Originally posted by yellow belmont at 20-4-2007 04:07 PM
hehe .. well then takpe la .. ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
Sorry le yellow... saya betul-betul dah tak ingat... masa tu lecturer tu ada terangkan bagai mana penilaian dibuat... orang barat yang buat... sorry ya... insyaAllah kalau teringat nanti saya khabaq.... |
Originally posted by yellow belmont at 20-4-2007 02:21 PM
ic .. lecturer awak yg ckp ..
bkn apa .. teringin jugak nak tau kalau ada badan khas yg menilai ttg bahasa2 di dunia ni .. kot2 badan tu yg iktiraf & nak tau jugak mcm mana dia nilai ...
Saya masih mencari kajian yang digunakan sebagai rujukan tu... untuk sementara, harap rujukan ni boleh menerangkan serba sedikit tentang kecekapan bahasa arab dan bagaimana ia dibandingkan dengan bahasa lain :
http://www.submission.org/indonesia/apendik-4.html |
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salam all...
My take on this? well there might be some truth in it if you were to base it on the type of the sample.
Whorf i think, had based his theory on one South American? Indian tribe and the Inuits? or may be the eskimos.
He pointed out that - those eskimos or rather living in the snow covered areas will have most of their vocabularies i mean extensive vocab actually, base solely on snow and the weather condition. Why? becoz their living environment / ambience is basically depending on these variables for survival in the harsh weather codition.
And as for the indian Tribe - well he kinda observed that these bunch of people tend to cluster the action-verb and the noun verb in one group. meaning they do not perceive the "Action" and noun" / kata as two distinct features. And this has an impact on how they perceive the world- they tend to perceive the world / world view as a some sort like a continuum macam tu. Not like their english - based lingo co8unterparts who actually placing much emphasized onto details, accyracy , precision etc.
So this theory of linguistic determisnm basically dictates that the type of content words contained within a particular language will further determine ther mind frame and thus the world view.
teori Sapri - Whorf ni cakap kerangka pemikiran sesuatu bangsa tu dapat dipatulkan melalui kosa kata . atau grammr saesuatu bahasa tu dan szeterusnya cara kita melihat dunia
tapi dari sinilah tertimbulnya bias- kan? tak der salahnya kalau satu puak bangsa tu memliki persepsi masing - masing. anybody would want to discuss....
so , then what's next-
Cuba baca Artikel TULISAN PENGARAH IKIM - Syed Muhd TAWfik ALi Al Attas - last week mengubah minda Melayu ( minnguan malaysia - columinist ) - he did actually addressed these sorts of matters in a very detalied lengthy explanation. He managed to link up the language- logic and the mind.he described the language under the islamic Civilisation - as the logic based - lingo - al - mantiqi and stuffs.. becalah artikel tu interesting...
by the by i like this guy? you see thsi person kan dia ade degree in Biology but what fascinates me is that he could even cross -field into pholosophy , thinking and so on? wow ... brilliantly amazing. |
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Being globalised the practicalities of this theories is much diminished IMO.
Well, maybe not many people dare to burst out of their warm, soothing chrysallis yet. |
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