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Author: Truth.8

Can Muslims tell us how multi languages came to earth?

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Post time 20-11-2006 01:50 PM | Show all posts
OK. Good one. That's from the Bible. Thnx for the sharing of knowledge.

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2006 01:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sharfox at 20-11-2006 01:50 PM
OK. Good one. That's from the Bible. Thnx for the sharing of knowledge.

is sharing the knowledge and telling  u that True God of creator and Bible is Book of miracle, signs and etc.

....but muslims says koran is book of miracle yet they cannot explain why one language and how it came.

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Post time 20-11-2006 01:56 PM | Show all posts
Arabic , Hebrew are ( if im not mistaken ) , the oldest languages in the world, and other languages like Slovak, malay, urdu, Norsk  etc  dawned from  this  common ancestor.  

For your information brother Truth 8, Arabic is a close relative to the Semitic language( Aramaic, hebrew, tigirnya, ).  Do try and imagine the roots of a tree, it coud give you a good illustration how languages come about.

[ Last edited by  Obersliutenant at 20-11-2006 01:59 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2006 02:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Obersliutenant at 20-11-2006 01:56 PM
Arabic , Hebrew are ( if im not mistaken ) , the oldest languages in the world, and other languages like Slovak, malay, urdu, Norsk  etc  dawned from  this  common ancestor.  

For your informati ...

As I mentioned in begining God might used original language Hebrew. Why I says this, it is  because most of prophets comes from Hebrew speaking not arabic speaking.

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Post time 20-11-2006 02:03 PM | Show all posts
its Aramaic... not hebrew...

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2006 02:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Obersliutenant at 20-11-2006 02:03 PM
its Aramaic... not hebrew...

are u saying Jesus spoke aramaic?

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2006 02:07 PM | Show all posts

Click here Does Jesus spoke Aramaic?

[ Last edited by  Truth.8 at 20-11-2006 02:11 PM ]

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Post time 20-11-2006 02:08 PM | Show all posts

pendapat aku....

soal perdebatan dengan orang bukan Muslim boleh diibaratkan seperti dua orang  yang sedang mengadap ke arah sebuah bangunan.seorang daripada mereka bertanya" ada apakah di dalam bangunan itu?".seorang lagi menjawab" jika aku menceritakan kepada kamu apa yang terkandung didalam bangunan itu,nescaya aku telah membuat suatu pekerjaan yang sia-sia kerana engkau tetap tidak mampu menggambarkan suasana di dalamnya.oleh itu seelok-eloknya, aku akan bawa kamu ke dalam banguan itu supaya dapat engkau mengetahuinya sendiri".

Bangunan itu diibaratkan sebagai Islam dan orang yang bertanya itu seorang yang sedang mencari-cari, sedangkan seorang lagi adalah hamba Allah yang beriman kepada-Nya.

ringkasan: walau apa pun hujah dan bukti yang kita berikan kepada mreka, mereka tetap tidak akan menerimanya.oleh itu seelok-eloknya bawalah mereka dan tunjukkan kepada mereka supaya mereka mengerti dan jelas mengenai Islam.

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Post time 20-11-2006 02:11 PM | Show all posts
Well i may not know much , but i believe this is still being hotly debated in the christian community am i right ?

Some words that the Evangelists put into the mouth of Jesus turn out to be very interesting. For example: Effeta or Effata ( the Command form of the word patah with the meaning of to to open) is faithfully written down by the Evangelists. Or, Talita Qum which means: Arise little child! Also Abba (Mark 14:36 and Gal. 4:6) which means Papa/Father, and is still used in present-day Israel. Recall the Aramaic phrase so well recorded by the Evangelists, and spoken by Jesus as He was dying on the Cross: Eloi Eloi lema sabactani. These Words, found in the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, are interpreted for us as a Prayer of Jesus. They were in fact the beginning of Psalm 22, spoken by Jesus in Aramaic, and faithfully written down by the Evangelists in Greek. It is possible that the Evangelists wished to preserve and hand down through their writings some words certainly spoken by Jesus, words which the Early Christians (since they spoke Aramaic) faithfully remembered

Jesus certainly spoke the Aramaic dialect of Galilee, but His words were 揓erusalem-ized

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2006 02:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by BeachBoys at 20-11-2006 02:08 PM
soal perdebatan dengan orang bukan Muslim boleh diibaratkan seperti dua orang  yang sedang mengadap ke arah sebuah bangunan.seorang daripada mereka bertanya" ada apakah di dalam bangunan itu?& ...

i only ask simple question , if ur koran show any proof why, where and how many languages came here. yet muslims not able to provide with simple understanding.

Did not u see the truth in Bible ? yet u deny the truth given by true God ?

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Post time 20-11-2006 02:17 PM | Show all posts
'there is only One God and Muhammad (S.A.W) is the messenger of God '.

i have given you sufficient explaination including a verse from the Quran , like the  tree i said , all languages are related to the same root. and all roots are related to the same tree

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2006 02:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Obersliutenant at 20-11-2006 02:11 PM
Well i may not know much , but i believe this is still being hotly debated in the christian community am i right ?

Some words that the Evangelis ...

The Hebrew language, the same language used in writing the Books of the Old Testament, came into common usage in the Liturgy of the Shabbat (Sabbath) of the Synagogue, even though there were few who understood it clearly.

Besides Hebrew, there was another language -- Aramaic -- which had already been used along side for some centuries. This language was the ?amiliar? language which the people spoke in most of the villages and towns of Palestine, particularly in the North (Nazareth, Capharnaum, etc.) Where Jesus was educated, grew up, and spent the major portion of His life. It was also understood and spoken outside the confines of this region.

Besides the ?ocal? languages, there were two other ?nternational? languages. These two languages were spoken in the towns where there were persons of learning, and administrators of the State, as numerous inscriptions of the times have testified and come down to us. While in the villages such as Nazareth and Capharnaum, the dominant language, if not the only one, was Aramaic.

One incident recorded in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 4: 16-30) helps us understand tha the Hebrew language was familiar to Jesus. In this passage, it says that Jesus read the Scroll of the Law (from the Prophet Isaiah) in the Synagogue at Nazareth. Certainly this Reading was done in Hebrew. The few words that Jesus added by way of comment were most probably spoken in Aramaic. A little like our Church, before the liturgy was reformed, when the Readings were proclaimed in Latin but the Homily was given in the native language of the people.

This, therefore, was the atmosphere in which Jesus grew up. It was a multi-lingual environment in which Hebew and Aramaic had to at least have the advantage of usage in the ordinary conversations of daily life.

[ Last edited by  Truth.8 at 20-11-2006 02:21 PM ]

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Post time 20-11-2006 02:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 20-11-2006 01:54 PM

is sharing the knowledge and telling  u that True God of creator and Bible is Book of miracle, signs and etc.

....but muslims says koran is book of miracle yet they cannot explain why one la ...

Aik?... Kalau aku tanya macam mana cara2 nak tangkap ikan, ada ke explain kat dlm Bible? Nak naik bot ke, nak pakai jala ke? Nak pakai pancing ke?... Ape laaa... Al Kitab tu sebagai pedoman. Pedoman ialah bimbingan dan panduan. Berdasarkan panduan, manusia kena la berfikir. Baru la ilmu kita bercambah dan bertambah. Contohnya disebut, asal manusia drp Adam dan dijadikan dr tanah. Takkan kita nak tanya - Tanah tu berapa gram?, ada tak unsur2 plutonium dlm tanah tu?. Kalau takda kenapa?....

Balik pada topik, dlm surah Al Hujurat dah dijelaskan Allah jadikan manusia lelaki dan perempuan, bersuku2 supaya boleh berkenal2 antara satu sama lain. Guna la akal tu fikir, kalau dah dijadikan bersuku2 kaum n puak, bahasa pun mesti la lain2. Takkan puak Red Indian guna bahasa sama dengan Org Indian kat India? Faktor2 budaya dan persekitaran mempengaruhi bahasa. Kan ke nampak cerdik sikit bila boleh berfikir macam tu?.. Ini tak, boleh pulak salahkan Al Quran tak detailkan semua perkara2 asas tu? Sila rujuk


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Post time 20-11-2006 02:23 PM | Show all posts
It was a multi-lingual environment in which Hebew and Aramaic had to at least have the advantage of usage in the ordinary conversations of daily life.

So Aramaic and Hebrew are from the same root and so is arabic ( which came later) ,

may i ask you, what was the language of Prophet Jonah(A.S) ? And Moses(A.S)  Truth 8 ?

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2006 02:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sharfox at 20-11-2006 02:19 PM

Aik?... Kalau aku tanya macam mana cara2 nak tangkap ikan, ada ke explain kat dlm Bible? Nak naik bot ke, nak pakai jala ke? Nak pakai pancing ke?... Ape laaa... Al Kitab tu sebagai pedoman. Pedoman ialah bimbingan dan panduan. Berdasarkan panduan, manusia kena la berfikir. Baru la ilmu kita bercambah dan bertambah. Contohnya disebut, asal manusia drp Adam dan dijadikan dr tanah. Takkan kita nak tanya - Tanah tu berapa gram?, ada tak unsur2 plutonium dlm tanah tu?. Kalau takda kenapa?....

Balik pada topik, dlm surah Al Hujurat dah dijelaskan Allah jadikan manusia lelaki dan perempuan, bersuku2 supaya boleh berkenal2 antara satu sama lain. Guna la akal tu fikir, kalau dah dijadikan bersuku2 kaum n puak, bahasa pun mesti la lain2. Takkan puak Red Indian guna bahasa sama dengan Org Indian kat India? Faktor2 budaya dan persekitaran mempengaruhi bahasa. Kan ke nampak cerdik sikit bila boleh berfikir macam tu?.. Ini tak, boleh pulak salahkan Al Quran tak detailkan semua perkara2 asas tu? Sila rujuk

napa tanya soalan bodoh. u are showing ur stupdidity here.

why true God confound their languages because they are idolaters worshipper and beings to performs sins in earth. Yet, God all merciful did not destroy them and scattered them around the earth with different languages so that they kingdom will fall together with Nimrod.

There is a moral of education in this story, but muslims do not used their brain to think and coming ikan & those crap view.

so pity that koran did not mentioned how and why one languages become many languages. the so called book of miracle.

[ Last edited by  Truth.8 at 20-11-2006 02:31 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2006 02:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Obersliutenant at 20-11-2006 02:23 PM
It was a multi-lingual environment in which Hebew and Aramaic had to at least have the advantage of usage in the ordinary conversations of daily life.

So Aramaic and Hebrew are from the sam ...

It was first language Hebrew.

Take for example here in malaysia, chinese used their mother tongue mandarin and indian used their mother tougne tamil. their secondary language is malay and english.

Jesus first language was  Hebrew. In synagogues he read Hebrew.  Aramaic probably his second language if peoples unable to understand hebrew he might have used Aramaic to preach.

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Post time 20-11-2006 02:31 PM | Show all posts
Tak puas hati lagi..... puas dah org itu explain, org ni explain, dia nak jugak tunjuk kebodohan dengan tny cam tu. Sorry Bro. Patut la byk forumner masuk sini last2 jadik musuh lu. Kalau macam ni pemikiran lu, no wonder la. Now I understand.

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Post time 20-11-2006 02:31 PM | Show all posts
well you should have prioritised my question first Truth 8, but the diversity of languages cannot be a sin mankind had created, because mankind is created with an inependant mind, therefore we interpret things differently. Our thoughts arent uniformed like a fish's right? We are open to different ideas that we may agree or not agree, different dialects and the use of different symbols. Right now youre using the english language which was certainly not the language of the bible...

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2006 02:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Obersliutenant at 20-11-2006 02:31 PM
well you should have prioritised my question first Truth 8, but the diversity of languages cannot be a sin mankind had created, because mankind is created with an inependant mind, therefore we inte ...

That's what i wrote that God might have used Hebrew as first language in begining and later aramaic or whatever language. Even in Bible God says " My name Yahweh not know to them" ....Yahweh is Hebrew words...if I am not mistaken.

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Post time 20-11-2006 02:34 PM | Show all posts
But i am aware that hebrew had undergone various literary changes and modifications ... am i right?

A few chapters of the books Ezra (ch. 4:8-6:18; 7:12-26) and Daniel (ch. 2:4 to 7:28), one verse in Jeremiah (ch. 10:11, and a word in Genesis (ch. 31:47) are written, not in ancient Hebrew, but in Aramaic

[ Last edited by  Obersliutenant at 20-11-2006 02:36 PM ]

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