialised? Otherwise it is likely a premature break for DAP Selangor where Teng had been the opposition leader for more than 13 years of hard time. YB Teresa Kok is holding several major positions (MP and State rep) including an executive position in DAP - an advantageous position to serve full time - and if there is a change in Federal Government as anticipated, YB Kok would easily be made a Federal Cabinet Minister. So would YB Kok takes the humble stance to stay out of the Selangor Exco to keep the much needed peace of the BR and DAP for the better prospects of BR staying in power as a leader by example in some more sacrifice? It maybe good for a lady deputy menteri besar but other priority needs to be considered. Meanwhile would Tan Sri Khalid vacate his Parliament seat for the PKR Adviser after April 15, 2008 - another generous move to keep BR in smooth change of power in the eyes of the voters?


In Sabah, we are only told NOW how the private Chinese educational institutions had been 'cheated' by warrants instead of cash aid - two weeks after the General Election 2008 when those 'ang pows' in early 2008 were handed out by the Education Minister who is skillful in the kris. Why is this only exposed on 23 March 2008? By the ways, were all former cash handouts properly utilised for those needs of those schools?


Back to the night of 8th March 2008, when there was a delay in the announcement of the EC Chairman of the majority of the BN Federal Government at 2.15 a.m. on 9th March 2008 when it was confirmed at 1.30 a.m. that there was a simple majority. (the rough results were known much earlier at the tally processes). Look at the result again :- BN 140, PAS 23, DAP 28 and PKR 31. In the outgoing BN Government it had 199 out of 219. If BN with 140 had successfully negotiated with PAS and PKR, it would add up to 194 (impressive). Hence the delay of the EC Chairman announcing the status of BN possibly for failed deals. If that happened all the State Governments would be under the expanded BN and no more childish squabbles over 'buying' reps. Since that did not happen, it can only mean that a change is the undercurrent and today we witness all those talks of 'buying' elected representatives to switch camps - either sides. When the undercurrent is going to swell towards BR as it is very difficult to dislodge BN prior to 8th March, 2008 and when the people have spoken in the ballot boxes despite repeated rigging in favour of BN, it can only mean the end of BN and UMNO becomes irrelevant after 51/45 years. It is futile to keep BN and UMNO alive when irregularities (rottenness piling up) have got the better over them.


Two rottenness have stood out since the BN lost the two third majority like in 1969 when instant BN's demonstrations occurred. BN and UMNO had back tracked on its stance of anti demonstrations when it was in Government. The other rottenness is that BN and UMNO had 'demolished' the anti-hop laws in Sabah in 1986 but now BN and UMNO is dead serious in doing this against its lost conscience.

It was Parti Gerakan that had made the Alliance in 1969 back to the ruling Government after the riot as instigated by UMNO with the pepper (not sweet but sweat to non Malays) in New Economic Policy (NEP) to pave over the contemporary Malay Dilemma which is still with us in a different dimension when cronyism and elitism have their significance like an 'illicit drug'.


Now we are daily reminded of impending riot - possibly not physically - but the initial move by SUPP's YB Richard Riot of Serian (serious) in Sarawak followed by Mas Gading (gold pawn/trading) SPDP's Dr Tiki Lafe (Ticking Laugh) into prominence at the national level when Sarawak and Sabah had been sidelines for 45 years, would certainly be worrying for many in the nation where corruption, vote bribes, buying elected representatives have been an unstoppable culture in a rotten system for 51/45 years. So this change must be done with a new system with Joshua Kong of Borneo at the helm of the caretaker Prime Minister of Malaysia for a 'resurrection' in the nation.


Did the celebration of the birthday of prophet Mohammad on 20th March, bring about major changes? Then massive changes occur over the impasse in Terengganu and possibly in Selangor, Perak and nationwide after the Good Friday when the new Menteri Besar of Terengganu was given an appointment letter on Easter Sunday despite much boycott and threat from BN. I pray that all Excos in Terengganu, Selangor and Perak would see the desired changes in next few days.


So there is obvious a general healthy consensus for change at the Federal level otherwise we are all slaves at its worst in Sabah and Sarawak as the BN wanted to spy out on us to restrict what little freedom we still have living in an environment of strife in Sabah. My 21 Police Reports worth a few trillion Ringgit unfortunately are still allowed to be dormant and it is time for a change in the illegal Prime Minister so I can see the light at the end of tunnel for the better Malaysia soon with a new system. If we were go to the Malaysia Today and lesser extent in Malaysiakini and other blogs cum websites and download all the reports and articles on the corruption in Malaysia, we can count the value of the rot especially the illegal Chief Minister of Sabah who is retained with the criminal disquiet of the Anti Corruption Agency.


So the change must come soon as we are on target.


Joshua Kong - LATEST BOOK - "A case of victory - landslide or rigslide" on the Malaysian General Elections 2004


GOVERNMENTS RAMPANT INTERNAL ELECTIONS FRAUDS (GRIEF) ... age%3D1#pid18998994 (The Authority - open to all including visitors)

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 Author| Post time 27-3-2008 07:51 PM | Show all posts

Illegal CM Musa

JK's Digest No. 9 of March 2008 (243- of 2008)  Datuk Seri Musa Aman in a hurry for what?

I had an earlier press release urging no swearing in on Sunday.

Was Musa Aman sworn in appropriate?
1) If we follow the protocol expected by the questioned Prime Minister in the appointment of Menteri Besar Terengganu over Idris Jusoh - the nominated one in writing from UMNO's President cum PM, the PM was saying the YDP Agong's choice of Ahmad Said as unconstitutional.  That may sound sensible if we follow the tradition, but for the Sultan of Terengganu there is still a royal discretion.
2)  When Musa Aman was sworn in on Sunday- the 9th March and Musa as UMNO member in the BN component has a tradition or even a legal requirement for a letter to be given by the UMNO's President cum Prime Minister for Musa to be appointed the Chief Minister of Sabah.  In the absence of a letter on Sunday from Kuala Lumpur, how was Musa authorised to take the oath of office without going through the Legislative Assembly?  Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was still the caretaker PM on Sunday.   Without a letter how do we know Musa was UMNO and BN choice for the CM?   So Musa was self appointed hence an illegal one and working on Sunday was a violation of public holiday too for the Tuan Yang Terutama and the High Court Judge.
3)        We all are aware of the rotated Chief Ministers since UMNO/BN grabbed power in Sabah in 1994 via party hoppings.  We also know that rotated Chief Ministers were illegal without applying the provisions of the State Constitution on the appointment of the Chief Minister.  There were bad assumptions and the state welfare went rotten despite noble BN promises.
4)        So the assumptions of 7 past rotated Chief Ministers have reared its ugly head on 9th March 2008.
This will be in a Police Report as part of the rigging and abuse of power in GE 2008.
Joshua Kong - LATEST BOOK - "A case of victory - landslide or rigslide" on the Malaysian General Elections 2004GOVERNMENT RIGS ELECTIONS ALL TIMES (GREAT)
GOVERNMENTS RAMPANT INTERNAL ELECTIONS FRAUDS (GRIEF) ... age%3D1#pid18998994 (The Authority - open to all including visitors) ... e?topicID=610.topic [Malaysia Forever] for GREAT GRIEF. ... e?topicID=609.topic (JK for PM) ... age%3D1#pid18998942 (local politics - reading level 2)
>>> International Criminal Court migs-mega-icc-group-sabah/ (dead??) (active) (active) ... age%3D1#pid16300759
or ... &extra=page%3D1
.... for MIGS
>>>>; (deleted) .......GREAT .... Renaissance .... Politics in Sabah etc.

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 Author| Post time 27-3-2008 07:54 PM | Show all posts

discepancy 487 for P3

Sanglang election petition fixed for April 3
Mar 27, 08 3:30pm
An election petition filed by a PAS candidate disputing the results of the Sanglang state seat in Perlis will be heard by the Kangar High Court on April 3.

PAS candidate Hashim Jasin claims that he should have won the seat based an initial Election Commission record.

The EC officially announced that BN抯 Abdullah Hassan garnered  3,384 as opposed to Hashim抯 3,235 to win with a majority of 149 votes.

Hashim, who is also the Perlis PAS commissioner, however claims that he should be declared the winner based on the vote tally in Form 14 which showed that he had polled 3,333 votes against 3,286 polled by Abdullah and thus had won by a 47-vote majority.

Apart from Abdullah, Hashim also named returning officer Muhamad Daud Abdull Hamid and the Election Commissioner as defendants.

The matter was to be heard today but was adjourned to April 13 by Judicial Commissioner Zamani A Rahim after allowing an application by the defendants to make preliminary objections.

He was represented by counsel Zulmi Sabri and Mohamed Hanipa Maidin while Abdullah was represented by counsel J.Karupiah and Muhamad Daud, who is also the returning officer for the Arau parliamentary seat, and the EC by counsel Siti Salwa Musa.

Hashim抯 suit was filed on March 17. He was the incumbent of the state seat which he first won in 1999.

This is believed to be the first election petition to be filed and heard following the March 8 general election.

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 Author| Post time 28-3-2008 05:12 PM | Show all posts

more on the GE2008

JK's Digest No. 10 of March 2008 (245- of 2008)  The ugly manifestations of the FC system

Clause (1) of Article 153 of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia states: 'It shall be the responsibility of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to safeguard the special position of the Malays and the legitimate interests of other communities in accordance with the provisions of this Article'.

        The denials of involvement  by UMNO in May 13 1969 Peninsula and March 1986 in mosque based Kota Kinabalu riots are meaningless when the same people were involved in the latest rounds of demonstration in Peninsula Malaysia especially in Penang following the loss of power in five states plus Kuala Lumpur after GE 2008.  
        The signs of ugliness were all there after the Bersih with yellow, and Hindraf with orange and the red were obvious after Damai Malaysia (fight all Malaysia) in confrontation with demonstration  and the Police action on the Hindraf children handing over Valentine RED roses to the Prime Minister in Parliament as aborted by water canon and tear gas sinisters on 16th February 2008.
        All these manifestations of ugliness and abuses of power emerged after BN lost its two third in Parliament and five states plus Kuala Lumpur on 8th March 2008.
        Who do we blame?  Blame the race based parties?  Blame the 'outsiders' who legalise themselves by dubious means as illegal people had taken power in Sabah throughout its 45 years.  Is it the same with Peninsula when several ex Menteri Besar were of questionable origin?   Are all Chief Ministers and Menteri Besar and political leaders really genuine locals?
        If we do not blame the greedy people, we have to blame the rotten system including the Federal Constitution amended nearly 700 times.  Read Article 153 properly of FC and know the reality of deception.  (Read the full article below).  Ironically many implementation of policies like NEP and Income Tax Returns are outside the  FC.  We all know God created people - a single race - yet our FC defines Muslims = Malays= Muslims - the self entanglement.  So is FC - God or the top politicians God or Allah?
        In Sabah with the UMNO as a key player after a power grab in 1994 (ask Anwar how this happened and now Anwar is working very hard to bring down the  Federal Government in 2008 post 14th April, 2008), and in GE 2008 since 13 February, 2008 until 9th March, 2008 there are enough ugly manifestations under the evil directorship of Musa Aman to stir enough rottenness piling up in Sabah with another 'power grab' on the Sunday morning of  9th March 2008 at the Istana like the repeat of the 1985.  How was this 'power grab' legalised?  Ask the Governor and the High Court Judge.  Musa Aman declared "clean' by  some people need to clear all those allegations of frauds, corruption, project IC available in the Malaysia Today.
        The other 'confusion' is now illustrated how State Governments where the States have Sultans.  The qualification for the state Chief Minister or Menteri Besar in Malay states is based on race and religion.  The composition of the State's executive council is also decided to a lesser extent to that tradition of race and religion.   The big picture here is that the composition of the people of the respective state is also likely the criteria for the formation of the State's executive council.  Another big picture is the Federal Constitution. Yet the bigger picture is the practice of democracy as announced to the world - where the ratio of winners needs to be considered for the formation of the SEC.   We have now seen how the minority has dominated the SEC.   If this is not confusion, then the ugly manifestation of the system is acceptable.   If it is not sort of lopsided deal, like when we are in worst scenario, we are inclined to compare with the worst in other countries to get the deceptive comfort or justification and so then when we are considered to be doing well - self assessment or self praise, it is nothing to boast about in reality. So this GE 2008 described as the 'political tsunami' is a wake up call for the nation already locked up by own old system.  A Malaysian may have gone to the space on the lift of other system and do need to say more? So the old system of 51/45 years must go and a new system must come from Joshua Kong as I have been writing that for some years already.
The anti hop law is another ugly manifestation when the Sabah State laws in 1986 were  ruled null and void when it conflicted with the Federal Constitution.   Now some clever people wants to amend the FC on the use of anti hop law to continue to rob the nation dry.
How ugly is this GE 2008 when we had someone by the name of coffin to nail that coffin (demise of GE 2008) even before the nomination day when at the eleventh hour this person withdrew from contest?  This person was crying terribly at the postmortem or 'funeral' of that party.  Definitely not a Malaysian Coffin Association - maybe timely to start one to collect the dust and corpses of the political tsunami.
Another ugly manifestation is yet emerged in the name of Sanglang (finished in Chinese) in Perlis (Perish) as there was rigging in that P3 Arau, Perlis.  I do not know who is going to finish off BN at the Courts as this case has a discrepancy of Parliament and State seats of 487?  The Court should have a proper scrutiny of all ballot papers and records with the unused ballot papers as exhibits to be examined for authenticity of the ballot papers and the electoral process.  This case is certainly a strong case to declare the GE 2008 as frauds.  So blame the EC Chairman for the arrogance by not reading letters from the public.
So it is timely that the Agong has to act now before all these ugly manifestations be allowed to destroy the nation.  In Sabah a Malay is also likely an illegal given the genuine IC by Musa Aman as the Chairman of Task Force on Illegals according to serious allegations by his own team.  YDP Agong is also responsible to safeguard the dubious Malay.   
I am prepared for the tough job as a survived small man to restore Sabah.

Joshua Kong - LATEST BOOK - "A case of victory - landslide or rigslide" on the Malaysian General Elections 2004GOVERNMENT RIGS ELECTIONS ALL TIMES (GREAT)
GOVERNMENTS RAMPANT INTERNAL ELECTIONS FRAUDS (GRIEF) ... age%3D1#pid18998994 (The Authority - open to all including visitors) ... e?topicID=610.topic [Malaysia Forever] for GREAT GRIEF. ... e?topicID=609.topic (JK for PM)

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 Author| Post time 4-4-2008 09:51 AM | Show all posts


Held in Le Meridian, Kota Kinabalu organised by Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia- Malaysian Human Rights Commission or Suhakam

1) The people got every thing to thank the mass media for its contributions in the loss of two third of the BN and loss of 5 state plus Kuala Lumpur. In the strong wind of change -a sign of time - and the tradition of the bias mass media, the standing trees - symbol of "justice" - would sway. There are lots of reasons for the change of the political scenario after 8th March, and the performance of the mass media was one of the wake up calls for many. While we may be watching the lopsided television shows at public expenses plus reading the bias press, many have been praying unceasingly for change - the only way to defeat the BN. Good self censorship has served its purpose and lopsidedness mixed with ingredients of greed, personal agenda and vindictiveness contrary to basic human rights also have played its roles, the results of GE 2008 speaks for itself now. We can list out the items but this is not a 'postmortem' of the performance of the media as the media must have done its own as the new Minister of Information is trying to mend the damages. There had been calls for boycott of the mass media especially certain BN's owned mediums. We know it has been hurting the sales but this is not a function for 'postmortem' done when death of something has occurred, and so this function is a reward for the media in Maljis Makan Tengah Hari. So the voters have played it their way in sacred role nationally and that Suhakam has something to celebrate here with us.

Delivered by special correspondents - Mrs Mary SY Kong of Borneo.

1) I want to congratulate Suhakam for this timely friendly function with the media following the changed political scenario as the voters had done it their way after the mass media had done it their way for decades. If not for the performance of the mass media - positive for some under deception - the voters could not have spoken any other way. How positive had the media in its performance according to Suhakam assessment?

2) I have to speak out for CASH as we have been accused of dabbling in politics when the things we do to speak out inseparable from the political affairs in society of consumerism. UMNO Youth even accused our President of shallow views and insincerity as he stood for the Parliament seat in Papar as the sole representative of NGOs. Have the media players been playing bias politics in violation of human rights? I hope the Suhakam would conduct an indepth analysis or inquiry into media abuses touching on human rights.

3) Right of replies

3.1 The Court is not there to solve most problems at the right parameters - for the delay and the implications of the Lingam Video Clip. The question is the right to replies even if it is repeated requests over an offence in the weekly forum. It would appear to be a case of maltreatment or intransparency with hidden agenda.

3.2 Another issue is that some illegal people holding some prominent positions past and present seem to be given undue press coverage and seem to be 'untouchable' when questions are raised over their views. Certain articles or news items on illegals and illegalities are given prominence and views in reply to them are unlikely to be given space in the same paper or other papers.

3.3 Would Suhakam consider class action on issues raised by the people for Courts to make the declarations or judgement as authorities have ignored them?

Delivered by Joshua Kong

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