lembab otak aku nih.. anyway, lps ko solve puzlle satu, ko jumpa tak video pasal mamat ni kata ethan haas punyer prediction betul and in the future ramai akan mati.... dia suruh kita sebarkan kat org lain sebelum 1 ogos.... lebih kurang pasal tu lah...
aku rasa ader kena mengena dengan raksasa kat trailer tu lah...
aku baru jumpa ni..... (nampaknyer ethanhaaswasright.com tu takder kena mengena dgn movie ni.., tp ethanhaas tu aper plak yer..???? pening aku)
JJ Abrams drops Harry a Line on all this 1-18-08 stuff!
Hey folks, Harry here... There's conspiracy theories abounding regarding JJ's little flick to juice us up for his badass STAR TREK recreation. So JJ Abrams wrote me to give us all a clue, cuz we're at square one of this mystery! But note... the game sites apparently have nothing to do with JJ. And also... he seems to be stating that you guys have yet to find all the sites he's put up... and yes, you'll have to find them. The man is laughing at you, me and all of those hiding in the shadows. SO... find em if you can... let us know here at AICN... seems we have a scavanger hunt, ain't it cool?
Dear Sir,
Thanks for your support of our little movie. I can't wait to talk to you more about it -- of course, knowing you, by the time we talk you'll know more than I will.
Regarding the online stuff you posted: yeah, we're doing some fun stuff on the web. But, obviously, if the movie doesn't kick some massive ASS, who gives a rat's about what's online? So as you can imagine, we're focusing mostly on THAT. For what it's worth, the only site of ours that people have even FOUND is the 1-18-08.com site. The others (like the Ethan Haas sites) have nothing to do with us.
Stay cool the rest of the summer -- and thanks per usual for AICN!
mungkinkah ini poster filem 'cloverfield' dan mungkinkah tajuk filem misteri ni MONSTROUS....??? kalau yer la tajuknyer monstrous, eeii.. tak bestnyer tajuk....
Spy Photo: Cloverfield 1-18-08 Movie Poster?Some photos of what appears to be the theatrical teaser poster for JJ Abrams top secret monster flick which is code-named Cloverfield. The unfiction forum user took the pics with a Motorola V3 camera phone at Frank & Son抯 warehouse sale. The poster depicts a headless statue of liberty overlooking New York City. The top of the poster has the text 揗ONSTROUS
The other day we brought you a really shoddy looking photo of what the poster was going to look like. Well today Entertainment Weekly posted a very clear look at the one sheet. Unfortunately they like to look at there posters in really small portions so we got a really small look at it. They also managed to discover that Cloverfield is actually the name of a road that JJ Abrams office is on. So right now the movie has no name. It has been called everything from Slusho to 1-18-08 so its no surprise that they leave it untitled now. The poster itself is pretty bad ass. Just a headless Statue of Liberty. Gotta love it..
so kesimpulannya kat sini, tajuk movie ni bukan CLOVERFIELD.. setakat ni kita panggil movie ni 1-18-08 .....