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Author: Png_Prince

You Can't Travel Back in Time, Scientists Say

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Post time 18-3-2007 09:34 AM | Show all posts

Reply #19 cucusaddam's post

Garisan Greenwich cumalah garisan bujur 0 darjah, salah satu daripada 180 garisan bujur, dan setiap garisan itu bermakna waktu yang berlainan.

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Post time 18-3-2007 12:09 PM | Show all posts
pada aku,tidak akan adanya perjalanan mengundurkan masa..itu cuma angan-angan sahaja.masa akan terus berputar kehadapan dan kita semua tidak akan dapat melalui saat-saat yang sama lagi.

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Post time 18-3-2007 05:21 PM | Show all posts
hanya Allah mampu undurkan masa...... :pray:

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Post time 19-3-2007 09:03 PM | Show all posts

this is the only thing ppl keeps trying to do but it is impossible. it's  fun anyway....
tapi aku suke la quantum theory......

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Post time 22-3-2007 09:30 PM | Show all posts
huhuhuhuhuhuhu ... sayer stuju ngan prototaip...

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Post time 24-3-2007 04:48 PM | Show all posts
travel to universe may be possible,,
but travel thru time is 'karut' .

u can see the past , :-

ie. the light of stars on the sky that u c everyday, are actually light emitted million yrs ago n only now can be seen from earth.

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Post time 25-3-2007 07:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by prototaip at 17-3-2007 06:15 PM

Aku berpegang kepada Surah Al-Asr ayat 1 dan 2:

1.Demi Masa!
2.Sesungguhnya manusia itu benar-benar berada dalam KERUGIAN.

ape maksud tersirat surah tuh yg berkaitan ngan time travel?

Lagipun cuba korang pikir.Kalau sekarang aku boleh travel back to masa lepas ke zaman sebelum aku wujud dan kemudian membunuh datuk aku sebelah ayah dan emak,adakah aku tiba2 akan hilang macam tu saja?Adakah salasilah keluarga aku akan berubah macam tu saja?Adakah takdir dan jujukan proses akan terubah macam begitu sahaja?

perkara ini pernah diexplain oleh doraemon kepada nobita dalam episod pertama apabila nobita bertanya ape yg akan terjadi jika takdirnye berkahwin dengan adik giant diubah dan berkahwin dengan sizuka akhirnye. tidakkah itu bermakna anaknya tidak akan lahir dan doraemon pun tak akan dihantar oleh anaknye ke zaman skarang. jelas doraemon jika dari nagoya ke osaka, tak kire melalui keretapi, kereta, kapal terbang mahupun kapal yg pastinye destinasinye sama. so walaupun keretapi tuh dibom, ape yg terjadi iaitu tiba di osaka akan tetap terjadi

Berdasarkan kepercayaan aku terhadap al-Quran aku percaya bahawa:
1.Masa lampau boleh diketahui dan dirakam,tetapi tidak boleh dilawati.
2.Masa hadapan tidak boleh diketahui dan dirakam,tetapi boleh dilawati(tapi tak boleh patah balik!).

make sense

2 peristiwa mengenai travel to the future dalam al-Quran:
1.Ashabul Kahfi.
2.Seorang pemuda yang lalu di sebuah kota yang sudah mati.Dia tertidur dan apabila dia bangun,kota tadi sudah berfungsi semula.

kasi explain sket

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Post time 25-3-2007 11:22 PM | Show all posts
yeah............ einstein say time slows down if we move fast and time stops if we move as fast as light.... so, if i move as fast as light, i can see the thing tat around me move forward and i stay the same........ and i slows down my movement and here i am.......... in the future..........
human cant travel back in time... there`s this paradox............ if i go back n kill my dad will i die??
scientist come out with the theory tat it is different dimensions....... like now, is 2007, march 25, 2320, 15sec, i travel back to 300 years before and kill my ancestor..... me myself in the past will not appear after 300 years... buy me, who travel back still survive as i am from different dimensions.......... tis is wat scientist come out with........ i also not sure its correct o not.......... well, one way to  find out....... time travel.... ni kene pinjam dari doraemon ni.....  

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Post time 26-3-2007 01:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wei_loon5063 at 25-3-2007 11:22 PM
yeah............ einstein say time slows down if we move fast and time stops if we move as fast as light.... so, if i move as fast as light, i can see the thing tat around me move forward and i s ...

ekkk time also slow down at high gravity area. can i stay at bermuda triangle (kononnya have  high gravity) for 10 years and come back to realise it already a century already?

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Post time 26-3-2007 01:13 PM | Show all posts
if atom can be at 2 place at one time, why can't us (atom-made)???

ermm dalam Quran pun penah terbaca yg nabi penah dibawa melihat2 keadaan manusia akhir zaman. so maknanya time frame tuh dah ada la. cume kite belum melewatinye lagi. so ada possibility ke untuk kite melawat time frame tuh juge

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Post time 26-3-2007 02:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cipanbakar at 26-3-2007 01:13 PM
if atom can be at 2 place at one time, why can't us (atom-made)???

yes......... tat is call parellel universe..... tapi atom dah proven dah.... cahaya... tapi jisim?? not yet proven.....
u seen the movie by jet lee, "the one"  ??? also about parallel universe.......about you yourself existing in another universe and dimensions.........

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Post time 29-3-2007 09:57 AM | Show all posts
hmmm interesting. kdg kdg terpikir klu travel back in time nanti muncul kat satu tempat ni silap silpa termuncul balik dlm tembok ke dlm kolam ke dlm laut ke...

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Post time 2-4-2007 09:52 PM | Show all posts

Reply #32 Paradox11's post

ada tengok doraemon???
macam pintu sesuka hati.... dia akan cuba setiap cara dan kebarangkalian output dan pilih mana yang lebih akan keluar... tapi semua cuma hypothesis dari kiraan
belum ada yang practical

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Post time 7-4-2007 05:23 PM | Show all posts
Stephen Hawking: We cannot travel back through time to save the historians' worlds.

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boss.ika This user has been deleted
Post time 16-4-2007 02:37 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cipanbakar at 26-3-2007 01:02 PM

ekkk time also slow down at high gravity area. can i stay at bermuda triangle (kononnya have  high gravity) for 10 years and come back to realise it already a century already?

so orang2 & aircraft yg hilang secara misteri ketika melalui bermuda triangle tu sbenarnya masih ada/hidup(dlm keadaan/usia ketika mereka 'dikidnap') sekarang, cuma mereka 'disorokkan oleh masa'...?
ataupun mungkin mereka sebenarnya sudah sampai ke 'future' kita?

[ Last edited by  boss.ika at 16-4-2007 03:01 AM ]

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Post time 16-4-2007 03:35 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 7-4-2007 05:23 PM
Stephen Hawking: We cannot travel back through time to save the historians' worlds.

No........ it is two different dimensions........

you can go back kill your grandad and you in that dimension will never born but you will never die because you are from future

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Post time 16-4-2007 09:04 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wei_loon5063 at 16-4-2007 03:35 AM

No........ it is two different dimensions........

you can go back kill your grandad and you in that dimension will never born but you will never die because you are from future

does it mean we in the past and we in this current time are different entities?

and that wot happens in the past won't affect our present world?


does it actually mean that if we 'did' something, then a new universe would be created in which wot we 'did' would affect that universe, but not on our universe in which we live in?

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Post time 16-4-2007 02:53 PM | Show all posts
does it mean we in the past and we in this current time are different entities?


and that wot happens in the past won't affect our present world?


does it actually mean that if we 'did' something, then a new universe would be created in which wot we 'did' would affect that universe, but not on our universe in which we live in?

no..... there are infinite universe......... million and billions of them.....

now this time..... u travel back to the past say...... yesterday.......

remember this....... time is like a flowing river..... it is ALWAYS moving.... never stops......

so, every second; milisecond is set of dimensions that do not affect each other......

say i go back in the past

16 April, 2002, 2107, 0.01 second

16 April, 2002, 2107, 0.02 second

So, even though it differs only 0.1 second, anything can happens...... people get killied in that instance....

and past A and past B do not affect each other

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Post time 16-4-2007 02:57 PM | Show all posts
does it mean we in the past and we in this current time are different entities?

and that wot happens in the past won't affect our present world?

does it actually mean that if we 'did' something, then a new universe would be created in which wot we 'did' would affect that universe, but not on our universe in which we live in?

imagine this..... time as being flowing river....... the rate is always the same and NEVER stops........

lets say you go back in the past in two different time
16-04-2007, 2220, 0.02second

16-04-2007, 2220, 0.03second

even though the difference is only 0.01 second, the past in dimension A and B do not affect each other

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Post time 17-4-2007 01:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #39 wei_loon5063's post

and that, if they are different entites, we can go thousands of years in the pastand we will still 17 years old... is that true?

and that, if we could ever build a time machine, and we wanted to go back from year 3000 to 1000 AC. Now,in 3000, we are bounded in dimension A. As we enter the time machine, in which dimension are we bounded then?

After that, we go bak 2000 years in the past, in which the situation is in different dimension that what we have had in 3000. Can we experience that world in 1000, and can we enage ourself in that dimension?

If we were still in dimension A, then is every body in dimension A would be affected of what we did?

And if we were transferred into dimension B (in 1000) and that dimension A won't be affected. But, our extistence in dimension B would be noticed.

And, can we actually transfer ourself into other dimension? Or is every body have their own entities in every different dimenasion?

Oooo... what am i talkin about? hope somebody could understand wots goin on inmy head...

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