bese aaaa negara diaorg kan mmg femes ngan muka plastik.. fany ni dia fitkan skit badan dia, dah kurang skit lebar n kulit pun npk tegang.. tp dulu lagi cute aaa aku rasa
Originally posted by kayla at 18-10-2007 12:22 AM
thanks bel ....
ok apa sebelum di'plastik'kan ...boleh tahan la ..
ingatkan hero OTR yg lagi sorang tu ..yg tu lagi tak hensem ...
tapi tambah plastik lagi hensem la ...
apa yg dia buat ...
klu ikut apa yg dia pernah confess masa Yashima tu dia kata dia cuma buat hidung aje dan klu tgk new look dia skrg adalah kulit dia dah gelap sbb dia nak style mcm Maxican gitu dan badan dia juga dah bertambah fit skrg ni..juga dia suka pakai shirt ketat2 dan kekdg tayang tatoo besar kat lengan kanan dia tu..
tse pun rasa die fit kn bdn die kn...
tp sokmo ckp jz wat operation kt mke jerr...
rasa nyer whole body pn ade gok kot...
mke die skg nmpk matured arrr..
hok mke dlu knk2 sket...cute jerr...
dh tgok dh love letter bali tuh....
klakor gler...
aku suggest kn korg tgok gaks arrr sape2 yg lom tgok...
tp mke die dlu pn ramai pompuan yg rebut cm dlm love letter tuh...
wat mende laaa peghabih duit wat surgery kn...
mbe diorg dh lebeh duit sgt kot....
betul tuh....rukia sokong...kita nntikan je bile dia jd hero dgn seo ji hye..
tp bg rukia dia ni kira rendah la kalo nk dogandingkan dhn SJH...
kira dan-dan je la dorg punya height...
bagi k.bel lakonan dia dlm tu adalah yg terbaik dari lakonan dia sebelum ni...
suka sgt watak dia dlm citer tu...
selalunya klu kita tgk drama2 lain hero selalu berdolak dalih nak cover tu ni tapi watak AJW dlm ni adalah suka berterus terang street to the point x kira gan pompuan yg suka gan dia atau pun kat heroin...
dan ending dia yg plg sedih sekali...mata bel sampai bengkak2 sbb nangis x ingat nyer...lepas tgk citer tu fobia sekejap bila tgk jam dinding sbb bila tgk akan tiba2 teringat kat AJW...
plastic surgery...
mula2 dulu dgr mmg terkejot la.
sama la, lagi suka muka lama dia.
tp nak buat macam mana, tetap sokong hwan hee!
ohohoho. ada tgk gamba dia ngan 2nd heroin cite ni.
tak best. nk ngan SJH.
tp kalu baca synopsis, dia akan tinggalkan anak dia?
hahaha. pastu curang ngan SJH, n SJH pun tinggalkan AJW (hahahhaa. rekaan semata-mata. jgn mare)
Translation to the video News Lady:The comic that has been turned in the drama Heoh Young Man's Saranghae
Let's see if the comic turned into a drama can be a big hit! Narrator: The press conference for the drama Saranghae has been held for the people in a movie theater. Ahn Jae Wook: Hello everyone welcome to the press conference with the Saranghae team.
All of them give a greeting. (Hwanhee's wave is so cute) Narrator:The drama Saranghae stars the couple with a 14-year agedifference AhnJae Wook & Seo Ji Hye, Gong Hyung Jin, Jo Mi Ryung,Hwanhee (shouldtake his hand off of the very lucky woman) Park HyeYoung. The drama isabout the love of these 3 couples. Ahn Jae Wook: I have the park of Suk Chul Soo in the comic turned drama. Seo Ji Hye: I have this part of the nice girl who meets Chul Soo and gets unexpectedly pregnant and then marries him. Jo Mi Ryung: I am in a 3-year marriage and a couple manager and my name is Na Jin Hee Gong Hyung Jin: I am Na Jin Hee's husband I have the part of Do Min Ho. I am a lawyer who specializes in divorce. Hwanhee: Yes, I am Hwanhee. I am a room person band master named Park Byung Ho Park Hye Young: I am someone who falls in love with Park Byung Ho. I am immature, odd and a female hardship?
(All laugh on her mistake) I am sorry, I have the part of the younger friend. Narrator: The drama Saranghae is based on Heoh Yong Man's comic of interesting love and couples. Question in Caption: What the impressions of the drama? Ahn Jae Wook: Thedrama has finished filming all 16 episodes. Weall feel that we havefilmed a movie waiting for it to air. We arewaiting/anticipating justas much as the fans are. Since the comic wasso entertaining it hasbeen turned into a drama. (All Laughs but I don'tknow why) Narrator: The drama features the 3 couples marriage life and it is happy and sad. Question: What did you observe while filming this drama? Jo Mi Ryung: Whilefilming this drama I have learned whatmarriage is like. While watchingthis drama people can relate and seehow they were like. For the peoplewho have been married a long time Ihope that they can reflect on theirmarriage and bring back the thingsfrom the beginning of their marriagewhile watching this drama. Same question for Park Hye Young:
Thewoman and man can change each other. I hope that people can learnthatwhile watching this drama. It is going to be entertaining. Narrator:The drama Saranghae will air after the drama "The King and I" on March 31st.
Caption: To the viewers Ahn Jae Wook: Yes, I hope that the people will enjoy the drama Saranghae. I hope that people will find news about us quickly. All say:Thank you and bow
credit hkftts & Heavenly Sent forum