Originally posted by shianghorng at 22-9-2007 09:37 AM 
Lancer is nice but the back is not convincing...
betul lah... belakang nampak cacat!  |
bagi aku sbg owner GT tu.. xde nampak cacat la.. nak compare ngan mata besau FD tu (sori beb) hehehhe... bg aku all round is good.. no prob on exterior...
pricewise.. mmg superb.. dahla CBU..dah tu dtg ngan full skirt n spoiler.. kalo civic..kena top up lagi mau angkat skirt n spoiler tu..
tapi kalo compare civic or focus.. aku pon xleh nak bg pendapat sbb sblm ni mmg antara dua keta ni aku compare dan tatau mana satu..last2 end up ngan lancer.. abis citer hehehehe... |
Reply #10 exoz's post
Apa la engko nie. Dah Civic tu dibuat utk utk tujuan comfort. So handling memang sucks la. Mana ada kereta ada maximum comfort plus maximum handling.
Kalau aku, aku angkat Mazda6 second hand. |
UNDERGEARZ This user has been deleted
lancer gt la bg aku besh,muke dpn dia nmpak jerung..garang |
UNDERGEARZ This user has been deleted
lancer gt la besh..nmpak jerung..garang |
Reply #26 hyphrigian's post
Da....aku suka gak.....tp bentuk dia aku x brape bekenan....kalu nak comparekan ngan civic sedap lg mazda 3 ni |
mazda3 & ford focus ni guna platform yg sama kalau tak silap.. share gak ngan latest volvo s40 yg kecik tu...
tp kalau kete ni sedap heran gak sbb ape ramai tak amek walaupun lg murah dr civic tu... |
Reply #27 exoz's post
aku dah berkenan dgn mazda 3 tu...
lawa pa design... |
Walaupun Civic lagi mahal, sikit je la...
kalau ada duit banyak, amik focus. kalau takde duit, amik civic. |
civic better resale value.. harga retain.. tu yg ramai amik civic.. |
Reply #1 exoz's post
aku prefer ford focus...
looks sharper & handling better... |
FOCUS... |
fokus....pada FOCUS..........  |
focus ler...wa tgh riki ford focus 2nd nih..thn 2000 leh dpt dlm 50k...ok ka?? |
kalau aku ambik je for focus,dulu pun aku and hubby minat dgn ford focus tapi at last we decide ambik subaru legacy wagon. |
Reply #36 nianish's post
huyooo..wagon dgn boxer enjin...rega mau 200k nih..org kaya org kaya..huhu |
focus 2.0 hatchback... superb handling.... WRC pun guna base model nih... :victory: |
Kalau ambik CiViC,
mesti 2.0!! |
Originally posted by shianghorng at 24-9-2007 04:27 PM 
Kalau ambik CiViC,
mesti 2.0!!
apsal 1.8 lembab ke |
| |