First, the money spenders need to clean up their disgusting acts. Second, the cronies and sharks need to be wiped out. Then, we can talk about expanding the budget, which I'm all for. I didn't pay my tax so that schools can buy the latest computers but their graduates are still unemployed due to computer illiteracy. |
Originally posted by reinloch at 27-12-2006 09:37 PM
First, the money spenders need to clean up their disgusting acts. Second, the cronies and sharks need to be wiped out. Then, we can talk about expanding the budget, which I'm all for. I didn't pay my tax so that schools can buy the latest computers but their graduates are still unemployed due to computer illiteracy
Nice thought....hope it will become a reality some day... |
fuhhhh... panas2....  |
Reply #21 reinloch's post
Off topic sket...mana tak illiterate nye, guna PC untuk surf myspace, friendster dengan main ragnarok aje... |
Originally posted by alphawolf at 28-12-2006 08:42 AM
Off topic sket...mana tak illiterate nye, guna PC untuk surf myspace, friendster dengan main ragnarok aje...
its all in the mind..like i said,change in mindset is all it takes.i mean,we have the resources and so on..mentality change though,is very difficult to attain.
political will to do such is a big part of the equation..without it,i don't see it happening in the forseeable future. |
Di mana2 negara pun, kronisma dan nepotisma memang berlaku..deal2 besar, esp berkaitan procurement military, memang tak lari dari rasuah. Deal2 procurement military lagi senang nak cover, atas dasar rahsia kerajaan.
Malaysia tak perlu nak jadik military power, anyway financial power pun lum tercapai..cukupla dapat defend negara jer.. |
I suggest that we use 33% of all profits from GLCs such as Petronas, Sime Darby, Guthrie, Golden Hope, DRB-Hicom, MRCB, PNB et al for defence purposes.
Imagine Petronas annual profit alone is around RM70biliion per year.. one third is around RM23.333 billion per year.
Then we can see a marked improvement in our defence assets, logistics, improving our defence forces lifestyle and quality of life, building new military bases and training camps, reserve army, sending our forces for overseas and local training etc.
Also put one third of these (RM7.77bn) into improving our deterrent capabilities - buying more Sukhois, Scorpenes, LPDs, more MPAs, Early Warning platforms, Electronic Warfare capabilities, Communications etc. over two RMK plans.
:love: :love: :love::hatdown: |
Reply #27 kahmadz's post
Dude, duit tu dah masuk poket certain high ranking officials..so jgn mimpi la nak cover defence budget pakai duit GLCs |
don't dream lah, now we're more focus on MAHA........ hihihihi
if this bisnes didn't change the mindset to business oriented, sampai bila2 pun dpt bajet seciput jerk....... |
Itulah tu..kalau aku jadik Pesiden UMN* dan PM Mesia! :
[ Last edited by kahmadz at 28-12-2006 10:41 AM ] |
black_eagle This user has been deleted
kasi 'hilang' sama buat tu Bro..kih..kih... |
Originally posted by alphawolf at 28-12-2006 08:42 AM
Off topic sket...mana tak illiterate nye, guna PC untuk surf myspace, friendster dengan main ragnarok aje...
Hehehe sounds familiar |
Originally posted by kahmadz at 28-12-2006 10:38 AM
Itulah tu..kalau aku jadik Pesiden UMN* dan PM Mesia! :
Kalau betul jadi, duit tu masuk kocek hang dan kroni hang pulak. Can you resist multi-billion rigggit temptation? Our current :lebai: can't. |
Reply #33 kimyee73's post
Wallahu ak'lam Allah sahaja yg lebih tahu...:lebai:
FYI, arwah Tunku A Rahman diceritakan pernah mengambil duit komisen yang diberi kepadanya oleh syarikat Caterpillar dan memasukkannya ke dalam Perbendaharaan Negara.
Mungkin historian lebih tahu cerita ni. |
Skang ni, ramai yg aktif dalam politik untuk kayakan diri sendirik... |
Golongan yg mempertikai keperluan kewangan untuk aset pertahanan negara adalah pengkhianat negara. FULL STOP.
Apa yg perlu kini adalah membangunkan industri pertahanan tempatan bagi memenuhi keperluan ATM serta mengurangkan kebergantungan pada produk pertahanan luar secara berperingkat.
Kita sudah punya kepakaran untuk mengeluarkan kapal peronda (yg mampu dinaik taraf kepada korvet), senjatapi serta vest kalis peluru, artileri statik, UAV, kenderaan perisai tempur .... sesuatu yang mampu dibangakan.
Pelaburan jangka panjang bagi industri pertahanan tempatan amat penting sekali. Dengan pembelian PT-91M Twardy MBT serta pembangunan NGPV membolehkan kita memperolehi kerjasama serta pemindahan teknologi yang amat penting. |
Pergh.........panas punya topik.
Saya tidak pasti apakah reaksi pihak mindef sekiranya terbaca posting2 yg kite hntr disini...adakah mereka akan rasa tercabar, ingin melakukan sedikit pembaharuan dari segi pemerolehan aset pertahanan...atau akan..terus statik menurut ape sj perbelanjaan yg akan diberikan oleh pihak kerajaan.
Mindef, specifically the armies ought to have more say in the government's fund decision...we need more. At present, most of the procurements obtained does not even achieve the level of adequacy based on the necessities of national securities. |
Originally posted by Robotech at 28-12-2006 02:37 PM
Golongan yg mempertikai keperluan kewangan untuk aset pertahanan negara adalah pengkhianat negara. FULL STOP.
Apa yg perlu kini adalah membangunkan industri pertahanan tempatan bagi memenuhi kep ...
Saya rasa, mereka mempertikaikan pengagihan belanjawan yang lebih besar kepada mereka yang menguruskan pemerolehan ketenteraan yang sudahpun terkenal dengan gejala "beli sikit, harga mahal, banyak masalah". |
Masalah yer kawan2 ku, kalau lah Mindef diberi budget yang lebih besar, tapi dengan adanya campurtangan org2 politik yang boleh dilabelkan sbg pengkhianat negara, procurement yang bermutu pun takkan berlaku jugak |
Originally posted by IceMallet at 29-12-2006 08:59 AM
Masalah yer kawan2 ku, kalau lah Mindef diberi budget yang lebih besar, tapi dengan adanya campurtangan org2 politik yang boleh dilabelkan sbg pengkhianat negara, procurement yang bermutu pun takka ...
take the politicians out of the loop...please!!
and make the process as transparent as possible. |
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